Techniques and forms for lip augmentation, tips for choosing

Every tenth woman strives to enlarge her lips, correct the shape or rejuvenate her mouth area. Only a few can achieve change on their own. Turning to aesthetic medicine helps you get what you want. Cosmetologists have different methods for achieving goals. Choosing a lip augmentation technique is an individual process. During the consultation, the doctor will recommend the best methods. Let's consider what options exist, filling techniques, and whether it is possible to achieve a result like a star.


The use of aesthetic methods for correction of the oral zone allows you to achieve:

  • increasing tissue volume;
  • shape correction;
  • eliminating asymmetry;
  • improving skin condition;
  • smoothing out wrinkles.

A face with changed lips looks more youthful, a beautiful mouth line attracts more attention. Correction often helps to balance proportions.

Indications for the procedure

It is recommended to use techniques for increasing and correcting the oral zone for patients who have:

  • thin, expressionless lips;
  • blurred boundaries of the mouth;
  • scars, scars in the oral area;
  • displaced harmony of the mouth area (asymmetry, lack of proportions);
  • clear age-related changes (a network of wrinkles, sunken lips, drooping corners).

Lip augmentation techniques are used for aesthetic purposes by patients of different ages.

Angel wings

The drug is distributed so that the main volume is concentrated in the center of the upper lip. The “Cupid's Arch” lengthens, and the corners of the mouth become noticeably narrower.

Popular filling methods

Cosmetologists offer patients different ways to correct the mouth area. The most popular options are:

  • non-surgical contour plastic surgery;
  • lipofilling;
  • use of threads;
  • hardware impact;
  • surgical intervention (lifting, implantation).

The cosmetologist will suggest a suitable method. The final choice remains with the patient.

Non-surgical contouring

The vast majority of patients use non-surgical methods. Injection contouring is recognized as a safe, low-traumatic, effective way to change volume and eliminate various defects. The technique involves the subcutaneous injection of special fillers.

Contrary to popular belief, silicone has long lost its relevance. The most popular are substances based on hyaluronic acid. With their help, sponges are filled using dense fillers or gentle biorevitalization is performed in terms of adding volume. Popular drugs for procedures:

  • Princesses;
  • Juvederm;
  • Surgiderm;
  • Restylane;
  • Teosial;
  • Filorga.

There are a lot of fillers produced under brands that are used for different purposes. Choose specialized gels designed to increase volume. For biorevitalization use:

  • Ial systems;
  • Hilpaer;
  • Ha-system;
  • Meso-warton.

Injection contour plastic surgery is characterized by the virtual absence of a rehabilitation period. Side effects of the procedure are minimal. Usually, after 2-3 days, patients do not notice any consequences. Even if dense substances are pumped in, rehabilitation proceeds easily, with the right attitude towards recovery.

The result of the procedure lasts 6–12 months. Sometimes long-acting drugs are used, creating volume for 2-3 years. The price range for manipulation is wide. The average cost ranges from 8–30 thousand rubles.

Note! Gel injections are usually used to increase volume and give the skin a fresh look. When using different drugs, a single procedure or course of interventions is sufficient. During biorevitalization, the substance is injected only in courses.


The injection technique for lip correction is performed using the patient’s own fat. The technique is considered non-surgical, but is performed by plastic surgeons.

The doctor takes fat cells from places where they accumulate: thighs, abdomen, buttocks. The material undergoes special cleaning. The prepared donor substance is injected under the skin in the oral area.

The procedure has a minimal number of complications. Own material is rarely rejected and causes inflammation. The technique gives a pleasant natural volume to the lips. The technique is used to enlarge, correct shape, and eliminate ptosis in the mouth area.

Rehabilitation after lipofilling proceeds easily within 10–14 days. The result lasts 2–5 years, but in some cases rapid resorption of the material is possible. The average cost of the procedure is 20–30 thousand rubles. A single intervention rarely produces the expected effect. Usually 2–3 procedures are performed sequentially.

Using threads

Installation of absorbable threads under the skin allows you to achieve bright lips. The technique is suitable for thin, “transparent”, aged sponges. Using threads, a clear outline is created. Neocollagenesis, provoked by implanted biodegradable materials, provides sufficient volume. The mouth takes on a pleasant shape, a young, fit appearance.

Using threads, they solve the problem of drooping corners and eliminate wrinkles. The skin of the lips acquires freshness and elasticity. Discomfort during rehabilitation after installation of threads is noticeable for 7–14 days. The result is visible within 1–3 years. The average cost of the procedure is 5–20 thousand rubles. A single intervention is sufficient to obtain the planned result.

Hardware Impact

The result of lip augmentation, strengthening, and healthier skin is achieved by using Thermage and electroporation with hyaluronic acid. To achieve results, a bite of influence with a quarterly maintenance procedure is required. The method is ideal for those who are afraid of invasive interventions. The procedure is characterized by absence or mild rehabilitation. The cost of the course is 10–40 thousand rubles. It is recommended to discuss the existing pros and cons of the intervention with a cosmetologist.

Surgical intervention

Cheiloplasty is not widely popular. Not everyone decides to undergo major surgery. There are different techniques for surgical correction of the mouth area. The doctor turns the red border outward, tightens the skin, and inserts implants. The effect of the operation lasts from 5–10 years.

The use of implants gives permanent results. The operation is indicated for older patients, with rapid elimination of the effect after using alternative techniques.

The method is characterized by a large number of contraindications, long-term rehabilitation, and an increased tendency to complications. The average cost of the operation is 25–50 thousand rubles. The doctor will determine how much a specific intervention will cost. A single manipulation provides a complete result.

Mistake 2. Results are too quick - don’t rush to beautiful lips

In many cases, patience is required to obtain the desired results. Using 2.3 or even 4 ml of hyaluronic acid in one visit can lead to serious consequences. The skin needs time to stretch. Therefore, a competent doctor plans such a metamorphosis in several stages. This way you can create a natural effect even with large changes in size.

It’s equally important to take the time to mentally prepare for your new look. Very often, it is the intermediate size that turns out to be suitable for achieving the dream effect. Full and sensual lips look better than heavily pouted ones. Moreover, others react much better to less noticeable and subtle changes.

Injection correction techniques

Contour plastic surgery with fillers has gained massive popularity among cosmetologists and patients. This is explained by the simplicity and effectiveness of the technique. The method has the greatest number of positive results. The popularity of the technique is also explained by the possibility of an individual approach to the patient, creating different types of appearance.

To inject the gel, use a classic thin needle or an atraumatic cannula. In the classic version, the cosmetologist performs multiple lip piercings according to a pre-selected pattern. Each puncture ends with the injection of a certain amount of the drug. The use of a cannula allows you to distribute the gel evenly with minimal trauma to the skin. The instrument is inserted through a single puncture and moves the tissue apart. The cosmetologist, evenly pressing the syringe plunger, “places” the drug.

To achieve the planned result, cosmetologists use different technologies for administering drugs. The names of the methods have a telling meaning. Popular options:

  1. Linear with uniform filling of contours. The cosmetologist administers the drug in small doses strictly along the borders of the red border. The method allows you to achieve vivid outlines. Additionally, the entire perimeter of the lips can be filled in the same way. This is an augmentation technique. The tissues receive the required volume. Visually uniform plumpness is achieved.
  2. Hollywood volume. The method successfully combines linear and bolus techniques. The technique allows you to achieve volume, highlights the border, the “Cupid’s arch”. The patient receives the effect of kissed lips.
  3. French sponges. The drug is injected perpendicular to the contour according to the principle of linear or cross distribution of the substance. The cosmetologist does not touch the corners, but the very center. It turns out something like a sponge with a “bow” in a plump design. The mouth looks sensual, but not vulgar. Parisian technology is popular among bohemians.
  4. “Mona Lisa” technique. The method is ideal for raising drooping corners. The drug is injected linearly retrograde along the lateral part of the contour, passing through the commissures.
  5. Full volume with bolus, linear-retrograde injection. Both techniques are distinguished by deep immersion of the needle. With the bolus method, the drug is injected in a large volume to a depth; the linear-retrograde technique involves uniform distribution of the gel as the needle moves to the surface. They work linearly or perpendicularly.

The cosmetologist takes an individual approach to assessing appearance and compares natural data with the wishes of the patient. Perhaps the doctor will suggest other, more suitable options.

About the underground drug market

Lera: You mentioned that drugs should be purchased according to the diploma. Where do these “graduates” of Emelyan Braude get their drugs?

Natalya: There is a huge gray market for drugs, where anyone can purchase any drug at any time. This may be a normal drug, once purchased from officials at a discount or brought from Europe. Or it could be a fake, and then there will be problems. By the way, you always have the opportunity to request documents.

Stasya: But you don’t know what they should look like, what to compare them with, whether they are real or not. I feel so unprepared in this sense that I won’t even look at any documents, because I don’t understand how they should look.

Natalya: In general, of course, this is a problem. But you need to focus primarily on having a medical license. If the institution has it, it means that the drugs are purchased from officials under special contracts.

Popular lip shapes

Patients, turning to a cosmetologist or plastic surgeon, often use the lips of famous people as an example. Many are sure that all the stars pump fillers. Doctors, assessing the external data of idols, comparing the available information, claim that popular types: Liv Tyler, Eva Longoria, Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie have natural lips. Specialists can work with available means to achieve similarities. This does not mean that individual lips will look harmonious on the patient’s face. It is recommended to listen to the opinion of an experienced doctor who will offer the best options.


Pearlique is the direct opposite of Angel Wings. The drug is injected into the lower lip to make it larger than the upper lip. After the procedure, facial features become visually softer.


It is impossible to go to the clinic and get results by paying for the lip augmentation procedure. The doctor must conduct a preliminary consultation. The meeting helps to understand the patient’s aspirations: to select a method of influence, a manipulation technique. The doctor collects anamnesis, trying to exclude contraindications:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • blood diseases (in most cases, clotting ability is taken into account);
  • rehabilitation period after other interventions;
  • acute course of any disease;
  • serious endocrine, cardiovascular disorders;
  • open wounds, dermatological problems in areas of intended exposure;
  • autoimmune, oncological processes;
  • mental disorders.

Attention! It is not recommended to carry out intervention during the peak of menstruation, when feeling unwell, or during an unbalanced emotional state.

Before plastic surgery, the surgeon will require tests to document your health status. All actions help to eliminate complications and ensure patient satisfaction with the result.

You can minimize risks by making informed choices about your doctor. You can only trust an experienced performer with a good professional reputation. We must abandon the idea of ​​carrying out the procedure on our own. Theoretically, the process seems simple, but inexperienced actions can lead to disastrous results.

Choosing a lip augmentation technique is not an easy task. There are many effective ways. It is recommended to choose the appropriate option with the doctor who will carry it out. You need to trust a specialist. This is the only way to take into account all the nuances and achieve favorable results.

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