Reduction of the labia minora with clitoral hood (with anesthesia) - labiaplasty

WHAT WORRIES YOU? PAIN during intercourse HOW TO GET YOUR VIRGINITY BACK YOU DO NOT like the labia CYSTITIS after sex DARK perineum SIZE of the vagina INTIMATE life after childbirth LACK OF ORGASM WHAT IS YOUR INTEREST? Plastic surgery of the labia Restoration of virginity Surgical defloration Vaginal reduction Clitoral plastic surgery Intimate muscle training How to achieve orgasm HOW TO DO IT? Get intimate plastic surgery... Get contour plastic surgery... Intimate cosmetology... Take tests for a fee... See a gynecologist

Why is such an intimate operation as labiaplasty popular among women? As warmer days approach, Moscow is beginning to experience a real boom in genital aesthetic surgery. In the capital's specialized clinics, the demand for corrective procedures below the belt is rapidly growing...

You can make your labia smaller or larger, as you like, by contacting our specialized “Intimate Plastic Clinic” (address in Moscow: Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 33). It provides a full range of services to solve delicate problems, from plastic surgery to reduce the labia minora and ending with procedures to enlarge them with fillers and combat the initial or obvious signs of aging. Therefore, we can offer everyone who wants to undergo labiaplasty the most comfortable options for solving intimate difficulties without causing our patients a feeling of awkwardness or discomfort! If a person is satisfied with everything, nothing worries him, does not cause embarrassment, then there is no reason for concern and everything written below will be irrelevant for him.


This operation is performed quite rarely. As a rule, older women resort to it, or after very large weight loss. This operation is necessary if the labia have lost volume, elasticity, sag very much and interfere with the normal active (including sexual) life of a woman. The technique is simple: the atrophic, sagging tissue of the labia majora is excised and a thin cosmetic suture is applied. Rehabilitation takes no more than 3-4 weeks. If necessary, after complete healing, you can add volume, giving a full, youthful appearance to the labia majora using lipofilling.

Rehabilitation after labiaplasty

In the postoperative period, it is extremely important to follow the doctor’s recommendations and do everything prescribed. It depends on how carefully the patient monitors hygiene, following the rules of antiseptics. The normal reaction is swelling, slight discomfort or pain, which can be easily eliminated with any oral anesthetic.

It is important to exclude significant stress and intimacy for 2-3 weeks. Large stitches will become completely invisible 3-4 months after the procedure.

SURGICAL ENlargement of the labia majora

Lipofilling of the labia majora is the main method of surgical correction, which eliminates unwanted changes in volume and shape. Transplanting your own fat tissue into the labia majora area can completely solve the problems of age-related changes or eliminate sagging resulting from weight loss.

Surgical correction (lipofilling) of the labia majora is not a complicated operation without incisions or complications, which will provide you with long-term, almost lifelong results.

Female intimate plastic surgery: its types and possibilities


The labia and clitoris are parts of the body hidden from others. And yet, their appearance can often bother a woman; in addition, it interferes with her full intimate life, and therefore makes her less self-confident. In order to make these organs more attractive and at the same time, importantly, significantly increase female sensitivity during sexual intercourse, there is intimate plastic surgery and its types - labiaplasty and clitoridectomy.


The labia majora are two folds of skin near a woman's genital opening. Inside the labia minora are the labia minora, surrounding the vagina and urethra. Intimate surgery of the labia is used mainly as an aesthetic method - to improve appearance, and less often - as a method of eliminating the consequences of injuries, diseases, burns, etc. Reasons for needing labiaplasty:

• Deformation of the labia (age-related, postpartum or major weight loss);

• Asymmetry; • Too large, sagging labia;

• Feeling of discomfort when walking or during intimate life.


The main task of labiaplasty of the labia minora is to remove excess skin tissue so that they do not protrude beyond the labia majora. Excess skin not only makes their appearance unsightly, but can also interfere with walking, playing sports, wearing tight-fitting clothes or swimsuits, and of course, significantly worsens the quality of intimate life. Removal (resection) is carried out with a scalpel or laser - the second method is considered more accurate, less dangerous and anemic and requires less time for postoperative recovery. The resection can be V-shaped, W-shaped or S-shaped. The choice depends on the individual anatomical structure of the organ, the main thing is to preserve the natural appearance and sensitivity. After this, suturing is performed with a self-absorbing thread. The final result of the operation can be assessed after 2-3 weeks.

Sometimes patients, on the contrary, want to enlarge the labia minora. For this purpose, a biogel is introduced into their base, pushing them forward.


The labia majora can also be enlarged or reduced. They are enlarged using injections of gel or adipose tissue of the patient (lipofilling) or fillers based on hyaluronic acid. However, the gel dissolves over time, and this procedure must be repeated. The labia majora can be made smaller using liposuction - their excess fatty tissue is removed using a vacuum method through small punctures, or by surgical excision of excess skin. The recovery period takes 2-3 months.


The clitoral hood - a fold of skin covering this organ - interferes with women, first of all, in sexual activity. Its removal makes the clitoris open and accessible to touch, and sensations become more vivid. However, if the sensitivity of the clitoris is initially very low due to the small number of nerve endings, surgery may not change the situation. Yet clitoridectomy is rapidly gaining popularity. Removal of the clitoral hood can be either partial or complete. During the intervention, the surgeon makes incisions and excises excess folds of skin. This can be done either with a scalpel or with a laser. Finally, self-absorbing sutures are applied. The recovery period after surgery may take approximately a month. Clitoridectomy can be combined with labiaplasty, and can also be supplemented with enlargement of the clitoris itself using injections.

Bakhtiyarov Kamil Rafaelevich: Intimate plastic surgeries are not very complicated, but they can literally transform a woman and change her life. As an example, I will give a very interesting story from practice. A patient came to me with a request to correct both her labia (they were too large) and her clitoris. She admitted that she had been very complex about this delicate problem for a long time, and besides, she did not like the low sensitivity during sexual intercourse. She really hoped that plastic surgery would fix everything. She underwent a complex operation. The recovery process went without problems. After 3 months, when it was necessary to examine the final result, the woman came for a consultation, and she was unrecognizable - she herself had changed, changed her image, and outwardly became brighter and sexier. So she was inspired by the changes after plastic surgery. After some time, she wrote me a letter in which she thanked me for the operation and said that the results made her very confident. She became more open to meeting new men and much more relaxed in her intimate life; her life literally sparkled with new colors. As a result, my former patient met an Italian millionaire and married him. These are the results that complete satisfaction with your own appearance and sexual attractiveness can bring!

lipofilling of the labia majora. What do you need to know?

Lipofilling (transplantation of fat cells) is a high-tech operation that is performed without incisions and is easily tolerated. However, its success depends on the competent use of expensive equipment, and therefore requires a highly qualified specialized doctor.

Professor Gagarina often encounters cases of repeated corrections when patients turn to her who want to correct asymmetry and other defects of primary plastic surgery of the labia majora. Therefore, we advise you to take this seemingly small correction seriously and immediately contact an experienced, qualified doctor with extensive experience in such procedures.


The labia perform a number of important functions:

  1. Cover the entrance to the vagina, protecting against the entry of bacteria from the external environment;
  2. Retains moisture and creates optimal temperature conditions;
  3. They are responsible for maintaining a normal biotope (bacterial composition) in the vagina.

The normal size of the labia minora is considered to be from 1 to 5 cm. Already at a length of 2 cm and smaller lips begin to protrude beyond the larger ones and this can cause some discomfort. The reasons that lead to changes in the shape, size and color of the genitals may be different. Congenital structural features of the genital organs with asymmetry and hypertrophy of the lips. The increased content of male sex hormones causes elongation (lengthening) of the lips and proliferation of the tissue of the clitoral hood. In obese women and patients with impaired androgen and cortisol metabolism, pigment is deposited along the edge of the lip, causing darkening of the edge “acanthosis nigricans”. Childbirth, which was accompanied by a dissection of the perineum, the birth of a large fetus, or ruptures, can cause cicatricial deformities and stretching and an increase in the size of the lips.

Non-surgical alternative. How to enlarge the labia majora without surgery?

For those who are not yet ready to resort to plastic surgery, there are alternative cosmetic methods. For example, labia enlargement using fillers. The mechanism of the procedure is the same as for lipofilling, with only one difference - not your own fat, but hyaluronic acid is injected into the correction area. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia and lasts about 20 minutes. But you need to understand that the result will last for a maximum of a year, then it will have to be repeated.

Why patients choose Platinental

  1. During the operation, only internal sutures are used, which after healing will be invisible even to your dentist.
  1. Look at the lips of Hollywood beauties. They are all different, but they have one thing in common - ideal proportion. Until recently, Russian red and green carpets looked different: “lips separately, face separately.”

To avoid this effect, when working on your lips, we always take into account the 13 rules of ideal proportion so that the upper and lower lip are in harmony with each other and with other facial features

. Only in this case the lips really turn out beautiful.

  1. When lip reduction occurs, the area being removed gradually narrows from the center to the edges, which prevents the appearance of “ears”.
  1. During the operation, only the mucous layer is removed. The muscles and blood vessels of the lips are not affected or damaged in any way.
  1. Removal of excess tissue always occurs very delicately. The surgeon cuts the tissue with an instrument and carefully, in small pieces, removes excess mucous membrane. Then the edges are sewn together.

We never remove more than necessary to avoid unnatural results.

  1. Removal of biogel and silicone implants in one operation is accompanied by reconstruction of the lips.
  1. Through the efforts of the Platinental team, about 500 women have already regained their luxurious, beautiful lips.

Rejuvenating effect. Is it possible to completely eliminate sagging and ptosis?

Any plastic surgery is very individual. This applies to both intimate plastic surgery and intimate rejuvenation. For each patient, we select the optimal correction method, which allows us to solve any aesthetic and functional problems. Which method is right for you? You can find out about this during a free consultation.

You can make an appointment by calling +7 (916) 669-22-04

We advise you to find out more: • About the doctor - Professor Gagarina Svetlana Vyacheslavovna • Price of plastic surgery of the labia majora (see price list) • Intimate rejuvenation (read) • Labiaplasty (read)

Is special preparation needed for correction?

Surgery to reduce the labia minora and/or labia majora will be performed only after the woman:

  • will come for a preliminary consultation and examination by a surgeon;
  • will bring test results for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, blood clotting, OAC and OAM, blood group and Rh factor;
  • complete the course of therapy if it was prescribed by the attending physician.

14 days before the scheduled date of surgery, the woman needs to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. If the patient is taking drugs that affect blood clotting (Cardiomagnyl, Trombital, Warfarin, Sinkumar, Curantil, etc.), she will also have to give them up in advance (to be agreed with the attending physician). The surgeon may prescribe vitamins or other medications that will need to be taken at a certain time before surgery. You can have sex throughout the preparatory period, and only a day before the procedure you can refrain from intimate relations.

Narrowing of the vaginal walls

Surgery to narrow the vaginal walls is primarily performed to improve the quality of sexual life. Often the size of the vagina increases after childbirth, but muscle weakness can be congenital or caused by deficiencies in female hormones. The operation to narrow the vagina also has medical significance, since it is performed for the prevention or complex treatment of prolapse of internal organs. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, leaving no traces of the intervention.

What is especially important is that the woman can subsequently give birth to a child without the need for a caesarean section.

The advantage of labiaplasty at the Mother and Child clinic

All specialists in the network of Mother and Child clinics have rich clinical experience, have scientific works and constantly introduce modern technologies and medical trends into practice. For a long period of time, the doctors of the network of clinics have been constantly improving themselves and exchanging experience with the world's leading healthcare experts.

Individual treatment tactics are developed for each patient, and optimal conditions for staying in the clinic are created. All medical staff provide maximum assistance not only during the hospital stay, but also in preparation for surgery, as well as during the rehabilitation period.

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