Small breasts: types, photos, classification, structure, clothing sizes and rules for choosing underwear

Modern media actively promote curvy breasts. And then there’s the stereotype, which goes back to ancient times. He says that men are attracted to women with curves. The fact is that previously it was determined by the size of the mammary glands whether a woman could bear and give birth to a baby. But now this is irrelevant! And plastic surgeons, using propaganda, advertise their services for breast augmentation operations. And what should girls do now, whom nature has not rewarded with curvaceous figures? They constantly ask themselves the question, what does their zero breast size look like from the outside? And is it worth doing something? Of course not! On the contrary, you have a reason to be proud of your small breasts. Why? But you will learn about this when you read this article.

Let's first look into history and find out what forms were in fashion there.

So, Japanese girls have always been famous for their elegance and petiteness. So, zero breast size is considered the standard of beauty among them. And even famous geishas, ​​in order to please their clients, often tied their breasts with a belt.

During the Middle Ages, women began to use corsets, which initially hid all their magnificent volumes. After some time, on the contrary, they began to emphasize their breasts.

During the 90s, when aristocratic thinness came into fashion, all models and stars tormented themselves with diets. They wanted to achieve incredible forms, and they succeeded very well. Zero bust size burst into fashion, and all the girls began to imitate public people, going on diets, thereby not only losing weight, but also reducing breast size.

Small breasts

Which breasts are considered really small? After all, girls who have a full second breast size also sometimes worry that their bust is not appetizing enough. But then they catch the envious glances of girls with almost flat chests and realize that everything is not so bad.

But what is considered truly small is the so-called zero breast size and, at a stretch, the first. There are even cases where a girl over 18 years old has flat breasts, just like a man. And the second size is already quite an average breast size, and with the right selection of underwear, such breasts look quite juicy. In this case, there is definitely no need to worry.

Cara Delevingne

With eyebrows like these, Cara Delevingne doesn't need big breasts to show the world: she can rock the catwalk. This model is a very attractive young lady. She has an amazing figure and huge success in her career.

Cara was Model of the Year in 2012 and 2014 and part of Taylor Swift's girl squad. And we all know that Taylor Swift hangs out with great people. As for Cara, she is her own celebrity and doesn't need anyone to tell her what to look like.

Bust sizes

All girls' worries about breast size are associated with the subconscious that they will not be able to prove to their partner their ability to bear and feed a child. Yes, yes, men’s passion for large breasts is just an instinctive desire for their heir to have plenty of milk during breastfeeding. Just as women’s passion for wide hips is driven by the desire to be sure that childbirth will be successful.

But in fact, breast size does not directly affect the amount of milk. And women with small breasts may well produce several times more of it than those with breasts larger than size four. And you shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that already from pregnancy, the breasts are prepared for feeding, and the mammary glands swell. Therefore, the period of pregnancy and lactation for those who have naturally small breasts is special for them because they can finally see their breasts juicy.

Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart is still a very attractive young woman, one of those celebrities who has an interesting sense of charm and attractiveness. The actress looks great, whether she's just hanging out with friends all night or walking the red carpet in something high-fashion. She's not known for all the endless glitz and glamour, and we love it.

The petite actress is currently working as a spokesperson for Chanel and Balenciaga, so we're clearly not the only ones noticing how sexy she is! We loved her in Twilight and now we love seeing her older, although she could use more attention to her appearance.

Kristen Stewart in the photo

Causes of insufficient breast growth

Breast growth begins in girls at approximately 8–10 years of age and continues for another 5–8 years. Already at this age they can feel a small painful lump in the chest. This is where the mammary glands and their ducts are formed. This growth is caused by the female hormone estrogen, and normally it will be elevated until the age of 18, until puberty is completed completely. Sometimes this hormone is not released enough, and then girls’ figures look boyish for a long time. Why are my breasts small? There can be only two reasons.

There are a small number of cases when little hormone is released due to health problems. And then hormonal therapy is necessary, which should be strictly under the supervision of a specialist. To make sure that hormonal levels are normal, you should contact a gynecologist, and he will recommend further actions.

But in the overwhelming majority of cases, small breasts and a boyish body type are not a deviation at all, but an individual feature, a hereditary predisposition. If you look around, you will notice that all women are different, and this is wonderful. Oddly enough, not all men like big-breasted ladies, although they will never be left without male attention. A figure with small breasts has its own unique aesthetics. Many photographers deliberately look for women with small breasts, and then the photos look very sexy. And the girls themselves are surprised that they can look like that from a certain angle. For many girls, such an erotic photo shoot can help dispel all their complexes. And how sexy small breasts look in summer in a thin blouse or T-shirt without underwear underneath. Girls with large breasts would look vulgar in this case.

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez is another star who is set to take over the world for years to come. She started out as a starlet on the Disney Channel, but has since proven she has the chops. From success in acting to singing, Selena is a role model and inspiration for many. She's also living proof that a woman can be young, sexy and cool.

Selena Gomez is one of those rare celebrities who has a smart head on her shoulders, and at the same time, she can be attractive without an impressive neckline.

Cons of big breasts

To get rid of complexes, it is also important to know why breasts are small - it is much more convenient. If you ask the owners of impressive busts themselves, you may be surprised to find out that even if they are happy with the way they look, they admit that it is less convenient in everyday life. Busty beauties name the following reasons for the inconvenience:

  • You can't go without a bra in summer;
  • uncomfortable to run;
  • It’s not so easy to choose a shirt and jacket;
  • dresses without a pronounced waist make you look very fat;
  • breasts may sag;
  • my back hurts.

Therefore, you need to understand that the sun also has spots. The fact that nature has endowed them with large breasts does not mean that deep down in their hearts they would not like to reduce their size. And the opinion that you cannot have a personal life with small breasts is completely wrong. They experience physical attraction and love for completely different reasons. In this area, the appropriate smell, timbre of voice and demeanor are of much greater importance.

Aesthetic parameters

A bust with paired mammary glands, which have a cone-shaped shape with a small peak - the nipple, is considered ideal for perception. When drawing an imaginary axis through the center of the mammary gland, above and below it, it should have uniform convexities and the same mass, which occurs with the virgin type of gland.

Scientists have also derived ideal parameters for breasts, typical for women of average height and corresponding to:

  • base width 12-13 cm;
  • interthoracic distance (or intermammary interval) of 4 cm;
  • areola diameter 3.5-4.5 cm with nipple diameter 0.8 cm;
  • the optimal distance from the intramammary fold to the nipple is 7-8 cm;
  • the distance from the center of the sternum to the nipple is 9-11 cm.

Pros of small breasts

In addition to breast size, the following indicators influence its attractiveness:

  • shape, size and color of nipples;
  • location of nipples;
  • distance between breasts;
  • symmetry;
  • same size;
  • how erect she is;
  • elasticity;
  • presence/absence of stretch marks.

And they are the ones who can give a unique attractiveness to a woman’s breasts, despite the smallest size. Perhaps you should see the beauty of your body as a whole, rather than focusing on your small breast size. Many men openly admit that beautiful and bright nipples can be very arousing.

Kendall Jenner

If you haven't heard of Kendall Jenner, then you must be living in a cave. Besides the fact that Kendall is Kim Kardashian's younger sister, she is also one of the sexiest young models. She's been making waves alongside Gigi Hadid and Cara Delevingne and is a go-to for iconic fashion brands and designers.

Kendall is a stunning beauty: slim, long-legged and oh so cute. We totally admire her ability to be a chameleon on the runway, but so wonderful in everyday life. And, most importantly, she doesn’t have to measure her butt or bust with Kim!

Breast shapes

There are seven of them:

  1. Round.
  2. Globular.
  3. Asymmetrical.
  4. Narrow.
  5. Conical.
  6. Teardrop-shaped.
  7. Wide apart.

The classic round shape is considered the most correct. The spherical and teardrop shapes are the easiest to choose underwear for, and they look best under clothes without a bra. Breasts are considered wide apart if the distance between the mammary glands is more than two fingers.

But for a narrow, conical and wide-spaced bra, you will have to choose a bra for a long time. You need to do this with a consultant and, having selected a successful model once, always stick to it. Regarding asymmetrical breasts: any breast has asymmetry, it’s just that in some women it is noticeable to the naked eye. In this case, you need to choose a bra so that it fits perfectly on the larger breast, and put an insert in the cup with the smaller one. So the asymmetry will only be noticeable if you undress.

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz in a swimsuit

Cameron Diaz is just over 40 years old and she's still able to hold her own against these 20-year-old starlets! She is eternal and her beauty is undeniable. Long legs, nice skin and a smile that says it all: Cameron is one of the sexiest actresses of all time. We've loved her since we first saw her transformation from model to actress.

Confirming this modeling stereotype, Cam may be small in size, but she has legs to die for.

In fact, her entire body is the perfect combination of athletic and feminine. We love how she embraces her maturity and is in perfect harmony with who she is.

How do breasts affect clothing size?

If we consider the Russian size range, it is directly related to chest circumference. The well-known numbers 44, 46, 48 and so on are nothing more than half the chest circumference. It’s true that if the breasts don’t fit into the dress, then it doesn’t matter what a woman’s waist is – the dress is too small. Therefore, quite slender women with large breasts can buy a dress in size 50 and then sew it in at the shoulders and waist.

In the American size range, 44 corresponds to size S, 46 to size M, and so on. Therefore, the same laws apply. But they do not work if the dress is knitted or made of other stretchy material. Then you need to select based on the shoulders.

But breast size does not affect the size of trousers and skirts. The girth of the hips and the length of the legs are important there.


Rihanna's Not So Small Breasts

The Barbadian singer is 30 years old, can you believe it?

However, Rihanna is still the same good girl we love to see and hear if she really were the "only girl in the world"! Anyway, RiRi has gone platinum with her killer hits and albums, and has been involved in stellar collaborations with other singers and rappers. She even delved into voice acting! Rihanna continues to be one of the coolest fashion icons and a muse for so many people.

She oozes sex appeal, which is impressive considering she's not as perfectly shaped as some other celebrities.

Rules for choosing underwear

To choose the right size for yourself, you need to take two measurements: the circumference of the chest at its highest point and the circumference directly under the chest.

Bra sizes are indicated as a number and a letter, where the number is the circumference under the bust, and the letter is the cup volume. Cups start from size AA, which is theoretically equivalent in the size range customary from Soviet times to size zero, A to the first, B to the second, and so on. But almost everything is not so simple and they need to be selected long and carefully.

So what size are small breasts? Isn't it zero? In fact, yes, but there are actually a lot of options for the relationship between these numbers and letters, even for one specific breast. And you should not mistakenly believe that a small breast can only have a cup size of A or AA, it can also be a C, it all depends on the ratio of the cup size and the width of the back, as well as the individual structure. The point is that you should look at the size as a whole, and not just the cup size in isolation from the back length. So, the cup size and back length in 70C and 80A are approximately the same, but their location is different. Here are some useful tips when choosing underwear:

  1. During fitting, you need to twist, raise and lower your hands to understand if there is any rubbing.
  2. After trying on, you need to pay attention to whether the bra has left even imperceptible marks somewhere. After daily wear, these invisible marks can turn into severe calluses.
  3. You need to pay attention that the ribbon with the fastener sits evenly and does not ride up, which can happen either from the straps being too tight or due to the incorrectly selected cup size.
  4. There are many types of cups and it’s worth trying to try them all on.
  5. The breasts should not fall out or, on the contrary, dangle in the bra, but sit tightly and be clearly fixed.

Also, even before selecting the size, it is important to decide on the style and whether foam rubber and bones are needed. Yes, such models will make your breasts appear larger, but in the summer it will be very hot. And some dresses require seamless bras.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus isn't exactly a Southern belle, but she's from Tennessee and very attractive. Indeed, we appreciate her uniqueness and ability to be herself in the face of criticism and media pressure. Miley has come a long way since the days of Hannah Montana, but she has managed to establish herself as a worthy singer and actress. Now we're always looking forward to what she'll wear next.

By the way, with a small bust, she was able to appear on Jimmy Kimmel with stickers on her nipples.

Breast enhancement underwear

Why small breast owners want to visually enlarge their breasts is quite understandable, and their desire is normal. To do this, you don’t have to go under the knife and drink liters of decoctions from pine cones and cabbage. Underwear will come to the rescue. And here, of course, push-up bras have no competition.

This revolution in female sexuality was made by the Canadian women, who launched the first bras of this model on sale in 1939. Push-ups are designed in such a way that they collect the breasts and lift them slightly. They come in various types. Their main difference is the absence or presence of liners and their sizes. The earbuds themselves can be made of foam rubber (an inexpensive option) and silicone. Silicone is more pleasant to the touch and will last longer.

Charlize Theron

Some might think that at 40, Charlize Theron is succumbing to the ailments of puberty and menopause. Yes exactly! The actress is still one of the sexiest celebrities in Hollywood and she still manages to stay stylish.

She's not one to shy away from tempting red carpet fashion featuring plunging necklines, tight cuffs and delicate embroidery. Thanks to this, she is one of the most stylish women in Hollywood. Perhaps that's why designers like John Galliano and Christian Dior used her as a model!

Suitable Models

What bra shape is considered most suitable for small breasts? In stores, choose models with cups that have vertical or diagonal seams. Models with half cups fit well on small busts. Let's consider the most suitable models in more detail.


A classic small-sized bra should be chosen if the breasts have a normal fit; if the mammary glands are widely spaced, this option will not be very comfortable.

Classic bras should be chosen with molded cups. This option perfectly supports the breasts, gives them a beautiful shape and hides the nipples, since the cups are quite dense.

Push up

Push Up bras are perhaps the most popular model. But it is very important to choose the right option. The effect is achieved through seals or special inserts that lift and “push” the breast upward. But if the breasts are very small and dense, then the expected result may not be achieved.

An incorrectly selected bra will bulge strongly at the top, forming a hard edge that protrudes under clothing. And if you wear such underwear with clothes with a cut-out, then the chest will be practically open, since neither the underwear nor the clothes will adhere to the body.

To eliminate this undesirable effect, you should choose a bra with half cups. For example, a balconette with a smoothly cut top. The brastiere option, in which the cups are cut even lower, will look even better.


Underwire models provide good breast support, but you need to choose the model very carefully, otherwise the bodice will put pressure on the mammary glands, which is unsafe for the breasts.

It is important that the bones lie only on the chest, without putting pressure on the mammary gland ; if the size is small, you should give preference to options with shortened bones

With clasp between cups

A bra with a front clasp is ideal for breasts with widely spaced mammary glands. In a bodice with a front closure, the distance between the cups is slightly larger than usual, so it fits perfectly on such a figure.


Such models provide less support than the rigid frame option. But with a small bust, such support will be quite sufficient.

For small sizes, the option with a triangular-shaped cup is perfect; these can be models made of soft, smooth knitwear or openwork lace.


Nowadays, many fashionistas prefer seamless underwear, as such bras are comfortable and not noticeable under clothes. The models have a molded cup, there are options with side wires or without wires. Seamless models can be purchased for everyday wear.


This is a version of a bra without straps and dedicated cups. This model is very similar to a wide ribbon of elastic fabric wrapped around the chest.

The bandeau looks impressive and is suitable for wearing with off-shoulder clothing. But this option is not for everyday wear, as it does not have enough support. A swimsuit with a bandeau top looks very good on small breasts. If you want to make your shape more expressive, then choose an option with draperies, ruffles or flounces.


This is a soft bra that is ideal for small breasts. This model does not have dedicated cups; in appearance it looks like a short T-shirt. The difference is the presence of an elastic belt that provides bust support.

The straps of a bralette bra can be either thin or quite short. The bralette does not have to be hidden under clothes. This type of underwear can be worn as a crop top along with a long skirt or shorts. The ensemble can be complemented with a shirt worn wide open.


When playing sports, even small breasts need good support. Otherwise, training will contribute to sprained ligaments and sagging breasts.

For a small bust, a compression sports bra top is suitable. These are models made of dense elastic material. A compression bra tightly presses the mammary glands to the chest, fixing them in this position. Wearing compression bras is recommended only during workouts; they are not suitable for everyday wear.


This is the most open version of the bra; it can be worn with an outfit with a cutout at the back or bare shoulders, since the underwear has neither straps nor a back strap.

Silicone cups are attached directly to the mammary glands; they are held in place by an adhesive layer applied to the reverse side. The presence of a clasp or lacing will allow you to move your chest slightly towards the center. With a small cup size, it is unlikely that you will be able to create a seductive cleavage, but you can give your bust a more beautiful shape.

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