As a rule, when talking about plastic surgery, the same idea is heard: plastic surgery helps to reduce the stomach and nose and enlarge the breasts and lips.

Expert comment:

“In fact, plastic surgeons are faced with a huge variety of human bodies and faces and the problems associated with them. And for the most part – problems that are completely real and require solutions.

Many uninitiated people would be sincerely surprised by the fact that reduction mammoplasty, that is, breast reduction surgery, is in demand no less than breast augmentation surgery, and the question of how to reduce lip size interests people almost as often as the question of how to increase them."

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon.

Large lips are a fairly common problem.

We at Platinental help:

  1. Anyone who requires an isolated upper lip reduction or a lower lip reduction to correct asymmetry or disproportion of one lip that is too wide.
  2. For those who have enlarged their lips with gel and want to get rid of it. This refers to the use of biopolymer gels, and not contouring with hyaluronic acid.
  3. He wants to look more European, having corrected the oriental type of lips inherited from his parents.
  4. For those who have excessive lip fullness caused by some disease.
  5. Finally, for those who are not satisfied with the results of previously performed lip augmentation surgery or the installation of implants such as Gore-Tex and Softform.

In each of these cases, plastic surgery is possible, which will help give the lips the desired volume and shape, and the whole face - harmony.

How to visually reduce lips

Undoubtedly, it is not always necessary to start working on your lips with a visit to a plastic surgeon.

The easiest way to visually make your lips smaller is to divert attention from them. Apply makeup with an emphasis on your eyes, and lightly touch your lips with matte lipstick or leave them without makeup at all. This may be quite enough.

However, correctly applied make-up is capable of more than we usually think. With its help, you can reduce the upper lip, reduce the lower lip or reduce the thickness of the lips in general - depending on what result you want to achieve.

For miracle makeup that will allow you to reduce the size of your lips, you will need foundation, matte lipstick and a pencil of the same shade. First, foundation is applied to the face, including the lip area.

, and then with the help of a pencil the contour of the lips is outlined not outside their border, but inside it. Apply lipstick to your lips and that’s it! The outer line of the lip contour will be reliably hidden by foundation, and the inner line, outlined with a pencil, will look like a natural border of the lips.

If only one lip violates the proportions, then these recommendations apply only to one, too wide lip.

Light shades of lipstick and any lip gloss are designed to visually increase their volume. Dark shades of matte lipstick will help make your lips look smaller.

The ratio of lip volume to other facial parameters

In addition to a sober assessment of the initial structure of the lips, it is important to take into account the overall proportions of the face.

Rhinoplasty surgeons know that the problem of a large nose is not always associated with the true massiveness of its tissues. A prominent nose may be a consequence of chin hypotrophy and distal occlusion.

A similar story with the mouth. The same medium-sized lips will look completely different on a petite heart-shaped face and a full square face. Other parts of the face also play a major role in perception - eyes, nose, cheekbones.

People with the following initial data can safely enlarge their lips:

  • Oval shaped face with regular features
  • Smooth contour of the lower jaw, narrowed downwards
  • High cheekbones
  • Large distance between the philtrum and the tip of the nose
  • Thinness of lips in comparison with other facial features
  • Normal bite

People with the following data should approach lip augmentation with caution

  • Elongated and angular face shape - with the slightest overcorrection there is a risk of getting the rough appearance of a “travesty”
  • Large and bulging eyes - with hypercorrection there is a possibility of becoming like the heroine of a Soviet cartoon about the blue sea
  • Open bite - with overcorrection, the lower part of the face will protrude more forward, which will create something of a “Neanderthal” effect
  • A small face with subtle “doll-like” features - with hyper-correction you will get a caricature, or even “alien” appearance

This does not mean that you should forget about lip shape correction for the listed features. But this means that you should choose a doctor with a developed aesthetic sense and taste, who is interested in the beautiful result of the procedure, and not in selling a large dosage of filler.

Also, do not insist on a specific volume: the cosmetologist can better see what your lips and face as a whole . It is more profitable to come back for correction and add fullness after distribution and “shrinkage” of the drug than to inject hyaluronidase to completely or partially break down the gel.


Cosmetologists often have to be torn between the medical rule “do no harm” and the corporate rule “the client is always right.”

And yet, an honest doctor would rather choose the option of parting with one client than tarnish his reputation. “Duck” lips are the object of mass ridicule and jokes. Online celebrities, who 5-6 years ago promoted their huge lips as an “image feature,” got rid of them surgically. “Experienced” patients in terms of contour plastic surgery are showing more and more caution with the previous requests to “inject the maximum volume.” And cosmetologists who allow hyper-correction create anti-advertising for themselves.

We don't like lips that are enlarged like this:

How to make your own lips smaller

There are situations when just makeup is not enough: for example, lips are too disproportionate. Is it possible to reduce lips that are naturally large?

In this case, one cannot do without plastic surgery, the so-called reduction cheiloplasty. During the operation, a plastic surgeon removes some tissue through an incision on the inside of the lips. This allows you to subsequently avoid an unsightly scar on your lips.

Strict compliance with all requirements after surgery will require only two to three weeks of rehabilitation.

The inevitable passage of time

The skin of your lips ages just like the rest of your body, and you cannot completely stop this process. With age, the border between the surrounding tissues and increasingly dry red lips gradually disappears, and the corners of the mouth droop. Over time, women begin to notice the appearance of radial lines around the mouth, as well as deepening of the nasolabial folds.

Aging lip skin

Facial expression is responsible for deepening and strengthening wrinkles and furrows around the mouth. In addition, lips do not have a sufficient protective layer against UV radiation and water loss. In this area, aging is also facilitated by a small number of sebaceous glands and external factors such as temperature changes. Their appearance is also influenced by human genetic characteristics and behavior. Aging is promoted by smoking, fluctuating body weight and missing teeth.

How to reduce lips after augmentation

After lipofilling or lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, the lips themselves become smaller after a few months, as the injected drug is absorbed.

Another thing is biopolymer gels for contouring (silicone, polyacrylamide, Spanish gel, etc.), the use of which, unfortunately, does not always give the promised effect of “beautiful lips for life.” In some cases, the gel migrates, forming so-called duck lips. Failed lip augmentation

It doesn't just spoil the appearance. It can lead to inflammation that is so severe that it can sometimes be difficult to talk or even eat.

Reduction of lips previously enlarged with biopolymer gel. The gel and excess volume are eliminated, the mucous “curtain” on the upper lip is removed. Surgeon - Andrey Iskornev.

Removal of silicone with simultaneous plastic surgery of lips. Excess skin is removed through internal access. Surgeon – Iskornev Andrey Alexandrovich.

“Before” and 2 weeks “after” removal of the biopolymer from the lips. Completed by: Andrey Iskornev.

Lip reduction, biopolymer removal. Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

Tricks to make lips smaller

In addition to applying makeup and the surgeon’s actions, simple tips will help you reduce your lips, the implementation of which will provide reliable results and make the image more harmonious and aesthetic.

  1. Saturate your body with moisture from the inside . Drink the required amount of water per day. Try to drink clean filtered (ideally spring) water; your daily consumption should be 2 liters. If there is a lack of moisture, the body tries to retain it, which provokes the appearance of external swelling and is fraught with serious health problems.
  2. Smile . Pulling your lips into a smile helps make them smaller and thinner by stretching the tissue. At the same time, try to smile wider, the final result of your manipulations depends on this. You need to carry out the movements in the form that is familiar to you - an open or closed mouth does not in any way affect the effectiveness of the movements performed. If you have no desire to smile, then simply clench and unclench your lips in the position in which they are. These manipulations must be carried out carefully, because... excessive zeal can cause a rush of blood to the lips and swelling of the tissues.
  3. Focus on another area of ​​the face . Try to highlight your eyes: use not only mascara, but also shadows, eyeliner, pencil, etc. If you are not used to bright makeup, then try to highlight your eyes at least a little with a pencil or eyeliner. When combined with the right lip color, this trick is sure to work. Do not forget that daytime makeup should be less flashy, do not go against your image, and rely on your taste in everything.

Another way is to use blush. Apply blush evenly to the dimples of your cheeks and blend them out. On a ruddy face, large lips look thinner and narrower.

The third option is to create an interesting hairstyle and use hair accessories. With the right hairstyle, people's eyes will be directed at your hair, and plump lips will become less noticeable and catchy. If you usually wear a ponytail or other pinned-up hairstyle, you can try letting your curls down—this will also help hide fuller lips. In addition to your hairstyle, your look should be complemented by an outfit that matches the theme of the event, as well as the created hairstyle and makeup.

  1. Do gymnastics to thin your lips . Doing simple exercises every day will help make them thinner by training the muscles. We have given simple and complex exercises below:
  • recite tongue twisters several times a day; to speed up the effect, you can stretch your lips “in a stripe.”
  • lift your lower lip onto your upper lip and try to smile (the lower lip should not slide off the upper). Do this exercise at least 10 times a day.
  • Use your index fingers to pull down the corners of your mouth, you need to do 10 such actions at a time, repeat 5 approaches a day.
  • Pull the corners of your mouth with your fingers and try to fake a smile. The frequency of this exercise is the same as in the previous example.

Diligently following our advice will help make your lips thinner and more attractive, and there will be no danger when carrying out the listed actions.

If you are not a supporter of surgical intervention, then this article will help you make your dreams come true and make your lips narrow and thin, and your entire image updated and harmonious.

CO2 fractional laser and mesotherapy – subsequent rejuvenating procedures around the mouth

You can also rejuvenate the skin around your mouth using a fractional CO2 laser. The laser light will stimulate the deeper layers of the skin to produce collagen and natural renewal. This procedure will get rid of unsightly wrinkles around the mouth and make the skin more elastic.

To reduce wrinkles and restore skin smoothness, you can also choose a needle mesotherapy procedure. This is a non-surgical method that restores the healthy appearance of the skin. A professional will select the drug that suits you, which will be administered using a syringe with a thin needle. You won't have to wait long for results. The skin will become moisturized and tightened just a few days after the procedure.

Rejuvenation of the skin around the mouth using mesotherapy before and after

Cosmetics are not enough

There are different ways to fight the aging process. There is no way to stop the process, but you can slow it down and reduce the visible impact. Proper lip care is important, which includes moisturizing and protecting lips from harmful external factors. The skin around the mouth is especially thin and sensitive, so you need to pay special attention to it.

Daily moisturizing of the mouth area, protection from UV radiation, anti-wrinkle cosmetics and a proper diet will definitely help keep your lips beautiful longer. However, there are methods of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology that are more effective than home methods, which give more lasting and more noticeable results.

Moisturizing lips

Permanent makeup – optical enlargement

If you prefer to enhance your lips only visually, you can choose permanent makeup. After this procedure, you will no longer need to fuss with everyday makeup, maintaining the correct color and shape. This is an excellent alternative to traditional cosmetics. Thanks to the tattoo technique, you can correct the line of your lips and make them emphasized and optically enlarged.

Why worry about dull lips when you can fill them in with any natural color? After permanent makeup, you will wake up with bright lips and will not waste time on lengthy cosmetic procedures. Permanent makeup will highlight your beauty and correct minor imperfections.

Permanent lip makeup before and after the procedure

Botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid – smooth out wrinkles!

Not only the lips themselves change with the aging process, but also the skin around them. The mouth area, especially with expressive facial expressions, is prone to wrinkles and drooping corners of the mouth. You can use botulinum toxin treatment to reduce wrinkles and furrows.

This natural substance is injected into muscle tissue in small quantities. Botox blocks nerve impulses that lead to the appearance of unsightly wrinkles. The area around your lips will be smoother, and you will look younger!

Treatment with hyaluronic acid fillers may also be considered to fill in wrinkles. The drug is injected into the nasolabial folds or wrinkles above the upper lip, reducing unwanted wrinkles, which you will notice immediately after the procedure.

Additional special exercises

Exercise No. 1. Use the tip of your tongue to press on the palatal surfaces of the upper front teeth until the muscles are tired (3-5 minutes).

Exercise No. 2. With the head thrown back, alternately open and close the mouth; when closing the mouth, try to reach the back edge of the hard palate with the tip of the tongue.

Exercise No. 3. Pinch your lower lip with your upper front teeth, hold it, then release it.

Exercise No. 4. Open your mouth, slowly close it, sweeping the lower jaw back and placing the front teeth in marginal closure. Hold the lower jaw in this position for 4-8 seconds.

Exercise No. 5 (with a wooden spatula). A spatula is placed between the teeth (its width is equal to the width of the upper incisors).

Bite the spatula so as to apply pressure on the palatal surfaces of the upper teeth and promote their deflection in the vestibular direction, and the lower incisors in the lingual direction.

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