Photos of Russian celebrities and Hollywood stars before and after plastic surgery

Celebrities with perfect facial features look at us from the TV screen, from Instagram accounts and the covers of glossy magazines. Is their beauty natural or did the ideal image appear thanks to the blade of a plastic surgeon ? Increasingly, public people, in pursuit of youth and attractiveness, resort to cosmetic surgery. Our magazine collected photos of celebrities before and after plastic surgery. Believe me, you will be surprised.

Hollywood stars before and after plastic surgery: photos of celebrities

Fighting age-related changes, eliminating natural defects and imperfections in appearance, foreign and Hollywood stars resort to plastic surgery. For some, such changes make them look impeccably beautiful, while for others they change them forever and not for the better. Let's look at foreign celebrities before and after plastic surgery - how much plastic surgery can change people.

Hollywood actress Blake Lively reduced her nose and made her chin more expressive through plastic surgery.

Renee Zellweger did a bad facelift, which is very noticeable. The once sweet actress has turned into an unsightly lady with narrow eyes.

Actress Angelina Jolie has been perfecting her face and body throughout her career. She performed rhinoplasty on the nose, lengthened the cheekbones and removed Bisha's lumps.

Model and presenter Kim Kardashian highlighted her chin, plumped up her lips and elongated her cheekbones. The most discussed change in the star was her butt, which has recently reached impressive sizes.

Singer Adele turned to nose surgery and removed Bish's lumps to make her face longer and appear thinner.

Meryem Uzerli is a red-haired actress who starred as Roksolana in the Turkish TV series of the same name. Her appearance after plastic surgery shocked fans at how dramatic the changes were.

Halle Berry , an actress at 50+, has not changed much. Well-done facial contouring allows her to look as gorgeous as in her youth.

Actress Scarlett Johansson diligently denies facial plastic surgery, but the before and after photos clearly show how the star beauty's nose has changed.

Megan Fox trusted a good surgeon who gave her a neat nose. Additionally, the star highlighted her chin thanks to facial oval plastic surgery.

Salma Hayek celebrated her 50th birthday and looks absolutely gorgeous. Bravo to the plastic surgeon! Only facial wrinkles give away her age, but the actress looks the same as she did 20 years ago.

Personal life of Svetlana Masterkova

Sveta, like all girls, dreamed of a prince since childhood. But I always believed that marriage should be consciously, out of love and once - for life. Therefore, Svetlana Masterkova took her choice of husband more than seriously, because he would have the honor of becoming the father of her future children and a reliable protection and support for the family.

Svelana Masterkova

In her youth, the girl simply did not have time for aimless romances, because for the time being, sport was in the first place for her.

However, having met cyclist Asyat Saitov, Masterkova realized that she was in love with a tall, strong, handsome man.

An ordinary acquaintance almost immediately grew into mutual feelings. By the way, the reason for the first compliment was the secret tattoo on Sveta’s leg.

Fateful tattoo on Masterkova’s leg

In 1994 the couple got married. Injured at that time, Masterkova, without hesitation, took a time out from her professional career and left with her husband for Spain, giving her lover the opportunity to develop her career in Alicante without leaving her family.

Wedding of Svetlana and Asyat

In 1995, daughter Nastya was born. Dreaming of several children, Svetlana Masterkova and Asyat Saitov were upset when they failed to give birth to an heir-son. Now the couple is waiting for their daughter Anastasia to give them grandchildren.

Svetlana Masterkova with her husband

Svetlana Loboda before plastic surgery: photos of changes

Svetlana Loboda, born in 1982, is a singer.

The singer captivated thousands of men with her appearance. Sveta, who was still unknown to anyone, began her career from the ViaGra group, where she stayed for a short time, but managed to demonstrate her talent and chic forms. Today Loboda has achieved significant success in her solo career. The singer claims that she did not resort to plastic surgery, but after observing the changes in her appearance, for some reason I don’t believe her words.

The star's lips and nose have undergone special changes. Have you also noticed changes in Loboda’s appearance before and after plastic surgery?

Daughter of Svetlana Masterkova

The only heiress of a sports family also loves sports. Anastasia is seriously involved in tennis. Mindful of her own lack of parental attention, Svetlana tries to pay maximum attention to her husband and daughter. And numerous photos on Instagram are proof of this.

Svetlana with her daughter Anastasia

Yana Koshkina before and after plastic surgery: photo

Yana Koshkina , born in 1990, is a promising actress of Russian cinema.

Koshkina began her acting career in her teens. The young actress captivated her with her “naive” beauty, which is why the audience liked her. Looking at the changes in the girl in the photo before and after plastic surgery, we can note the following.

Not without rhinoplasty, lip augmentation and cheekbone highlighting. And the breasts themselves did not grow to that size.

Childhood and youth

Svetlana Masterkova was born on January 17, 1968 in the city of Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Probably, her northern homeland laid in the girl the foundations of a strong character and the ability to survive in harsh conditions. Sveta’s parents were not involved in sports, but they invested their strength and resources into their daughter without sparing. When the family broke up, Sveta was raised by her mother and grandmother and grandfather.

Sveta Masterkova in childhood

In early childhood, Sveta was a rather large child, and this became the object of ridicule from classmates and children in the yard. In order to help the girl cope with the situation, her parents took her to the local Athletics School. At first, the unusual tension and incredible efforts even caused Sveta to be negative; she did not like the classes, after which she wanted to cry bitterly from fatigue and pain.

I fell at the first race, but saw how the winning girl was given a beautiful doll. And I said to myself: “I’ll train, win, get the same one, and then I’ll leave the sport.”

However, after a short time the girl got involved. Moreover, coach Anatoly Volkov saw potential in her. The sports biography of Svetlana Masterkova began in 1981 (coach T.N. Shakurova). Sveta Masterkova not only improved her physical fitness, but also tempered her spirit. Every day, in any weather, even in 35-degree frost, inner strength lifted the girl and pushed her to work on herself. This is how Sveta began to have a dream and an awareness of her calling. Along with her first sporting successes, the little athlete’s life came with the respect of her coaches and comrades. Realizing that Svetlana clearly stands out among the young athletes, reluctantly, Masterkova’s relatives allowed their daughter to go to Moscow for more serious training.

Novice athlete

There were moments when Masterkova wanted to quit the sport, despite the fact that the title of Master of Dispute was awarded and all-Union records were set. The girl felt like one of many. And the feeling of loneliness in the big city, where she trained at the Olympic Training Center, did not leave her.

Taste of victory

The legendary athlete and coach Svetlana Pavlovna Styrkina handed her the life-saving straw. It was she who found the words and motivation, took Masterkova under her wing and raised Sveta to a new level.

Main "gold miner"

However, a sports injury in 1993 temporarily suspended the career of the Russian athlete. Although this period of restoration and rethinking was simply necessary for Svetlana Masterkova. At that time, changes occurred in her personal life.

Olympic champion

In 1996, Svetlana Masterkova triumphantly returned to big-time sports. The sports anger and assertiveness that had accumulated in her made it possible to win awards on a global scale and completely devote herself to preparing for participation in the Olympics. Moreover, the majority of sports experts and analysts predicted high results for Svetlana Masterkova; the main hopes of the women's track and field athletics team were pinned on her. And Masterkova did not disappoint, becoming an Olympic champion in several races.

“I want to scream with joy. I don’t even know what I want, my head is spinning with happiness.”

Finishing her sports career in 2003, Svetlana Masterkova did not leave a single title in athletics that she did not have in her personal arsenal. And the first two syllables of her last name became a signature brand for moving forward.

Master Masterkova

Photo of Olga Buzova before and after plastic surgery

Olga Buzova, born in 1986, is a TV presenter and aspiring singer.

Buzova gained her popularity on the project “Dom-2”, where she came as a participant, and over time took the place of the presenter. After a radical change in her image, Olga began to sing, surprising thousands of her fellow citizens. Whether the surgeon is responsible for her changes is clearly visible in the photo before and after plastic surgery.

The photo clearly shows cheekbone contouring, lip augmentation, and rhinoplasty. As for the breasts, they are natural and the celebrity is not going to enlarge them.

Professional activity

Svetlana is the winner of many competitions (tournaments) in athletics. The girl became a two-time Olympic champion and world champion in athletics. The athlete has phenomenal achievements in running 800 and 1500 meters. The peak of Svetlana's career came in 1996.

In parallel with her sports career, the girl worked as a physical education instructor in the capital’s Labor Reserves society, and also supervised classes in various sports in educational institutions in Moscow.

After graduating from a successful sports career in 2003, the athlete took up writing, as well as active political and social activities. Svetlana Masterkova has been a member of the United Russia party since 2012. He often works as a television commentator for various sports competitions on the NTV channel.

Today, Svetlana Masterkova regularly takes part in various television programs on Channel One. In 2022, she became a guest of the “Evening Show with Alla Dovlatova” on Russian Radio.

In 2022, television viewers were able to see Svetlana as a singer on the new popular TV show “Mask” on the NTV channel , where she appeared in the image of Cloud. For the first time, the athlete risked trying herself as a vocalist, which she did quite successfully.

The jury of the project, which included Philip Kirkorov, Regina Todorenko, Timur Rodriguez, Valeria, Garik Martirosyan, were delighted with Svetlana’s rather professional performance.

Ekaterina Varnava before and after plastic surgery: photo

Ekaterina Varnava, born in 1984, is a TV presenter, comedian, and actress.

Bright, shocking Ekaterina is not afraid to be funny. She captivates audiences with her talent, participating in humorous shows. The long-legged beauty did not always have a luxurious appearance and was very complete because of her nose. It all started with him.

In the photo of the celebrity before and after plastic surgery, a slightly shortened nose, obvious Botox injections in the lips and a facelift are noticeable.

Elena Yakovleva

The famous actress not only had eyelid lift surgery, but also advises everyone not to be afraid of surgeons. The main thing, Elena believes, is not to overdo it. After blepharoplasty, the actress underwent a circular facelift. However, at the premiere of the film “The Cheap Hero,” Elena was unrecognizable; the actress had done too many braces. Fans doubted whether it was her.

Maria Gorban: photos before and after plastic surgery

Maria Gorban, born in 1986, is a theater and film actress.

The pretty girl appeared in the comedy series “Kitchen”. Having a bright appearance, Maria decided to change something. Looking at the photos before and after plastic surgery, you understand that Gorban has completely remade herself.

In today's actress it is difficult to recognize the girl who starred in the series. All that remained of the “original” Mary were her eyes.

Photo of Natalia Bochkareva before and after plastic surgery

Natalya Bochkareva, born in 1980, is a TV presenter, actress, and singer.

The TV series Dasha Bukina - Natalya Bochkareva - has radically changed her appearance. She not only dyed her hair, but also significantly reshaped her face. Nose, lips, chin, removal of Bish's lumps. It is now difficult to recognize Natalya as the red-haired housewife from the comedy series “Happy Together.”

Soviet celebrities before and after plastic surgery: a selection of photos

To stay in show business longer, stars go to any lengths to try to deceive natural aging. Despite their age, they go under the surgeon’s knife and continue to amaze fans on TV. Let's look at a selection of photographs of Soviet celebrities before and after plastic surgery.

Elena Kondulainen is a blond sex symbol of the Soviet Union, a domestic “analog” of Marlene Dietrich.

Vera Alentova, even at 75 years old, cannot calm down, turning to plastic surgery for help, which did not turn out very well the last time.

At 66 years old,
Elena Proklova Plump lips and an even oval face openly declare plastic surgery.

Lyubov Uspenskaya has been resorting to facial plastic surgery for many years. The singer is trying to stay on stage, but operations do not always brighten up the stars.

Masha Rasputina, in pursuit of the past years, in addition to plastic surgery, became very interested in Botox. It is already difficult to recognize such a popular singer in her swollen face.

Elena Yakovleva is the first intergirl of the USSR. The actress had a successful eyelid lift and removed her double chin. Bravo! Plastic surgery has benefited her appearance.

Larisa Dolina. The singer underwent good plastic surgery and now she looks 10-15 years younger.

Nadezhda Babkina is another example of successful plastic surgery. The singer looks great. The disadvantages of plastic surgery include the lack of facial expressions due to skin tension.

Sofia Rotaru - it seems that age-related changes bypass the singer. A good plastic surgeon gave Rotaru a second youth.

Alla Pugacheva , a pop diva, has repeatedly surprised fans by changing her image through plastic surgery.

Yulia Volkova

The dark one from the Tattoo group fell in love with changing her appearance from her eyebrows - thin curved lines were replaced by tattooing. The singer's first plastic surgery was lip augmentation. The operation was not very successful, her mouth looked like a big “dumpling”, and Yulia had to take injections to at least slightly shrink her lips back.

After two births, the singer went for breast augmentation, and from a neat small bust she received a fourth size. As a result of a small number of surgical interventions, Julia added ten years to herself.

Unsuccessful celebrity plastic surgery before and after photos: ranking of the most unfavorable outcomes

Not all stars are lucky enough to emerge from under the knife of plastic surgeons in perfect condition. The below photos of stars before and after plastic surgery prove that changing your image is a risky business. Lindsay Lohan

Mickey Rourke

Janice Dickinson

Megan Ryan

Jacqueline Stallone

Elsa Patton

Jocelyn Wildenstein

Donatella Versace

Michaela Romanini

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