Mesoscooter for face, neck, décolleté: rules for choosing and using a dermaroller at home

A facial mesoscooter is a small device consisting of a handle and a roller with many very fine microneedles. It is successfully used to rejuvenate and heal the skin not only in beauty salons, but also independently at home. Mesotherapy at home using a mesoscooter is a simple procedure that allows you to get rid of various skin defects without going to a cosmetologist.

Korean scientists have developed an innovative product to stimulate hair growth - Pelo Baum. Pelo Baum is a line of products based on peptides. Peptides, also known as growth factors, are protein molecules that are produced in every body; their role is to stimulate recovery processes. Peptides are integrated into the natural mechanism of hair growth, trigger the process of hair follicle growth and cell division, slow down the aging process of cells, lengthen the active growth phase and shorten the resting phase of hair. In addition to the group of peptides, Pelo Baum contains herbal extracts and vitamins. Read more about Pelo Baum -

Compared to salon mesotherapy, in which subcutaneous injections of active components are performed, the use of a dermaroller has a number of advantages:

  • saving time and money on visiting beauty salons;
  • the ability to carry out procedures at home, at any convenient time;
  • if the procedure is carried out correctly, there is no pain;
  • gentle effect on the skin - without injuries and hematomas.

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The essence of the procedure

Mesoscooter needles are made from pure medical steel, sometimes coated with titanium, gold or silver plating. Dermarollers with needles 0.2–0.5 mm long are intended for use at home. When a prickly roller is rolled over the skin, microchannels are formed in it. Through them, active substances from cosmetics used for home mesotherapy enter the subcutaneous layers. This allows you to increase the absorption of nutrients from 3 to 85%.

The resulting micropunctures heal within 1–2 hours, but as they heal, regeneration processes begin in the thickness of the dermis:

  • local blood circulation improves;
  • cell renewal mechanisms and metabolic processes are activated;
  • the composition of the intercellular matrix is ​​updated;
  • The production of elastin and collagen is normalized - fibers necessary to maintain the elasticity and youth of the skin.

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Operating principle

At the beginning of the session, a pre-selected meso cocktail is applied to the treated area. And then the mesoscooter begins to move along it, going through all the sections. The roller repeatedly pierces the skin, creating small depressions through which the drug penetrates.

The effect of home mesotherapy lies not only in saturating the epidermis with the drug applied. Thanks to the mechanical effect on it, the technology helps to awaken natural metabolic processes, accelerate microcirculation and accelerate the production of collagen and elastin. This double impact allows you to achieve the desired result.

Indications for home mesotherapy

Cosmetologists do not recommend using a dermaroller for acne, but it helps get rid of the effects of acne. Home mesotherapy is also effective in combating excessive dryness or oiliness of the skin, wrinkles and sagging tissue. It also helps reduce the visibility of scars and other blemishes, improve complexion, increase skin tone and reduce a double chin.

The most common indications for using a mesoscooter are:

  • age-related changes in the skin - decreased tone, the appearance of wrinkles near the eyes, deepening of nasolabial folds, unclear facial contour;
  • the presence of scars and scars - except for keloids;
  • post-acne;
  • unevenness and bumpiness of the skin;
  • pigmentation.

A mesoscooter for the neck and décolleté is an effective tool for increasing skin elasticity and slowing down the natural aging process. Models with the shortest needles help smooth out wrinkles in the eyelid area, in the corners of the eyes, and around the mouth. Such devices are also successfully used in other areas of the face and body - to renew the structure of the skin, increase its density and turgor, normalize the structure and appearance.

But! Do not use the mesoscooter on the lips (red border), treating irritated or eczematous skin, in areas of inflammation, acne, burns, wounds, active keloid scars, warts and enlarged moles. Before performing roller mesotherapy procedures, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

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Despite the apparent harmlessness of the manipulation, the mesoscooter has a sufficient number of contraindications to its use, both temporary (until the pathology is eliminated) and permanent.

The use of the device is prohibited in the presence of the following factors:

  • epithelial diagnoses - psoriasis, herpes, eczema at any stage of their course;
  • superficial inflammation in the work area - pimples, boils, purulent accumulations;
  • damage to the skin in the area of ​​the skull - mechanical injuries, burns, cuts;
  • pregnancy for its entire period;
  • benign and malignant tumor formations;
  • diabetes;
  • alcoholism and nicotine addiction;
  • temperature and general deterioration of health;
  • taking medications that thin the blood.

Preparation for roller mesotherapy

A dermaroller is a personal use device that cannot be “shared” with other people to prevent infection. Before each use of the device, it must be disinfected. To do this, simply immerse the roller for 5 minutes in a container with chlorhexidine or another disinfectant. The optimal compositions for disinfecting a specific device model are indicated in the instructions. After disinfection, you need to shake the device and dry it completely in a position in which the needles do not touch other surfaces.

Before performing roller mesotherapy, it is important to clean and dry the skin; you can additionally disinfect it. It is also necessary to wash your hands. If desired, you can use rubber gloves.

To obtain greater effect, the dermaroller is used in conjunction with special cosmetic preparations: meso-cocktails, gels, serums. They are applied to the skin before rolling a needle roller or immediately after this procedure.

The main requirements for products for roller mesotherapy are sterility and the absence of potentially dangerous components: fragrances, artificial preservatives, etc. Conventional facial care cosmetics are not suitable for these purposes, since if they get into the distant layers of the dermis, they can provoke allergies.

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Terms of use

The principle of using a mesoscooter in a beauty salon and at home is completely identical and is based on analog principles.
The entire manipulation will take about an hour and consists of several stages:

  1. Preparing the scalp - removing fragments of dirt, sweat, dust and other foreign components by washing the hair with shampoo and then drying it.
  2. Preparing the device for operation. Antiseptic treatment of it, as well as problem areas of the skull, is a mandatory measure.
    This is done with special alcohol compounds. For each model, in the instructions for use you can find more detailed recommendations on how to do this correctly, taking into account the design features of the device. Miramistin is ideal for these purposes.
  3. The procedure itself – mentally dividing the head into parts, using smooth movements in the direction from the crown to the frontal zone, a gentle effect is applied to the surface.
    The applied force should be insignificant, the movements should be similar to a massage. To eliminate the risk of hair tangling around the drum, do not change the direction of the surface being treated.

    Only after a few weeks, when the technique has been fully mastered, can you move on to a variety of effects and work with the device in several directions.

  4. If medicinal products are used , they should be applied with your fingertips, gently rubbing the composition into the skin for several minutes.
    Do this at least 4 hours before going to bed so that the drug is absorbed and the micro-holes from the needles have time to become clogged. Most of the medicinal components are recommended for daily use.
  5. Cleaning the device is a mandatory procedure that must be performed after each treatment session.
    In addition, it should be understood that the mesoscooter is an individual device and is not intended for group use. After use, the roller is washed with warm water until it is completely cleansed of any residual medicinal products. Afterwards, the mesoscooter is disinfected again according to the same principle as before starting work.

During the habituation stage, the device can be used once a day, then as needed.

In the video, a specialist will tell you why, how correctly and how often you need to use a mesoscooter to strengthen and grow hair.

How to choose and use a facial massager correctly

To treat areas with thin and sensitive skin, it is necessary to use a device with the shortest possible needles - 0.15–0.3 mm. In other areas, to obtain a quick and noticeable effect, doctors and patients recommend using an instrument with needles 0.3–0.5 mm long.

Regardless of whether you need a mesoscooter for oily skin or dry skin, it is advisable to use the minimum size needles for the first time, and then you can gradually increase their length to the maximum permissible value of 0.5 mm.

The roller mesotherapy procedure includes the following steps:

  1. The treated area is visually divided into small parts - the frontal area, the area around the eyes, cheeks, nasolabial folds, area around the mouth, chin, area under the chin, neck, décolleté.
  2. The massage begins with areas with thicker dermis - forehead, cheeks. The most sensitive areas are massaged last with a roller with the shortest needles.
  3. Each area is smoothly and gently massaged with a dermaroller - horizontally, vertically and diagonally, 5-10 times in each direction. Near the eyes, at the wings of the nose and in the neck area, the instrument is rolled strictly along the massage lines (more about them in the next section). It is important to avoid pressing the roller too hard, especially when treating sensitive and thin skin. When treating tissue around the eyes, it is important not to touch the surface of the eye itself, inside the eye socket. Before changing the position of the roller, the tool is first raised above the surface, and then set at the desired angle and rolled. Otherwise, it is easy to injure tissue.
  4. Sensitive skin is treated for a maximum of 10 minutes, normal skin - no more than 20 minutes.
  5. If desired, a meso cocktail or other suitable product is applied to the skin.
  6. After the session, the device is washed and disinfected again.
  7. If desired, after the first procedures, a soothing mask is applied to the treated area for 20 minutes - homogeneous and not clogging microchannels.

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The most popular mesoscooters

view all products

Precautionary measures

To avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of minor inflammation and redness, precautions must be taken. Adhere to the following precautions :

  1. Disinfect the device before use.
  2. Treat your hand skin with an antiseptic before the session.
  3. Conduct a session at night, and at other times - only if you plan to spend the whole day at home. Going outside after the procedure can cause infection.
  4. Do not use a mesoscooter that someone else used for you, and also do not give your device to third parties for use.
  5. Do not use rollers with long needles if you have very sensitive skin.
  6. During the course, avoid tight hats and trips to the bathhouse and solarium.

How to roll a mesoscooter on your face, diagram

Experts say that any cosmetic procedure will be more effective if the optimal direction of movements is strictly observed. Following the pattern of facial massage lines for the mesoscooter ensures that the skin is directed in the right direction and protects it from excessive stretching.

Massage lines pass:

  • from the décolleté area up the neck;
  • from the chin up and to the sides;
  • from the nasolabial zone - to the earlobes;
  • vertically along the bridge of the nose;
  • from the area between the eyebrows up and to the sides to the temples;
  • from the inner corners of the eyes along the upper eyelids towards the temples and back along the lower eyelids.

Following the correct directions of movements during massage helps to achieve excellent results in the shortest possible time. Sometimes patients, in an effort to obtain maximum results, purchase an instrument with needles 1 mm long, apply strong pressure to the roller and achieve the “blood dew” effect. For reasons of sterility, this should not be done at home. Start with short needles and light strokes, gradually increasing pressure. If rare drops of blood appear, remove them with a cotton swab soaked in chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.

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Every person cares about his appearance, including his hair. However, in pursuit of the aesthetic side, you should first of all think about how justified the procedure is, and whether it can harm the body in case of possible contraindications.

If you have already used a mesoscooter to restore hair, or are just planning to purchase one, share your own opinion about the problem discussed in this article. Perhaps your information will be useful to someone.

Important nuances

  1. The home mesotherapy procedure is best done in the evening. This will increase the efficiency of the recovery process and allow the reddened and slightly swollen dermis to calm down during sleep.
  2. Before going out into the sun after the mesotherapy procedure, it is important to apply a cream with SPF factors to the skin.
  3. At the initial stage - about 3 weeks necessary for the skin to adapt - the frequency of use of the dermaroller should not exceed 1 time every 2-3 days. After this period, daily use of the device is permissible if the length of its needles does not exceed 0.5 mm.
  4. Before each subsequent session, it is important to make sure that the dermis has fully recovered.
  5. To prevent getting used to the home mesotherapy procedure and reducing its effectiveness, it is recommended to undergo courses of 10–20 procedures 1–2 times a week and repeat the courses twice a year. Breaks between courses will help the dermis maintain its natural regeneration abilities. But it is important to take into account that addiction most often occurs not to the dermaroller, but to cosmetics based on collagen, hyaluronic acid and other active ingredients used in combination with it.
  6. The mesoscooter must be stored in a protective case, protecting the instrument from contact with hard surfaces.
  7. Such devices must be changed promptly, avoiding the use of instruments with blunt or damaged needles.
  8. After a fall, the dermaroller must be replaced, since further use of a fallen instrument can cause skin damage.

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Meso cocktails

Mesopecia (Mesodermal)

Mesopecia is manufactured in the USA. Note that the drug is intended to combat male pattern baldness .

The composition includes:

  • the hormone finasteride;
  • B vitamins;
  • zinc;
  • azelaic acid.

Mesohairs (Mesoderm)

It should be noted that the drug is used to stimulate hair follicles . The drug is also effective in accelerating hair growth.


  • sodium;
  • copper;
  • complex of amino acids.

HairCare (Revitacare)

A distinctive feature is that HairCare is intended for the treatment of seborrhea and baldness .

The drug contains:

  • zinc;
  • vitamin B;
  • complex of amino acids.

XLHair (Aesthetic Dermal)

The drug is intended to solve the problem of slow hair growth, as well as to strengthen hair follicles.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamin and mineral complex.

Production - Spain.

RegeneracionDermica Derm – 36 (Dietbel)

The drug restores the structure of the hair shaft. During action, the drug acts gently, smoothing the scales and saturating the hair with moisture .

The composition contains:

  • silicon;
  • burdock extract;
  • chestnut extract;
  • zinc;
  • vitamin and mineral complex.

Results obtained after roller mesotherapy

As confirmed by numerous reviews, mesotherapy using a dermaroller provides a quick and noticeable effect on rejuvenating and healing the skin. The easiest defects to correct are minor defects - small wrinkles, slight unevenness, a grayish complexion. More significant flaws can also be eliminated using home mesotherapy, but more sessions will be required.

The obvious results of using a dermaroller are:

  • increasing elasticity, density and firmness of the skin;
  • reducing the number and severity of wrinkles;
  • lifting effect - the appearance of clear contours of the oval of the face;
  • smoothing and improving skin color;
  • reduction and elimination of post-acne, uneven skin, scars, stagnant spots and other defects.

Using a dermaroller at home is a simple and affordable way to maintain the natural beauty of the skin, improve its appearance and prolong youth. Roller mesotherapy allows you to take care of your beauty and health without pain, inconvenience and extra costs. You can get the same results as after a salon or beauty salon, in the comfort of your own home. To do this, it is enough to buy and correctly use a suitable mesoscooter model.

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Possible side effects

Most often, side effects are caused by incorrect use of the device. These include:

  • pain during and after the procedure - caused by excessive pressure on the surface of the skin during movements with the roller. Disappears within 20–30 minutes after treatment;
  • burning, sometimes itching , is a natural reaction of cells to an irritant. Goes away quickly spontaneously;
  • redness of the epithelium - caused by increased blood flow. Passes quickly and independently;
  • headache - this is due to the anatomical features of the body.
    If the phenomenon does not recur regularly, the pain can be relieved with an analgesic. If the phenomenon persists, use of the drug should be stopped before consulting a trichologist. It may be a reaction to the drug and not to the device;
  • scars - may appear when the skin is prone to formations of this kind;
  • inflammatory infectious processes - occur when sterility and hygiene standards are not met. A visit to the clinic is required to eliminate the pathology;
  • individual intolerance - the problem is discussed with a specialist, after identifying the cause, the question is raised about the possibility or impossibility of using the device.

The stages of treating hair loss using a mesoscooter are presented in the video.

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