Thermolifting face Reaction – three waves of beauty and youth

From this article you will learn:

  • RF face lifting: what is it, reviews,
  • thermolifting, facial thermage – reviews from cosmetologists, photos.

RF lifting (English: Radiofrequency) is a technology for non-surgical tightening of skin that has the first signs of aging. In Russia, this procedure is often called thermage or thermolifting. This procedure is ideal for those who (due to their still young age) do not want or do not trust surgical rejuvenation procedures.

Radiofrequency energy in cosmetology is used to treat sagging skin, face lifting and is best suited for patients aged 30-45 years, who still have a high level of production of their own collagen. The most famous devices for RF lifting are: “Thermage”, “Accent”, “Pelleve”, “Tripollar”.

What is thermolifting of the face?

Thermolifting is the effect on the skin of infrared or radio wave rays, which are converted into thermal energy and have a positive effect on the skin.
The procedure is aimed at stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, reducing the depth of wrinkles and enhancing skin lifting and allows achieving results comparable to plastic surgery. Thermolifting improves blood circulation, launches rejuvenation processes, and activates the restoration of collagen fibers. In addition to eliminating age-related changes on the face and body, with the help of thermolifting you can get rid of stretch marks on the stomach and remove the “orange peel” from the buttocks and thighs.

RF lifting: indications

1) loose skin on the face, neck, arms or abdomen, 2) the desire to get rid of cellulite, 3) non-surgical correction of bags under the eyes, 3) changing the contours of the face and neck.

RF face lifting is most often performed for the following areas –

  • forehead (eyebrow lifting and forehead skin tightening),
  • cheeks (the skin is slightly tightened and enlarged pores are reduced),
  • jawline (folds are reduced and sagging skin is tightened),
  • neck (skin tightens, double chin decreases),
  • area under the eyes (the skin thickens and tightens, the size of bags under the eyes decreases due to the burning of fatty hernias),

Important : It should be noted that RF lifting reviews from the developers of the method indicate that if you need to increase skin elasticity, then this technique is only suitable for skin that has only the initial signs of aging, and in which the process of producing its own collagen is still quite strong. If you are interested in burning fat deposits, or you want to get rid of cellulite, then the age of your skin does not matter.

Types of thermolifting

RF lifting

Radio frequency thermolifting (or RF lifting) is a procedure based on the radio wave method of heating the deep layers of skin under the epidermis. As a result of targeted impact on the most vulnerable areas, thinning of the fat layer occurs, reflex expansion of blood vessels and acceleration of metabolism. But the main effect is the effect on collagen. Stretched collagen fibers are reduced under the influence of RF lifting, due to which the skin becomes firm and elastic again.

RF lifting can be carried out in several modes, depending on the type of device and the settings used:


Monopolar. Uniform development of the selected area at the same depth. It is characterized by high power and correspondingly high exposure temperatures (50-60°C), so it is not suitable for delicate areas.


Bipolar. Switching the polarity allows you to reduce the power and temperature of exposure (up to 45°C). Suitable for delicate areas.


Tripolar. The latest generation of devices with constantly changing polarity. It has the most gentle effect and allows you to quickly work on large areas. Can be used on any skin type and in the most delicate areas, including the area around the eyes.

Idealist cosmetology uses a modern monopolar device Radiosurg made in Germany and a bipolar device Geneo+ from Pollogen made in Israel.

The cost of RF lifting at Idealist cosmetology depends on the area where it is performed. Prices start from 3 thousand rubles – separately for the eye area, neck, and décolleté. The cost of the face + neck + décolleté complex is 8 thousand rubles.


Thermal effects are produced using infrared radiation. The procedure is gentle on the skin and does not cause complications. Thermolifting allows you to correct and tighten the oval of the face, reduce nasolabial folds and jowls, tighten the skin and reduce the depth of wrinkles.

Fractional infrared thermolifting

Fractional means that the maniple does not act as a continuous spot, but in fractions, that is, it is divided into small segments of influence.

Devices for RF lifting – which one is better?

There are a wide variety of devices that deliver radiofrequency energy to treat a variety of skin problems. However, many of them are not approved for use and may therefore be harmful. Below we will look at the most common devices approved by the FDA (the world's most famous medical organization for quality control of medications and treatment methods).

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a device for RF lifting...

  • Different devices operate at different frequencies - for example, there are devices that operate at a frequency of 470 kHz (that's 470 thousand pulses per second).
    There are those that operate at 4 MHz or 6 MHz (4 or 6 million pulses per second, respectively). There are many other devices, but usually the pulse frequency does not exceed 9 MHz. The higher the pulse frequency, the deeper the effect of the device is carried out deep into the tissues. Therefore, for the method to be effective, the device must first of all have high power. However, this can lead to overheating of the epidermis (the surface layer of the skin). Therefore, it is very important that the device is equipped with sensors for monitoring the temperature of the epidermis, as well as a cooling system. Such devices are usually much more expensive than low-frequency ones. The latter do not require either sensors or cooling systems, and therefore their price is much lower (as is their efficiency).
  • Device operating modes – RF lifting devices can operate in two modes. Firstly, radio frequency energy can be delivered in a monopolar mode, which is capable of treating areas larger than the device head itself, and the energy penetrates 20-30 mm deep. This is the second very important point that allows you to achieve a good effect from the procedure.
    Secondly, there are devices that operate in bipolar mode. With it, the penetration depth of radio frequency energy is extremely small (only 2-3 mm), which means that the energy practically does not penetrate into the dermis, limiting its effect on the epidermis ( Bipolar devices are more convenient to use for cosmetologists themselves, but are less effective in terms of results.

    Conclusions : if you want a guaranteed result (especially for cellulite), then we advise you to choose procedures only on a device with a monopolar mode with a high pulse frequency. If you need to remove a double chin or change the contour of your face by burning excess fatty tissue, then devices with a monopolar mode will also be more suitable for you. But if you need to increase skin elasticity, then the bipolar mode will be preferable.

Thermage device –

The Thermage device operates in monopolar mode, has a pulse frequency of 6 MHz, and also uses patented ThermaTip technology to penetrate radio frequency energy into the deep layers of the skin (dermis). Heating the deep collagen structures in the skin results in immediate skin tightening. There are four generations of Thermage devices, and the most effective of them is Thermage 4.

Facial Thermage (popularly called thermolifting) was approved by the FDA in 2002 as a non-invasive procedure for use around the eyes and eyelids to treat fine lines and wrinkles, and to temporarily improve cellulite (in combination with vibration).

Note that the concept of “thermage” has become a household word among patients, and no longer implies the name of the device (as it should have been), but the procedure itself, carried out using any radio frequency energy devices.

Device “Accent” –

The Accent system has two tips at once - a bipolar tip for volumetric heating of the skin, that is, mainly for tightening the skin, and a monopolar tip for penetrating radio waves into the deep layers of the skin to reduce fatty tissue in the fight against cellulite.

Device "Tripollar" (Tripollar) –

The Tripollar system can use both monopolar and bipolar types of effects on the skin. It should be noted that when treating facial skin, bipolar devices allow you to achieve better results with less pain. In addition to professional devices, there are “Tripollar” devices for home use, the price of which starts at approximately $550.

But if we talk about RF body lifting, reviews among patients with initial signs of cellulite are positive only if the procedures are performed with devices with monopolar effects. This is due to the fact that from a monopolar tip the waves penetrate much deeper into the skin, which is important for the treatment of cellulite.

Combined devices –

Time does not stand still and device manufacturers in the beauty industry have begun to use radio frequency energy combined with other types of energy. This has provided many more options for treating a wide range of skin problems on the face and body. Typically, the energy of high-frequency light pulses is combined with radio frequency energy

Combined systems include the following devices:

  • "Syneron" and "The Aurora" (pulsed light + RF),
  • "Polaris", "Comet" (diode laser + RF),
  • "VelaSmooth" and "VelaShape" (infrared light + RF),
  • "Aluma" (vacuum booster + RF).

The combination of pulsed light (IPL) + radiofrequency energy (RF) in the machines is used for facial rejuvenation procedures, and the technology itself is called “Elos”. By the way, this combined technology is used not only to correct age spots and age spots on the skin, but also to epilate unwanted hair.

How is the procedure performed?

Thermolifting of the face is a quick and painless procedure that does not require special preparation. Stages of implementation:


Consultation with a cosmetologist, determination of the thermolifting technique, area of ​​influence, number of sessions.


Skin cleansing.


Applying a special thermal lifting product to the skin. It not only eliminates discomfort, but also increases the efficiency of penetration.


Impact on the skin using a device configured to individually selected parameters. The procedure takes 20-30 minutes.

No recovery required. For the first time after thermolifting, it is not recommended to be exposed to direct sunlight, visit baths, or open reservoirs.


Before infrared peeling, the patient is examined by a cosmetologist. The doctor identifies possible contraindications and, if they exist, selects another, more optimal, method of correcting existing problems.

The main contraindications are:

  • increased sensitivity of the body to bright light flashes;
  • malignant diseases;
  • severe immune disorders;
  • presence of installed implants, incl. pacemaker;
  • gestational and lactation period;
  • acute inflammatory diseases on the skin in the area of ​​light exposure.

Patient reviews with before and after photos

Cosmetologists at the Idealista clinic practice only those procedures that give visible results. Positive reviews about thermolifting of the face and body confirm the effectiveness of the technique; the visual result can be assessed from the before and after photos.

“I thought for a long time about which rejuvenation procedure to choose, and in the end I settled on thermolifting. I was satisfied with everything! And the price, and the procedure itself, and its result. The changes are noticeable immediately. The skin became smoother and very beautiful. And over the next month, my appearance only improved; all my friends immediately started asking what I was using. Be sure to try it!”

“For a long time I wanted to correct the contour of my face and remove age-related folds, so I decided to go to a cosmetology clinic. They suggested that I do thermolifting. The price, of course, is not very cheap, but I am completely satisfied with the result. It will be necessary to repeat periodically for the results to be maintained. A good procedure and absolutely painless. Yes, and the recovery is very fast and almost imperceptible. Compared to other procedures, this seems to me the most reliable.”

“With age, unsightly folds have formed on the face. Wrinkles are completely invisible in comparison. I read a lot about thermolifting, so I decided to sign up for this procedure. As a result, it took little time and did not cause any discomfort. After the procedure, the result was noticeable almost immediately. The cost is high, but justified, I think. I will continue to do thermolifting.”

The essence of the RF needle lifting procedure:

Under the influence of radio frequency radiation, fibrillar fibers are shortened (thus the process of sagging skin stops) plus protein production is stimulated (the appearance of the skin is restored).

Preparation for RF needle lifting:

Fractional rf lifting requires certain preparation. Before the procedure you must:

  1. Give up alcohol for a few days.
  2. Forget about cigarettes.
  3. Be careful when manipulating your face to avoid causing any injury.
  4. Have a consultation and examination with a cosmetologist who will tell you about all stages of the procedure.

Duration of RF lifting manipulations:

How long the RF micro-needle lifting procedure will take will depend on the client’s goals, preferences, and individual skin characteristics. Usually the session does not exceed 40-60 minutes.

How soon will the results come after RF needle lifting?

The process of regeneration of fibrillar fibers itself is quite slow. Improvements will be visible starting 1 month after the procedure. In some cases, you need to wait longer for the result – 3-4 months (or even six months).

Results and effect of the procedure

RF face lifting is a very effective procedure. The most important thing is that the result is visible after the first session.

The skin of the face becomes more toned, a noticeable lifting effect is observed, wrinkles are smoothed out, the double chin is reduced, the complexion is evened out, the contours of the oval are made clearer, and the muscle frame is strengthened and the quality of the tissues improves. And all this is achieved due to the reserve capabilities of the body itself after a “small shake-up”.

Radiofrequency lifting: possible consequences

The procedure for radiofrequency body and face lifting is characterized by the absence of negative side effects and complications. Safety confirmed by preliminary studies. Of course, taking into account contraindications. But no specialist can guarantee 100% that something unexpected will not happen later.

Attention! The human body is a very complex system. Some internal changes do not manifest themselves externally for a long time, but any procedure, even the most harmless one, can trigger pathological processes. Allergies may appear for no apparent reason. Then you will definitely have to give up lifting and switch to other anti-aging technologies.

The following manifestations have been noted, usually passing quickly:

  • slight swelling;
  • tingling and mild itching;
  • redness in the treatment area.

Usually, after a few hours or a maximum of two to three days, the normal condition of the skin is restored.

If the symptoms persist and bother you, then it is better not to delay your visit to the specialist who performed the fractional radiofrequency lifting session.

Sometimes you can observe a complete lack of results for a client. Such a negative consequence is possible if the patient is over 60 years old, the initial condition of the skin was poor before the procedure, inappropriate equipment was used, or the manipulation was performed by a cosmetologist with low qualifications.

Some experts express the opinion, although it is not confirmed by research, that the opposite effect is possible after completing a radiofrequency lifting course. This means that the skin will not look young for a long time, but, on the contrary, the aging process will go faster in a short period of time.

However, it was not possible to prove that the acceleration of the skin aging process occurred due to the lifting procedures performed.

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