Plastic surgery after massive weight loss

Consultation with plastic surgeons with over 20 years of experience – free! Sign up by phone. Waiting for you! Body lifting (torsoplasty, circular body lift, extended abdominoplasty, body correction after massive weight loss) is a comprehensive body lift, or operation that combines tummy tuck, lifting of the hips, buttocks, including the lower back, and often a breast lift. The operation allows you to improve the aesthetic appearance of the body and shape your figure by removing excess skin and fatty tissue.

Torsoplasty is most often performed after the patient has seriously lost weight by 40 kilograms or more in a relatively short period of time. The ratio of the weight lost and the period of normal, physiological contraction of the skin do not coincide, so significant excesses of skin and subcutaneous fat are formed. Excess tissue not only does not look aesthetically pleasing, but also disturbs the patient. Infection, diaper rash, and in particularly “advanced” cases, even ulcers and erosions may appear in the folds. Therefore, skin tightening after weight loss is a fairly common and somewhat necessary operation. Body lifting is also successfully used in the postpartum period to quickly restore shape; it is often indicated for age-related changes in the figure.

Body lift surgery is performed only:

  • At a stable weight for at least 3 months (or better yet, six months or even a year),
  • As long as you do exercise after losing weight,
  • Following a diet
  • Good health (determined during preoperative examination).

Technique for performing torsoplasty surgery:

The duration of the operation is from 3 to 4 hours, depending on which areas of the patient require correction. Typically the operation is performed in three stages. During the first and second stages, excess tissue from the back, lumbar area, buttocks, and thighs is removed and redistributed. The third and final stage is tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). The operation is sometimes combined with liposuction of individual areas, if the relief of adipose tissue is uneven, and also, if necessary, with mastopexy - breast lift. The scar usually runs in a circle from the lower back to the lower abdomen (bikini line). If the inner thighs were lifted, scars may remain in the groin. The formation of scars is inevitable, however, after six months or a year they fade significantly. This operation is one of the most difficult in body contouring operations and requires coordinated work of the entire operating team. Torsoplasty is performed using general anesthesia, and therefore requires a thorough analysis of the patient’s health condition.

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)

The services of plastic surgeons are intended not only for women, but also for the stronger sex. The problems are often the same, and they can be solved in just a few hours spent on the operating table. Abdominoplasty is no exception. It allows you to get rid of fat folds, remove excess skin and fat tissue and gain an ideal shape.

The effectiveness of abdominoplasty

Many patients wonder how effective abdominoplasty is and how long the results of the operation last. Surgeons assure that with the right lifestyle it will last for many years. If you add regular exercise and a healthy diet, you can forever forget about the hated fat folds and sagging skin. As a result of the intervention, you will get a flat, beautiful and elastic stomach, which you are not ashamed to show off in open clothes. Should you decide to have surgery? The choice is always yours. The benefits of an ideal figure cannot be underestimated - people with an attractive body are more successful, self-confident and popular with the opposite sex. In addition, removing a heavy “apron” relieves a person of problems with the heart and joints, gives lightness and good health

Rehabilitation after abdominoplasty

As a result of the operation, a fairly large wound surface is formed. This requires drainage of the space between the muscles and the detached skin-fat flap, as well as the use of an elastic compression mode. The wound drainage period is usually 3-5 days, but it can be extended if necessary.

The requirements for the quality of compression garments (belts or jumpsuits) are quite high - you shouldn’t skimp on them. A multi-band postoperative bandage fits better and reliably prevents the formation of lymphatic lakes or postoperative seromas. The duration of use of a compression bandage is determined by the volume of surgical intervention performed and the thickness of the patient’s subcutaneous fat tissue. Typically, the elastic compression regimen lasts one month. The surgeon removes some of the sutures 10-12 days after the operation, the main sutures are removed on the 15-16th day. After this, application of silicone and paper patches is recommended. They can improve the quality and texture of postoperative scars and make them invisible.

For the next 2 weeks after surgery, physical activity is excluded, and hot baths should also be avoided for 2-3 months. During the rehabilitation period, there may be a decrease in sensitivity at the incision sites. After several months (up to 6-8) it returns completely. The postoperative suture gradually becomes pale and thin, and after 6-12 months you will no longer notice it at all.

Why should abdominoplasty be done at the Abrielle Clinic?

You should trust your health and appearance only to the best doctors - this is the only way you can protect yourself from possible risks and negative consequences. The Abrielle Clinic is deservedly recognized as one of the best in Russia for performing abdominoplasty. We continuously introduce new technologies and use the most modern techniques to ensure that every patient is 100% satisfied with the result. Our surgeons strictly comply with all standards, provide an individual approach and competently assess all risks. We employ only qualified specialists with many years of experience in performing abdominoplasty. They are able to turn insecure patients with external defects into healthy and attractive people who know their worth. The legendary Michelangelo was once asked how he managed to create such masterpieces. His answer was striking in its simplicity: “Very simple. I take a stone and cut off everything unnecessary!” Our best plastic surgeons do the same thing - eliminate flaws, emphasizing advantages. Contact the Abrielle Clinic and we will help you achieve your ideal.

Recovery period after body lift:

After the operation, the patient spends about a week in the clinic. At first, painkillers are prescribed in the form of injections or tablets to relieve pain. Wearing special supportive compression garments for about one and a half months. For 1.5-2 months, physical activity and heavy lifting should be limited; tension in the areas that have been corrected is not recommended. Sports activities are strongly not recommended until the wounds have completely healed; visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool, or sauna should also be avoided. Easy, short walks are recommended. Patients can usually return to work and their usual rhythm of life after 2 months with a gradual increase in loads and dynamic monitoring by a doctor. To prevent possible complications, strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations is necessary.

How did I decide to have the operation?

My tummy tuck and breast lift surgery

Just a year ago I looked at my reflection in the mirror with tears in my eyes. The naturally flawless figure disappeared after 2 births and turned into a pitiful sight. Before the babies appeared, I could boast of gorgeous size 4 breasts and appetizing shapes. Of course, there were extra pounds, but it looked harmonious and appetizing.

At the age of 32 I had my first birth, a year later I gave birth to another baby. During pregnancy, in both the first and second cases, I gained a huge amount of extra pounds, which I struggled with for a very long time after giving birth. I managed to lose 35 kg, thanks to which my figure changed, but only when I was wearing clothes. Visiting the pool and beach was out of the question. In the summer I had to hide the chest and stomach area as carefully as possible, so I used bag-shaped dresses and sundresses.

In a word, I was in a terrible depressive state. Still: the breasts sagged a lot (during feeding they were about size 7, after which they “deflated”). It was hard to even call it breasts. The abdominal area looked no better: saggy skin covered with a huge number of stretch marks.

Naturally, I struggled with this problem using many techniques. Training in the gym, attending dance clubs, and numerous cosmetic products could not give the desired results, but in hope I tried everything.

After all the torment and attempts, I stopped engaging in self-deception and decided that I needed to return to a full life and enjoy it, and not exist. I wanted to fall in love with my body again, not be ashamed of it. As soon as I came to terms with the idea that I needed abdominoplasty and mammoplasty, I decided to take this issue seriously.

Stage of choosing a plastic surgeon

I’ll say right away: I don’t have any medical acquaintances, nor, in fact, any close friends who could make up the top surgeons for mastopexy, since none of them performed such operations.

I decided to rely on reviews on the Internet, after which, based on this, I selected the most interesting candidates, and made an appointment with each of them. I decided to trust my intuition and ability to analyze what I saw and heard.

Since complex operations awaited me - tummy tuck and mastopexy, the best surgeons were selected especially carefully. It took three days, and I chose a person who radiated complete self-confidence and was able to describe the course of the operation and its features in as much detail as possible, talk about the risks and the recovery period.

Irina Valerievna entered the top mastopexy surgeons in Moscow and Russia, and the reviews were extremely good and I decided to entrust my body to her.

A few words about how the consultation went

Before going to the consultation, I carefully studied the cost of the upcoming procedures. The operation of abdominoplasty and mammoplasty is not cheap, but during communication with the surgeon, he described the cost as quite reasonable, not inflated. He also said what tests need to be taken urgently and what examinations to undergo. Some of these procedures also cost a lot of money, but when it comes to female beauty and a good daily mood, you don’t pay attention to the amount.

During the consultation, he told me what to do the day before the operation, introduced me to the anesthesiologist, who also asked several questions, said that there would be an assistant, and that was the end of the conversation.

All examinations and test results were completed and received within one week. At that time, I was in a state of panic; I was very afraid, not so much of the operation itself, but of the final result and the first days after the procedure. Very often, surgeons make mistakes during breast lifts, and this is no secret, so my fear increased with every minute I was alone.

During the consultation, my surgeon suggested doing two surgeries separately. But this option didn’t suit me, I wanted the whole nightmare to end as quickly as possible, and I couldn’t leave the children for a whole week. It was necessary to do it within a few days. As a result, we agreed. Surely, when an operation to restore the beauty of the abdomen and a breast lift are performed, surgeons always offer to separate these procedures, but I had a special case, and they met me halfway.

Abdominoplasty and breast lift cost of these operations in Moscow

While I was studying information about these procedures, I came across offers with incredible price ranges. For example, mastopexy prices in Moscow range from 128 thousand rubles and above. As for tummy tuck, this procedure can cost from 90 thousand rubles to 150 thousand, and in some cases more. It all depends on the clinic, the level of the specialist and the complexity of the upcoming procedure.

In addition, it should be remembered that it is not only breast and abdominal lift surgery that eats up finances. You will need to pay for your stay in the ward, the rehabilitation period, and also spend money on examinations, dressings and other small items.

My operation (breast + tummy tuck) cost me about 400 thousand rubles.

The decisive day of the operation

Breast and tummy tuck surgery was scheduled for Wednesday. I had to come to the ward and stay in it since Tuesday evening. At first I was very worried and thought about canceling everything at the last moment, but the reflection in the mirror again reminded me that it was time to change something. I collected the necessary things, called a taxi and went to the clinic.

The institution itself was very neat, the medical staff was attentive and courteous, and the room pleased with its impeccable cleanliness, warmth, and the presence of a TV and refrigerator. I spent the entire evening and even night in the company of my smartphone; it was difficult to fall asleep.

The operation was scheduled for 11 o'clock. Before this, preparatory procedures (intestinal cleansing) were carried out. At exactly 11 o'clock I was taken to the operating room. Before entering, they completely undressed me, gave me a cap and took me to the marking, after which I lay down on the couch.

I was lying completely naked on the operating table; they just covered me with a sheet. It was cold. Then the nurse injected something into my arm, and I stopped thinking about the cold. This was followed by an injection in the second arm, and my level of indifference increased, but I heard everything and could move. The anesthesiologist came and asked me to rise, sit down and press my chin to my chest. I followed the instructions and felt an injection in the spine area. By the way, the injection was accompanied by pain, but quite tolerable, just like taking blood from a vein. I did not feel subsequent injections and actions that happened behind my back (or with my back). After about 5-10 minutes I completely passed out. Or rather, according to my feelings, exactly as much time has passed as it actually was - it’s hard to say.

The operation lasted 9 hours, but for me this time passed absolutely unnoticed. I began to come to my senses right on the operating table, to hear voices, but everything was like a fog, and I did not feel pain. It was at this moment that I realized that everything was over and I could breathe easy. The breast and tummy tuck operation ended and I was sent to the ward. At first I lay under IVs to support the body, since I couldn’t eat or drink.

The medical staff regularly injected painkillers, so I felt almost no pain in the area of ​​the operated areas. Only when I tried to turn around did sharp tingling sensations remind me that I couldn’t do this.

The first two days were very difficult. First, fresh stitches. Secondly, there was a bag attached to the stomach and another one into which urine flowed (excuse me for being frank). Since I was lying in bed for a day, and they were actively pumping me, the liquid had to come out somewhere. A day later, this simple device was removed for me.

By the way, on the second day I already tried to get up, my surgeon recommended that I do this, but I was not allowed to fully straighten. I recovered from anesthesia very easily, there were no consequences, dizziness or inappropriate conditions.

Immediately after being transferred to the ward, I was eager to look at the results obtained, but a special slimming T-shirt hid everything. Only during the dressings did I have the opportunity to look at myself, and I was not disappointed. When a mastopexy is performed by the best surgeons, you should expect nothing less. Therefore, if you decide to undergo surgery, carefully choose a specialist who will perform the main actions.

I was discharged after 4 days. Of course, initially I was afraid to walk and cook, but after staying at home for two days, I realized that I was quite capable of doing simple housework. Lifting heavy things was prohibited. Well, overloads were unacceptable.

Results of tummy tuck and breast surgery after one month

During this period, some of the sutures dissolved on their own, and some were removed. On about the fifth day, some kind of wire was removed from the back area (anesthetic was injected there, in addition to the vein on the left arm), and its removal was absolutely painless.

After a month, the stomach looked pretty neat, but the seams were noticeable. Since they were located at the bottom, I didn’t even worry about whether they would be visible after a while or not. Panties perfectly hide this flaw. The stretch marks disappeared by 70%, which was very pleasing. A small amount remains, but they are also practically invisible under underwear.

As for the breasts, everything was absolutely perfect here. They installed size 4 implants, returning my charms given by nature. The scars in the nipple area were visible, but I was sure that in a few months they would be less noticeable.

Results after plastic surgery one year later

After 12 months, I didn’t regret one bit that I decided on an expensive procedure, and I can say with confidence, girls: if you are interested in a breast lift, don’t let the prices scare you. It's worth it. You will feel like a queen with a gorgeous bust. If earlier it was unpleasant and uncomfortable for me to even put on a bra because of the incredible sagging, now I admire this work of art and enjoy purchasing beautiful lingerie, chic swimsuits and dresses.

A year later, I forgot about my sagging belly and unattractive breasts. I have become a completely different person who can afford any outfit I like. And of course, during intimacy with my husband, I feel more relaxed and confident.

Benefits of plastic surgery

It allows every woman to look perfect, regardless of the number of births or “nature’s pranks.” In addition, such operations are quick methods of acquiring a chic body. The operations themselves and the recovery period are very quick and should not cause fear.

Why does skin sag after losing weight?

The skin is a flexible organ that can shrink and stretch with weight fluctuations. The plasticity of the skin depends on many factors - age, rate of weight loss, physical activity, heredity and daily care. External circumstances also play a role in damaging elastin fibers: stress, bad habits, ultraviolet radiation. Unfortunately, you can’t expect that the skin will shrink after getting rid of an impressive number of kilograms: over the years, stretched collagen fibers lose their elasticity and remain in their usual state. This creates the “effect of a deflated balloon”: the volume of the body has decreased, but the area of ​​the skin has remained the same. Minus 10 kilograms with proper care will not affect the condition of the skin, 15–20 kilograms lost will require prolonged work by a cosmetologist, and 30 will require the intervention of a surgeon.

Reconstructive surgery after weight loss

Restorative body plastic surgery is a complex operation aimed at removing excess skin and restoring lost body contours after total weight loss. Large-scale intervention usually includes simultaneous abdominoplasty or circumferential surgery of the waist, back and buttocks, mammoplasty and brachioplasty. Body lifting will not give visible results if weight fluctuates, so the main condition is stable body weight for six months. The operation lasts 5–8 hours under general anesthesia. At ART-Clinic, in order to reduce operating time, two specialists solve the tasks: working “with four hands” significantly reduces the duration of anesthesia and improves the course of rehabilitation. Plastic surgeons peel off the skin and, if necessary, remove excess fat, choosing the most inconspicuous places for incisions. The patient spends the first day after body surgery under the supervision of medical personnel and is discharged home only after stabilization of his condition. The main condition for rehabilitation is wearing compression garments and a gentle daily routine. Any physical activity, thermal procedures and bad habits are excluded for a month.

What areas suffer after losing weight?

The stomach and waist, chest, inner surface of the arms, thighs and buttocks are primarily affected. The abdomen is the most problematic part of the body: excess fat tissue disappears slowly and unevenly, leaving behind a “skin apron”. The breasts receive the second blow: the mammary glands lose volume and sag. The third difficult area is the arms from the elbow joint to the shoulder. The resulting folds of skin cause not only aesthetic, but also physical discomfort due to sweating, unpleasant odor and redness. Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid surgery during total weight loss: sports and diets do not affect excess skin.

Plastic surgery after weight loss: price

Name of serviceCost, rub.)
Different types of plastic surgery that may be necessary after severe weight loss
Abdominoplastyfrom 100,000
Liposuctionfrom 20 000
Torsoplasty (body lifting)from 300,000
Brachioplasty (hand surgery)from 80 000
Gluteoplasty (buttock surgery)from 65 000
Thigh liftfrom 100,000
Face and neck liftfrom 40 000

For detailed information on the cost of various types of plastic surgeries performed after severe weight loss, see our price list.

Material prepared by Aliev Tair Rafikovich

Features of plastic surgery after massive weight loss

  1. The need for staged operations
  2. Longer rehabilitation period for skin healing,
  3. Difficulty in preoperative planning.
  4. The need for a preparatory stage before surgery.
  5. Possibility of additional interventions to correct postoperative scars

Any operation performed to correct changes in body contours after severe weight loss differs from the same operation performed for other indications. Each type of surgery after weight loss has its own characteristics.

Face and neck lift – longer incisions and the need for a simultaneous neck lift. More often, it is not necessary to perform one-stage blepharoplasty, including canthopexy.

Shoulder lift (brachioplasty) – long scars with possible transition to the skin of the forearms. The difficulty of preoperative marking is associated with the need for maximum camouflage of an extended scar. The need to use liposuction, which does not involve removing fat, but mobilizing the skin while preserving the feeding vessels.

Breast lift (mastopexy) – the need to transpose the nipple-areolar complex to a greater distance while preserving the feeding vessels against the background of the threat of their overstretching, torsion, and kinks (which significantly impairs the blood supply to the nipple-areolar complex). Often, insufficient volume of breast tissue requires breast augmentation using implants or lipofilling.

Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) - mobilization of the skin-fat flap must be performed with maximum preservation of the feeding vessels, which requires liposuction as an element of mobilization of the flap. When suturing the skin there should not be the slightest tension along the suture line. There is a high probability of navel ischemia during its transfer.

Thigh lift (medial or circular) - the same features as with abdominoplasty: there should be no tension on the skin flap along the suture line, mobilization using liposuction is necessary. With a circular lift, a vertical scar may be added along the inner surface of the thigh.

Buttock lift (gluteoplasty) – a posterior transverse incision is required along the top edge of the underwear, through which the tissues of the buttocks and upper third of the thigh are mobilized to maximize the use of one’s own tissues. And if there is a deficiency of your own tissue, you may need to increase the volume of the buttocks using implants or lipofilling.

Torsoplasty (combines a lift of the back, buttocks, abdomen, hips) - performed by two teams, more time is spent on the operation and the operation has a longer postoperative period.

Plastic surgery of the pubis and external genitalia - often performed during abdominoplasty to avoid asymmetry, accompanied by swelling of the genital area.

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