Beauty concentrate: what you need to know about facial serum

Serum: product features

Serum or serum is a concentrated product that belongs to the category of additional facial care products. The right drug can solve many skin problems. Depending on the formula, the serum can relieve:

  • increased dryness;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • uneven terrain;
  • pustules, pimples, subcutaneous acne and blackheads;
  • sallow skin color;
  • dullness of the face;
  • mimic and age wrinkles.

The peculiarity of the whey is an increased amount of nutrients. Usually the drug has a liquid consistency, which facilitates the rapid penetration of valuable substances into the deep layers of the skin. Particularly strong concentrates are packaged in ampoules designed for one-time use. However, you can also find products on sale in the form of a gel, light cream or emulsion.

Serums are included in many skin care lines.

The serum may include:

  • natural plant extracts;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • plant peptides;
  • placenta extract;
  • marine collagen;
  • algae extract;
  • vitamin complexes.

The drug is used after cleansing and toning the skin, before applying a moisturizer or nourishing cream. There are concentrates suitable for constant use, but usually cosmetologists recommend using serums in courses of 2-3 months. Then there is a break, after which the process of intensive skin nourishment can be resumed.

Advantages and contraindications

Serum has many advantages over other cosmetic products. The main advantages include:

  1. High efficiency. The product is quickly absorbed and begins to act immediately after application.
  2. Versatility. In a wide range you can find products for any skin type, of various consistencies and packaging.
  3. Protective and preventive properties. The serum has a cumulative effect and not only copes with existing skin problems, but also prevents their occurrence.
  4. Good compatibility with other drugs. The product fits into your morning or evening skincare routine. The serum does not interfere with the absorption of the cream; decorative cosmetics can be applied on top of it without any problems.

Particularly effective are drugs in ampoules, which are opened immediately before use.
Despite the obvious advantages, serums also have disadvantages that must be considered before purchasing. Since the drug is highly concentrated, it can provoke an allergic reaction: itching, swelling, rash. Serums are not recommended for severe eczema, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, rosacea and other skin diseases. Highly concentrated products should not be used by those with very sensitive skin. They are also not suitable for tanning lovers, since all serums slightly whiten the face.

Serum or cream: which is better?

Often women are faced with a choice - what to prefer, cream or serum? Usually the choice falls on cream, as a more universal remedy. However, cosmetologists recommend combining it with serum. This is important if you have severe skin problems: age-related changes, the effects of stress, minor defects that need to be corrected.

Serum is one of the most expensive products in the cosmetic line. However, this disadvantage can be overcome by choosing a drug from a more affordable brand.

The benefits of the serum include a quick effect on the skin. The cream will smooth out wrinkles within a few days; after using the serum, the effect will be noticeable the next day. If the skin does not react, it is possible that a particular product is simply not suitable for it.

Types of serum for different skin types

The serum is chosen depending on the problems that need to be solved. Usually the product is recommended for girls over 25 years old. Depending on the composition, the serum can be:

  1. Rejuvenating. It straightens folds and wrinkles, fights age spots and uneven texture.
  2. Whitening. Contrary to popular belief, this type of serum does not make the skin dead white. Their task is to even out the color, removing uneven tanning, freckles, age spots, and acne marks.
  3. Moisturizing. Regulates hydro-lipid balance, softens the skin, makes it elastic and soft.
  4. Restorative. Recommended for problematic skin prone to acne, pimples, and subcutaneous inflammation. Includes a variety of plant extracts and drying ingredients.
  5. Pull-up. Serum with an express effect, suitable for special occasions. Eliminates edema and swelling, makes the oval of the face clearer, tightens the skin and narrows pores.
  6. Illuminating. Designed for radiant skin. Removes sallow complexion, restores healthy glow, recommended for application under makeup.

The liquid can be applied directly to the skin, massaging until completely absorbed.

Possible disadvantages

And here a vicious circle arises: well-groomed facial skin will not show the same effectiveness of the serum as problematic skin, but the effect of the concentrate will last longer. Because the structure itself is healthier, the serum substances will stay in the skin longer.

At the same time, “soft” fillers, humectants, silicones (dimethicone, phenyl trimethicone, methicone) reduce the effectiveness of the serum.

The effect of a narrowly targeted serum is higher than that of a multitasking one. Universal con and “from everything” improve complexion, but it is better not to expect significant changes in the relief from them.

There are no “natural” serums and they cannot make a difference after use. This marketing ploy should alert buyers. But the content of plant components will be greater than in a cream or mask. However, the total amount of substances is relatively small.

An experienced dermatologist who has studied his client’s skin characteristics can select the correct composition of the serum.

Finding your serum is not as easy as it seems. A mistake can cause allergies and negate all other care steps. The best effect of cosmetics can be achieved in combination with other care products.

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How to choose the right product

You need to buy the serum at a specialized cosmetic store or pharmacy. It is important to check expiration dates and the conditions in which the product was stored. If the bottles were placed under bright light, it is better to refuse the purchase. The active substances included in the drug are easily destroyed, such cosmetics will be useless, and in some cases can cause severe skin irritation.

When choosing, you should take into account your skin type, your own age, and the problems that need to be solved. Concentrated preparations are not suitable for young girls. The exception is serious skin defects, but in this case it is better to use professional cosmetics prescribed by a doctor.

You should not buy serum for future use. The product has a limited shelf life; once opened, the bottle should be used as quickly as possible. It is better to place the opened package in the refrigerator. Sealed ampoules and vials can be placed in a cool, dark place away from batteries and bright lamps.

It is recommended to test for an allergic reaction before purchasing. For this purpose, there are testers in stores; if necessary, you can ask the seller for a mini-sachet. A small amount of concentrate is applied to the crook of the wrist. If the skin does not turn red or itch, the drug can be safely used on the face.

Benefits of the serum

Another thing is whey.

  • This is a high-tech and concentrated product, the effect of the active component is enhanced by deep penetration.
  • The dosage of the key element is 10 times higher than in the cream.
  • The composition of the serum is rich in chemicals: some substances play the role of transport, ensuring penetration deep into the skin, others have a targeted improving effect.

This cocktail allows you to achieve a quick effect, but it is difficult to make it lasting. Therefore, the serum is used in courses. The structure of mature skin cannot retain the necessary substances for a long time; it needs regular nutrition and support.

Serum application options

Cosmetologists have developed several ways to apply the highly concentrated drug. The general rule is that the skin should be well cleansed before using the serum. It is wiped with micellar water or hydrophilic oil, and then washed with soft foam or gel. Light peeling will help enhance the penetration of valuable substances. The next stage is toning. The face is treated with a soft alcohol-free lotion or floral hydrosol.

If ampoule serum is used, carefully open the glass flask. A few drops of the product are applied directly to the skin along massage lines. The drug is rubbed until completely absorbed, moving from the center of the face to the periphery. Movements should be soft and smooth; moving the skin is not recommended. The contents of the ampoule are completely used at one time. If there is too much product for the face, apply the rest to the neck and décolleté.

For ease of dosing, the bottles are equipped with a pipette.

When using the product with a dropper, the drops can be applied directly to the skin or released into the palm. After this, the skin is massaged with your fingertips, starting from the forehead and moving towards the chin. Serum is not applied to the area around the eyes. the exception is products specifically designed for moisturizing or lifting the eyelids.

The serum can be applied in layers, this will increase the effectiveness of the drug.

The product in the form of a gel or emulsion is distributed in small portions. You need to act quickly, as the product is absorbed very quickly. If the drug is intended for local areas, it cannot be applied to the entire face. For example, a pore-tightening serum is applied to the nose, cheeks, and chin.


The main contraindication to the use of serums is individual intolerance to the components of the composition. All active products have a “tingle effect” - an irritating effect on the skin in order to improve microcirculation and metabolic processes. Moreover, after application, a feeling of slight tingling and redness is justified.

If a strong burning sensation occurs, swelling is a sign of an allergic reaction. It is necessary to immediately wash off the product and take an antihistamine. In case of severe reaction, consult a doctor.

Choosing a cream to enhance the effect

After the serum is completely absorbed, a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied. It is carefully driven in with your fingertips, moving along the massage lines. You can change the application pattern by adding a few drops of serum to the cream. This mixture is applied to slightly damp skin. Cosmetologists recommend choosing cream and serum from the same company, but if necessary, this rule can be broken.

To achieve a visible effect, you need to use the selected serum morning and evening for 2-3 weeks. After this, the product can be changed. For example, you should first apply a serum with a tightening effect, and then continue the program with a concentrate for deep moisturizing or whitening the skin.

Cosmetologists do not recommend combining several active products. For example, you cannot apply several serums at the same time, much less mix them. Do not use the serum together with a rich active cream. The best companion for a serum is a simple, high-quality moisturizer with a minimum of ingredients.

The choice of cream depends on the type of serum. An active concentrate with a tightening or brightening effect can dry out the skin, so pair it with a cream with oils or hyaluronic acid. It will restore the water-lipid balance and prevent peeling.

A few drops of serum can be added to the cream or emulsion.

Serum – a new name and old promises

Concentrates are cosmetic products with an enriched composition in which the dosage of the active substance is maximum. The effect is achieved quickly, for some time the problem disappears or is significantly reduced. Serums may vary in composition, purpose, and area of ​​application.

Oil and water are divided according to composition and seasonality. Most serums are suitable for year-round use, but there is a rule recognized by cosmetologists.

  • Oil-based serums are good for the autumn-winter period; in summer and spring you can trust water-based products.
  • The oil helps create an additional barrier that prevents moisture loss. In the warm season, water concentrates are sufficient.

Areas of application are the place and method of application. Most serums are aimed at improving facial skin and are applied to its entire surface. Some types are used pointwise (for example, applied to the area around the eyes). There are serums designed for the body.

The essence of the serum is to eliminate a specific problem.

Based on this property, they are divided into the following properties:

  • Anti-aging effect - helps to tighten the face, increases skin elasticity (vitamin C, E, minerals);
  • Whitening – eliminate pigment spots;
  • Protection against sun rays and radicals - antioxidants, plant extracts;
  • Moisturizing, smoothing skin texture - hyaluronic acid, collagen, peptides;
  • Nourishing, vitamin-rich, refreshing complexion;
  • Anti-inflammatory, regulating sebum, improving local metabolism - antibacterial, mattifying, with green tea oil.

There is also a classification not used in cosmetology: professional lines and serums for self-application.

Serums provide a complex effect, simultaneously solving a number of problems. Therefore, they have their own characteristics.

Indications for use

Facial serum is significantly different from other products. What it is has been described above. The tool is aimed at solving problems such as:

  • acne;
  • dry and dehydrated skin;
  • wrinkles and folds;
  • dull complexion;
  • dark spots;
  • fight against aging.

These and other problems are designed to be solved by facial serum, which contains 40-50% more active ingredients than other skin care products.

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