Lip reduction as an art

As a rule, when talking about plastic surgery, the same idea is heard: plastic surgery helps to reduce the stomach and nose and enlarge the breasts and lips.

Expert comment:

“In fact, plastic surgeons are faced with a huge variety of human bodies and faces and the problems associated with them. And for the most part – problems that are completely real and require solutions.

Many uninitiated people would be sincerely surprised by the fact that reduction mammoplasty, that is, breast reduction surgery, is in demand no less than breast augmentation surgery, and the question of how to reduce lip size interests people almost as often as the question of how to increase them."

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon.

Large lips are a fairly common problem.

We at Platinental help:

  1. Anyone who requires an isolated upper lip reduction or a lower lip reduction to correct asymmetry or disproportion of one lip that is too wide.
  2. For those who have enlarged their lips with gel and want to get rid of it. This refers to the use of biopolymer gels, and not contouring with hyaluronic acid.
  3. He wants to look more European, having corrected the oriental type of lips inherited from his parents.
  4. For those who have excessive lip fullness caused by some disease.
  5. Finally, for those who are not satisfied with the results of previously performed lip augmentation surgery or the installation of implants such as Gore-Tex and Softform.

In each of these cases, plastic surgery is possible, which will help give the lips the desired volume and shape, and the whole face - harmony.

Lip reduction surgery

Lip reduction surgery - reduction cheiloplasty - is performed only in a hospital.

All lip surgeries at Platinental are performed on the inside of the lip. An incision along the outer edge of the lip is not made - the risk of forming a noticeable scar is too great.

During the operation, part of the mucous membrane is removed from the inside of the lip, due to which the volume of the lips decreases.

Lip correction after unsuccessful augmentation to remove implants and polymer gels is more complex, subtle and lengthy. This is the know-how of Platinental surgeons. It requires virtuoso skill, because during one operation not only the removal of artificial components is performed, but also the simultaneous reconstruction of one’s own lips


In any case, the operation is most often performed under local anesthesia and takes about two hours.

The operation is completed with a special internal suture, which will not be noticeable after healing.

Types of cheiloplasty

There are surgical and injection cheiloplasty. Injection lip surgery is a procedure in which gels (fillers) based on hyaluronic acid are used. Surgical cheiloplasty of the lips is carried out in the operating room, is performed using special surgical instruments and involves incisions and suturing. The most popular types of surgical correction of the shape and size of the lips are:

  • Kesselring lip plastic surgery is a procedure for lip augmentation by excision of a strip of dermis and everting of the inner part of the upper/lower lip; During the operation, the surgeon excises a small strip of skin (when correcting the upper lip - above the border, when correcting the lower lip - below it) and, to add volume, turns the border out a little, then the edges of the incision are stitched together step by step; main indications: excessively thin lips, presence of defects, asymmetry, etc.;
  • “Bulhorn” lip plastic surgery is a surgical lifting aimed at reducing the distance between the upper lip and the nose and enlarging the upper lip by reducing its skin part; During the operation, the surgeon makes a neat incision under the base of the nose and excises a strip of skin in the shape of a bull's horns (hence the procedure takes its name), as a result of which the upper lip is shortened and its red border turns outward; main indications: thin upper lip, large distance between the nose and upper lip (more than 1.3 cm), pronounced nasolabial triangle, asymmetry, age-related changes, etc.;
  • corner lifting – surgery aimed at tightening the corners of the lips; the surgeon makes small incisions in the corners of the mouth (in the area of ​​the red border of the lips), excises the skin tissue and mechanically lifts the corners up, fixing them in a new position; main indications: missing corners of the lips, “sad” facial expression, age-related changes (small wrinkles around the lips and “marionette” folds), scars in the corners of the mouth, etc.;

  • Lip lipofilling is a procedure for adding volume to the corrected area by injection using the patient’s own adipose tissue; the procedure consists of 3 main stages: collection of adipose tissue from the donor area (for example, the face, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, etc.) using a Vaser needle-cannula, processing of the resulting material and its injection transplantation into the lips; main indications: insufficient lip volume, asymmetry, dryness, age-related changes, drooping corners of the lips, etc.

After operation

Reduction cheiloplasty is an operation. Like any operation, it requires a recovery period. After the procedure, the patient spends several hours in the clinic. Lips usually heal within a week. On the fifth day after surgery, you can go outside. The sutures are made with self-absorbable material and heal within two weeks.

Swelling and numbness may persist during the first few days. Facial expressions are often difficult, and it can be difficult to speak and eat. The risk of infection is also increased. Therefore, there are some rules that must be followed in the postoperative period.

In the first days after surgery, we strongly recommend minimizing speech activity: the less you talk, the faster and “smoother” the healing occurs.

In order to avoid mechanical injuries and infection, after surgery a gentle diet is necessary: ​​in the first days, food should be liquid, and as healing progresses, you can switch to a normal, familiar diet. Each meal ends with rinsing with an antiseptic.

For several weeks after surgery, the lips will appear large and the stitch may be everted and visible from the outside. Normal lip size will appear approximately 3 weeks after surgery.

Aesthetic result of lip contouring

Injection of fillers with hyaluronic acid is one of the most popular cosmetic lip correction procedures for several reasons:

  • it is effective for giving attractive volume;
  • after 45 years, it is used to correct age-related changes, modeling tissue that has lost volume;
  • allows you to correct imperfections (shape, asymmetry of the lips) without surgery.

Need a consultation?

A safe, minimally invasive procedure at an affordable price makes it possible to restore and create an impeccable shape in just one visit to the clinic. Restoration includes not only lost volumes, but also the formation of a clear, youthful lip contour, drooping corners are lifted, creating the impression of eternal sorrow. Contour plastic surgery also means rejuvenation, elimination of wrinkles and ptosis of the tissues around the mouth.

This cosmetic result is especially relevant in adulthood, when the reconstruction of the structural characteristics of the skin should be carried out in all problem areas. Contour plasty allows you to correct the volume and configuration of the lips and get rid of age-related changes without surgery or rehabilitation.

Contraindications for lip correction

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • earlier rejection of implants by the body;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • infection or inflammation in the lip area;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Why patients choose Platinental

  1. During the operation, only internal sutures are used, which after healing will be invisible even to your dentist.
  1. Look at the lips of Hollywood beauties. They are all different, but they have one thing in common - ideal proportion. Until recently, Russian red and green carpets looked different: “lips separately, face separately.”

To avoid this effect, when working on your lips, we always take into account the 13 rules of ideal proportion so that the upper and lower lip are in harmony with each other and with other facial features

. Only in this case the lips really turn out beautiful.

  1. When lip reduction occurs, the area being removed gradually narrows from the center to the edges, which prevents the appearance of “ears”.
  1. During the operation, only the mucous layer is removed. The muscles and blood vessels of the lips are not affected or damaged in any way.
  1. Removal of excess tissue always occurs very delicately. The surgeon cuts the tissue with an instrument and carefully, in small pieces, removes excess mucous membrane. Then the edges are sewn together.

We never remove more than necessary to avoid unnatural results.

  1. Removal of biogel and silicone implants in one operation is accompanied by reconstruction of the lips.
  1. Through the efforts of the Platinental team, about 500 women have already regained their luxurious, beautiful lips.

Prices for services

Price On credit*
Upper lip plastic surgery using local tissues 45,000 rub. from RUB 4,497/month
Plastic surgery of the upper lip using local tissues, category II 66,000 rub. from 6,596 rub./month
Plastic surgery of the lower lip using local tissues 55,000 rub. from RUB 5,496/month
Plastic surgery of the upper lip using local tissues, category II 75,000 rub. from 7,495 rub./month
Cheiloplasty (upper and lower lip surgery) 90,000 rub. from RUB 8,994/month
Consultation with a plastic surgeon for surgery 0 rub.

Average cost of services
You can find out how much our plastic surgery services cost on average by calling in St. Petersburg: +7

SM-Clinic surgeons will develop an individual operation plan for you, since surgical body correction is often planned and carried out in a complex manner. The exact cost is calculated individually after consultation with a doctor.

Plastic surgery on credit and in installments

Depending on the problem being solved, various methods of lip surgery can be used:

  • VY - used to increase lip size. Several vertical V-shaped incisions are made on the inside, which are stitched in the shape of a Y. The incisions can also be made horizontally, which will allow the shape to be adjusted.
  • Shortening - to correct the length of the lip, the surgeon excises an ellipse-shaped area of ​​skin.
  • Bullhorn - used to reduce the distance between the lip and nose by removing a wavy piece of skin and stitching the incision.
  • Corner Lift - to lift the corners of the lips, fragments of skin will be removed above the corner of the lips and from the inside. The procedure is temporary, the effect lasts up to 2 years.
  • DAO resection is also aimed at raising the corners of the lips, the result is achieved by trimming the muscles located above the upper lip.
  • Reduction - restoration of lip size after unsuccessful lip augmentation by removing excess and scar tissue, implant or drug residues.


Removing biogel from lips

Lip contour correction with threads

Lifting the corners of the lips using corner lift surgery

VY lip surgery

show all

Preparations for lip plastic surgery

Only hyaluronic acid preparations are used to work in the lip area. It is natural for the body and is found in all organs and tissues. Our clinic uses only high-quality, certified, highly purified drugs. It is important, because you cannot be allergic to hyaluronic acid itself - it is present in our body. Accordingly, the human body has an enzyme that destroys hyaluronic acid - hyaluronidase. It is the individual activity of this enzyme that determines how long the effect of lip surgery will last. On average it is 9-12 months, but it is impossible to predict accurately. There are also preparations containing hyaluronidase. If you previously had an unsuccessful correction, you do not need to wait a year for the drug to go away. Hyaluronidase injections will quickly remove excess drug, and within 1-2 weeks we can perform a new contouring procedure.

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