Instructions in 4 points on how to use an epilator at home - rules for removing unwanted hair

An epilator is a necessary gadget that will rid your body of hair for a long time. If everything is done according to the rules, the effect of hair removal can last up to 30-40 days. When ordering such a device, the question arises of how to properly use the epilator at home so that the removal process is effective and painless. All the details are in the article.

Rules for high-quality depilation at home

When preparing for hair removal, it is recommended to take into account some nuances in order to achieve an ideal result.

Depilation with a mechanical device is a serious matter: hairs are pulled out from the roots, which can lead to inflammation and severe irritation. It is especially important to know the rules for those who plan to use the method for the first time.

  1. The length of the hairs must be at least 5-6 mm, otherwise tweezers will have difficulty grasping them, and the procedure will take a lot of time.
  2. At the time of hair removal, there should be no inflammatory processes in the body, otherwise the risk of irritation of the epidermis greatly increases.
  3. Today there are machine models that allow you to remove hair directly in water. Both types of devices have both positive and negative sides.
  4. The device should be held perpendicular to the skin or at a slight angle of inclination.
  5. The epilator head is always positioned against hair growth.
  6. At minimum speed, tweezers grip hair better.

Selecting a tool

  • Its cost depends on additional functions and the number of tweezers in the device (on average there can be from 20 to 50). It is not necessary to take all the additional functions, for example, you can do without a backlight , but it helps a lot if you have very light hairs.
  • Tweezers can be metal or ceramic. The first option is cheaper, but has disadvantages - hair may break off rather than be removed from the roots, some hairs are even missed. Ceramic ones are more expensive, but they are worth it. They have no such drawbacks and are ideal for sensitive skin .
  • From experience I can say that two speeds are enough. Why this function is needed - read on.
  • The floating head is necessary in the area of ​​body curves; it penetrates better into hard-to-reach parts of the armpits and bikini. Choose a removable head so that you can easily clean hairs. This increases the service life of the device.

How to prepare for hair removal with an epilator

Before epilating your legs with an epilator, you must properly prepare the device and skin for the process.

Preparing the machine

Before each procedure, the head with tweezers must be treated with an antiseptic (regular alcohol can be used). If depilation is being done for the first time, it is advisable to “play” with the device, move it over an area of ​​the body where there is no hair, in order to get a feel for the device and learn how to hold it correctly. Some people find it painful to shave their legs with a clipper, but the process is often less responsive with pain-relieving methods.

Skin preparation

Everyone's sensitivity level is different. Much depends on the structure of the hair: the stiffer and thicker it is, the more painful depilation promises to be. But you can significantly reduce the discomfort from epilating your legs with an epilator by knowing simple rules.

  • Scrub your skin well shortly before the procedure. The scrub perfectly removes dead particles of epithelium, making it easier for hairs to come out.
  • Immediately before hair removal, your legs should be steamed to open the pores as much as possible. It will be useful to massage with a rough washcloth, this will reduce the pain.
  • Before shaving your legs with a clipper, dry the skin with a towel and lightly powder it with talcum powder.


The volume of the epilated area on the legs is quite large. Not every woman is ready to endure the pain of hair being pulled out from the roots for 15–25 minutes. If the pain threshold is high, you can take a tablet of any suitable analgesic 20 minutes before the process.

Pieces of ice, Menovazine solution or Lidocaine in spray form will help reduce skin sensitivity.


Before using the epilator, you should steam your skin in the shower or bath: this is especially true for procedures in the bikini area. It is also advisable to scrub the body or wipe it with a washcloth, getting rid of the remnants of dead skin.

This will make it easier for the epilator to capture and remove hairs.

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Before work, it is advisable to treat the body and device with disinfectants.

Carrying out the procedure at home

The instructions for hair removal are as follows:

  1. It all starts with the legs - the most “insensitive” area of ​​the body. Depending on the pain threshold, the nozzle is selected. If it is low, it is better to remove leg hair with a delicate nozzle. If the threshold is high, any other will do. For the first time, it is recommended to use only a delicate one to make it easier to get used to the process.
  2. First you need to epilate slowly. After getting used to it, you can speed up the rotation of the tweezers. Those who have already learned how to use a regular epilator correctly can switch to a photoepilator like the Philips Lumea Advanced.
  3. Next you need to move on to the bikini and armpit area. A delicate nozzle and slow mode are recommended for them. The reason is increased sensitivity of the skin in these areas in both women and men. It is not advisable to use the fast mode and other epilator attachments in the bikini area - it will be too painful.

Hair above the lip and in the nose is removed using special attachments that cannot be used in other areas for hygiene purposes.

How to make hair removal less painful

You can reduce pain by following these instructions:

  • Steam the skin before the procedure. If the epilator is waterproof, like the Remington EP7700 Smooth & Silky, then you can use it right in the bathroom. Warm water relaxes the body, improves gliding and reduces the possibility of irritation. If there are no inscriptions on it indicating moisture protection, then using the epilator in water is strictly prohibited. As well as models that operate exclusively from an outlet.
  • Use massage attachments that accelerate blood flow and, thanks to microneedles, dull the sensitivity of nerve endings. With them, hair removal is less painful.
  • Choose gadgets with cooling capabilities. If there is no such function, then the procedure may be accompanied by a cooling mitt or an ice pack.
  • The first procedures should be carried out only at low speeds - this way the body will get used to how the epilator works.
  • You can use creams and gels with lidocaine - it will “freeze” the skin, making the process less painful.

Important : Before using any medications, you should consult your doctor, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable.

  • Epilation should begin with the areas with the lowest sensitivity, gradually moving to the armpits and bikini area. And for the face you can use special trimers, like Remington EP7070

How to care for your skin after the procedure

Aftercare Tips:

  1. Take a cool shower to soothe your skin.
  2. Make a chamomile decoction and wipe the affected areas.
  3. Wipe epilated areas with ice cubes. If desired, you can freeze chamomile tea. Frozen decoction is much more effective at soothing the skin than plain water.
  4. Apply a special post-epilation gel or cream that reduces irritation.
  5. Once a week, “clean” the skin with a scrub to remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis. This way future hair removal will go more smoothly.

Painless hair removal, instructions

After preparing your legs for depilation and choosing the appropriate anesthesia option, you can begin the procedure. It is better to do it while sitting in the bathtub itself (without water), so as not to pollute the floor with stray hairs.

How to do leg hair removal, step by step steps:

  1. The epilator is taken in the working hand, and the skin is slightly stretched with the other hand.
  2. The procedure begins by moving the head of the device against the hair growth, lightly touching the skin (there is no need to press on it). It is recommended to gradually move from bottom to top.
  3. Movements should be light, fast, jerky. Often, to remove all the hair, you need to run tweezers over the same area several times.

These are the basic tips on how to properly shave your legs with an epilator for beginners. After just a couple of depilations, everything will happen automatically. The hair gradually becomes thin and weak, and pain is significantly reduced. Most women who regularly practice mechanical hair removal do not use any painkillers.

What you need to know about devices

Unlike depilation, which involves removing only the outer part of the hair (shaving), epilation means completely getting rid of the hairs along with the root. The principle of operation of the epilator is simple, but differs depending on the modification.

  1. Spring devices were among the first to appear. A spiral is built into the working part of the device. When moving, the spring engages the hairs and removes them from the roots. Early versions rarely have modern functions or attachments, and their main drawback is the rapid failure of the working coil, which requires regular replacement of the part for further use of the epilator.

  2. Disk devices work a little differently. Epilation discs, installed in a special way, remove hairs when they come into contact with each other.

  3. Tweezer models are more effective than spring or disk models. The rotating plates are arranged in a certain order, similar to the distribution of hair follicles on the human body, which makes depilation better and helps reduce pain. The most popular tweezer models are produced by the Rowenta and Braun brands.

There are various modifications of devices equipped with useful options. Epilation of the bikini area or armpits can be very painful, especially for users with sensitive skin. Models with cooling heads have been developed specifically to make the session easier.

The presence of such a head is an important criterion for choosing a device.

Some parts of the devices must be forced to cool, after which hair removal can begin immediately. In addition to them, soothing and cooling gloves are often used; they are applied to the treated area before and after the procedure.

Another type of device for painless hair removal with an epilator at home is devices with massage heads. They fit securely to the skin, eliminating its stretching, and it is this nuance that brings acute pain.

Skin care after the procedure

To prevent irritation and infection in injured open follicles, it is recommended to treat the skin with an antiseptic immediately after the session. After an hour, it is advisable to lubricate your feet with cosmetic oil or emollient cream.

If irritation does occur and the skin turns red, ointments/creams will help: Panthenol, Bepanten, Pantenstin, Radevit.

In case of inflammation of the leg, you need to treat it 2-3 times a day with the following drugs: Levomekol, Sinaflan, Syntomycin ointment, Miramistin.

For 2–3 days after depilation, you should not take hot baths, visit saunas, swimming pools, or sunbathe.

Girls with skin that is not prone to inflammation do not need special foot care - just treat the skin with an antiseptic, and the next day you can lead a normal life.

To prevent ingrown hairs

Ingrown hair under the skin is a major problem for those who constantly epilate. To prevent trouble, you should use a hard scrub or rough washcloth. It is allowed to begin exfoliation of the epithelium no earlier than 5–7 days after the procedure; then you can scrub your legs every 3–4 days.

Those who intend to shave their legs with a clipper constantly will have to get used to such care, since it is unlikely that ingrown hairs will be completely prevented.

Pain relievers

With a low pain threshold, many girls apply a local anesthetic before hair removal or take tablet analgesics, which help them endure the unpleasant procedure painlessly.

Here are some effective painkillers:

  • Emla cream;
  • Spray Lidocaine;
  • Veet Cream;
  • Gel Acriol.

Tablet analgesics should be taken carefully; it is recommended to first consult with your doctor so that he can prescribe you the best pain reliever.

Pros and cons of using an epilator for legs

Any procedure for removing unwanted hair on the body has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • affordable (the machines are not that expensive);
  • economical (no need to pay for the service in the salon every time);
  • hair does not grow for 2–4 weeks;
  • No special skills are required, just follow simple instructions.


  • painful;
  • hair grows in;
  • Inflammation and skin irritation may occur.


Mechanical hair removal of legs is unacceptable for girls suffering from skin diseases. You cannot do the procedure if there are a large number of moles, papillomas, warts in the depilated area. It is worth postponing the session if there are inflammatory processes in the body or infectious diseases.

Pregnant women and those who have previously resorted to this method can use the machine, but with great caution and in the most comfortable position.

If you shave your legs during or before your period, the pain will be higher.

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