10 Japanese secrets of youth and beauty from Chizu Saeki

The magnificent appearance of Japanese women, their beauty makes men all over the world admire them, and women from different regions of the planet envy them. They will captivate everyone with their beauty and smooth matte skin. Representatives of the fair sex of Japan love and know how to take care of themselves. Their written rules for caring for their body have become a daily tradition and ritual for them, and the art of decorating themselves is strongly expressed in their appearance.

Since ancient times, the peoples of the world have been fascinated by various oils and incense. Over time, the art of decorating oneself has developed into a different direction. Humanity began to become interested in methods of hygienic self-care and began to resort to eliminating defects. This is how the whole science of cosmetology arose. The Japanese occupy an important place in the development of this industry. More than three dozen books on cosmetology were published by Chizu Saeki, already famous not only in Japan, but throughout the world. Her book “Revolutionary Japanese Skin Care - How to Make Your Skin Beautiful at Any Age,” published in English, has become a reference book for many women.

She gives a message on how to preserve your natural beauty for many years, to be attractive at any age, and to look good. A Japanese celebrity organized her own cosmetology salon, which served as a good example for cosmetologists in other countries. Her name has become a brand on cosmetics produced by her company. In its activities it uses famous world brands Dior and Guerlain. Chizu founded a beauty school and teaches there. She is a frequent guest of specialized programs and trainings on television in different countries. Her mastery lessons on the Internet have spread all over the world.

The golden thread in the publications of a cosmetologist with more than forty years of experience is naturalness in the female image. She gives the idea that a woman should not be afraid or ashamed of the aging process. With a small budget, self-love and the desire to look good, a woman can maintain her natural beauty at any age. In her publications, she lays out a theory on how to do this, and with the example of her appearance against the background of the years she has lived (she was born in 1943), she proves in practice the effectiveness of the described methods. The Japanese celebrity in the field of cosmetology in old age is slim, toned, the skin of her face does not know any lifts, but looks lively, velvety, without wrinkles. A fresh face shines with health and a smile. She conveys the secrets of her beauty success and the experience she has gained over the years on the pages of her books.

A lot of different factors can affect the skin, its appearance and tone. An impeccable daily routine, a balanced diet, normal sleep, outdoor recreation, sports, along with cosmetic procedures, bring a noticeable effect for the body, and especially for the skin of the face.

The procedure for caring for your face should be daily and correct. Based on the experience and traditions of Japanese women, Chizu Saeki developed rules for caring for her face. Of these, she chose the top ten:

You have to strive and want to look beautiful

As a teenager, Chiz really liked the British actress, the bright Hollywood star Audrey Hepburn. Imitating her appearance, the girl came up with the idea of ​​becoming a cosmetologist, being beautiful and making people beautiful. She succeeded in all this, and has been passing on her experience for many years.

A Japanese woman, like no other, knows how to look attractive, beautiful and charming at any age. Her appearance does not correspond to the years she has lived. She always looks much younger. The natural gift of beauty, plus attention to your facial skin and posture, make it possible for her to look like this. By helping herself to be more beautiful, a woman will love herself and become more confident. Her beauty will be noticed by others.

Get a good night's sleep

One study conducted in Tokyo demonstrated that if sleep duration was reduced from 7 to 4 hours per night, it would negatively affect the endocrine system.

Scientists have proven that lack of sleep and constant insomnia lead to chronic fatigue and decreased performance. In addition, there is a risk of developing diseases such as obesity, diabetes and memory impairment.

To avoid this, Japanese experts recommend sleeping at least 7 hours a day. This way you will feel cheerful and full of energy.

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Get to know your body and skin

Chizu recommends looking in the mirror and comparing yourself in the present, past and future. Raising our chin a little, we will see ourselves ten years ago, and lowering it, we will see ourselves ten years older. A reflection of your face that you don’t really like will force you to become closer friends with the mirror and begin to carefully study the changes. You need to learn everything about your face: the good and the undesirable. The specialist advises examining your face in the mirror every day. She confirms that there is no symmetry in the aging face, one part ages faster than the other. To identify this side, which is more likely to fade, you need to smile with the corners of the lips raised and the mouth closed. The side with more wrinkles will appear more aging. To strengthen this part of the face, the cosmetologist recommends sleeping on it and chewing food with the teeth of this side.

The appearance of wrinkles with age, according to Chizu, is an inevitable process. They should not be afraid or ashamed. But if premature wrinkles appear on a woman’s face, you need to find out the cause and eliminate it. They can appear from excessive facial expressions, the habit of squinting, or wrinkled forehead. An upbeat look, a lively smile, a well-groomed natural face make a woman more beautiful and younger, despite her age.

Eat more healthy foods

The basis of the diet of many Japanese are dishes with rice, a portion of vegetables and raw fish. The fact is that in raw food, which has not been subjected to heat treatment, all nutrients and vitamins are preserved. However, in some countries people are afraid to eat raw foods for fear of poisoning.

Rice is an integral part of the diet of all Japanese people. This is not only a satisfying product, but also extremely healthy. It contains B vitamins and vitamin E, which keep the skin firm and beautiful.

Japanese women are not averse to eating sweets, but they prefer national sweets such as mochi. Mochi are rice cakes filled with fruit or other fillings.

Determine your individual skin care method

When determining the needs of your skin and methods of caring for it, you initially need the help of a specialist. In the future, every day you need to monitor whether this method of paying attention to the skin is suitable and does not need any changes.

With your hands pressed to your face (thumbs resting behind your earlobes), the moisture content of your facial skin is measured. If it is normal, then the palms stick a little to the surface of the face, otherwise it needs to be moisturized.

Skin density is checked by placing your hands on your cheeks. Hands slightly stretch the skin towards the ears. With positive density, no vertical convolutions are added around the eyes, and those that were there do not deepen.

Elasticity is checked by pinching the cheek. The skin should quickly regain its original position. Every morning you need to monitor your skin; if you notice any unwanted changes, a woman should take appropriate measures. Something should be changed in care based on your own observations, without succumbing to advertising, and sometimes resorting to the help of specialists.

Stage 5. Strengthening the effect

Amplifiers are products that have low consumption and a thinner consistency than cream. Due to the high concentration of active ingredients, such products are aimed at solving a specific problem (smooth out wrinkles, even out skin tone, remove redness or peeling, etc.).

*There are enhancers called essence, booster, ampoule, serum

Mizon Snail Repair Intensive Ampoule has become a classic of ampoule products - a serum with snail extract for intensive skin restoration. The composition contains snail mucin and epidermal growth factor EGF, thanks to which the serum successfully copes with skin problems such as loss of tightness, scars and scars, expression lines, inflammation, pores, post-acne, pigmentation.

How it works? Enhancers can be used locally on desired areas of the skin or on the entire face. Apply with light patting movements after toning.

Your beauty is in your hands

Japanese women are very particular about caring for their face. They develop this from childhood. They know all the age-old secrets and adhere to them. Knowing many secrets helps Japanese women preserve their beauty until old age. When taking care of your beauty and starting cosmetic procedures, your palms should be warm. It’s not for nothing that they say: “God has no other hands but yours.” Our hands are the main tool for self-care. They heat up the product for application to the skin. Having relaxed, with pleasure and a good mood, enjoying the aroma, we apply the cream. This procedure is done with light movements of the fingertips, believing in the healing properties.

Normal hair

Naturally strong curls that have a beautiful shine, do not split ends, do not electrify, look fresh for up to 5-6 days, and belong to the normal type. The scalp is not dry, a sufficient amount of sebum is secreted. There is no dandruff, wounds, redness, or acne.

Normal-type hair easily becomes problematic or even prone to loss under the influence of the following factors:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • dyeing, perm;
  • excessive use of hair dryers or hot styling tools.

It is recommended to wash normal hair as it gets dirty, no more than 1-2 times a week. For nutrition, use the mask once a week. If you have long hair, cosmetic oils (for example, coconut) will restore and moisturize dry ends.

Along with masks at home, you can use infusions of pharmaceutical herbs: stinging nettle, oregano, hops, St. John's wort. Rinse wet curls with the prepared infusion of medicinal herbs, wrap them in a towel for 20 minutes.

The skin must be perfectly cleansed

The main keys in Japanese facial care are thorough cleansing and good moisturizing of the skin. Every evening, an indisputable rule should be to cleanse your face of makeup. Cosmetologist Saeki gives step-by-step recommendations for cleansing your face.

Japanese-style cleansing is done along with a massage. Massage only strengthens the muscles on the face when it is done correctly. Improper facial massage leads to the appearance of new wrinkles and does not eliminate old ones. An improperly performed massage causes muscle fatigue and skin stretching.

The procedure for basic skin cleansing is done slowly and with love:

  • Step 1: Warm the product in your hands and apply it to five points: on both cheeks, forehead, nose, chin.
  • Step 2: Using the fingertips of both hands, distribute the cleanser on the surface of the face from the chin towards the ears.
  • Step 3: Starting from the nose, apply the product evenly across the cheeks to the ears, from the eyes, near the nose to the temples.
  • Step 4: Using the fingertips, distribute the liquid from the end of the nose to the bridge of the nose, then smear the cleanser lying on the middle of the forehead to the right and left over the entire forehead with the palms.
  • Step 5: With the following finger movements, the liquid is distributed from the bridge of the nose to the end of the nose, around the nostrils.
  • Step 6: Next, fingers go down to the mouth, the mixture is applied around it and from the corners of the lips we raise our fingers to the ears to apply the product outside the ears. Hand movements should always be smooth, soft, light and gliding.

It is advisable to repeat all these manipulations, except for applying the cream, 3 times.

Deep facial cleansing.

The Japanese cosmetologist advises doing a deep cleansing procedure for the face after washing. A terry towel is moistened with hot water, applied to the face and the face is steamed. This stimulates the opening of pores on the skin. Another way to do this is by leaning over the steam. To facilitate the penetration of beneficial substances deeper into the layers of the skin, peeling is done. It was known to the peoples of Asia back in the Middle Ages. Everyone chooses it individually. After applying the peeling, the face is covered with a cotton napkin with a hole for breathing and after 10 minutes it is washed off with lukewarm water.

Contrast compresses.

A good exercise for blood vessels is the use of contrasting compresses. Cover your face with a towel moistened with warm water until it cools down. Replace it with a towel soaked in cool water. Water should not be cold, as it causes vasoconstriction and impairs skin nutrition. Even constant washing with cold water threatens the skin with sagging, dryness, and paleness. Very hot water, when used frequently, on the contrary, dilates blood vessels and weakens their tone. Moderately warm and cool water helps blood circulation. For a good effect, this contrast procedure is recommended 2 or 3 times in a row.

Water facial massage.

Natural, beautiful skin can be preserved longer by using water massage. It ensures normal functioning of the facial muscles, maintains circulatory tone, and promotes firmness and elasticity of the skin. Using massage lines, the face is massaged with thin streams of water. For this, a plastic bottle is used, which, when squeezed, releases a stream of water from a small hole in the cork, or with a special tube.

Greasy hair

There are many sebaceous glands on the head that produce fat. This secretion (sebum) covers the skin with a thin film, protects pores and hair from dirt, dust, retains moisture, and has an antimicrobial and antioxidant effect. But when the sebaceous glands are too active, more sebum is produced than necessary. The strands acquire an oily sheen, making them look untidy. Another problem that appears on oily skin is dandruff.

Let's list the most common causes of fatness.

  • Adolescence.
    Unstable hormonal levels, which occur in young people 11–18 years old, often provoke increased activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Unbalanced diet.
    Oily hair often occurs due to the abuse of junk food and lack of nutrients.
  • Incorrect care.
    If you use products on dry, normal or combination hair, sebum production may increase.
  • Diseases of internal organs.
    Excessive sebum production can be caused by genetic predisposition, thyroid dysfunction, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, adrenal glands, and nervous system.
  • Taking steroids, contraceptives, hormonal drugs.

How to care for oily hair?

  • Wash your hair 3-4 times a week, and in some cases, every day.
    To remove sebum, apply shampoo twice, rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water, then rinse with cool water.
  • Use a peeling or scrub on your scalp 1-2 times a week.
    These procedures will help cleanse the pores and restore the proper functioning of the glands.
  • Minimize negative external influences
    : avoid hair dryers and hard, fine-toothed combs. Try to avoid chemical styling products.
  • Carefully study the composition of the shampoo and conditioner.
    Give preference to those that do not contain silicones or fatty oils. Do not use leave-in products that weigh down the strands and deprive them of volume.

Herbal infusions help get rid of excess fat. Oak bark and calamus root have a drying effect. It is necessary to rinse your curls with decoctions or infusions no more than twice a month.

Great attention to the regular use of lotion masks

Always friendly and cheerful, slender Japanese women use very little cosmetics, and if they do use it, then only high-quality ones.
Cosmetics in Japan are produced only from fresh natural products. As in the food industry, they discourage the use of frozen ingredients. Creams are not in great demand among them. They weigh on the skin and tire it. The use of lotion masks, initiated by Chizu Saeki in theoretical publications and in work, has become an indispensable everyday procedure for the Japanese. They are available to all women. You can make them at minimal cost without leaving your home. Their amazing effect is comparable to expensive beauty salon procedures. Lotion is a toilet liquid that the Japanese call cosmetic water. It disinfects, cleanses, removes sweat, sebum, dirt well, and refreshes the face. Japanese lotions, despite their ingredients, moisturize and nourish the skin, but do not contain thickeners - they are silicone, an emulsifier, and do not contain wax or oils.

Japanese women use rectangular or round cotton napkins for cosmetic procedures. They come in several balls and are very convenient to use. Having been dipped in the solution, the napkin easily splits into several and there are enough of them to cover your entire face at once. They give cotton an advantage due to its natural origin and ability to evenly absorb and distribute liquid. According to the method of a famous Japanese cosmetologist, a cotton or cotton napkin wrung out after wetting it in water, the lotion oozes out and lies on the cheeks. This compress is appropriate from three to fifteen minutes. There is also a napkin order ritual. The first napkin is placed on the nose, near the lips, then the order goes: forehead, cheeks, chin. It is also appropriate to grab the “other” chin with a napkin. To enhance the effect, you can wear a shower cap on your face. The cosmetologist advises doing this procedure when taking a bath. Before this procedure, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction of the body in the area of ​​the elbow. The lotion, when rubbed on the skin, may not show a bad reaction, but in a mask it may manifest itself negatively.

Beauty gadgets

Japanese women for the most part do not particularly favor invasive procedures, but actively use various facial massagers: from affordable massage tiles made of porcelain or semi-precious stone, to more expensive ones from VeSS and premium ones from ReFa.

Whatever gadget you choose, it is worth considering that any massage technique, especially with the use of additional accessories, promotes faster resorption of fillers.

It is also worth remembering that microcurrent devices do not combine well with invasive procedures and cannot be used on the thyroid gland area.

Roller body massager (with sesame oil and aloe extract), 1 pc, VESS

1 481 ₽

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

Cosmetic serums and cream after 30

In Japanese cosmetology, young women are not recommended to use any cosmetics other than cleansing and moisturizing products, protection against natural phenomena. The fair half of Japanese society uses serums and various creams after 30 years. Serums, unlike creams, are fast-acting products. But their active effect on the skin needs to be strengthened with cream. Skin rich in beneficial elements must be protected. The cream will protect it all day long from airborne contaminants and maintain water balance, preventing the removal of moisture. It is a base for makeup. The beneficial components of the cream penetrate the skin throughout the day, nourishing it.

Stage 3. Exfoliation

Proper exfoliation promotes the natural removal of dead particles, speeds up cell regeneration, helps moisturizers and other products absorb into the skin, and eliminates flaking, dull skin and blemishes on the face.

! Exfoliating agents can be mechanical - with abrasive particles (scrubs) and chemical - peelings.

Dead cells are removed in the first case due to gentle friction of abrasive particles, in the second case - due to the softening of dead cells with acids and enzymes and their easy removal.

And here is one of the leaders: Missha Super Aqua Oxygen Micro Essence Peeling is an oxygen peeling gel - a product that gently cleanses the skin of dead cells, due to which the skin receives cellular renewal, becomes lighter, and its surface is smoothed.

How it works? Apply a little product to cleansed skin, massage gently until pellets appear, then rinse. Continue with normal care.

Rest for the skin

One day every week, your facial skin needs a break from makeup. On this day, it is acceptable for the skin to only cleanse. After this, you need to take a good look at your face. The examination is carried out in order not to miss the opportunity to help the skin with minor changes, to check the correctness of facial care. In case of undesirable changes, if possible, you can change inappropriate procedures to other, more suitable ones.

Stay away from stress

Constant stress is one of the leading causes of premature aging and poor skin condition. Don't let negative feelings take over you and poison your life. Manage stress and remember that you are not alone.

One way to overcome this feeling is gratitude. Say “thank you” to fate for the fact that your family or friends are always there and you can rely on them. Be grateful that you have a good job that provides useful experience in addition to finances. You should be happy if only because you can enjoy the morning sun, nature and warm breeze.

The second way is positive thinking. Remember that all problems are fleeting. There is a way out of every difficult situation. In order to find it, you need to calm down and collect your thoughts.

Cleansing Japanese body bath

The Japanese body care system includes cleansing baths. They have a healing purpose, so you should take such baths after washing yourself first.

The main goal of this procedure is to sweat thoroughly to remove toxins and relax. The water should be warm enough, ranging from 38 to 41 C. There is no need to get wet there for too long, 10-15 minutes is enough. Before getting into the bath, it is recommended to drink a few cups of green tea or mineral water to increase sweating and eliminate toxins.

To soften the skin, you can add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the bath. In warm water, the pores expand and the skin perfectly absorbs vegetable oil. Japanese women often use camellia oil, which deeply nourishes the epidermis. You can opt for coconut oil, which adds an exotic aroma. After leaving the water, Japanese women wrap themselves in a towel and lie down for a few minutes, waiting until the sweating stops. At the end of the procedure, they are rinsed first with lukewarm and then cool milk. This phase improves metabolism and promotes better elimination of toxins.

Secrets of female beauty: Japanese rejuvenating facial massage (with video)

Massage is also one of the ancient Japanese secrets of female beauty. It is said that Japanese women tap their faces a hundred times with their fingers to improve blood circulation. Women in Japan are big fans of self-massage, which strengthens blood vessels and tones the skin. In their toiletry case you will definitely find an item in the shape of a small roller, which is used to gently massage the face. It is believed that this Japanese rejuvenating facial massage is not inferior to acupuncture in its effect on key points.

Many varieties of ancient Japanese massage have made their way to Europe, one of the most common is shiatsu. There is also a Japanese facial massage called kobido, which is a method of aesthetic and energetic treatment. It will give the skin freshness and elasticity, effectively counteracting the aging process. Japanese massage is based on a meridian map and is designed to restore balance and health to the body through impact on special points and zones.

Self-massage is worth the time and effort. When it comes to facial skin, do not forget that your movements should be extremely gentle and careful so as not to damage the skin. Always wash your hands before receiving a Japanese beauty massage. Rotational, pressing and stroking movements should always be directed towards the crown. To make your hands glide better, rub a drop of sesame oil in your palms.

Massage is also good because it helps you get to know your own body. You can invite your partner or girlfriend to conduct a series of mutual massage sessions. If funds allow, use the services of professional massage therapists.

Watch a video of how a Japanese rejuvenating facial massage is performed:

Less makeup

When it comes to everyday makeup, less is more. Decorative cosmetics are used by Japanese women only as an addition to highlight natural features and disguise flaws - nothing more. Makeup tends to clog pores, which means that over time you will have to deal with the consequences of this. What for? This rule especially applies to older Japanese women. But young girls love to use spectacular decorative products and makeup techniques, especially when decorating the area around the eyes. But a Japanese woman of any age must carefully remove her makeup before going to bed - this is a strict rule.

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