Hair treatment with Darsonval. How to use the device and what will be the effect of the procedure?

According to statistics, 60-70% of people suffer from hair and scalp diseases. The most common causes of hair loss are stressful situations, metabolic disorders in the body, toxins, waste, hormonal imbalance, excess or deficiency of microelements, chemical negative effects on curls, and genetic predisposition. Darsonvalization of hair is a modern technique that allows you to strengthen your hair and even stop the process of baldness.

Factors that cause hair loss

Doctors identify 3 main reasons for hair loss: poor vascular permeability, increased testosterone, and metabolic disorders. If the elasticity of the blood vessels is insufficient and the flow of blood to the bulb is difficult, the hair stops receiving nutrients and elements.


  • Factors that cause hair loss
  • Features of hair darsonvalization
  • Indications and contraindications
  • Carrying out darsonvalization of hair
  • A complex approach
  • Positive effect after a course of Darsonval

With the help of electrons, the Darsonval apparatus transmits impulses to the cells and vasodilation begins, as a result of which blood flows to the bulb. After 5-10 minutes of exposure to the device, blood circulation in the vessels is fully restored after 24 hours.

In order for the hair to be healthier and more elastic, nourishing oil masks and serums should be applied to the scalp before starting the manipulation. The device will ensure deeper penetration of beneficial components into the epidermis, and therefore into the bulbs.

Elevated testosterone levels can be normalized under the influence of Darsonval. The device has a positive effect on the sebaceous glands, which begin to produce less sebum, as a result of which the level of dihydrotestosterone, which destroys hair follicles, decreases.

Metabolic disorders lead to an imbalance of water-salt metabolism and poor “absorption” of vitamins and nutrients. Impaired metabolism can cause fragility of blood vessels, changes in hormonal levels and salt deposits.

Darsonvalization of hair is carried out to support the current condition of the hair and prevent its deterioration. The device allows you to dilate blood vessels, relax peripheral nerve endings and reduce the load on the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

At an appointment with a trichologist

When a person comes to a trichologist, the doctor first interviews the patient. It is important to understand when the symptoms became noticeable and what factors led to this.

If the trichologist sees that a detailed examination is necessary, he will prescribe tests and conduct instrumental studies. This will help determine:

  • How actively does hair grow?
  • what is the relationship between actively growing hair and those that are in a completed growth cycle;
  • Is a person’s hormonal levels normal?
  • whether serious intoxication processes are observed;
  • Is the level of hemoglobin in the blood sufficient, etc.

It is important to understand that the condition of the hair is a reflection of the processes that occur inside the body. This is a kind of indicator of our health, and if problems arise, we need to look for their cause. Therefore, first the trichologist identifies all the negative factors and makes his diagnosis, and then prescribes treatment and gives recommendations.

Features of hair darsonvalization

Today, many people visit trichologists and dermatologists due to complaints of scalp loss. Darsonval is a proven and effective technique used by doctors all over the world. The device will release pulsed currents that affect small vessels, sebaceous glands and nerve endings. Such pulsed radiation has a beneficial effect on the growth of the scalp, improves the condition of the epidermis, normalizes blood circulation, activates the functioning of the skin glands, and increases the tone of muscle fibers.

The procedure is used for complete or partial baldness (alopecia), it positively changes the structure of the hair, new bulbs are formed. Even one session can accelerate hair growth, increase hair density and renew hair growth on bald areas of the scalp.

The treatment method has proven to be the best for dry or oily seborrhea. Hardware currents affect the epidermis, as a result of which hair stops falling out, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, dandruff and flaking of the skin disappear. Manipulation is performed for patients who are unhappy with the condition of their hair or have a serious dermatological disease. Darsonval can improve the appearance of the hair, making it shiny, smooth and voluminous.


Since Darsonval generates current and is powered by an electrical network, all precautions should be taken into account when using it. Your safety depends on it.

The device must be operated in compliance with the following rules:

  1. It is not advisable to use the device in rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom. Condensation may cause a short circuit.
  2. If you purchased Darsonval in the winter, you cannot turn it on immediately after arriving home. Wait one hour for the device to warm up.
  3. It is prohibited to use a device that is damaged in any way.
  4. Under no circumstances should you plug in the device if liquid has gotten into it. This can not only disable it, but also harm your health.
  5. When Darsonval is plugged in, you must not come into contact with metal objects.

It should also be taken into account that the electrodes cannot come into contact with wet or damp hair. It is not necessary to wash it before each session, but making sure that it is dry is necessary. Contact with water has serious consequences and should be avoided.

Indications and contraindications

Almost any procedure has indications and contraindications, darsonvalization of hair is no exception. Manipulation is indicated for:

  • seborrhea of ​​the scalp;
  • all types of baldness;
  • low vascular patency;
  • dandruff and flaking of the skin;
  • dry and brittle hair.

The most effective procedure will be in the initial stages of baldness. Before prescribing a therapy method, a cosmetologist, trichologist, dermatologist or other attending physician must examine the patient and refer him for tests.

The patient must undergo urine and blood tests. After studying the medical history, the doctor decides whether or not to prescribe darsonvalization of hair to the patient.

Darsonval is contraindicated for:

  • impaired sensitivity of the epidermis;
  • installed pacemaker;
  • mechanical head injuries;
  • diseases of blood vessels;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • malignant and benign tumors.

It is prohibited to carry out manipulation in case of vascular and heart diseases, pronounced rosacea. Darsonvalization of hair should not be prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Advice from the contrary: which beauty procedures are not healthy

All women want to be beautiful, but not everyone makes the right decisions for this. Many girls do cosmetic procedures without thinking at all about how harmful they are to their hair. You begin to notice the problem only when severe damage or increased hair loss becomes visible. In this case, you should stop and not torment your unfortunate curls anymore.

But how do you understand what exactly you are doing wrong? It's simple - it's worth reading the advice of trichologists for hair loss in women, which clearly lists procedures that are contraindicated for alopecia. Let's look at this in more detail.


This is the most traumatic procedure for hair, which is strictly contraindicated in case of increased hair loss. Due to the effects of chemicals, the hair structure itself changes, which leads to significant damage. If you are being treated by a trichologist, but continue to do perms, recovery will take a long time or will be completely impossible.

Keratin straightening

During this procedure, the hair shaft is heated and treated with a special keratin compound. After straightening, the curls are weakened and do not tolerate any influence well. This leads to intense hair loss and other unpleasant consequences.

In principle, any procedures that involve heating cannot be useful: hair botox, straightening with an iron, curling with a curling iron, etc. Therefore, it is better to avoid them when treating with a trichologist.


Dyeing cannot be the cause of intense hair loss, since with this procedure the dye mainly affects the hair itself, and not the hair follicle. Nevertheless, such products damage curls to one degree or another (even natural henna and basma). Although the dye itself cannot cause alopecia, during the period of acute hair loss it is better to do without dyeing.

Building up

If a master with poor qualifications takes on the job, the procedure can lead to baldness of certain areas of the head after removal of the extensions. Such unsightly bald spots appear due to severe vascular spasm and poor circulation in the area of ​​the hair follicles.

Therefore, if you are experiencing increased hair loss, this is absolutely no reason to immediately run to the salon for extensions. In such cases, this procedure, on the contrary, is contraindicated.

Due to the risk of additional vascular spasm and high stress on the hair follicles, you should also not do braids with Kanekalon, African braids, dreadlocks and other similar hairstyles.

Permanent makeup

During microblading or eyebrow tattooing, an inexperienced artist can damage the hair follicles, which leads to injury and death of the hairs. In addition, an allergy to mixtures used for permanent makeup can trigger hair loss.

By the way, plucking too frequently can also cause damage to your eyebrows. This is a common reason why women, in an effort to become beautiful, overdo it and completely lose their eyebrows. Remember that everything is good in moderation, including cosmetic procedures.

Carrying out darsonvalization of hair

Before the manipulation, the patient must first prepare: it is necessary to wash, dry and comb the scalp, remove all metal objects from the hair (hairpins, earrings, bobby pins). Only after these procedures can you go to Darsonval.

The doctor will apply a nourishing oil-based mask to the patient’s scalp, then the cosmetologist will begin to treat the device’s attachment with an alcohol solution.

Darsonval is used in one of 2 modes: remotely or contact. With remote therapy, the doctor moves the device at a distance of 2 to 3 millimeters from the epidermis of the head. The duration of manipulation in contact and remote mode is the same and is 10-15 minutes. In order not to injure the skin, the doctor will first apply a weaker current, then the intensity of the radiation will increase. The patient may feel a slight tingling sensation during the procedure. Upon completion of the procedure, the previously applied gel should be washed off with warm water.

During the contact mode, the doctor uses a medium current, and the nozzle of the device rests against the patient’s hair (from the forehead to the back of the head or vice versa). You can move Darsonval from the back of the head if the person has short hair.

The opinions of cosmetologists regarding the number of sessions differ: some are confident that one procedure is enough to restore the condition of the scalp, others insist on carrying out several manipulations.

The maximum duration of hair darsonvalization is 15 minutes. This procedure is carried out by a qualified specialist in a clinic or specialized salon. Doctors do not recommend treatment with Darsonval at home, since due to a person’s unprofessionalism, the procedure can harm and worsen the condition of the hair.

Does the device work?

Does Darsonval help against hair loss? Many users ask this question on thematic forums. Reviews regarding its use are different, some consumers note that the hair begins to grow faster and becomes stronger, others claim that there is no effect. However, it all depends on the reasons for the violation.

Physiotherapy is powerless in such cases:

  • baldness caused by disruption of hormone production;
  • genetically determined alopecia;
  • baldness caused by serious internal disorders.

In such situations, one should act not on the consequences of diseases, which include the loss of strands, but on the causes. However, darsonvalization will help with hair loss that occurs against the background of severe nervous tension, after pregnancy, with a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, or from the negative influence of the external environment.

A complex approach

Darsonvalization of hair can be combined with other therapeutic procedures, for example, massage sessions that use nourishing masks. The complex effect on the scalp promotes contraction and dilation of blood vessels, rapid “absorption” of beneficial components from masks, and blood circulation to the epidermis.

An integrated approach has a positive effect on hair: its growth accelerates, dandruff and dryness of the scalp disappear, dermatological and trichological diseases are cured.

Mesotherapy and darsonvalization cannot be used together, since in combination these manipulations can negatively affect the hair and scalp. The course of therapy with the device takes from 2-3 to 15-20 sessions. The interval between manipulations should be at least 24 hours, and a maximum of 3-5 days. Cosmetologists recommend repeating the treatment course 3-4 times throughout the year.

Benefits for hair

The use of the device gives a good effect in cases of baldness or excessive hair loss. However, it can contribute not only to accelerated hair growth and stimulation of metabolic processes in the follicles.

After completing the course of therapy you will notice the following results:

  • the structure of curls will improve;
  • the strands will become stronger;
  • the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases;
  • dandruff will disappear;
  • The thickness of the hair will increase.

Darsonval can be used both for the treatment and prevention of hair problems . It has a stimulating effect on the dermis, goes well with external means to stimulate curl growth and enhances their effectiveness.

Treatment with low-power current is prescribed as part of a complex of therapy aimed at eliminating alopecia and preventing its occurrence.

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