SMAS lifting using a device with high-intensity ultrasound Ultraformer

What is smas-lifting using the Ultraformer device?

Smas-lifting is a non-surgical, non-traumatic tightening of the skin of the face and body. The procedure involves treating areas with pronounced age-related changes with a special device that activates collagen synthesis. Smas-lifting has a lasting, increasing effect: noticeable results appear within the first month. Ultraformer penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and strengthens the muscular aponeurotic system (“framework”): the density and elasticity of the skin increases, facial features become clearer, and the depth of wrinkles is reduced. The effect lasts for several years.

Smas-lifting, how is the procedure performed?

Smas-lifting gives a good result only if the procedure is carried out with high quality! The manipulation must be carried out by a specially trained specialist, and these are the specialists we work at Epimed!

  • Cleansing the surface of the skin from cosmetics and other contaminants.
  • Marking of impact zones
  • Applying gel for the best glide of the attachment over the surface of the skin. The gel is also used for deeper penetration of ultrasonic waves
  • Exposure of specified areas to ultrasonic waves using an individually selected attachment. The wave depth is also set individually.
  • Application of a special soothing composition upon completion of the procedure. In addition, after completion of the manipulation, the specialist will provide you with a detailed skin care plan!

Principle of operation

During ultrasonic lifting, the superficial muscular aponeurotic system is exposed to focused ultrasound, which heats the soft tissue to 60-70°C. The tightening process affects microthermal points at depths specified by the cosmetologist.

The main feature of Ultraformer ultrasonic lifting is that it works locally. Therefore, a specialist can control the thermocoagulation zone, which allows achieving the maximum lifting effect.

The clinical effect of this procedure manifests itself as:

  • Contraction and compaction of SMAS tissues;
  • Rapid regeneration and repair of epidermal structures;
  • Increasing skin density and elasticity due to increased production of collagen and elastin.

SMAS lifting - full review of the procedure

SMAS is translated as superficial muscular aponeurotic system. These are the layers of the face, which include the wide flat ligament (aponeurosis), muscles, fat packets and ligaments that hold them in place. With age, the ligaments weaken and the face falls down. This drooping of facial tissues is called ptosis.

Previously, impact on the ligaments was only possible through surgery. The surgeon made an incision along the border of the scalp and near the ear, peeled off the tissue, pulled up the aponeurosis and all the tissue with it, and sutured it higher, for example, to the periosteum of the temporal bone. As a result of the operation, the face received the coveted lift for some time.

Several years ago, a high-frequency focused ultrasound (HIFU - haifu technology) technique was developed, which makes it possible to reduce the area of ​​this very aponeurosis, reduce the volume of fat bags and thicken the skin, while the technique works without incisions and without damaging the upper layers of the skin at all.

Hardware SMAS technique

The hardware SMAS technique works as follows: Pulses penetrate the skin to a certain depth, in the case of the face this is 1.5, 2, 3 and 4.5 mm.

This impulse is focused, it acts on a small area of ​​tissue at a given depth, friction of cells in this area occurs, heat is released, cells are damaged.

Many of these points with damage cause a reduction in tissue area and trigger the process of restoration and collagen formation; in adipose tissue, the lipolytic effect is more pronounced. At the level of 4.5 mm, the effect is on ligaments, 3 mm on adipose tissue, 2 and 1.5 mm on skin quality.

What effect will there be from SMAS lifting?

Compaction of SMAS and strengthening of ligaments is a lifting effect . Targeted destruction of adipose tissue - lipolytic , to reduce fat bags. On the skin area - increasing tone, eliminating sagging . The visible effect is that the face becomes more compact, there is less swelling in the eyelid area and sagging of the subeyebrow area, the jowls are reduced in volume, and the cheeks creep less into the nasolabial area. The face looks younger and fresher . In general, the word “compactization” very accurately describes the essence of the procedure.

When this procedure is carried out on the body, it reduces local fat deposits and eliminates sagging skin.

How long does the effect of SMAS lifting last?

This cannot be answered unequivocally, since there is always a question at what age, for what condition of the face, hardware SMAS lifting is performed, as well as how well the problem areas were worked out (number of lines, their distribution, power of influence).

On average, when a patient is under 35 years old, does not have excess tissue in the oval area of ​​the face, and the procedure is carried out to prevent ptosis (tissue drooping) or eliminate swelling, the effect lasts up to 1.5 years.

If work is done on a face with obvious sagging of the tissues and/or after 35 years, then the effect of smas-lifting also lasts 1-1.5 years, but here we must take into account a very important point. In this case, you should not expect an incredible effect from hardware smas-lifting without enhancing it with frame procedures (fillers, thread lifting). When facial tissues already require lifting, smas-lifting is used as part of a correction scheme; it tightens the ligaments of fatty tissue, so that fillers and threads can then fulfill their task 100%.

Sometimes, if a separate problem area requires work, for example, paint bags, the procedure can be carried out twice with an interval of 4-6 months.

This is done in order to obtain a sufficiently complete result, since the required number of lines may be impossible to fit into one procedure, since there is a risk of overheating of the facial tissues and complications. The final result also lasts up to 1.5 years.

Video about the effect of SMAS lifting

When and who should do SMAS lifting?

  • Beginning age-related changes in the cheek-zygomatic area, nasolabial, along the oval of the face. More often this is a deformation and tired type of aging.
  • Swelling (pastiness) of the face, especially in the lower eyelids
  • Flabbiness and weakness of tissue in the area under the chin (double chin area). Even in fairly slender women, this area makes itself felt sooner and later; prevention and tightening the tissue is the best option.
  • Preparation for thread lifting , injection of fillers based on hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite
  • In case of pronounced paint bags, this procedure can be performed from the age of 18.
  • Reduce the cheeks on faces with pronounced subcutaneous fat in this area.
  • Flabbiness of the skin of the neck and décolleté with a pronounced subcutaneous fat layer
  • Fat traps (chin, abdomen) and flabby atonic skin above them

How does the SMAS lifting procedure feel?

The procedure can hardly be called completely painless, and yet it is tolerated by patients calmly. You can feel the heating of the tissues, somewhere warm, somewhere hot, near the bone base it is more sensitive, but usually specialists bypass these particularly delicate areas. The more pronounced the subcutaneous fat layer, the less sensation. If the patient’s pain threshold is low, then it is usually recommended to drink a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with an analgesic effect, for example, Nurofen or Ketanov, an hour before the procedure.

Pain after SMAS lifting

How much the face hurts after massage lifting is of interest to everyone who is planning the procedure. It’s impossible to say unambiguously here, because everything depends on the number of lines performed, the parameters on which the procedure was performed, the patient’s pain threshold and the area of ​​treatment. There are patients who do not feel anything at all after the procedure, but sometimes, on the contrary, they feel their face for up to a month.

On average, there is no pain immediately after the procedure. The face swells a little, there is a feeling of warmth, some people note a feeling of slight numbness and aching at the same time, but this is not pain. In the following days, mild painful sensations may be present during facial expressions and touching the face; patients note that these sensations intensify if the day has been busy and there is general fatigue

The main thing is to understand that this is not the kind of pain for which you have to take painkillers. On average, “reminders” about the past SMAS lifting procedure last 1-2 weeks, rarely 3. Then they disappear and we wait for the increasing effect.

The area of ​​the eyelids, and specifically the paint bags, is a separate topic, because rehabilitation is different from other areas. The pain is mild, but significant swelling of this area is possible for up to 5 days. If persistent redness is present, the doctor will probably prescribe an anti-inflammatory cream topically for a couple of days. To summarize, the most unpleasant sensations during SMAS lifting will be during the procedure.

Rehabilitation as a whole does not cause significant discomfort and does not require any special actions in relation to the treated area - normal home care, limit temperature changes (ice cubes, ice water, bathhouse, sauna, solarium) for two weeks.

If acute pain occurs, this is not normal and you should definitely contact the doctor who performed the procedure.

Why is there no effect from SMAS lifting?

The effectiveness of any procedure depends, firstly, on the selection of patients, and secondly, on the sufficiency of the impact. In the case of smas-lifting, an aging face with pronounced sagging tissue would be a bad choice. In this case, it’s not that there will be no effect, but it will be minimal, because smas-lifting in this case is only the first stage of the work, you don’t need to expect the effect of the operation from it.

The second question is how well the problem areas were worked out; here the effect directly depends on the number of pulses (lines). There are recommended numbers for the lines, and there is the amount that will give a really visible effect. And these numbers may vary. It all depends on the experience and observation of the doctor.

The main thing is to know whether the lack of effect or its insufficiency is often a matter of incorrect selection of patients for the procedure, insufficient number of lines per area, unreasonable promises of the cosmetologist (which happens often) and, as a result, inflated expectations of the patient. If expectations are too high, even a good sufficient result may turn out to be insignificant.

There is also a moment when the effectiveness of the procedure decreases while taking anti-inflammatory drugs during the rehabilitation period (the first 1-2 weeks). The very essence of stimulating tissue restoration through damage (this is typical for lasers, micro-needle RF, SMAS lifting) is that after this negative stimulation of tissues, a full cascade of inflammatory reactions must go through.

It is she who launches all the desired processes - rejuvenation, tissue contraction, lipolysis, collagen production. If it does not exist due to the fact that it was carefully extinguished with anti-inflammatory drugs, then there is no point in waiting for a full effect.

Therefore, if you are simultaneously treating your back, for example, or reducing toothache, then warn your doctor about all these points, this is very significant. Your condition, in principle, may be a contraindication to the procedure, as well as the medications you take.

When can I expect the effect of SMAS lifting?

The effect of this procedure is slowly increasing. The fact that immediately after the procedure there is a feeling of tightness is just post-traumatic edema, you should not focus on it. If during a procedure they lift you up and give you a mirror to compare the treated and untouched sides, just smile, this is intra-procedural marketing or out of ignorance. This swelling will go away in 2-3 days. But tissue restoration after thermal damage and, as a result, stimulation of collagen production will take up to 3-4 months. It is during this period of time that the effect grows. It is better to take before and after photos in the same lighting so that you can evaluate the real effect.

Does hardware SMAS lifting replace surgery?

Definitely not. If the condition of the tissues on the face and neck is such that surgical intervention is indicated, there is no point in wasting time and money on a device. After the operation, the effect can be maintained by the device, this is another question. More often, smas-lifting is work to prevent ptosis, swollen faces, minor tissue subsidence or noticeable ones, but as the first stage of work (later reinforced with laser, threads, fillers).

What areas are not treated with SMAS lifting?

It is not performed on the central area of ​​the forehead, only the tails of the eyebrows can be raised. In fact, this procedure will not replace endoscopic or thread eyebrow lifting, for example. It is not performed on the area where nerves exit; these areas are marked by a cosmetologist before the procedure. Be sure to bypass the area of ​​the thyroid gland.

Is preliminary preparation required before SMAS lifting?

If there is obvious sagging skin and you want to get the maximum effect on skin tightening, then yes. As before any negative stimulation (laser, Rf), it is better to do positive stimulation (biorevitalization, peptides, mesotherapy, plasma therapy). It should be understood that these methods and similar preparation will not affect the result in the deeper layers (aponeurosis, ligaments, adipose tissue). Basically, this is an enhanced effect on the quality of the skin, which we achieve with more superficial sensors (1.5 mm)

What is the rehabilitation after SMAS lifting?

The appearance is practically not affected, unlike other procedures aimed at tissue tightening and lifting. A slightly swollen face, most often only the patient himself sees this. When treating the area of ​​paint bags, swelling may be more pronounced for up to 3-4 days. Redness often goes away right on the day of the procedure, sometimes on sensitive areas of the skin it remains for another couple of days.

It is extremely rare that single bruises may appear, which can be covered with tone even on the day of the procedure. A person does not drop out of public life at all, this is the main advantage of hardware smas-lifting. If the skin is very sensitive and prone to redness, then you can do the procedure the day before the weekend, and in this case, probably none of your friends will understand anything.

It feels like there is no pain after the procedure, but there is a slight ache when touched; it can last from 1 to 3 weeks, gradually fading away. It does not require pain relief, but only slightly reminds you of the procedure.

Contraindications to the SMAS lifting procedure:

  • age up to 18 years
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • metal implants in the treatment area (except for dental ones) and pacemakers (pacemaker)
  • diabetes mellitus and other autoimmune diseases in the stage of decompensation
  • acute conditions (ARVI, fever, internal diseases in the acute stage, pain syndrome)
  • fresh herpetic rashes and skin diseases in the acute stage in the treatment area (including acne), also lupus erythematosus, scleroderma
  • oncology
  • neuropsychiatric disorders, including epilepsy
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • taking anticoagulants (for example, aspirin, Cardiomagnyl)

What should you not do after SMAS lifting?

Baths, saunas, solariums, hot showers are excluded for 2-3 weeks. It is also not recommended to overcool the treated area, that is, no cloth masks from the refrigerator, ice cubes and walks in -20. You can bend over after the procedure; it is not advisable to maintain this position for a long time in the first days after the procedure. There is no ban on alcohol or sports, although I still recommend limiting them for the first three days.

Is it possible to combine SMAS lifting with other procedures in one visit?

Now doctors have such experience, and I have seen several publications on combining SMAS lifting and Radiesse into one procedure, as well as laser treatment. I am of the opinion that the use of actively stimulating procedures simultaneously increases the risk of adverse events, and in my practice I try to space these manipulations out over 3-4 weeks. I think the question of whether or not it can be combined will remain open for a long time, and here the doctor needs to decide on the spot (during communication and after examination) whether he is ready to take on such responsibility.

How to combine SMAS lifting with fillers and Botox?

It is better to do injections after it, an interval of 2-4 weeks. If botulinum toxin and filler have already been injected, and the areas do not overlap, then there are no contraindications, we wait 10-14 days and do a smas-lifting. If the treatment is the same, for example the area of ​​the eyelids or cheeks, then it is better to wait 2 months after the injections and then do a hardware procedure.

How to combine SMAS lifting with other hardware procedures?

It all depends on the type of impact. It is ideal to leave an interval of 4-6 weeks between damaging procedures (SMAS and laser, SMAS and micro-needle radiovon lifting). If photorejuvenation (IPL, BBL) is planned, then in general 2-3 weeks is usually enough. Microcurrents, ultrasonic cleaning, non-injection mesotherapy - 2 weeks.

Is it possible to combine SMAS lifting with operations?

If the operation was performed on the face or neck, you need to clarify this issue with the surgeon. Typically, specialists are aware of modern hardware techniques, and without any problems give such recommendations, taking into account the complexity of the operation and the characteristics of the recovery period for each individual patient. But generally speaking, when the areas of surgery and SMAS lifting do not overlap, there are no fundamental deadlines. We have recovered from surgery and are doing a smas lift. If the area is the same, then in any case there will be no less than 3-4 months, unless otherwise indicated by the surgeon.

What is a line in SMAS lifting?

A line is a series of ultrasonic pulses. It is marked on the working attachment and is usually no more than 3-4 cm. It lasts a second or two. The faster, the easier it feels for patients. It may take 200 lines per area, or up to 1000 on the face and chin as a whole. This is determined by a cosmetologist during a consultation.

How many lines are needed in SMAS lifting

Lines in SMAS lifting are an integral part of the procedure, because the effectiveness of the procedure depends on the quantity. Few lines, weak effect. Here, trying to save money in order to try a little and evaluate the effect on a small scale is not very appropriate.

  • Eyelid area (overhanging eyebrows, paint bags) - 200-350 lines
  • Cheek area and face oval - 400-800 lines
  • Double chin 150-300 lines
  • Full face 600-1000 lines
  • Face + chin 700-1300 lines

There is a variation in the lines because all faces are individual, from basic sizes (large or small faces) to the need for correction of specific areas. The operation scheme and number of lines are discussed in detail during the consultation.

Why is facial marking done during SMAS lifting?

There are dangerous areas on the face for exposure with a deep sensor, for example, the points where nerves exit the skull and the eye area. While sitting, the doctor marks these areas and also draws the treatment zones. It does this because in a lying position the tissues will shift, and you need to do the procedure technically correctly, without harming or overheating the tissues and get the maximum benefit.

Which device is better to use for SMAS lifting?

Ulthera device

The pioneers and creators of the technique are the manufacturers of the Ulthera device. This is the very first device, it is original and, to some extent, unique in its own way. A few years later, devices copying this technique began to appear. Those that are registered in the Russian Federation are also effective and safe.

Ultraformer device

One of them is Ultraformer. There is a difference between them, this applies to both the attachments and the tissue visualization system during the procedure. This is important for the doctor. In general, we can say that the patient will not see any difference in the effect if the procedure is performed correctly, because the technology is the same, the depth of impact is the same.

Brands of devices for SMAS lifting

Advantages and disadvantages

I work on the second option and my patients are happy with the result. The advantages over Altera are that the procedure is faster, less painful (due to the speed at which the device produces impulses), and is 2-2.5 times cheaper. The last point is important, since the bill runs into tens of thousands of rubles. I in no way belittle Altera’s advantages, she is special in her own way and some patients and doctors choose her no matter what, that’s a fact.

The only negative I want to note is the number of Altera fakes. Since this is an original device, that is, the first for which this technique was patented, it has a colossal number of Chinese followers who completely copy the design and interface of the original, without a twinge of conscience, they import these counterfeits into our country through gray means and sell them 5 times cheaper.

There are even clinics who want to buy these devices. Some want to save on multimillion-dollar equipment and believe that there is no difference, others think simply out of stupidity and trust. But the point is the same: when you come to Altera there is always a chance to run into a fake device. Not even all doctors can tell the difference.

I haven’t seen any counterfeits of the Ultraformer, or they’re simply not being thrown onto the Russian market in such large numbers. It’s like with No-shpa and drotaverine, Unidox and doxycycline. Few people counterfeit a cheaper copy (drotaverine hydrochloride); everyone strives to make money by counterfeiting the original drug (no-shpa).

It is also worth considering the fact that in many offices in our country there are devices that are not labeled under any brand, but they are nevertheless found and used illegally, they have not passed all stages of quality control, and as a result do not have a registration certificate. The effectiveness of such devices is a separate issue, as is safety. Their procedures cost pennies. The option “whole face for 10 thousand,” for example, should at least arouse suspicion.

The smas-lifting procedure is unique in its concept and mechanism. Its main secret is to wait for the real effect, listen and hear your doctor when he pronounces the nuances of SMAS lifting, and do not try to replace threads and fillers with this procedure, and especially surgery. With a competent approach, a combination of techniques will give an excellent result, and SMAS lifting will definitely not be left behind.

Advantages of smas-lifting using the Ultraformer device

  • Efficiency meets affordability. The cost of the procedure is lower than with hardware analogues due to cooperation with direct suppliers of equipment and consumables.
  • No recovery period. There is no need to drop out of society or change your usual activities. The procedure is non-traumatic and does not require recovery.
  • Prolonged results up to several years. If you follow the recommendations and use cosmetic care products, the effect after the procedure lasts up to 3 years.
  • No need to repeat the procedure. One session is enough to improve the quality of the skin, during which cellular regeneration processes are activated.
  • Without pain and discomfort. The procedure is carried out using an anesthetic gel, which relieves possible discomfort during the session.

Hardware SMAS face lifting: terms and technologies

Ultrasonic facelift is a relatively new direction in cosmetology. Patients who are serious about their health strive to learn more about the procedure and understand its intricacies. Our experts are ready to explain the main points.

What does the line mean in ultrasound lifting?

In professional language, a line is a series of ultrasound pulses. It is marked on the working attachment of the device with a line of up to 4 cm. This corresponds to an ultrasound effect on tissue lasting 1-2 seconds. The shorter the line, the less discomfort it causes the patient.

How many lines are required for the procedure?

The number of series of ultrasound pulses for each patient is determined individually by the doctor. The size of the face, the characteristics of its individual areas and the desired effect are taken into account.

Table 3. Approximate number of lines for different facial zones

Facial zoneNumber of lines
Eyelid area (brow ridges)200-350
Oval face and cheek area400-800
Double chin area150-300
Full face600-1000
Face and chin700-1300

An experienced doctor does not save lines: if there are not enough of them, it will not be possible to achieve a result. The number of series of impulses that will need to be done, as well as the general scheme of the procedure, are previously discussed at the consultation.

Why do you need face markings?

First of all, for the safety of the patient. The specialist notes areas where deep ultrasound exposure cannot be used: around the eyes, the thyroid gland area, and places where nerves exit. At the same time, the areas to be processed are drawn.

The marking is applied in a sitting position. When the patient lies down, the tissues will be displaced. Therefore, it is important to follow the pre-made contours so as not to cause harm and get the desired effect.


Devices for ultrasonic SMAS-lifting

High-quality, safe equipment is a prerequisite for successful rejuvenation procedures. Leading aesthetic medicine centers, as a rule, are equipped with original American or South Korean equipment. This increases the cost of the SMAS lifting procedure, but gives excellent results.

Advanced technology has characteristics that are important for both the doctor and the patient:

  • High impact accuracy. The beam is directed to strictly defined points without damaging surrounding areas.
  • Higher speed of impulse delivery. Due to this, the ultrasonic treatment process is less painful.
  • Possibility of exposure at different depths. An extensive set of attachments allows you to create an individual lifting scheme and carry it out precisely.

The equipment used in the Lifting Room network of specialized studios has all of the above advantages. We perform ultrasonic SMAS facial lifting using a device that is not available in any other medical company in Russia. Cosmetologists from the USA, Europe, and South Korea work on such installations.

The originality and quality of our equipment is confirmed by the necessary certificates, including the FDA. The documents were issued after tests, during which the high efficiency and safety of the procedures carried out on the equipment were certified.

Who carries out ultrasound lifting: the experience of professionals

Lifting Room is the first and only network of specialized studios in Russia that deals exclusively with ultrasonic SMAS lifting of the face and body. Narrow specialization allows us to closely monitor innovative technologies and study them thoroughly before introducing them into work.

We attract the best professionals to our studios who are fluent in hardware techniques. Our employees have a medical education with a specialization in cosmetology. Everyone was trained in SMAS lifting.

Why Ultraformer is more popular than Alter

The Altera device is a pioneer among devices for non-surgical smas-lifting. Before its development, lifting was performed only surgically. Today there are many analogues on the market, among which the Ultraformer device has similar characteristics to Altera, while allowing the procedure to be offered at an affordable cost. Among the advantages are targeted effects on individual areas, which eliminates the risk of damage to blood vessels. The effectiveness of the Ultraformer device remains high, which is confirmed by the large number of positive reviews from clients after smas-lifting.


HIFU technology is a hardware tightening at the SMAS level: an effect on special muscles woven into the skin, which actually create the skin frame. The impact occurs using ultrasonic pulses. The ultraformer, unlike its analogues, is the most painless option. After the procedure, you will not be bothered by swelling, crusts, burning, or peeling of the skin. The Renew clinic employs doctors with extensive experience. We will select an individual program and make your dreams come true. The Ultraformer provides absolutely comfortable procedures thanks to a unique sensor developed by Classys/ Many patients say that the procedure on the Ultraformer, compared to other hardware SMAS lifting techniques, is almost painless


Ultrasonic lifting is indicated for patients if they have the following aesthetic defects:

  • Pronounced expression wrinkles on the face, as well as on the neck and décolleté;
  • Signs of involutive aging, in particular, ptotic areas: ptosis of the cheeks, jowls, double chin;
  • Hernial bags under the eyes;
  • Skin that has lost its elasticity;
  • Flabby, overstretched skin;
  • Asymmetrical contour of the face or body.

How MMFU attachments work

The high efficiency of SMAS lifting using the Ultrafrer 3 device is due to the ability to work with each zone individually, using 5 attachments, the operating principle of which is the influence of microfocused ultrasound:

  • MF2 - has pinpoint focusing, which allows you to work even on small areas and sensitive skin in the eye and mouth area. Also perfect for correcting wrinkles in the forehead area.
  • L4 - 4.5 mm cartridge is used when a pronounced face lift is needed. Used to eliminate ptosis and eliminate wrinkles in the cheek area and the entire lower third of the face.
  • L7 (1.5 mm) - allows you to work on small areas and is used for lifting in the area between the eyebrows, the temporal area and for lifting and correcting the cheekbone area.
  • L7 (3mm) - used when it is necessary to significantly reduce volume - when correcting the oval of the face. The attachment is also used to work on the neck area to eliminate sagging skin.
  • M6 - this attachment is aimed at eliminating fat deposits and has a lipolytic effect. Used to eliminate double chin and jowls.


Ultrasonic SMAS lifting Ultraformer III is a non-invasive facial correction technique that allows you to tighten tissue without surgery. Despite the relative safety, an ultrasound correction session is not possible if there are contraindications:

  • Severe acne;
  • Presence of fillers, implants or stents;
  • Herpetic disease, which is in the acute stage;
  • Diabetes mellitus in decompensated form;
  • Oncology;
  • The presence of mechanical damage to the epidermis, bruises in the area of ​​the procedure;
  • Dental implants, if they were implanted less than 1 year ago;
  • Mental disorders, including a history of schizophrenia and epilepsy;
  • Age under 18 years;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Recommendations after the procedure

Redness of the tissues after the procedure is normal. Hyperemia will go away on its own within 30-60 minutes. Lifting may be accompanied by slight tissue swelling, which will subside completely within 5 days.

To achieve maximum results and minimize the risks of complications, it is advisable to:

  • Refuse to visit the swimming pool, bathhouse and sauna;
  • Avoid tanning in the sun or solarium;
  • Reduce physical activity and refrain from playing sports;
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages and stop smoking, which contribute to water retention in the body. As a result, tissue swelling may increase.
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