How to make your facial skin perfect. Valuable advice from cosmetologists

Perhaps every girl dreams of perfect facial skin. Clean, smooth, radiant with health. And often it seems to us that achieving this is unrealistic. But, fortunately, this is not the case! Ideal skin requires effort: changing your diet, lifestyle, using the right cosmetics for care and many other conditions. However, the result is worth the time and effort! We have put together a few simple rules for facial care that will help you get noticeably closer to the skin of your dreams:

Use scrubs with caution.

Scrubs are a well-known tool for perfect skin. However, a scrub with large particles of irregular, pointed shape can significantly damage delicate skin. You should be especially careful when choosing a scrub not only for sensitive, but also for problematic facial skin, which also needs gentle cleansing. Give preference to delicate scrubs and peels, such as the 5-in-1 Perfect Skin Product. Small scrubbing particles, charcoal in its composition and the versatility of this product make it simply an indispensable assistant!

How to get a perfectly groomed face in a salon

Modern cosmetology offers many different procedures to make your facial skin perfect. Let's look at the most popular:

  • Thermolifting
    is a hardware technique that involves deep thermal exposure. In fact, heat should activate the production of your own collagen and hyaluronic acid. The face is cleaned, a special gel is applied and the nozzle begins to warm it up;
  • Photorejuvenation
    - here the main task is also the production of natural collagen, as well as accelerating cell renewal;
  • Peeling
    is the essence of the procedure in getting rid of dead epidermal cells. A special device or only professional cosmetics can be used.

Despite the tempting description, the procedures can cause great harm to humans. Peels cause the skin to become inflamed, red, and sometimes take weeks to heal. Aggressive injury weakens the protective functions of the skin and local immunity. The devices are addictive and can cause the opposite effect. Therefore, it is better to use old and proven home techniques. And you can start with advanced intensive courses from Melannette.

Use creams with spf protection.

We need sun protection creams not only in the summer, but also at any other time of the year when going outside. Ultraviolet rays have an adverse effect on the skin, causing the appearance of premature wrinkles and age spots. Creams with a light thickening effect, such as BB-cream Ideal Skin with 10 spf protection, will help protect your skin from troubles.

The main thing to remember:

Ideal skin is, first of all, your good mood and properly selected facial care products. Clean Line has developed lines of cosmetics with natural ingredients that meet the individual needs of different skin types.

Is it possible to bring your skin to an “ideal” state using homemade masks?

Of course, masks alone will not be enough for perfect skin (by the way, as well as visits to a cosmetologist). But they can be an additional effective tool. Try different recipes and see how your skin reacts.

Moisturizing mask:

  1. 1 tablespoon cream;
  2. 1 yolk;
  3. 1 teaspoon carrot juice.

Mix everything and apply to face. Keep for 15 minutes. Then rinse off with a cotton pad soaked in vegetable oil and rinse your face with rosehip decoction.

Mattifying mask:

  1. 1 boiled potato (cook directly in the skins);
  2. 1 tablespoon of grated apple;
  3. 1 tablespoon milk.

Peel the potatoes, puree them and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Keep for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Revitalizing mask:

  1. 1 teaspoon dry mustard;
  2. 1 teaspoon of cooled boiled water;
  3. 2 teaspoons of any unrefined vegetable oil.

Mix everything and apply for 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and then rinse your face with cool water.


Many people undergo a procedure called microdermabrasion. It does not cause allergic reactions or pain. In addition, such sessions can be performed on almost all people.

Here, the skin is exposed to aluminum oxide microcrystals, which are transmitted through a special tip of the device. Thanks to them, the skin is polished and skin cells are exfoliated. As a result of this procedure, the skin becomes smoother and more even. Additionally, patients remove fine wrinkles, reduce age spots, stimulate the production of elastin and collagen.

The result will already be noticeable after the first procedure. But in order to achieve the full desired result, it is worth completing the course. It may consist of 4-6 sessions.

It is important to remember that each procedure should be performed by a professional. After all, he knows how to carry it out correctly, what are the contraindications, side effects, and whether a certain procedure will help your skin. Initially, you should always consult with a specialist, and then decide which method you will use to even out your skin tone.

Lifestyle and clear skin

More than half of the success in the fight for beautiful skin depends on lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep, and constant stress do not have the best effect on our appearance. If you want to look your best, it's time to change something:

  1. Giving up bad habits
    - remember that you will never be able to see what is happening inside you. But the face quickly shows some problems. Therefore, throw away the last pack of cigarettes and put away the bottles of champagne until the New Year, not even in the name of a beautiful face, but for the sake of good health;
  2. Balance your diet
    - fried, sweet, too salty, smoked and fast food are the main enemies of our beauty. Do you want to be healthy and attractive? Then eat more vegetables and fruits (at least 5 per day), give up dairy and processed foods. Try to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time, and cook at home more often;
  3. More activity
    - no need to torture yourself with grueling workouts. Just replace your evenings watching TV with a walk in the park - that will be enough to get you started;
  4. Contrast washing
    - practice contrast washing at least once a day. Just alternate between cool water and almost hot water. This increases blood circulation and helps you wake up.

Possible causes of problems

The causes of skin problems can be varied. They can even consist of simple lack of hygiene. Some of them involve serious health problems. The main causes of problems:

  • Poor nutrition.
  • Hormonal problems.
  • Improper skin care.
  • Bad habits.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

If, despite all efforts, you cannot cope with skin problems for a long time, you should definitely consult a specialist and examine your body.

Proper nutrition for facial skin

We are what we eat. Remember this saying before you throw “junk” food inside yourself.

If you want to be healthy and beautiful, give up the following foods:

  1. Sweets - sugar itself, buns, cakes, pastries, white bread, soda and other products with a lot of sugar in their composition. It provokes the appearance of acne and signs of premature aging;
  2. Salty - salt retains moisture in the body, thereby causing edema. Of course, you don’t need to give up salt as such. But it is better to exclude canned food and marinades from the diet;
  3. Fast food and processed foods - Processed meats contain too much sodium, which causes swelling. And fatty and fried foods (and fast food is usually just that) disrupts the functioning of the liver, which provokes premature aging;
  4. Coffee dehydrates the body and dries out the skin. You can, of course, drink it in small quantities, but you shouldn’t abuse it;
  5. Milk is necessary for children, but the adult body does not digest lactose well.

So what should your diet be like to keep your facial skin glowing with health?

  1. Eat a balanced and varied diet;
  2. For almost everyone, the optimal eating schedule is 5-6 meals a day. Don’t forget about breakfast, and dinner should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime;
  3. Each meal should be supplemented with a fruit or vegetable;
  4. Maintain a drinking regime (at least 2 liters of clean water per day);
  5. Eliminate or at least limit your consumption of foods from the previous list.


If you urgently need to put your face in order, but your skin doesn’t look perfect, you can use cosmetics and apply makeup correctly.

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Step-by-step instructions on how to achieve perfect skin using makeup at home:

  • Before applying foundation, it is important to first moisturize your skin with cream or foundation. This will protect the skin and greatly simplify the distribution of the cosmetic product;
  • If you have dry, flaky skin, you should use a moisturizer before applying toner. After it is absorbed, after about 30 minutes you can start applying makeup;
  • If you have problem skin, you can disguise red and inflamed areas using a special corrector. Once applied to blemishes and dark circles, it will conceal and even out the skin tone in those areas.
  • Foundation should be applied and distributed with a sponge. Use light tapping movements to blot the skin of your face and neck. This will hide roughness and dry areas and guarantee an even, natural color distribution. This will especially help hide problem skin;
  • To make the makeup look natural, the oval face needs to be emphasized with blush and powder. The most preferable are products containing mineral particles - they absorb excess fat and do not clog pores;
  • The color of the face and chin should not differ in tone, so make an even transition, do not rush. If you have pellets or a mask of a thick layer of foundation on your face, then you can resort to an interesting method: take a mixture of your usual caring cream, moisturizer and foundation on the back of your hand.
  • Using a brush, apply a thin layer of product. It will not clump, and you will be able to see if flakes are formed when the two creams interact. If so, then their bases do not fit together, and one of the products will have to be replaced. If all is well, then a very thin layer of the mixture is applied. You will get neat, daytime makeup with an almost invisible even tone. If you use a care cream before applying foundation, you need to blot off any remaining greasy product with a napkin.
  • Under no circumstances should you wear multiple layers of makeup. If you need to set your foundation, it is best to use thermal water in a spray. You cannot re-apply a layer of cream - spots, bumps, even rolling will appear in the places where you initially applied the product.

You can achieve the ideal complexion with makeup, but remember that this method is emergency.

Tips from cosmetologists for perfect facial skin

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  1. The condition of the skin is influenced by external and internal factors. To reduce the negative impact, you need to follow simple preventive measures - proper nutrition, daily routine and facial exercises.
  2. Using high-quality and suitable skincare cosmetics is the most effective and reliable way to achieve smoothness and elasticity.
  3. Decorative cosmetics only mask imperfections. With frequent use of such products, undesirable consequences may occur - disruption of the sebaceous glands, the appearance of acne and pimples.
  4. You can give your skin a smooth and attractive appearance using traditional medicine methods. Among them, the most useful are masks, compresses and rubs.


The dry massage procedure is not as safe as it might seem, and has a number of prohibitions. People who have:

  • open wounds;
  • thin or sensitive skin;
  • varicose veins;
  • moles, human papillomavirus (HPV);
  • psoriasis, eczema or other inflammatory lesions of the dermis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • Important! During the massage course, you should also avoid visiting the solarium and staying in the sun. Even a small portion of ultraviolet rays after the procedure can cause severe burns.

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