A man at a cosmetologist’s appointment: features of anatomy, facial aging and the most popular procedures

Many men are sure that only women need the services of a cosmetologist. This opinion, which is erroneous, is firmly entrenched in society. But those men who take care of themselves and always want to have a well-groomed appearance ignore the prevailing stereotypes and visit beauty salons without hesitation. What beauty treatments are suitable for the stronger sex?

Face cleaning

Skin care always starts with ultrasonic cleaning. The procedure tightens pores, removes dead cells and excess fat deposits, eliminates blackheads, and eliminates signs of fatigue on the face.

Before visiting a beauty salon, men need to shave. At the beginning of the session, the cosmetologist cleanses the skin with a scrub or gel. He then steams the dermis using a vaporizer. This is the name of a special device that synthesizes steam that helps open pores.

The next stage is facial treatment with a device that produces ultrasonic waves. During exposure, an almost imperceptible vibration is felt. After cleansing the face, the specialist evaluates the result. If it is not possible to get rid of blackheads using hardware, then he resorts to manual removal.

At the end of the procedure, a mask and cream are applied, which have a calming effect. But even after such treatment, redness of the skin is often observed. Therefore, you should not cleanse your face before an important meeting or other significant event. It is best to postpone the procedure until the weekend.

Homemade facial skin care

Skin rejuvenation for men should be carried out using home care products in combination with cosmetic procedures. For home care:

  • Cleanse your skin regularly with special products. Mandatory care products include: cleansing gel, toner and cream. Many men use aftershave lotions containing alcohol. Such lotions dry out the skin, disrupting its structure. When choosing an aftershave cosmetic, it is important to ensure that it does not contain alcohol. It is better to use a moisturizer after shaving and washing your face. The choice of men's cosmetics is much smaller than that of women's. You can use feminine care products, but it is better to choose those that are intended for combination and oily skin. It is recommended to choose cosmetic products from the same line and it is better to consult with a good cosmetologist. Proper care helps nourish and moisturize the skin, as well as avoid oily shine and rashes.
  • Water balance. The daily norm is considered to be 2 liters of water, or at least 1.5 liters per day. Juices, tea and coffee do not count. Water nourishes skin cells and prolongs youth. If you add lemon juice and mint to water, toxins will be more actively removed from the body, metabolism and the immune system will improve.
  • Quitting bad habits such as excessive drinking and smoking. Within a month, men's skin will acquire a lighter and healthier appearance, and swelling will go away.

For men, as well as women, to rejuvenate their facial skin, it is recommended to make moisturizing and nourishing masks. At home, a parsley mask is good for oily skin. Grind 40-50 g of greens. Pour a glass of milk and bring to a boil. After the mask has cooled, strain and apply to the face. Effect: smoothing wrinkles, reducing skin oiliness.

In order to tighten the pores, an oatmeal mask is recommended. Pour 2 tbsp. l. rolled oats with boiling water and cover with a lid for 20 minutes. Strain and apply for half an hour.

A mask made from cucumber, almond oil and yolk will help get rid of wrinkles. Grate the cucumber, add butter and yolk and beat. It’s good to keep the mask on for about 40 minutes.

To nourish the skin, use a mask of banana, yogurt, honey. Stir the ingredients and apply on the face for 10 minutes.


With age, men's skin, like women's, undergoes changes. First, wrinkles form under the eyes, over time they become noticeable on the outer corners of the mouth, and even later on the forehead. Acid peeling will help slow down skin aging and even out the relief of the face - low-concentrated acids are applied to the skin for 2-3 minutes.

For three days after the procedure, it is recommended to use a cream with anti-inflammatory properties to relieve redness and activate regenerative processes in the dermis.

On the fourth day after peeling, the skin begins to peel off. Don't worry, as this is a normal reaction to acid. After 2-3 days, the peeling will stop and the rejuvenating effect of the procedure will become noticeable.

Problem: first signs of aging, pigmentation, acne marks

Procedure : Forever Young BBL photorejuvenation

Where to do it : Tori aesthetic medicine clinic

Tori Clinic

Capital cosmetologists from the Tori clinic offer to hit wrinkles, spider veins, pigment spots and post-acne with the super-powerful Joule Sciton unit. The promisingly named Forever Young BBL is based on broadband light, which cleverly deals with all the above-mentioned problems, leaving the skin intact, intact and elastic.

During the procedure, a whole range of complex biochemical processes is launched, as a result of which more than 1000 dormant genes responsible for regeneration, immunity and youth “come to life”.

Having applied a special contact gel to the patient’s skin, the doctor directs flash lamps with flashes of broadband light onto the face, and, if necessary, the neck (sometimes it is this that treacherously reveals the real age). Thanks to the special cooling attachment, the procedure is absolutely painless.

The recovery period will also not cause unnecessary trouble: even if the photorejuvenation session was carried out at high power, the maximum that you will face in the first 2-3 days is slight redness with barely visible peeling. The main thing is to avoid direct sunlight for two weeks and use products with an SPF filter of 30-50 units. Of course, if your plans do not include freckles on your much younger face.

Botox injection

Creams and serums eliminate only mild external defects. When the face becomes covered with deep wrinkles, cosmetic products are powerless. In such cases, Botox injections will help cope with the problem. The cosmetologist injects botulinum toxin type A subcutaneously, which temporarily paralyzes the muscles. As a result, wrinkles disappear and the skin becomes smooth and elastic. The effect lasts for 8 months.

Only doctors who have completed special courses and received the appropriate license are allowed to give Botox injections. Therefore, important attention should be paid to choosing a specialist. He must be able to accurately calculate the site for administering the drug and give the injection correctly. Otherwise, side effects and complications are possible - migraines, facial expression disorders, weakened visual acuity. But even in such cases the situation can be corrected. The fact is that botulinum toxin is gradually eliminated from the body, and after a year not even a trace remains of it, thanks to which all the consequences of a medical error disappear.

Features of facial rejuvenation in men

Male plastic surgery differs from female plastic surgery - it has its own characteristics. Experience shows that men need the help of a plastic surgeon at a later age than women do. This is due to the fact that in men the aging process begins later, and the skin contains more collagen and is therefore denser. Therefore, at 40-45 years old , men look younger than women of the same age, and it is believed that this is the age of male prime in all respects.

In the photo: the patient underwent a surgical facelift MAX lift with a shortened scar and a vertical tension vector. This modification of the facelift gives the most natural result with a short recovery period. Combines well with blepharoplasty and neck lift.

Men also want to be young and beautiful

The fact that a person’s face is a kind of his calling card cannot be disputed! It is by appearance that we judge our age, character and, of course, our success.

The historical development of mankind is progress in all areas of life, including economic growth, as well as an increase in life expectancy, and, of course, an improvement in its quality. But it turns out that it is precisely at the age of highest economic productivity that external age-related changes begin. Not only women are upset and frightened by age-related changes - for the stronger sex they are also very painful. But consciousness and opportunities are changing, and today approximately 20-30% of plastic surgeries for rejuvenation of the total number are performed by men. But just a few years ago, only a few resorted to the services of plastic surgeons . Of no small importance in this change in statistics is the fact that modern techniques make it possible to carry out rejuvenation without noticeable changes in appearance, as well as without scars.

Rejuvenation in men is carried out through a combination of several operations: blapharoplasty (eyelid surgery), liposuction (removal of excess fat) of the face, cheeks, neck and chin, as well as Silhouette Lift - thread plastic surgery. All these operations are low-traumatic, but for men it is important that they, together with recovery, take a minimum of time, and that postoperative scars are hidden as much as possible.

Most often in men, ptosis (drooping) occurs in the upper part of the face: the tissues of the upper eyelids, eyebrows and forehead droop. From the point of view of rejuvenation, eyebrow and forehead plastic surgery is, of course, the highest priority, but even taking into account the latest modern endoscopic techniques, such an operation is very traumatic. Moreover, in some cases, the result of raising the eyebrows can give the face an unnatural appearance. Therefore, you should think seriously before deciding to undergo such an operation.

The effect of eyelid surgery that we perform is much more pronounced, and it is so natural that it is impossible to determine exactly what procedure was performed. Excess skin of the upper and lower eyelids is removed in a conservative manner, while “hernias”, that is, fatty protrusions of the upper eyelids, are completely removed.

The problem of protrusion of the lower eyelids, that is, “bags under the eyes,” is solved in the following way: we redistribute them lower, into the “nasolacrimal” groove - into a fold that appears as a result of ptosis of the cheek tissues. It is unsafe to remove lower eyelid hernias, as retraction may occur in this area of ​​the face.

We also eliminate age-related changes in the face and neck in men in our clinic. To do this, we use liposuction of the chin and cheeks or use thread lifting (Silhouette Lift). These operations are performed depending on individual indications. I have already talked about the features of facial plastic surgery for men, that the absence of scars and the fastest possible recovery after surgery are very important for them. Therefore, after analyzing age-related changes in appearance in men, we found out that these are mainly changes in the lower part of the face - the chin and neck area. Such changes are caused by the accumulation of adipose tissue in the lower third of the face and skin ptosis.

In the photo: a patient after lipofilling of the face, including the lower eyelids. This operation allows not only to create volume where the patient desires, but also rejuvenates the skin due to the growth factors contained in fat.

This analysis allowed us to develop specific proposals and offer men lipostructuring of the face. This operation involves incisions no larger than a millimeter, as well as minimal postoperative recovery and even an almost complete absence of swelling and bruising. Surely, men will also be interested in Silhouette Lift - plastic surgery using threads, since it is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia and is practically bloodless. With threadplasty, small incisions are made in the scalp, through which the tissue is moved upward and secured in a new position.

Make an appointment

Microcurrent therapy

Due to its ability to radically change the face, this cosmetic procedure is often called the “Hollywood glow.” After the first session, facial wrinkles are smoothed out, swelling and dark circles under the eyes disappear, and complexion improves.

During the procedure, the skin is exposed to dosed low-frequency pulses. The electrical discharge activates blood circulation and eliminates wrinkles. But such an effect will appear only after completing a full course of microcurrent therapy, including 10-15 daily procedures.

Microcurrents do not cause pain or other unpleasant symptoms and are completely safe for people.

But beauty procedures also have contraindications:

  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • epilepsy.

Therefore, you should consult a therapist before the session. If the doctor finds no abnormalities in your health, you can begin anti-aging procedures.

Problem: “swimming” oval face, haggard appearance, wrinkles due to too active facial expressions

Procedure : express facial massage using technological gadgets

Where to do it : The-Face-Only beauty bar

Beauty bar The-Face-Only

For those who are not mentally prepared for syringes and beauty machines, but want to get rid of the first signs of aging, a direct route to The-Face-Only beauty bar for all types of facial massage. The founders of this space, in word and deed, fight the prejudice that facial care is difficult, time-consuming and expensive. And also - that this is a purely female prerogative. When you come to a session with one of the local masters, you will finally understand what an ideal oval is and what sharp cheekbones they are.

Everything here is clear and to the point: 8 chairs in an open-space space, only online registration and an extremely humane check for services. First, The-Face-Only experts will analyze the condition of your skin, then in the serum bar (by the way, custom-made by the outstanding minds of Skolkovo) they will make your personal beauty mix, after which they will select a massage gadget that will increase the effectiveness of the procedure. The salon's know-how includes facial massage with a special Yamuna ball. With its help, the master carefully kneads the muscles that have become stiff from daily stress, forcing them to relax voluntarily and forcibly. The result of going to this establishment is that facial wrinkles have disappeared somewhere, a rested look and clearer facial features.

Mesotherapy for hair

Men are much more likely than women to experience hair loss, which can lead to alopecia (baldness). A trichologist will help stop the pathological process and prevent unwanted consequences. The specialist will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, after which, based on the examination results, he will find out the cause of the problem and select an effective treatment.

A timely visit to a specialist is important for a successful solution to an aesthetic problem. Therefore, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

Mesotherapy is often used as express help. The trichologist injects a solution of vitamin complexes into the scalp, which nourish the hair follicles and accelerate their growth. The specialist selects the composition of the solution for each client separately, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

A course of mesotherapy includes 10 procedures, between which there is a one-week break.

What procedures prevent skin aging?

When working with male patients, specialists at the Zlataderm cosmetology clinic use hardware cosmetology.

Among the most popular procedures for men are the ultrasonic SMAS lifting procedure, this procedure is carried out in the face, neck and chest area), RF lifting (affects the deep layers of the skin) and the Starvac hardware massage procedure.

We will talk about each of these procedures in more detail.


A similar procedure is recommended for men who have grown a beer belly. It is carried out using a vacuum applicator. The device draws in the top layer of skin, cools it and breaks down fatty tissue.

When heading for cryolipolysis, you should be patient, as the procedure will take a lot of time (1-3 hours). Sometimes, after exposure to a vacuum, the skin may turn red and become covered with bruises. But the unpleasant symptoms do not last long and disappear within a month.

You should not expect instant results in transforming your figure. In order for the effect of cryolipolysis to become clearly visible, you should complete a full course of therapy, consisting of three sessions. There is a one-month break between procedures.

At the end of the therapeutic course, the stomach will become flat and elastic. To maintain the results obtained, you need to give up beer and lead a healthy lifestyle.

A well-groomed appearance is evidence of health, self-confidence and a successful career. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly visit a cosmetologist to maintain your appearance in perfect order.

Problem: dull, dehydrated skin with signs of chronic fatigue

Treatment : Sodashi face and body treatments

Where to do it : Aldo Coppola salons

Sodashi products

Sodashi are relatively new spa products for Russia, originally from Australia. Their trick is an excellent result combined with an eco-approach to rejuvenation. Every single product is handcrafted from plant extracts and natural oils. The name of the brand is borrowed from Sanskrit and translates as “integrity, purity, radiance.” All Sodashi salon treatments include a signature facial massage and provide a personalized approach to the needs of your skin and only your skin. Do you want a wow effect? Sign up for the Sodashi Samadara Ultimate Age-Defying facial with an emphasis on enhanced hydration and nutrition. The face after it is smooth, toned, sleek.

If your goal is much more serious and involves not only rejuvenation, but also total relaxation from head to toe, ask for the extended version and sign up for an hour and a half ritual for the face and body - for example, at Arabian Oud Renewal Therapy.

The procedure greatly contributes to the removal of toxins, improves the quality of the skin and has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state. Thanks to the healing composition of the massage oil: it contains agarwood juice, sandalwood, incense and rose. Great news for ardent adherents of the concept of smart consumption: all Sodashi cosmetics packaging can be recycled. When you go home, grab a couple of products from the Sodashi Mankind men's line for daily care with medicinal extracts of cedar, lime and cypress: they are worth it.

Hardware massage STARVAC

Using the STARVAC device, you can perform hardware body correction. When performing this procedure, the patient gets rid of cellulite, body fat and premature aging in the so-called “gentle” mode.

During the procedure, there is a deep effect on the skin, blood vessels and subcutaneous fat. Fats are broken down naturally, the skin becomes more elastic, swelling on the body disappears, and our specialists will be able to model the desired contour of the patient’s body.

During a massage session, all problem areas on the body are worked out - buttocks, thighs, abdomen. The procedure is painless. At the end of it, there are no traces left on the patient’s body indicating its implementation - bruises, abrasions, bruises, etc. The effect of the procedure is long-lasting - the result lasts up to 4 months.

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