Gluteoplasty / Buttock augmentation with implants

A novelty in recent years is the procedure for buttock augmentation using injections. Filler is now used to enlarge the buttocks, as well as the cheekbones and lips. But this did not become my salvation. Despite the excellent result, after a year and a half the filler completely dissolves. And that means, having spent more than a hundred thousand rubles, I will soon see my flat butt in the mirror again. “Why suffer if you can just enjoy the fruits of progress! The whole world does this!” – my friend encouraged me and despite the fear, a sprout of hope began to stir in my soul. I decided to learn more about gluteoplasty.

And here I am in the office of the capital’s surgeon, Doctor of Science Anvar Salidzhanov, for a consultation about buttock augmentation. It turns out that this operation is performed only by very experienced surgeons - in the hierarchy of complexity it is at the very top. Confidence was aroused by the fact that my doctor was trained in Brazil: there is a good school of plastic surgery in general and gluteoplasty is extremely popular - about sixty thousand such operations are performed in the country every year.

Of all that the doctor said, what I remember most is this: “Rehabilitation after such an operation is one of the most painful

. For one and a half months you will not be able to sit, and only lie on your stomach. For the first ten days, you will wear compression garments around the clock. And only three months later, your buttocks will look the way you want - and will remain that way for the rest of your days.”

It took me a month to decide. The pain was frightening, but after weighing all the pros and cons, I decided that this is the price to pay for a new body, you just need to go through it, like childbirth. Then she had to withstand the onslaught of her mother: the phrase “general anesthesia” made her faint, and besides, she believed that her daughter was already the most beautiful.

But my husband liked the idea

He asked for one thing: not to overdo it. Like, he was curious to look at Kim’s butt, but he didn’t want to see one like that on his wife. Yes, I also wanted to look as harmonious and natural as possible. So, the day of the operation is set!

Buttock surgery: indications and contraindications

The operation is performed on persons over 18 years of age. It is most relevant for patients over 30 years of age - it is at this age that irreversible changes begin that lead to sagging muscles and skin, drooping of the gluteal fold, and loss of elasticity. This operation is intended not only for women - the stronger sex often wants to improve the contours of their figure. Indications for gluteoplasty:

  • the patient's dissatisfaction with the shape or size of his buttocks;
  • asymmetry;
  • underdeveloped muscles;
  • age-related drooping of the gluteal fold;
  • disturbances in the shape of the buttocks after illness or injury.

Any operation has contraindications - in the case of buttock implantation these are:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • oncology;
  • infectious diseases of any severity;
  • pregnancy period;
  • obesity.

If there are contraindications, plastic surgery, including buttock implantation, cannot be performed.

Indications for gluteoplasty

The main goal of gluteoplasty is to create aesthetics of the buttocks. Therefore, the main indication for its implementation is the patient’s subjective desire to change the shape and volume of the buttocks. The operation is indicated in the presence of the following defects:

  • atrophy of the gluteal tissue as a result of injuries and diseases;
  • age-related and anatomical ptosis of the buttocks;
  • asymmetry of the gluteal muscles;
  • underdeveloped muscles that cannot be corrected through physical activity.

What do buttock enlargement implants look like? Buttock augmentation with implants. Dr. Youssef Dergam

Gluteoplasty - buttock augmentation with implants.

Types of buttock implants

For gluteoplasty, silicone implants are used, similar to implants for breast plastic surgery, but differing in increased thickness. The shell of such an implant is filled with viscous silicone gel from 140 to 480 ml, which does not leak out when damaged and has a “shape memory” effect. Modern materials used to make implants make it possible to create natural buttocks both in appearance and in feel. Depending on the desired shape, implants are used:

  • round - to improve the roundness of the buttocks;
  • oval or anatomical;
  • teardrop-shaped - used to correct shapes disturbed due to injury

For buttock surgery, soft or textured implants are used; the latter fit better to the installed location without moving.

How is gluteoplasty performed?

The essence of gluteoplasty with implants is to place silicone inserts under the gluteal muscle or in the subfascial space. At the first stage, the surgeon applies markings indicating the site of access to the operation, the surgical field is treated with antiseptics and anesthesia is administered. The surgeon then makes an incision about 5 cm long in the fold of skin between the buttocks. An implant is inserted into the resulting “pocket”. At the final stage, the bleeding vessels are coagulated, the surgeon suturing the wound and placing sutures on the edges of the incision. Immediately after the operation, the patient is put on special compression garments.

Lipofilling of the buttocks also involves the application of markings that indicate the areas of fat collection and injection, antiseptic treatment of the surgical field and pain relief. Through Vaser liposuction, the surgeon obtains donor fat cells. To do this, thin cannulas are inserted under the skin, through which fat is pumped out. Next, the resulting material undergoes a special purification procedure, which separates adipose tissue from biological impurities. The purified donor material is evenly introduced into the thickness of the hypodermis of the buttocks.

Gluteoplasty - buttock augmentation with implants. What the Buttocks look like after augmentation with implants.

Gluteoplasty - Buttock augmentation with implants. Dr. Youssef Bassanovich Dergam

Buttock surgery

Our ABIA clinic performs surgeries to correct the size and shape of the buttocks using high-quality silicone implants. Before the operation, a consultation with a plastic surgeon is carried out, during which the shape and size of the buttocks that the patient wants is determined, and the location of the implant is planned. Depending on the desired size and shape of the buttocks, the implant can be installed:

  • under the gluteus maximus muscle;
  • under the fascia of the gluteal muscle;
  • inside the gluteal muscle.

Gluteoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and lasts from 1.5 to 2 hours. The plastic surgeon makes a small incision between the buttocks under the sacrum and creates an area for the prosthesis. After installing the implant, the tissues are sutured and a cosmetic suture is applied using special self-absorbable threads. After the operation, the patient is placed under the supervision of medical staff in a comfortable recovery room.


Surgical remodeling of the gluteal complex is carried out using various methods and techniques. Gluteoplasty itself is an augmentation (increasing) operation, during which silicone implants are installed in the gluteal area. To increase volume, lipofilling or lipomodeling can also be used. A popular method of improving proportions (without increasing volume) with the creation of a so-called “Brazilian butt” is filament lifting - a lift through the installation of threads.

Gluteoplasty: plastic surgery of the buttocks with implants

Patients with volume deficiency often undergo buttock surgery with implants. In this regard, women have many questions: what implants are installed in the gluteal area, where exactly are they placed? Do the implants subsequently interfere with sitting and walking? How natural does the result look?


Implants designed specifically for modeling the buttocks are installed in the gluteal area. Breast implants are not used to enlarge butts! Although this should be obvious, the question is often raised on various plastic surgery forums, and therefore it should not have gone unanswered.

Anatomical pockets

for installation of implants. The implants are placed in deep anatomical pockets - under the fascia of the gluteus maximus muscle, under the muscle itself. It should be remembered that fatty tissue is well developed in this area, this is especially true for women. Consequently, the implant is separated from the surface of the body by muscle, muscle sheath (fascia), adipose tissue and the skin itself.

Natural result.

Due to their placement in deep anatomical pockets, implants in the buttocks are not “visible”. The proportions, volumes, shapes and contours of the gluteal area look absolutely natural. Silicone endoprostheses cannot be detected by touch either. In other words, no one will be able to discern the work of a plastic surgeon behind the amazing forms. This is the secret of the captivating forms of many models, actors and celebrities.


Implants do not interfere with natural biomechanics in any way. They do not limit the contractility of the muscles of the gluteal complex, nor do they interfere with sitting, walking, lying, jumping or running, or doing strength training. When moving, the implants do not move because they are tightly fixed in the anatomical pocket by a connective tissue capsule. The only thing you need to remember is the ban on physical activity for three months after the operation.

Scars after surgery.

For many, one of the “sore” issues is the presence of noticeable scars after plastic surgery. If you are considering gluteoplasty, you don't have to worry about scarring. Installation of prostheses is performed through skin folds in the lower part of the gluteal area. Everyone has these folds on their butt, they are easy to see in the mirror.

Small scars remain on the skin, but they are located deep in the skin folds. In a standing position or even lying down, the scars are not visible; they can only be noticed during a close examination of the skin. To remove scars, you can subsequently resort to modern cosmetic procedures. Laser resurfacing using the Fraxel device in combination with mesotherapy gives a great effect.

Disadvantage of plastic surgery with implants

Technologies of modern implantology make it possible to obtain aesthetically excellent, very lasting results. Implant manufacturers provide a lifetime warranty on their products. Implants retain their shape, volume, and elastic properties for decades, which in turn guarantees a stable long-term result.

Unfortunately, living tissues do not possess the listed properties of implants; they tend to age, stretch, and decrease elasticity. It is precisely because of natural involutional changes in soft tissues that the result of buttock surgery with implants can worsen after 15-20 years. Aging of the tissues of the gluteal area will lead to a deterioration in its aesthetics; even the best implants will not be able to prevent this.

If the patient expresses a desire to correct the shape of her butt 15-20 years after primary gluteoplasty, she will have to undergo a complex operation with the removal of old implants and installation of new ones. Simply removing the implants will not work; they need to be replaced. The difficulties of secondary plastic surgery after 15-20 years are the main disadvantage of gluteoplasty with implants. Otherwise, the technique is flawless: it gives an ideal and natural result.

Rehabilitation period

For the first 2-3 days after gluteoplasty, you are prohibited from sleeping on your back and taking a shower. It is also recommended to sit less during the first weeks to reduce the load on the implanted area. For a couple of months after surgery, you must wear compression garments and refrain from vigorous physical activity. After about three to four months, the patient returns to normal life; only one restriction is imposed: after plastic surgery, injections cannot be given in the buttock area. The ABIA Clinic is a modern center for aesthetic medicine, where you can consult with an experienced plastic surgeon and make your buttocks firm and round. Lush, seductive forms are available to patients of any gender over the age of 18.

Preparation for surgery (tests)

Before the operation, the doctor very carefully studies the patient’s medical record, collects anamnesis, and conducts a preliminary conversation.

Important! You need to tell your doctor in detail and truthfully about the presence of any diseases, previous surgical interventions, and allergies to medications.

After this, the doctor instructs the patient in detail about preparing for the operation - nutritional rules, necessary tests, medications and vitamins that need to be taken and which should be temporarily abandoned.

Important Recommendations:

  1. Stop taking hormonal drugs, alcohol, and medications that can thin the blood 2 weeks before the intervention.
  2. Eliminate any diets to prepare the immune system.
  3. Avoid visiting solariums and beaches in the open sun for 4 weeks before surgery.
  4. Stop smoking.
  5. You can eat food before surgery no later than 6-8 hours before it begins.

If there is an infection of any etiology, intervention should be postponed until complete recovery.

Before gluteoplasty, you need to take tests and undergo some studies:

  • blood tests: clinical and biochemical, for coagulation, syphilis, hepatitis and HIV;
  • general urine analysis;
  • ECG;
  • fluorographic examination.

What operations can gluteoplasty be combined with?

To achieve maximum body aesthetics, gluteoplasty is often combined with liposuction, which simultaneously allows you to get a more pronounced result and model the entire figure.


After the operation, the patient must spend at least 3 days in the hospital. At this time, a slight increase in temperature, pain, swelling and hematoma may be observed. All these unpleasant symptoms will go away on their own after some time.

In the first week you need to sleep only on your stomach. Compression garments must be worn continuously for about 2 months. It is extremely important to come regularly for examinations, do dressings (1-2 times a week), and follow all the doctor’s instructions.

It is necessary to take into account that the recovery period after buttock augmentation lasts somewhat longer than after similar operations on the chest or lower leg, since this part of the body is quite mobile. In general, it takes 2-3 months. At this time, you need to give up sports, visiting the bathhouse, swimming pool, and solarium. It is possible to determine the result of gluteoplasty 3-4 months after the procedure, when the swelling completely disappears.

It should be remembered that the success of the operation largely depends on the experience and responsibility of the plastic surgeon. The gluteal area contains many nerve endings and blood vessels, so it is extremely important that the surgeon is sufficiently qualified to perform gluteoplasty. In medical operations to enlarge the buttocks, they are performed using modern implants by specialists who have proven themselves in the field of plastic surgery.

! Interesting materials about gluteoplasty on our blog

Modern silicone implants, their composition and use in plastic surgery

Contrary to popular belief, gluteoplasty is popular not only among women. More than 6% of plastic surgeon patients are men. This statistic was compiled by the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

Yakimov Dmitry Konstantinovich

Doctor of the highest category. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Member of the Society of Plastic Surgeons. Author of more than 30 works in the field of surgery, teacher at the Military Medical Academy.

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