Plastic surgery to correct body contours after bariatric surgery

Slimness and elastic skin are in fashion.

Ideally, the skin would be like that of a child.

But this is contrary to nature. Look, for example, at actresses - until the 80s, even for them it was the norm to have the usual, like everyone else, uneven body in the hips and buttocks area. In the paintings of great masters, the female body, all pits and bumps, is presented to us as the pinnacle of beauty. It was natural, spicy, and it turned men on.

Now the emphasis has shifted.

Now the concept of “beautiful figure” implies fit, healthy appearance and a slender body. But the fashion requirement for skin condition has not changed for several decades. The ideal is smooth skin, without cellulite, no matter what age a woman is.

Who does body shaping?

This service is offered by fitness rooms and clinics, beauty salons and cosmetology companies, which quickly introduced a fashionable “anti-cellulite line” into their product range.

Let us outline the circle of those who undertake to solve this problem:

  1. Nutritionists
  2. Cosmetologists
  3. Sports instructors
  4. Surgeons
  5. Psychotherapists
  6. Armoplasty masters
  7. Massage therapists

Let’s say right away that nutritionists, psychotherapists, sports instructors, massage therapists and cosmetologists work only with “calorie” fat, which is formed as a result of our eating behavior and sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, it is more correct to say that they are not engaged in figure correction, but in weight loss. For this purpose, you can use their services, but they will not be able to make your figure “even” if its proportions are disturbed by deposits of hormonal fat. It will be wasted money and time.

Why are other methods needed for correction?

Deposits in the “female” areas are hormonal fat, which, due to its characteristics, cannot be removed by diets, exercise, or cosmetics. There is weight loss, but there is no ideal figure. In the end, even bewilderment arises as to why it is so difficult to achieve figure correction.

Yes, it is difficult, because the actions of conventional weight loss are aimed at the wrong reason, which violates the proportions of the body. At the cost of enormous effort, women only get rid of “calorie”, “liquid” fat, but not hormonal fat. In addition, regular fat returns easily. All you have to do is relax your diet or exercise. And again experiences and stress.

Many women spend their nerves in this unequal struggle for years and do not know that there is another way. To have a slim figure, you need to fight primarily not with “calorie” fat, but with hormonal fat. Formed as a result of a woman’s maturation in the period from 14 to 22 years, it remains forever, like her natural constitution. It is denser than the “calorie” one, over time it grows into fibrous tissue, cords and does not participate in the metabolic processes of the body. This means that the body cannot remove it on its own. We need to intervene and get rid of it in radical ways.

Plastic surgery to correct body contours after bariatric surgery

The vast majority of people are to some extent dissatisfied with their body (both its individual parts and the entire figure). Fortunately, modern cosmetology offers a large number of methods to eliminate a variety of problems.

Figure correction methods

The simplest ways to change the contours of the body are various massages (including lymphatic drainage ), body wraps, ozone therapy and much more. Unfortunately, these methods often give their results in cases where the patient requires a small amount of changes. In more serious cases, the best solution would be hardware body correction , which is much more effective.

The main task of all hardware techniques is to remove subcutaneous fat, tighten and smooth the skin, improve the appearance of the body and increase its attractiveness .


One of the methods of combating disproportionate obesity (limited accumulations of fat in the neck, hips, knees, side and front surface of the abdominal wall) is liposuction . This procedure involves the destruction of fat cells by mechanical action or using ultrasound or laser.

During mechanical liposuction, long hollow tubes are inserted into the area to be corrected through microscopic incisions, with the help of which the surgeon evenly destroys the fatty tissue. The resulting emulsion is removed using vacuum suction.

Body correction using this method is quite labor-intensive and can lead to the development of postoperative complications, so this procedure is rarely used when working with large areas. At the same time, mechanical liposuction is indispensable in the fight against thin fat layer , so when correcting the face or small areas of the abdomen (for example, in the navel area), it is simply irreplaceable.

Body weight correction using ultrasonic liposuction is more reliable and comfortable for the patient. In this case, when exposed to ultrasonic waves, bubbles form in the adipocytes, which leads to the destruction of subcutaneous fat. The resulting emulsion is removed through thin titanium cannulas. This effect allows you to fight large fat deposits and reduces the likelihood of developing postoperative complications .

Laser body correction

Liposuction using a laser is a popular minimally invasive technique in which, after exposure, fats begin to break down into simple compounds - water, triglycerides and fatty acids. The resulting products enter the tissues through the lymph, where they become a source of energy.

Laser liposuction has a number of advantages:

  • painlessness;
  • low-injury;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • lifting effect (after the procedure the skin does not sag).


Unfortunately, in cases of severe obesity, liposuction does not produce noticeable results, therefore, when modeling the figure of obese patients, dermatolipectomy (removal of subcutaneous fat and the area of ​​skin above it).

Types of dermatolipectomy:

  • abdominoplasty (removal of excess skin and fat folds in the abdominal area);
  • torsoplasty (removal of excess fat and skin on the torso);
  • brachioplasty (removal of excess fat and skin on the arms);
  • gluteoplasty (buttock correction);
  • removal of skin and fat folds from the thighs and legs.


Abdominoplasty is a method of body contouring that allows you to combat stretching of the abdominal muscle tissue. During this operation, excess skin is eliminated, muscles are restored to normal condition, and excess fatty tissue and stretch marks are removed. After the intervention, no skin folds remain - only a scar in the lower abdomen.

Types of abdominoplasty:

  • endoscopic (popular among young people with weakened abdominal muscles who do not need skin tightening);
  • mini-abdominoplasty (allows for minor aesthetic correction and removal of some fat folds and skin);
  • apronectomy (thanks to an additional vertical incision, it allows you to remove fat deposits, excess skin and tighten the abdominal muscles);
  • abdominotorsorrhaphy (a fairly extensive operation that helps fight fat deposits in the abdomen, back and thighs).

Torsoplasty (circular body lift)

Torsoplasty is a body correction method that allows you to tighten large areas of skin and subcutaneous fat. This technique is most often used to combat the consequences of dramatic weight loss (from 20 to 100 kg over a very short period). Such a sudden loss of body weight leads to the formation of numerous skin folds on the back, abdomen, thighs, sides and buttocks. This problem is not only aesthetic in nature - it can lead to the development of dermatitis, eczema, phlegmon and other infectious and inflammatory skin diseases.

An inherent consequence of torsoplasty is the formation of distinct red scars, which are very noticeable for several months after the operation. Over time, the scars fade and become much less visible.

Buttock correction

Indications for gluteoplasty are often the following cases:

  • congenital structural features of the body (small or flat buttocks);
  • sagging skin after sudden weight loss;
  • age-related changes (deterioration of tissue elasticity, drooping buttocks, sagging skin).

The most popular methods for solving the described problems are filament lifting (tightening with special threads), endoprosthetics and lipofilling. The latter procedure allows you to solve two problems at once: remove excess fat from a certain area and use it to correct the shape of the buttocks.

All operations are not long and often do not lead to complications.

Make an appointment with a plastic surgeon

To clarify the details of the operation, consult a qualified specialist in the field of plastic surgery at the Semeynaya clinic.

Single contact center

weekdays 8-21, weekends 9-21

Plastic surgery at Semeynaya is effective, super modern technologies and techniques.

You can find out the price and which surgeons perform this operation using the link below.

Laser surgery


How to remove hormonal fat

There are only 2 methods that actually affect hard hormonal deposits - liposuction and armoplasty.

Liposuction is considered the most progressive. Glossy magazines have prepared society to perceive this method of correction as attractive and prestigious (all stars do this).

And people go to surgeons, confident that if he can sharpen the line of the nose, then he can also sharpen the line of the hips. The analogy is completely wrong. But most often we do not give ourselves the trouble to at least get acquainted with the consequences of liposuction. When, for example, instead of the removed “breeches,” long scars and bumps are obtained on the hips. And this is irreversible - neither time, nor massage, nor creams, nor even repeated surgery have an effect on them.

Surgeons wash their hands - “The volumes have been removed, I’m not responsible for the rest.” But the volumes, alas, come back in 70% of cases.

No one in the CIS has conducted official research on the consequences of liposuction. There are only results from US researchers published in open sources, according to which the consequences can be very serious: necrosis (death) of tissue, hyperesthesia of the operated site (increased sensitivity), severe swelling (“elephantiasis”), pigmentation of previously clean skin, chronic pain, hematomas and inflammation.

Armoplasty is still a little-known method of body correction in Russia, and it was born precisely as a result of the search for an equally effective, but less dangerous and traumatic way to remove hormonal fat. Let's compare the effectiveness and consequences of these methods.

Comprehensive diagnostics in body cosmetology

The initial stage of all comprehensive transformation programs at GMTClinic is a detailed diagnosis. Analysis of your health status helps you create an individual program to quickly and comfortably achieve all your goals, while eliminating all possible contraindications. Accurate diagnostics guarantees high efficiency and safety of any hardware and injection methods of figure modeling

In addition to hardware and laboratory diagnostics at the Clinic, you can receive individual advice from experienced, highly qualified specialists in various fields of clinical and aesthetic medicine, from dermatology to phlebology.

Armoplasty and liposuction – which is better?

PlanningThe tissue that is planned to be removed is studied (volume, depth, width, configuration), so the result can be planned in advance. After several procedures, you can already see how much fat has gone, so the person decides for himself whether to continue or not. He can cancel sessions if he is already satisfied with the result. It is never known in advance how the operation will go: due to large blood loss, too dense tissue and many other reasons, the original plan may fail. The expected effect will not be achieved.
AccuracyJewelry precision, because the impact is done manually, the master doses the force of his fingers and hands to get the desired effect.Liposuction is a rough operation in itself, because it is done “blindly”.
Result controlIt is possible to interrupt or intensify the process at any stage in order to choose the best option for smoothing body proportions.During liposuction, the fat is sucked out not as much as necessary, but until it is all gone. Even if a hole may subsequently form in this place.
SymmetryAsymmetry is excluded, since the master makes sure that the impact is proportional and monitors the result. Visual inspection is supported by “Before” and “After” photographs. Asymmetry is the most common result of liposuction. The halves of the buttocks are different, the thickness of the legs and other parts of the body are different.
LeatherRemoving volumes causes the process of improving the surface of the skin. After armoplasty it becomes even and smooth. That is, you get a strong anti-cellulite effect. The skin sags after surgery, so a special course of tightening and restoration is needed. Plus, new problems may appear: dents and bulges that cannot be corrected.
Fat redistributionThe formation of hormonal fat occurs before the age of 22. Armoplasty removes these local formations, removing them from the body irrevocably. Hormonal fat cannot “flow” to another place or form again after 22 years. Removing all the fat cells in one place leads to the fact that the formation of fat in other places is stimulated. The figure again becomes disproportionate.
Aesthetics of the treatment siteArmoplasty is carried out by the hands of a master, without tools or chemicals.Noticeable cannula punctures and scars, drainage tubes. Stitches at the surgical site are removed after 10 days.
AnesthesiaIt is carried out only in exceptional cases - with a very low pain threshold. Analgin tablet is taken to feel comfortable. Necessarily with anesthesia from local injection to general anesthesia, depending on the area of ​​​​the operation.
Activities during the recovery periodAfter completing the procedures, we simply wait a month for the process of disintegration of hormonal deposits to complete and their removal from the body naturally. No ointments, no tablets, or any additional means are required. Moreover, the body receives a positive effect from the procedures: l metabolism improves; l lymphatic drainage occurs; l toxins are removed from the body. Wearing compression garments and bandages for a month, taking antibiotics to avoid inflammation, avoiding strenuous work for a month, reducing pain at the incision site, caring for the surgical suture and swollen tissues.


Both methods are equally effective because they interfere with hormonal deposits and remove them. But this is where their common features end. Next, differences begin that clearly show that liposuction causes harm to the body with its consequences, and armoplasty only brings benefits:

  1. During liposuction, the surgeon uses a traumatic instrument; armoplasty occurs without the use of instruments or chemicals.
  2. Liposuction is a rough method with an unpredictable result; armoplasty removes exactly as much excess as the client needs.
  3. Liposuction gives serious complications, the result is unpredictable, with armoplasty the process is under control, there are no traumatic consequences. On the contrary, it is accompanied by positive side effects: cellulite goes away and the body becomes healthier.
  4. Armoplasty also benefits in terms of comfort: you do not need to give up your usual lifestyle, take medications and go to dressings. There are no restrictions on lifestyle during armoplasty procedures.

Causes of figure problems

  • Poor nutrition: love of snacking, consumption of fatty and starchy foods, eating large portions of food.
  • Stress: many people are used to eating away at their problems.
  • Hormonal disorders: slow metabolism, thyroid dysfunction.
  • Disorders of the digestive and excretory system, diabetes.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Sleep disorders: adequate sleep allows a person to recover. In case of insomnia or other pathologies, the body seeks to obtain the necessary energy from food.
  • Heredity.
  • Taking certain medications.

Why armoplasty is not a massage

These two procedures seem very similar, but this is only an external similarity; in fact, armoplasty is a completely different technology for working with the body.

Manual method of influenceLocally only to the area of ​​fat that is to be disposed of. Both the depth and area of ​​influence are dosed, other tissues are not affected. The master’s goal is to induce a controlled process in tissues in a strictly defined area of ​​the body. The massage therapist works on a large area of ​​the body (the whole back, the whole leg, etc.), thus trying to “get” to the desired place through warming up the body. This technique is ineffective for hormonal fat - it is precisely this that a strong impact should be directed.
Impact resultControlled inflammation manifests as erythema and edema. This means that adipose tissue has undergone changes and the body has begun to get rid of it. Even the most powerful massage methods do not have the right to “traces”. Their absence just indicates that hormonal fat remained intact.
PrioritiesInfluence hormonal fat that needs to be removed from the body naturally.Influence the muscular, circulatory and lymphatic systems for the purpose of overall health.
EfficiencyA self-sufficient method that solves the problem of getting rid of hormonal fat from start to finish.Massage cannot have a radical effect on anything; it is always an addition to the main treatment. It can be completely replaced with something else (mud therapy, physiotherapy, etc.)


Armoplasty and massage differ in essence:

  • massage is not suitable for working on hormonal fat; a more effective method is needed - armoplasty;
  • armoplasty and massage differ in the technology of influence;
  • They even have different goals, and therefore the result too.

Does this mean that armoplasty is an ideal way to correct the figure, without any side effects?

Of course not. Let us illustrate this with two stories from our patients.

Kira's story

Meet me

Kira, 38 years old, height 168 cm, weight 61 kg, contacted us about wide hips (“breeches”). Before contacting Armoplasty, I was engaged in fitness, tried to eat rationally, brought my weight back to normal, but the problems with my hips remained.

Problem and solution

During the initial consultation, areas of hormonal deposits on the outer side of the thighs were revealed, very dense. Let’s say right away that we had to remove the excess layer by layer; in total, we did 6 hours on each side for the riding breeches area.


The weight is the same, but due to body correction, the upper body, which previously looked emaciated, has acquired harmonious shape. The hip volume decreased by 6 cm in circumference. By the way: the swelling of the legs, which tormented Kira at the end of the day, disappeared. The gait became light and beautiful.

Kira is very pleased with the result.

She later even came with flowers as a sign of gratitude. She was especially impressed that she didn’t have to limit herself in anything to achieve the result. This was important to her. She admitted that she did not have such an elegant figure even in her youth.

Side effects that Kira indicated in the questionnaire:

  • Pain during zone treatment. Kira turned out to have a low pain threshold, so the first 15 minutes of the procedure, which for most are simply unpleasant, caused significant pain in her. To relieve symptoms, I took 1 tablet of analgin before the session.
  • The erythema at the treatment site was dark red in color and hurt when pressed. But since it is impossible to relieve controlled inflammation with anti-inflammatory drugs, so that the effect of armoplasty does not disappear, Kira had to endure the inconvenience for several days and sleep on the other side. But she was in an excellent mood, as the result exceeded expectations.

Effects after the procedure using the BODY FX attachment

The first changes in the figure can be noticed after 10-14 days, a pronounced effect – after 2-3 weeks:

  • skin that was previously flabby regains firmness and elasticity;
  • cellulite and local fat deposits are eliminated;
  • If you complete the full course of procedures, your body volume will decrease by 3-5 centimeters.

A tangible effect is achieved due to the nozzle, which has no analogues yet. Thanks to a wide range of radiofrequency power (10-50 W) and high-power pulse (HVP) of 2000 volts, the procedure not only provides body transformation (on average 3-5 cm in volume), but also tightens the skin at the same time. Moreover, the effect is achieved in a short period of time.

That is, to put it simply, when using the BODY FX attachment, fat is simultaneously destroyed, and the skin becomes denser and more elastic, while when using other technologies, either one or the other is achieved.

Anya's story

Meet me

Anya: 24 years old, height 175 cm, weight 71 kg. There were complaints about the strongly pronounced “breeches”, which, even with such a fairly tall stature, shortened the length of the legs. Anya formed such a figure at the age of 16, Anya did not make any attempts to change her, she believed that it was useless.

How the problem was solved

It took 6 hours on each side for the “breeches” area. Anya was very impressed that the results became visible after the second session. Seeing that her dream was finally coming true, Anya was so inspired that she began to take care of herself. Watch your diet, sign up for training at the gym.

We were glad that Anya received such a positive attitude from us. Although no additional effort is needed for the results of armoplasty, we welcome everything that helps the health and beautiful shape of the body.


Weight 70 kg. The total weight remained practically the same, but the hip circumference in the photo decreased by 5 cm. The absence of riding breeches visually lengthened the legs. Anya was very pleased with the condition of her skin; after removing the volume, cellulite completely disappeared.

Side effects:

  • The first few days after the procedure it was painful to lie on that side. Tight jeans also caused pain. The symptoms lasted 4 days.
  • After the first session, the temperature rose to 38 degrees, accompanied by malaise, dizziness, and nausea. It all went away within a day.

Obvious advantages of the procedure

  • Cheaper and more painless than liposuction
  • Absolutely safe procedure
  • Does not require anesthesia
  • Visible results after a course of procedures
  • Can be used at any age, with any skin type

To achieve maximum results in improving your figure and skin, you will need to undergo a course of procedures. Basically it ranges from 4 to 6 sessions. After consultation, the doctor will suggest a treatment regimen that is suitable for you.

At the same time, age-related changes cannot be stopped, no matter what modern device/method is used. To ensure that you are happy with the results of your body correction, lead an active lifestyle and adhere to proper nutrition. Our experts will give useful advice on these issues.

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