Lipofilling of the buttocks [fatgrafting] – improving the figure with one’s own fat.

Lipofilling of the buttocks

- a procedure for transplanting one's own adipose tissue obtained from other parts of the body in order to correct the shape and increase the volume.

The result is a symmetrical, convex, rounded butt that makes the figure feminine and sexy. Yes, yes, that same Brazilian butt.

What problems do our surgeons solve when resorting to lipofilling of the buttocks:

  • increasing the volume of the buttocks;
  • improving the shape of the buttocks (rounding);
  • hourglass figure modeling;
  • elimination of asymmetry, ptosis or sinking of the buttocks;
  • improvement or correction of gluteoplasty results;
  • elimination of atrophic scars.

Benefits of lipofilling

  • Own adipose tissue is not rejected, does not cause allergies, and does not lead to the formation of capsular contracture - a common complication after the installation of implants.
  • The buttocks are given a natural shape: if the fat is applied correctly, it is distributed evenly, does not show through the skin, and does not contour.
  • As a bonus, beautiful buttocks come with a thin waist, flat stomach and/or slimmer hips. It is from these areas that fat is taken for transplantation, and in large quantities.
  • To collect fat, punctures are made in the skin, leaving no scars.


  • pronounced, noticeable asymmetry of the buttocks;
  • acquisition of an unattractive shape by the buttocks as a result of age-related changes, sudden weight loss (or weight gain), as well as after injuries and operations;
  • ptosis of soft tissues, retraction in the middle part;
  • the presence of congenital or acquired retracted scars, scars that do not look aesthetically pleasing;
  • as a complex supplement after plastic surgery to pump out fat - liposuction;
  • to form a balanced, attractive figure.

Lipofilling can be used as an independent procedure or in combination with other correction methods (for example, gluteoplasty).

How does the procedure work?

Retrieval of fat cells

The liposuction method is used: cannulas are inserted into thin punctures, through which fat is pumped out. The volume ranges from 500-3000 ml of adipose tissue. In most cases, the anterior abdominal wall is used as a donor area, since fat is deposited here in sufficient volume and practically free of impurities.

Cleansing adipose tissue

The goal is to completely eliminate all impurities (blood, anesthetic, lymph) and non-viable fat cells. The finished material for transplantation is drawn into syringes.

Fat cell transplantation

Fat cells are injected under the skin using thin cannulas. And here the professionalism of the surgeon is of great importance: any inaccuracy can lead to fat clumping, asymmetry, inflammation and other complications. As a rule, the “fan” technique is used to introduce and distribute fat.

The duration of the entire procedure is 2-4 hours. For pain relief, drug-induced sleep or general anesthesia is used.

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Rehabilitation after lipofilling

The first day after the procedure is considered the most dangerous in terms of complications. Therefore, the patient (patient) is in the hospital during this period. At the discretion of the surgeon, inpatient observation can last up to 2-3 days.

Recovery takes about 4 weeks. The first few days bring some inconvenience: pain, numbness, bruises appear, general malaise and weakness are felt. These phenomena occur in most cases because an intervention has occurred, albeit a minimally invasive one.

Surgeons say this: the more extensive the liposuction was, the longer the rehabilitation will last. In addition, there are two points that significantly facilitate the recovery period:

  • try not to sit or lie on your back; the best poses are standing and lying on your side;
  • Be sure to wear compression underwear, which creates a massage effect and reduces swelling.

All “events” that affect swelling and the survival of transplanted fat cells are prohibited for a month. In particular: playing sports, visiting the sauna and swimming pool, taking a bath, solarium.

Rehabilitation period

An equally important stage is rehabilitation. Lipofilling of the buttocks is considered a minimally invasive operation, but the full recovery period lasts from three weeks.

The surgeon will always provide detailed advice depending on the patient’s lifestyle, place of residence and health, but there are also universal rules:

  • wearing compression garments for at least two weeks;
  • refusal of physical activity, bed rest in the first days;
  • prohibition on taking a bath, visiting a solarium, baths, saunas and other overheating of the operated area;
  • The operated area should be protected from mechanical impact.

After lipofilling, the surgeon may prescribe lymphatic drainage massage to consolidate the result, as well as rehabilitation procedures: phototherapy, phonophoresis, microcurrent therapy. A course of such procedures will significantly speed up recovery, reduce possible discomfort, and speed up the removal of swelling.

Many surgeons give additional recommendations for rehabilitation after lipofilling of the buttocks and urge you to give up bad habits, get enough sleep and eat healthy food.

What will the result be and how long will it last?

In this case, it is not possible to predict the result 100%. The fact is that the surgeon cannot know how many fat cells will take root in a particular case.

In our clinic, the collection and purification of donor material is carried out using the most modern equipment: only viable fat cells are transplanted. But the patient’s body itself still remains: as a rule, some of the cells (a fifth or sixth of the total volume) do not take root. Therefore, sometimes additional correction is required to achieve the desired effect.

Figure changes are assessed 4-6 months after the procedure. By this time, only completely engrafted fat cells will remain. Diets and fasting will affect the size of your butt; it is important to maintain your weight within normal limits.

Preparation for the procedure

First of all, before the procedure, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination in the hospital, which will help identify existing problems in the body, as well as identify possible risk factors and complications that have arisen.

Additionally, it is recommended to consult with an anesthesiologist who will help you choose the right type of anesthesia.

How long does the result last after lipolifting of the buttocks? The effectiveness of this tightening method can be observed for several years after surgery.

Diagnosis of the body’s condition, list of tests:

  • study of the biochemical composition of the patient’s blood and urine;
  • detection of viral antibodies to hepatitis in the body;
  • coagulogram - study of natural blood clotting;
  • ECG and fluorography.

In some cases, you will have to undergo an additional series of examinations, as well as visit a cardiologist and endocrinologist.

It is recommended to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking a couple of weeks before the planned date of surgery. If this is not done on time, then the risk of complications after lipofilling increases several times.

In addition, the recovery period will be much longer and more painful. It is also recommended to temporarily stop taking vasoconstrictor and vasodilator drugs, as well as anticoagulants.

Why lipofilling of the buttocks should be done at the El. En."

The most predictable result.

Thorough implementation of all stages of the procedure makes it possible to achieve a very high percentage of fat cell survival.


An experienced surgeon will model symmetrical buttocks with a round shape and take care of a uniform reduction in volume in the donor area.

Individual approach.

We sincerely want you to achieve your goal. You will appreciate the attentiveness of the surgeon, who will take into account all your wishes and offer the best correction option.

Question answer

When can you admire the result?

To see the final result, you should be patient, as you need to wait about 4 months. During this time, some of the transplanted material will be excreted from the body, and some will take root.

Can lipofilling be performed on men?

In rare cases, such manipulation is performed on male representatives, but it is not prohibited. But it is worth knowing that the rehabilitation itself is more difficult for men, and their results are also worse.

When can you start playing sports after lipofilling?

Sports activities are allowed after complete healing. This often takes about 2 months.

Contraindications to the procedure, possible complications

Lipolifting is a complex plastic surgery that occurs in many stages. Of course, the possibility of complications with this method of correcting shape and size is less than with implantation.

To minimize possible side effects, you should study the list of contraindications before going to the surgeon.


  1. diseases and pathologies of the patient’s cardiovascular system;
  2. there is a violation of natural metabolism in the body;
  3. the period of bearing a child, as well as breastfeeding;
  4. patients who take vasoconstrictor and vasodilator drugs;
  5. people who suffer from infectious diseases, as well as chronic deterioration of the immune system;
  6. oncological diseases at any stage (including after a course of chemotherapy);
  7. diabetes;
  8. patients who suffer from hepatitis, as well as HIV/AIDS;
  9. people with mental disorders.

The procedure is not recommended for persons under 25 years of age. At this time, the figure is just completing the stage of its formation, so it will be difficult to predict the further result after the operation.

Lipofilling of the buttocks is a real alternative to long-term visits to the gym, as well as the implantation of artificial implants.

If you believe reviews on the Internet, as well as messages on thematic forums, then some of the best specialists in lipofilling of the buttocks were graduates of the N. N. Burdenko Institute.

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