Rating of the best oils for dry and damaged hair - TOP 15 

To ensure that your hairstyle always looks impressive and neat, hair of any length needs regular nutrition and hydration. Have you noticed that the strands have become dry and lifeless, and the ends have become brittle and split? It's time to pay attention to “superfoods” for hair: saturated oils enriched with vitamins, minerals and fatty acids that will help cope with dryness and restore healthy shine and well-groomed appearance to your hair.

There are a huge number of hair oils on the market: “KrasotkaPro” will tell you how to choose the best and most effective! We have compiled a rating of oils that nourish, moisturize and stimulate hair growth, have a safe composition and will help get rid of many aesthetic problems. The TOP 10 is based on personal sales statistics, customer reviews and Yandex data: let's see which oils are included in this list?

The criteria by which we evaluate the products of each brand:

  • Safe composition.
    The oil should not contain sulfates, fragrances, or synthetic components that provoke allergies.
  • Pleasant aroma.
    Too strong a smell often spoils the impression of a product.
  • Volume.
    The more good oil in the bottle, the better - owners of long hair will especially appreciate this!
  • Versatility.
    It’s good if the oil can be used on both dry and wet curls, on the ends and on the scalp.
  • No traces.
    The use of the product should improve the appearance of the hairstyle and not leave a greasy or sticky residue on the hair.

Modern cosmetics have a balanced composition and a powerful concentration of vitamins, so they can quickly solve the problems of brittleness, hair splitting, itching and redness in the scalp. Our rating is formed thanks to a system of points that we awarded each brand for its product.

By quality:

  • 2 points for a safe composition;
  • 1 point for a pleasant aroma;
  • 1 point for volume up to 50 ml, 2 points - up to 100 ml, 3 points - over 100 ml;
  • 2 points for versatility;
  • 1 point for no greasy marks.

By cost:

  • 4 points for costs up to 300 rubles;
  • 3 points for a cost from 300 to 600 rubles;
  • 2 points for a price from 600 to 900 rubles;
  • 1 point for a price over 900 rubles.

By popularity:

  • 6 points for more than 30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 5 points for 24,000-30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 4 points for 18,000-24,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 3 points for 12,000-18,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 2 points for 6,000-12,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 1 point for less than 6,000 queries in Yandex per month.

Final ranking table for hair oils

OilQuality pointsPoints for valuePoints for popularityTotal points
Constant Delight, Olio Ricostruzione oil62210
Moroccanoil, Treatment Original oil91212
Kapous, Arganoil oil91313
Pantene Pro-V, Intensive Recovery Oil7,53313,5
Estel, OTIUM Diamond oil83314
Elseve, oil “Extraordinary 6 oils of rare flowers”8,53314,5
MATRIX, Oil Wonders Egyptian hibiscus oil93315
Kerastase, Elixir Ultime Versatile Beautifying Oil10,51415,5
Ollin, Tres Oil103316
Londa Professional, Velvet Oil9,53416,5

Properly selected oil will prevent hair loss, stimulate hair growth, thicken the structure and increase shine. To revive damaged strands and make the fabric silky and soft along its entire length, you don’t have to waste time going to expensive beauty salons: high-quality hair oil will become your main assistant! We have compiled a rating of the best oils, which includes time-tested and customer-tested products - we hope that you can choose the right product from this list.

A little theory

Oils used in cosmetology are called cosmetic. They are divided into:

  1. Base oils and batters, which can be used in their pure form or serve as a basis for introducing useful components into them. These products are herbal (natural, obtained from plants) and mineral (their initial product is oil, which undergoes multi-level purification and is enriched with useful ingredients).
  2. Oil cocktails consisting of a base mixture into which various active substances can be added. Basically, these are essential oils obtained from plant materials, which have a strong odor and high concentration. They, except for the oil extract from tea tree and lavender, are not applied to the skin and hair shafts in their pure form, but only as part of oil cocktails, so as not to cause a burn.

Part of the action of oil for dry and damaged hair is to imitate the function of normal sebum produced by the sebaceous glands.

The latter, pressing the cuticle scales to the base of the hair shaft, makes it smooth, soft and shiny.

And if a person often washes his hair, or constantly uses a hairdryer or curling iron, the amount of sebum decreases - the scalp dries and flakes. The scales of the hair cuticle “puff up”, opening access to the pigment (it gives the hair color), which is soon washed out or burns out. The hair shafts themselves become brittle, dry, tangled, broken and dull.

In addition to replenishing the deficiency of fat on the hair shafts and combating dryness, the oil should saturate them with useful substances, protect them from ultraviolet rays and damaging substances, and in some cases, stimulate the functioning of their own sebaceous glands, that is, provide hydration for a long period.

Some substances exhibit antiseptic and antifungal activity, fighting dandruff, others stimulate blood circulation in the head and enhance the growth of curls. Basically, only essential oils act this way.


It is better to choose a product based on several criteria.

Reviews about cosmetic oils for moisturizing hair

Numerous reviews from girls about the wonderful effects of natural oils are proof of the effectiveness of these products.

Svetlana : I bought coconut oil on the advice of a friend and did not regret it. After the first use, the hair began to comb better, the ends became more vibrant and shiny. I'm not a fan of industrial skin care products. I like coconut oil because it is natural and has a wonderful effect on hair. I also really like that the product is used sparingly. I recommend this oil for home care.

Larisa : I’ve long heard about the healing properties of burdock oil and decided to try it. I used the product every other day for two weeks. The result is amazing. The hair has become more vibrant and combs perfectly. The ends of the hair do not stick out, but fall beautifully on the shoulders. Burdock oil is an affordable product and easy to use at home.

Dry hair ends are a common problem that has an excellent solution - natural vegetable oils. Thanks to their rich vitamin composition, these products are suitable for everyone and restore curls and return them to a healthy shine.

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It’s much easier to prevent a problem than to solve it later, right? To protect your hair from split ends, follow these simple rules:

  • Watch your diet and your body will thank you.
  • Drink as much fluid as possible. Avoid dry ends and moisturize your curls.
  • Try to get rid of bad habits or at least reduce them.
  • When taking antibiotics, be sure to take a course of prebiotics.
  • Treat your hair with care. Try to use hot styling products as little as possible: hair dryer, straighteners, curling irons. And when using them, do not forget about thermal protection.
  • Wear a hat in winter and a Panama hat (or summer hat) in summer.
  • Trim your ends regularly to help them grow faster and not become thinner.
  • Take care of your curls: make healthy masks, conduct aromatic combing sessions, use natural oils. Read useful reviews on the Internet about ways to use natural remedies.
  • Comb your hair carefully and massage your scalp.

Don't forget to follow these simple and accessible tips, and soon you will definitely see how your hair will transform!

Useful hair mask:

How to choose correctly

There are 3 types of products - fatty, dry and semi-fat.

For dry hair, choose oily hair - castor, burdock.

Esters also contribute to the health of hair, but they are used in minimal dosage, adding to a base oil or other liquid.

Citrus, mint, lavender and pine oils are famous for their greatest effectiveness.

To get the expected effect, study the composition of the product. The following components are required:

  • pomegranate, argan, olive, wheat germ, flax, jojoba oils;
  • keratin;
  • vitamin E;
  • propylene glycol;
  • collagen;
  • proteins;
  • ceramides;
  • behentrimonium chloride.


Olive oil can be unrefined or refined. The first one, marked “virgin”, is considered the most useful. It is used to treat dry hair: masks and other products are made based on it.

A good virgin olive base should have a yellow or yellow-green color, be transparent (not cloudy), and sold in dark glass.

This look is simply ideal for dry strands, it takes care of the skin and softens it. Helps with split ends of hair. Olive is one of the base oils. It is usually added in an amount of 10-50%, and is rarely used in its pure form in recipes.

Is there an effect

Many factors affect the health of your hair. Hair can lose vitality if:

  • regularly exposed to heat (blow-drying, curling);
  • a person’s diet is not sufficiently balanced;
  • using inappropriate cosmetics for care;
  • have diseases;
  • they are often painted.

Simultaneously with hair restoration therapy, it is recommended to find out the cause of the problem and eliminate it.

For example, if there is a lack of nutrients, reconsider your diet and start drinking a vitamin-mineral complex.

You need to start the procedure urgently if your hair:

  • cannot be styled and always look disheveled;
  • do not return to their original shape after a short winding on the finger;
  • have split ends;
  • fall out excessively - normally no more than 100 hairs should fall out per day.

On a regular basis, it is permissible to add a few drops of ether to the conditioner or shampoo used when washing your hair, and for a therapeutic effect, the products are used 2-3 times a week, the full course will be 15-20 procedures.

The effect of use will be noticeable after the first application , but the strands will be completely restored no earlier than the course has been completed in full.

The advantages of such caring and restoring oils are that they have a moisturizing effect, make hair more elastic, and fight against fragility.


Burdock oil is incredibly popular; it is used for any type of hair. Burdock is rich in fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Improves blood circulation in the scalp, nourishes it, moisturizes it, strengthens curls, and is beneficial for hair growth. This is one of the oils used to restore colored dry hair, as well as split ends.

Most often, a mixture of essential and burdock oils is used, but it can also be used in its pure form, preferably warm. Warm up before use, apply to clean scalp with light massaging movements. At the same time, do not rub the skin too much. This massage should last at least 15 minutes. Then you should keep the burdock mixture on your head for another hour and wash it off with water and shampoo.

This procedure is carried out twice a week, regardless of the type of hair. After the first session, dry curls will become shiny and soft.

The Best Oil Remedies for Home Treatments for Dry Hair

Cosmetic oils are bought in ready-made form: for example, some separate oil or a ready-made mixture (“Gliss Kur Oil elixir”, “Loreal Mystic Oil”, Garnier oil). You can prepare a cosmetic cocktail to nourish dry hair yourself by mixing several base oils or adding essential components.

Which oils are suitable for dry hair:

  • castor oil moisturizes, regulates growth, reduces hair loss;
  • Jojoba nourishes, adds shine, protects against damage;
  • olive nourishes and strengthens, treats dandruff, resists alopecia;
  • burdock can accelerate the growth of hair shafts;
  • wheat germ has nutritional and regeneration-improving properties;
  • peppermint cleanses, restores tone and strengthens, treats dandruff;
  • coconut restores structure and adds volume;
  • flaxseed nourishes, strengthens, accelerates growth;
  • argan: effectively moisturizes, prevents hair loss;
  • apricot nourishes and moisturizes;
  • sandalwood, with the help of the active component santalol, has a protective effect against harmful external substances and oxygen radicals, which accelerate the aging of hair. Has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

Which oil is best to choose for dry hair ends? An excellent solution is to apply flaxseed, olive, almond, castor or burdock oils to the ends of dry hair shafts.

Causes of split ends

Dry needles, distributed along the entire length of the strands or concentrated at the bottom of the hairstyle, do not appear just like that. The main causes of damaged ends are:

  • curl dyeing;
  • frequent hot hair styling using curling irons, hair dryers, and straightening;
  • improper hair cutting with dull scissors;
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements (the most important for the health of curls are vitamins A, C, E, D, H, F, PP, B1, B2, B3, B6, B7, B8, B9, B12, as well as magnesium, calcium, zinc and silicon);
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • metal combs that care for hair carelessly.

Hair can show thorns to the owner due to various external reasons. Visitors to swimming pools often complain about split ends; chlorine has a depressing effect on their hair. Strands are also damaged by prolonged exposure to a dry room, hot water, frost and wind.

7Wheat germ

Wheat germ oil contains a lot of vitamin E. It can help improve the condition of dry, damaged, color-treated hair. In addition, the product is a UV filter of natural origin.

Typically, a wheat germ base is added to masks in a ratio of 1:10. It should not be used as a base in its pure form. It can be combined with peach, almond, apricot and grape seed oil.

For hair loss and brittleness, use masks made from jojoba and wheat germ (in equal parts), adding esters of pine and ginger or orange and cedar (a couple of drops each). Essential oils of lime and thyme in combination with orange oil are also suitable. Apply this product before washing your hair and keep it on your hair for 15-20 minutes.

Recipes for masks with essential oils

You can make a rich and moisturizing hair mask yourself, using available ingredients.


Olive oil helps to heal damaged curls, improves their condition to the very ends and makes them submissive. Lemon juice is added to olive oil. Mix the ingredients, warm slightly and moderately lubricate the curls. Initially, apply the mask directly to the root zone with intense movements, then use a comb to spread along the length.

Cover your head with film and a clean towel for a couple of hours, after the end of the action, rinse your hair well with sulfate-free shampoo.


Peach seed oil for moisturizing hair can be diluted with ingredients such as jojoba oil and sour cream. The amount of ingredients should be such that the final mask has the consistency of thick dough.

Before mixing the oils with sour cream, they must be heated. This mask should be applied to contaminated hair using blotting movements, be sure to warm it and wear it for 1 hour.


To create a mask you need ingredients such as egg, honey and lemon juice.

Heat the oil and mix with the remaining ingredients until smooth. Rub the mask into the root area, then spread throughout the curls. Cover your head with a cap and a clean towel. Wash off the mask no earlier than an hour later using organic shampoo.

Argan (Moroccan)

For rapid hair growth and renewal, a mask with argan oil is suitable. It is best to apply it in a course lasting 7 days. To make it you need cocoa, ginger and nettle infusion.

Stir all of the above ingredients well to a thick mixture. Rub the final mixture into the root area with intense movements for 2-3 minutes. Cover your head with a shower cap and towel and wear for at least 15 minutes.

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A mask against hair loss with jojoba oil is applied in a course of 5 times with a break of 1 month. The mask requires ingredients such as mustard powder, yolk, sugar and water for dilution.

Mix everything well, apply to the roots (do not rub), lengths and ends of the hair. Wear the mask for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and organic shampoo. It is better to apply the mask to dirty hair.


A restorative mask with nettle oil is made from ingredients such as fresh yeast, olive oil and honey.

Mix honey and olive oil, add yeast and wait until it is completely dissolved. Pour in nettle oil and spread the resulting mixture onto your curls. Keep the mask on for at least 15-20 minutes, rinse off with organic shampoo.


Mango oil strengthens hair for a long time, thickens it and makes it manageable. To make such a mask, you will need ingredients such as coconut oil, yolk, a couple of slices of lemon and mango, in addition to adding mango butter for richness.

Grind the yolk with coconut oil and beat with a whisk. Grind the lemon and mango pulp and add it to the mango butter. Mix all the ingredients and spread on the root zone, then spread through the curls. Insulate with a shower cap and a clean towel and wear for at least an hour.


To combat dry and brittle ends, you can use a mask with camelina oil. The mask contains only the directly indicated oil with the addition of castor oil in a 1:1 ratio.

You need to mix the oils and apply to the ends. Cover with foil and leave overnight.


Arugula oil can help restore dry and brittle hair. To make a mask, you need ingredients such as egg yolks, a little honey and a solution of vitamins B12.

Mix the yolks with honey, gradually pour in the oil and vitamin. You must wear the mask for at least 1 hour. Rinse off with warm water using sulfate-free shampoo.


Broccoli oil removes frizz from hair and makes it smooth.

For the mask you need:

  • burdock oil;
  • broccoli oil;
  • shi.

Mix everything and heat slightly. Apply to the root zone and along the length of the hair, not forgetting the ends. Wear the mask for 3-4 hours and wash off with warm water and sulfate-free shampoo.


Castor oil is colorless. It is better to use the resulting cold press. Castor oil is a popular fatty base in hair mixtures. It will help if, in addition to dryness, you suffer from dandruff. Castor oil is usually added to other types of fatty bases, as a base oil it is almost never used. It is taken no more than 10% of the total mass of the mixture.

You can use castor oil as part of the following mask to strengthen dry hair.

Mix onion juice with castor oil (1 to 1). Rub the mixture into the roots of your hair and warm your head with cling film and a towel. You can wash it off after 40 minutes, always with shampoo. Rinse with water and natural lemon juice.

A mask made from castor and olive oils also works well. They are mixed in equal quantities and a little shampoo is added. All this is applied generously to the head, after half an hour the composition can be washed off.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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