Bluff like a star: successful and unsuccessful examples of blepharoplasty among celebrities

Blepharoplasty is one of the popular plastic surgeries that is successfully performed today in many clinics. After all, the eyes are the most expressive part of the face, and eyelid defects (bags under the eyes, drooping upper eyelid) can ruin any appearance.

The fashionable trend to improve one's appearance, of course, also affected celebrities, because appearance is a calling card, and the screen tends to magnify imperfections.

Most stars insist that their attractiveness is the result of proper nutrition, yoga, and natural-based anti-aging masks. Only a few secular divas openly admit that they have resorted to the services of a plastic surgeon.

In our article we will look at the most famous cases of eyelid blepharoplasty among stars.

Sarah Jessica Parker

The star of TV series and TV shows has long accepted her unusual Jewish appearance, which gave her a zest. With a wavy large nose and narrow thin lips, Sarah did not dare to do anything, since she was completely satisfied with their shape. But the actress did blepharoplasty twice.

Unfortunately, the first procedure was unsuccessful and resulted in painful circles under the eyes. Well, after the second, her naturally small, narrowed eyes widened, giving Parker a more open and lively look.

Ariana Grande

To many, this stunningly beautiful and equally talented girl has been known since her debut on Nickelodeon. Even then it was clear that she would grow up to be a real beauty and a brilliant star, and no one would dare to call Ariana ugly. But Ariana herself was extremely critical of her appearance and decided to correct all the shortcomings in order to turn into a true role model.

One of the transformations that Grande’s appearance has undergone is precisely the change in the shape of her eyes. For this purpose, our heroine underwent blepharoplasty, which, it should be noted, the plastic surgeon carried out simply like a jeweler, rewarding the star with a truly stunning look. The operation allowed us to achieve an amazing effect: the look became more open, and the eyes became more expressive and larger.

Jennifer Lawrence

Agree that drooping eyelids made this charming girl visually look much older and less attractive. But Jennifer solved this problem once and for all! She has taken advantage of all the wonderful possibilities of modern blepharoplasty, and is no longer worried about drooping eyelids, but examines her reflection in the mirror with maximum pleasure, just like we do in films with her participation.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

George Clooney

Our “female team” was also diluted by the world-famous heartthrob Clooney, who simply could not help but look attractive in the eyes of his fans. The man was always bothered by his narrow eyes, so he decided to undergo blepharoplasty to change their shape and visually “open” his eyes.

It must be admitted that many fans did not even notice the man’s transformation, and yet he was taking a risk, since any surgical intervention can have complications and side effects.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox

Megan Fox's beauty evolution became especially obvious after her role in Transformers, thanks to which the girl gained worldwide fame. In the first part of the fantasy action film, the actress's gaze was covered with drooping eyelids, but in subsequent parts Megan developed the famous squint.

As you can see, the history of stellar eyelid surgery is filled with a considerable number of stunning transformations. Many celebrities owe their clear looks and wide-open eyes to competent plastic surgeons. Today, blephoroplasty has long ceased to be a “star” operation. Eyelid surgery is a completely affordable and “earthly” pleasure.

Tatiana Dogileva

Tatyana Dogileva before and after plastic surgery
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The famous Russian actress Tatyana Dogileva herself admitted that she turned to plastic surgeons out of her own stupidity. A circular facelift and blepharoplasty changed the actress literally beyond recognition. The artist lost her characteristic facial features, including her sly squint.

“I did the eyes, and the face changed even more. Many acquaintances did not recognize me. It has become a habit to say: “Hello, I’m Tanya Dogileva.” Just in case,” admitted the actress.

Paris Hilton

Everyone knows that the darling of the Hotel empire, Miss Hilton, constantly perverted her appearance. And the girl’s reputation is quite scandalous, so her antics will surprise few people.

But few people noticed that the girl has a defect in her appearance - one eye is slightly closed, which is not hidden by makeup. People speculate that this was due to blepharoplasty surgery, as a result of which the left eyelid sagged a little.

Tatiana Navka

Tatyana Navka before and after plastic surgery
The famous figure skater Tatyana Navka is also counted among the stars who have undergone blepharoplasty. Surgeons note that Navka’s eyelid lift was not performed entirely correctly, which is why her eyes appear unnaturally wide and large. In addition, after this procedure she began to have unpleasant skin problems.

Uma Thurman

Uma Thurman before and after plastic surgery
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Actress Uma Thurman also became a victim of unsuccessful blepharoplasty and changed beyond recognition. At least, this is the opinion of surgeons who have studied the “before” and “after” photos. For some time, fans attributed the strange appearance of their favorite to fatigue and lack of makeup, but experts are completely confident in surgical intervention.

Some fans have already joked that the same surgeon worked with Thurman as with Renee Zellweger, and now the actress intends to recreate the plot of the film “Kill Bill” on the poor fellow.

Blake Lovely

Blake Lovely

Eyelid surgery helped the actress get rid of hernias under her eyes and drooping eyelids. The Hollywood actress began her career back in 1998, but real popularity came to her after her role in the cult TV series Gossip Girl, where Blake appeared before a wide audience with an already updated look.

Victoria Bonya

Remember this attractive participant from “Dom-2” with plump lips? Her natural abilities were not enough, so she constantly invests in her appearance. For example, at the age of 25 she “gifted” herself a change in the shape of her eyelids.

Pictures of the recovery period were leaked online, showing huge bruises and bruises under the eyes. Then Bonya announced that she had allegedly been attacked and beaten. And only later did the star admit to reporters that the hematomas were the result of blepharoplasty, the result of which she was pleased with.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

The face of the American singer and actress is living proof that age-related changes are far from the only reason for the appearance of hernial sacs. Often this feature of the eye structure is due to heredity, the anatomy of the orbit, eye fatigue and a number of other non-age reasons. The hernial sacs that appeared on Miley Cyrus's face at the age of 15 have disappeared without a trace from modern photos of the star.

Janice Dickinson

Janice Dickinson before and after plastic surgery
Few stars have undergone as many plastic surgeries as Janice Dickinson. She tried every possible type of surgery on herself, including blepharoplasty.

However, due to the excessive passion for braces and pumping in gel, there is absolutely nothing left of the former top model. According to experts, the surgeons whom Dickinson turned to performed operations without thinking at all about the need to preserve the natural proportions and harmony of the face.

Kylie Jenner

In the early teenage photographs of the sultry beauty Kylie, it is difficult to recognize the star who today shines on the best covers of famous magazines. They say that Kylie is a true fan of plastic surgery, and she certainly knows a lot about it, since the girl looks simply amazing, it’s impossible to even argue with that.

Let's focus all our attention on Kylie's charming eyes. The look is very beautiful, but it turned out this way not from “Mother Nature”, but from an experienced plastic surgeon. The procedure that Kylie decided on for such a magnificent eye shape is called blepharoplasty with the effect of raising the upper eyelid.

Vera Alentova

Vera Alentova before and after plastic surgery
Russian actress Vera Alentova, star of the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” did not admit that she went to doctors in pursuit of beauty, but surgeons and fans noticed changes in her appearance. After blepharoplasty, the photo shows that one of the actress’s eyes has become larger than the other. Presumably this is the result of a failed eyelid lift.

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