Everything you need to know about Black Head Black Face Mask

Not long ago, the cosmetics industry introduced the Black Head Black Face Mask, which returns freshness and a healthy appearance to the dermis. An effective product instantly removes dead skin particles, smoothes out roughness, and removes all dirt from the pores. Before using the Black Face Mask from China, carefully read the instructions. Strict adherence to the manufacturer's recommendations ensures maximum results and protects against side effects.

What does the Black Head Black Face Mask fight against?

The Chinese cosmetic product is designed specifically for problem skin, but is successfully used for all types of epidermis. It copes well with various dermatological problems, tones, nourishes, tightens the skin and provides noticeable results after the first use.

Film cosmetics have a wide spectrum of action. Its use:

  • cleanses the skin of sebaceous plugs;
  • tightens pores and draws out accumulated dust;
  • removes acne;
  • smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • stimulates the supply of oxygen to cells;
  • improves the color of the integument;
  • smoothes out unevenness and roughness.

The innovative composition is rich in valuable microelements that improve cell metabolism and provide complete nutrition. Regular use of the product stimulates the regeneration process and promotes collagen production. As a result, the face looks younger and refreshed.

The main active ingredient of the new product is bamboo charcoal. The component is known for its cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties. This is a kind of vacuum cleaner for the dermis, absorbing pathogenic flora, absorbing dirt and grease. Additional ingredients are:

  • wheat germ extract, which repairs damage and improves blood flow;
  • grapefruit oil, which brightens and nourishes the skin;
  • glycerin, which retains moisture in cells and smoothes wrinkles;
  • panthenol, which removes redness and heals acne;
  • collagen fibers that provide firmness and elasticity to the skin.

In addition to these components, the formula includes propylene glycogel, purified water and alcohol. The components interact with each other, providing a powerful cleansing effect. The silky product has a creamy structure that is convenient to apply in an even layer.

Black Head intensively removes toxins from tissues, relieves inflammation and eliminates bacteria. Under its influence, pockets of redness disappear, pimples dry out, and sebum production is normalized.

By the way. After a cosmetology session, it is easy to get rid of greasy shine, swelling, blackheads and signs of fatigue. Active substances increase the elasticity of the epidermis, making it soft and elastic.

What does it contain?

The composition of the mask is quite simple - bamboo activated carbon and gelatin.

The last component is a source of collagen, which is necessary for youthful and elastic skin.

Bamboo charcoal draws out toxins and excess sebum from the skin.

Its action is similar to our activated carbon, and is to cleanse and remove poisons and toxins .

Some manufacturers add hyaluronic acid to the mask, which nourishes the skin. Additional components include herbal extracts and green tea.

This composition supplies the skin with vitamins and minerals, cleanses it and helps prevent the early appearance of wrinkles.

How to use a face mask

The product does not need to be diluted with water or added auxiliary ingredients; it is completely ready for use.

Before use, pick up your hair so that it does not accidentally get dirty with the composition, and prepare the hair for intense exposure. To open the pores as much as possible and soften the dirt, pour a spoonful of chamomile flowers into a saucepan, add a glass of water and bring to a boil. Cover your head with a towel and lean over the steam. Steam the dermis for 10 minutes and blot with a napkin. Instead of steaming, you can use a scrub with sea salt or coffee grounds.

The method of using the Black Head Black Face Mask is simple:

  • transfer a small amount of the composition into a ceramic bowl;
  • scoop the product with your fingers and distribute along the massage lines;
  • avoid contact of the substance with the area around the eyes and lips;
  • Pay special attention to places where acne and comedones accumulate.

Leave the product to act for 20 minutes. During this time, it transforms into a film that tightly fits the skin, and you will feel a slight tightening effect. Gently pry the edge of the film near the chin and smoothly pull up. She gets dressed without causing any discomfort. Small residues of the composition can be easily washed off with warm water. At the end of the session, lubricate the skin with nourishing cream.

Important. In order for the mask to provide maximum benefits, do not repeat the common mistake of many girls. Do not apply it in a thick layer. In this case, it hardens for a long time and strongly adheres to the dermis. When clearing a thick film, the face may turn red and receive microtrauma.

Stage No. 5. Remove the Black Mask and clean the surface of the skin

Those with delicate, dry and sensitive skin may not peel off the film of the product, but wash it off with warm water using soap for washing, etc. You need to remove the mask from your face only after the product has completely dried. To do this, pry the film at your chin and pull it up until it is completely away from your face. There is no need to pull too hard or too quickly, as the film may not withstand the tension and tear. Remains of the mask can be washed off with warm water. The water temperature should be slightly warmer than the room temperature. This is necessary to prevent negative effects on only cleaned pores. After the procedure, the skin will become incredibly soft and silky; along with the mask, not only blackheads, but also the exfoliated keratinized layer of epithelium will go away.

How often can you use the Black Mask?

The instructions for the Black Head face mask include detailed recommendations for use. It says that the frequency of procedures depends on the type of skin.

  1. Oily dermis prone to acne formation requires cleansing twice a week.
  2. Combination skin, dotted with comedones, needs sessions 1-2 times every 7 days.
  3. For dry epidermis, the optimal frequency is once a week.
  4. For problem skin, cleansing is carried out 2-3 times a week regularly for at least 2 months.

Using the Black Head Black Face Mask according to the instructions, you can simply achieve amazing results. Get rid of inflammation, restore healthy color, eliminate old sebaceous plugs.

The manufacturer recommends using the composition in the evenings. Overnight, the skin is restored from deep cleansing and acquires a blooming appearance and a uniform tone.

Attention. Do not apply the product to skin if it has scratches. Heal them first. The film composition can cause irritation of damaged skin and lead to deepening of wounds.

Watch the Black Head mask testing in the video:

Consumer Opinions

Reviews of the famous “Black Mask” cannot be bad, because it has no flaws. Buyers are quite satisfied with its cost (100 rubles per stick), as well as its effectiveness. According to many girls, this remedy cannot be replaced by anything. They claim that no other expensive products from popular manufacturers can give exactly the same result.

In general, customers are happy that they were able to get rid of the hated blackheads and acne marks in a short period of time. In addition, a lot of positive feedback has been received regarding ease of use. This mask does not need to be washed off thoroughly so as not to accidentally leave its particles on the skin, because it turns into a film that can be removed with one movement. Thanks to this, you do not need to spend a lot of time on the procedure.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

Doctors confirm that Black Head helps fight complex inflammation. They recommend using it to eliminate:

  • acne;
  • sebaceous plugs;
  • acne;
  • redness and swelling;
  • dull skin color;
  • premature wrinkles.

Important. The balanced composition has no serious contraindications. The only categorical prohibition for use is individual intolerance. Cosmetologists recommend that you do a test for an allergic reaction.

Before applying the Black Head Black Mask to your face, drop a couple of drops of the composition on your wrist and leave for a quarter of an hour. If during this time no negative changes occur on the skin, then the product is suitable for cleansing.

When talking with clients, cosmetologists often call Black Head a salvation for problem skin. The film draws out all the dirt, removes frozen sebaceous plugs and cleanses of dead particles. Enlarged pores narrow, the dermis begins to fully breathe and be saturated with useful substances.

Question No. 4. Can I use a black mask from Aliexpress on my back, neck or chest?

Some particularly extreme users have tried the product on areas such as the back, neck and chest. It is worth noting that the experiment was a success and the result was positive. But before the procedure in these areas, you should also cleanse the skin and steam it, since the pores there can be much deeper than on the surface of the face. This can be done with a hot shower, but when showering before the procedure, you should not use a washcloth, since this kind of friction, on the contrary, causes narrowing of the pores, so ultimately you will not get the desired effect of a black-mask cleansing session.


Having studied the composition and properties of a cosmetic product, we can conclude that it works in different directions, providing intense scrubbing, cleansing pores, evening out tone and smoothing out wrinkles. Before using the Black Face Mask from China, read the instructions and do not deviate from the rules. By following the recommendations, you will quickly get rid of inflammation, acne and return a matte healthy color to the skin.

The action of the described masks is described in the video:

Fluid "Active lifting"

A unique Chinese face mask perfectly refreshes the skin, rejuvenates it and shapes the oval of the face. During the use of the drug, the process of renewal of dermal cells is noticeably activated. In just a week of regular use, wrinkles will be reduced and redness will go away.

The fluid mask guarantees the elimination of crow's feet around the eyes, as well as other signs of aging on the face. The product relieves fatigue well, relaxes facial muscles and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles.

The cost of the mask reaches 80 rubles per stick. For such a product this is a very reasonable price.

How to choose and what to pay attention to

Skin care products are varied. Masks come in different consistencies, release forms, and purposes. One of the convenient forms is fabric with impregnation. This blank can be used anywhere.

The following criteria will help make choosing the right option easier:

  • rules of use (is water needed, is rinsing required after the procedure);
  • composition (natural origin of ingredients, their properties);
  • base (can be paper or fabric);
  • skin type (there are narrow-profile and universal products);
  • area of ​​application (distributed over the entire face or in the T-zone);
  • effect (what flaws it eliminates).

To make the task easier, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the products included in the rating of effective formulations. The best masks from Aliexpress can cope with any cosmetic defect.

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