How to make your skin matte and smooth: the best mask recipes

Over the years, all women come to the conclusion that their facial skin requires regular and proper care using appropriate products. This can be store-bought or homemade cosmetics. You can save a lot of money and get a beneficial effect that will surpass even some professional products. Today we will tell you about effective face masks to make your skin matte and smoother.

Mattifying powder

Mattifying powder helps to get rid of oily shine on the face for several hours and creates a matte base. There is a huge variety of this product on the modern market, so every girl will be able to choose the most suitable option for herself. You can choose either compact or loose powder, since they act the same, and it all depends on individual preferences.

Important! Mattifying powder removes oily shine only for a while, so you shouldn’t expect a long-term effect. Even very expensive and high-quality powder must be reapplied to the face once every few hours.

In order to make your facial skin matte, you need to carefully apply the powder to your chin, nose, cheeks and forehead. It is better to avoid the area around the eyes, as the skin in this area is very thin and delicate. It is most convenient to carry out this process with a large volume brush or a special sponge.

Important! To enhance the effect, mattifying powder must be applied to the foundation. Girls with oily skin, especially in the hot season, are better off giving preference to specially designed foundation creams for oily and problem skin. This product will fight excessive sebum production, and will also hide redness and all imperfections on the face.

Healthy lifestyle

The lifestyle a woman leads is primarily reflected on her face. Therefore, if you seriously decide to get rid of skin defects, approach the issue comprehensively: change your eating behavior and finally put an end to bad habits. Conduct an experiment: for exactly one month, completely give up sweets, fatty foods, flour, smoked foods and semi-finished products. Take a close-up “before” photo of your face and look at the “after” result. We guarantee the results will shock you.

Scrub for a long-term mattifying effect

The use of foundation and powder allows you to make your skin matte for several hours. However, it is impossible to solve the problem of oily shine with such products, since powder and toner only mask oily skin. To cleanse your facial skin, you can use an excellent cosmetic product that is very easy to prepare at home.

How to make your facial skin matte with a scrub:

  1. Mix a small amount of cleansing foam or gel with a mattifying effect and a pinch of ordinary baking soda. This process should be done in a small glass bowl.
  2. Apply the prepared mixture to the skin of the face with smooth massaging movements, avoiding the area around the lips and eyes.
  3. The prepared mattifying agent can cause a slight tingling sensation, so the scrub should be kept on the face for no more than 1-2 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the matting mixture with warm running water.
  5. Moisturize your facial skin with a nourishing mask or moisturizer.

Important! You need to cleanse your face with this scrub twice a week. As a result, the pores will narrow and become cleaner, and the effect will be obvious after a single use of the prepared mattifying agent.

Beauty routine

That's right, routine. Beauty is daily work, hard work and strict discipline. Regular (without skipping!) cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition, self-massage, home cosmetic procedures, seasonal visits to a trusted cosmetologist - all this should be in your life CONSTANTLY. And one more important point: all care and decorative cosmetics must be of good quality, from trusted brands. Otherwise, the result will be the opposite.

Special matting wipes

Mattifying wipes are girls' favorites. They are ideal for removing oily shine on the face for both daytime and evening makeup. These napkins are made from a special material that does not disturb makeup.

Using matting wipes is very easy and simple. To do this, you need to apply a napkin to problem areas of the face where oily shine is located. Basically, this is the surface of the forehead, chin, wings of the nose, apples of the cheeks.

Important! Matting wipes are very convenient to use, help save time, and can be easily placed in any bag.

Masks with mattifying effect

Mattifying masks can be purchased in stores in cosmetic departments or, if necessary, you can prepare them yourself. There are many masks that are very effective and easy to prepare.

Aloe mask

An aloe juice mask can perfectly solve the problem of oily skin. How to make your facial skin matte at home using a mask:

  1. Cut off the bottom leaf of the aloe.
  2. They clear it of thorns and cut it into small pieces.
  3. The cut leaf is squeezed through cheesecloth.
  4. To the resulting two teaspoons of juice add the white of one egg and one teaspoon of lemon juice.
  5. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to problem areas of the face. To do this, it is most convenient to use a sponge or cotton pad.
  6. After the first layer of the mask has dried, apply the mixture to the face several more times in a row until the prepared mixture is completely used.
  7. After this, you need to wait about ten minutes and rinse your face with warm water.

Clay masks

A clay mask is one of the best natural remedies. Everyone who used this mask at least once noted a positive result:

  • A blue clay mask helps cleanse the skin as it absorbs excess oil from the skin pores. In addition, it helps fight blackheads. Long-term use of blue clay can even slightly tighten the pores.
  • In addition to blue clay, you can also use pink, green, black, and white clay. The use of each of them is a useful mask for both the face and body.

Important! This clay mask can be used 2-3 times a week.

How to make your skin matte with a clay mask:

  1. A small amount of clay must be mixed with warm boiled water until it becomes mushy and applied to the face.
  2. You can also add a small amount of cosmetic grape seed oil, which has non-comedogenic properties and prevents excessive drying of the skin.
  3. If you have inflammatory areas on your face, you can use 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil or add a few drops of tea tree.
  4. The mask must be applied in a thick layer to prevent rapid drying, periodically moisten the dried areas with water.
  5. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.
  6. After this procedure, a light nourishing cream must be applied.

Important! This method should not be abused, since clay is a strong remedy and can dry out the skin. As a result of improper use, instead of a positive effect, a negative effect is obtained, after which it is necessary to treat damaged areas of facial skin.

Roman mask

To prepare a Roman mask, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Mix two tablespoons of pea flour and two tablespoons of milk whey.
  2. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face.
  3. After complete drying, the mask is removed using circular movements with your fingertips.
  4. Then you need to alternately rinse your face with hot and cold water.

Oatmeal-cucumber mask

An oatmeal-cucumber mask helps eliminate excess sebum and prevent acne. How to make your skin matte with an oatmeal-cucumber mask:

  1. In a blender you need to mix one small cucumber and one glass of oatmeal.
  2. After this, you need to add one spoon of yogurt without any additives to the resulting gruel.
  3. The mask should be kept on the face for about 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

The result is matte and soft facial skin.

Lemon tonic

All kinds of drying lotions do an excellent job of removing oily shine and giving a matte tint to the skin:

  • To prepare the desired composition, you need to squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add 20 ml of cucumber juice and 35 ml of vodka to it.
  • After preparation, this mixture should be poured into a dark bottle, closed with a lid and stored in the refrigerator.
  • If necessary, wipe your face with the prepared product daily.

Lemon tonic is able to fight subcutaneous inflammation, cleanses facial pores, and normalizes subcutaneous secretion.

Important! Before using this lotion, it is imperative to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, you need to treat a small area of ​​skin with lemon tonic and evaluate the result after 15 minutes.

BB cream Garnier “Clean skin active”

BB cream Garnier “Clean Skin Active” BB cream “Clean Skin Active” is a real find for those with oily and problem skin. It works in several directions at once, caring for the skin and masking defects. Salicylic acid is responsible for the first effect, and mineral pigments are responsible for the second. And, of course, the product leaves behind a feeling of total comfort.

Cosmetic ice

The use of ice based on medicinal herbs can give the skin a matte tint. How to make your facial skin matte at home using cosmetic ice:

  1. Brew chamomile flowers, linden flowers, oak or birch bark with boiling water and leave for one hour.
  2. After the specified time, strain, pour into ice cube trays and freeze.
  3. You need to wipe your face 3-4 times every day, then apply hydrogel or moisturizer.

Important! After the cooling procedure, it is not recommended to immediately apply cosmetics; you need to leave the pores to breathe.

After just two weeks of regular use of cosmetic ice, the skin of the face becomes matte, oily shine appears much less frequently, which greatly pleases owners of combination and oily skin.

Important! Cosmetic ice can only be used if there are no pustules or spider veins. This procedure is strictly contraindicated for those who have a predisposition to rosacea, or who have blood vessels too close to the surface of the skin. In this case, prepare an ordinary chamomile decoction and wipe the skin of the face with it 3-4 times a day, the effect will also have a positive result.

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation Evens out tone, mattifies, moisturizes, softens, protects against ultraviolet radiation (SPF 15), creating a feeling of well-groomed skin - this is just a small part of what Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation can do. Plus, it's incredibly easy to use, just shake first, so every girl will feel like a professional makeup artist.

Mousse for washing

You need to choose the best gel or foam wash that matches your dermis type. In addition, you need to purchase a special face brush that has medium-hard bristles. It helps fight excess oil and does an excellent job of removing dead particles.

How to make your face look matte using a cleansing mousse:

  1. To open the pores, you need to wash your face with warm (very hot) water.
  2. After this, rub the mousse between the palms of your hands and massage your face well.
  3. Next, the applied composition does not need to be washed off, but rub your face well with a special brush, especially paying attention to problem areas, such as the wings of the nose, forehead, and chin.
  4. At the end of these manipulations, you need to close the pores. To do this, wash your face with melt water or you can wipe your face with cosmetic ice.

Revlon Colorstay Full Cover Foundation

Revlon Colorstay Full Cover foundation When in contact with the skin, the matte foundation Colorstay Full Cover mousse melts from the warmth of the body, merging and becoming invisible, but at the same time masking even dark spots and acne marks. The product has high durability, which can withstand both heat and wild cold, so it is indispensable all year round.

Balanced diet

Few people know that a balanced diet greatly affects the condition of the skin. So, if you take very fatty foods, the subcutaneous glands work intensively. That's why:

  • For beautiful matte skin, try to avoid fried, salty, hot and peppery foods. Healthy food should be cooked in a slow cooker or stewed in the oven.
  • The diet must include fish products, meat, stewed vegetables, baked potatoes and various seafood.
  • We must not forget about seasonal fruits and berries.
  • In winter, you need to eat fresh or frozen vegetables, which control the water balance.
  • You also need to stop drinking black coffee frequently; you can only drink it with milk.
  • Freshly squeezed juices and green tea must be present on the table; you need to drink a lot, at least 2.5 liters of liquid per day.
  • It is very good to drink purified water, which should be about 2 liters per day.

Foundation lifting cream Dr. Pierre Ricaud “Dense coverage”

Dr. Pierre Ricaud “Dense Coverage” foundation lifting cream Despite the fact that the “Dense Coverage” foundation cream is created for mature skin, it can also be used by young girls who want a lifting effect. Its beauty is that it not only evens out tone, moisturizes, softens and improves skin tone and elasticity, but also preventively slows down the appearance of more serious age-related changes, such as wrinkles. This was all made possible thanks to the very high concentrations of niacinamide and sweet almond oil included in the composition.

Baby powder

Basically, dullness is given to the skin in the winter season, when there is no tan and the skin of the face is still light. How to make your facial skin matte at home using baby powder:

  1. Wash with tar soap, which cleanses pores and removes oily shine.
  2. After this, you need to rub baby talc, which does not have fragrances or impurities, between your palms and cover your face with it.
  3. You can use a cosmetic sponge to remove excess.

Important! In addition to baby powder, mineral powder copes well with the task, which does not clog pores, unlike a compact and crumbly composition. The principle of operation of such cosmetics is very simple: after application, mineral powder draws out fat from the pores, freeing them at the same time.

Calm, just calm

Another enemy of healthy skin is stress. But since no one can live without them in the modern world, we must at least learn to minimize their impact on the body. Allow yourself to rest and unload, love yourself! Organize your life so that you get adequate sleep (it doesn’t matter at all what time of day, the main thing is that it becomes truly high-quality), walk more in the fresh air (get out of the car, walk!), sign up for yoga , to the pool, get a cat or a parrot, remember that you once had a hobby that gave you joy and bring it back into your life. All of the above is not the limit; in this case, imagination is not limited. The main thing is that you feel happy, because this is the real salvation from stress.

Recommendations for daily care:

  • First of all, you need to reconsider your attitude towards facial care. You need to go through your cosmetics, because you may have to replace some of them.
  • You cannot use ordinary toilet soap, which dries out the skin, but when washing, you must definitely use cosmetics with a drying effect.

Important! For some reason, some people think that skin dried out by toilet soap is a good thing. This is a big mistake, since the skin after using toilet soap begins to very quickly secrete sebaceous fat, which softens and protects the epidermis. As a result, we see the completely opposite result with a shiny and flaky face. To solve this problem, you need to use a high-quality makeup remover gel, which should contain medicinal herbs, such as green tea, chamomile inflorescences, mint.

  • It is necessary to wipe your face with a special toner, but do not use alcohol-containing products.
  • Some people think that creams should not be used for oily skin. And this is a mistake. Light creams that do not leave an oily sheen when applied are ideal for oily skin, and oil-based cosmetics should be avoided.
  • How to make your skin matte? When choosing cosmetics, you should give preference to water-based products. Oil-based makeup products are only suitable for dry skin or skin that suffers from flaking in frosty weather. If your skin is shiny, then using this cream will give it even more oily shine.
  • You need to use soap. For daily washing, soap-based products that can cleanse the skin are suitable. Body lotions, cosmetic milk and other products that do not foam are not recommended for oily skin; they are only suitable for removing makeup.

Important! When choosing decorative cosmetics, you should not overdo it by using too strong products that can dry out your facial skin.

  • A very good product is a lotion that helps make the skin matte. To prepare it, you need to take 5-6 dry bay leaves, pour one glass of boiling water over them and let it brew for about three hours. You should wipe your face with this product every day.

Guinot Creme Newhite UV 50 brightening toning cream for skin radiance

Lightening tinting cream for skin radiance Guinot Creme Newhite UV 50 The main feature of the Creme Newhite UV 50 tinting cream is lightening: in the short term, it instantly improves the complexion, hiding imperfections, and in the long term, it eliminates pigmentation, including post-inflammatory ones.
In addition, it restores the firmness and elasticity of the skin, and also retains moisture in the epidermal cells. What kind of foundation does Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Zendaya and other stars use? Read

Proper care for oily skin

How to make facial skin matte at home? There are three very important stages in the process of caring for problem skin:

  • Any care for skin prone to a shiny effect begins with a cleansing procedure. At the same time, to remove makeup, you need to use only special products based on drying components - foams and washing gels.
  • Then you need to use a tonic lotion that does not contain alcohol. It helps dissolve the thin film formed by surfactants found in cosmetic cleansers. In addition, the feeling of tightness disappears and the ph balance of the skin is leveled. Using a toner or lotion helps tighten pores and regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Important! The tonic should include moisturizing and anti-inflammatory components - chamomile, calendula, aloe, tea tree.

  • Then we move on to the exfoliation stage. For this purpose, scrubs are used that contain soft granules on a synthetic basis. They are capable of careful action. During their use, the skin of the face is not damaged or scratched.

Important! Some people use peelings that contain concentrations of fruit acids. After using it, you should avoid direct exposure to the sun's rays for some time. Excellent results are observed from the use of a peeling roller. If you use peeling twice a week, your complexion will noticeably improve.

Rejuvenating tinting cream Rhea Cosmetics MagiCover Light

Rejuvenating tinting cream Rhea Cosmetics MagiCover Light Diatoms in MagiCover Light take care of preserving eternal youth and beauty of the skin, vitamin E resists free radicals, providing an anti-aging effect, and the wax complex prevents dehydration and works as an anti-pollution. Another feature of this tinting cream is that it instantly adapts to individual skin tone, becoming almost invisible even up close.

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