Features of the facial photorejuvenation procedure

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Couperosis of the skin is a common phenomenon caused by the expansion and fragility of small vessels with subsequent disruption of microcirculation. Changes appear in the form of persistent reddish or bluish veins and “spider veins” - telangiectasias. Most often, rosacea appears on the nose, cheeks, and chin. It is not considered a disease and does not threaten the health of the skin, but it causes aesthetic discomfort.

Treatment methods for rosacea on the face include photocoagulation and laser techniques. No medications, much less home remedies, can eliminate existing vascular problems. According to professional reviews, IPL treatment with light waves is the best treatment for rosacea on the face.

Equipment capable of completely removing rosacea is not available in every clinic in Moscow. Using the M22 platform at the Academy of Cosmetology, it is easy to remove even very deep and hard-to-reach vessels, for example, rosacea on the wings of the nose.

Photorejuvenation of face and skin (Lumecca)

Pigmentation removal

Lumecca's light pulses cause the melanin contained in skin cells to disintegrate, which leads to the disappearance of pigmentation.
At the same time, the skin in the treatment area acquires tone and elasticity, enlarged pores narrow, and tissue metabolism is restored. After the first procedure, the complexion brightens and evens out, and the effect lasts for a long time. In order to get rid of extensive age spots, a course of photo procedures is necessary. As a rule, it includes from two to 4-5 sessions, which are carried out at intervals of one month. The course is recommended for people suffering from severe photoaging of the skin.

Removal of blood vessels and spider veins

The second main advantage of this procedure is the painless, quick and safe removal of blood vessels and vascular network. When removing blood vessels and spider veins, the effect is carried out at the level of the dermis, where the radiation is absorbed by oxyhemoglobin, a natural pigment that is part of red blood cells. The light energy is transformed into thermal energy, the walls of the vessel are “sealed” and it ceases to function. Skin photorejuvenation is universal - it successfully eliminates any type of dilated blood vessels: blue and red, small and large (up to 1.5 mm in diameter). The procedure itself with Lumecca takes no more than half an hour and is absolutely painless.

Various types of vascular formations

Removing rosacea

IPL rejuvenation is indispensable if it is necessary to remove rosacea from large areas of the face, which include the chin, forehead and cheeks. Photocoagulation also shows good results when treating problem areas of the body, for example, legs. Photo flashes are absolutely safe and do not leave any scars, and the redness caused by light flashes goes away within a couple of hours.

The main advantage of photorejuvenation over other methods of combating rosacea is its complex effect on the skin, due to which simultaneous removal of dilated blood vessels and general skin rejuvenation occur.

Facial photorejuvenation for rosacea

Rosacea is a facial skin disorder that manifests itself as redness and dilated blood vessels, and, in more severe cases, noticeable “pink papules.” Phototherapy for rosacea will significantly improve the condition of your skin - even out its color and reduce the number of inflammatory elements.

There are rules for facial rejuvenation through photocoagulation. In particular, we are talking about a less aggressive pulse effect due to changing the wavelength. This makes it possible to treat areas with very thin and sensitive skin, as with rosacea (nose wings, cheekbones, chin). With rosacea, an improvement in the condition of the dermis is observed after the first procedure.

Acne treatment

In the treatment of acne and post-acne, photocoagulation (photorejuvenation) also shows excellent results. During the procedure, Lumecca radiation affects a special pigment - porphyrin, which promotes the formation of singlet oxygen deposited on cell membranes. As a result, the membranes are destroyed and the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases.

In terms of the strength of its bactericidal effect, photorejuvenation ranks first among other hardware techniques. In addition to treating acne, IPL InMode enhances microcirculation, strengthens the immune system, and has a beneficial effect on skin tone and elasticity.

Photorejuvenation of hands

Everyone knows that a woman’s age is revealed by her neck and arms. After forty years, the skin becomes flabby and wrinkled, direct sunlight and an unfavorable environment dilate blood vessels and provoke the appearance of age spots. Our doctors use IPL InMode to rejuvenate the hands. Lumecca technology is based on the selective absorption of radiation by dyed fabrics, which causes them to heat up and deteriorate. It is important that the device does not affect healthy tissue. After the first procedure, you can see how the affected vessels and pigmentation disappear.

How does the procedure work?

Immediately before the procedure, it is not recommended to sunbathe for several days or take medications that increase the skin's photosensitivity.

  • The doctor examines rosacea on the face and determines prices for the course of treatment, based on the amount of work, and agrees with the patient.
  • The patient puts on safety glasses. A special gel is applied to the face, which enhances the conductivity of rays and cools the skin.
  • The doctor treats problem areas with the selected M22 nozzle, removing rosacea on the nose, cheeks or chin. Hemoglobin in the dilated vessels heats up, sclerosis occurs - “gluing” the walls of the capillary, it becomes invisible.

Photorejuvenation technology

Lumenis has proposed an innovative method of combating aging, which consists of using light waves of different lengths, from which ultraviolet is completely excluded. This technology is called IPL - intense pulsed light. The peculiarity of the method is that such light can selectively affect chromophores - compounds of atoms that absorb and distribute light energy in the dermis and epidermis.

Each chromophore absorbs energy of a certain range. The nature of the process can be influenced by adjusting the wavelength.

After interacting with photons (tiny particles of light), the chromophore goes into a state of excitation and transfers energy to oxygen molecules, which then spreads through the tissues through heat generation.

As a result, cells with an excessive level of melanin are destroyed - pigment spots, hemoglobin “sticks together” - spider veins disappear, inactive skin cells die off - the division of new ones starts.

To obtain a visible effect, it is necessary to accurately determine the wavelength for the specific area being treated. At our NuAnce clinic, the procedure is performed by highly qualified specialists with extensive experience, so you do not have to worry about the final result.

First of all, decorative cosmetics and small particles of dirt are removed from the skin. To protect the cornea from burns, the patient wears special glasses. Then they are treated with a special light-conducting gel, which is necessary to reduce the scattering of the light beam and protect the skin. The light beam passes through LED filters to the tip, which directs it to the area of ​​skin being treated.

Conventionally, the device operates in two modes. The first regimen consists of a set of procedures aimed at getting rid of spider veins and age spots. Photo flashes destroy melanin, so pigment spots become lighter or disappear altogether. Due to thermal coagulation (“gluing”) of capillaries under the influence of the IPL beam, visible clusters of blood vessels disappear.

The second mode includes improving skin tone and structure, reducing pores and evening out complexion. Pulsed light heats the deeper layers and activates the production of collagen and elastin. The peak production of these substances will be reached 4-5 months after the procedure, so it can be argued that the result is prolonged.

During the procedure, the patient feels a slight tingling and warmth. The skin is not injured, but may acquire a pink tint, which will quickly fade. Upon completion, the face is treated with a soothing and cooling cream. The duration of the session depends on the area of ​​treatment and the tasks assigned to the doctor, but usually no more than an hour.

The effect is noticeable after the first procedure. To consolidate it, it is necessary to conduct 3-4 sessions with an interval of 3 weeks.


It is impossible to immediately assess the result of removing rosacea due to the general redness of the skin, which goes away quite quickly. After 3-4 weeks, a decision is made to repeat the procedure, if necessary.

After the procedure, it is necessary not to overheat the skin and protect it from UV rays. You cannot sunbathe, visit the pool and sauna for several days, or perform traumatic cosmetic procedures. Soothing and sunscreen products are applied to the skin.

To completely remove rosacea on the face using the M22 device, you will need from 1-3 to 6-8 procedures, depending on the severity of the rosacea condition. Between sessions it is necessary to take breaks of 3-4 weeks.

It should be understood that phototherapy only eliminates the aesthetic consequences of vascular problems. To strengthen the capillaries, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s instructions and carry out maintenance procedures when new elements appear.

Contraindications to photoremoval of blood vessels:

  • Increased sugar;
  • Epilepsy attacks;
  • Various skin diseases (itching);
  • Infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Taking medications that increase skin sensitivity;
  • Oncology;
  • New tan or visit to a solarium (less than 2 weeks);
  • Chemical peeling (less than 2 weeks).

You should also know that spider veins on the face, spider veins, and spider veins on the legs are an alarming signal that indicates that the vessels need treatment and strengthening!

After the photoremoval procedure, you need to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and, if necessary, take a course of vascular-strengthening medications.


  • Oncology;
  • Mental illnesses;
  • Diabetes;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Pathological growths of connective tissue, tendency to keloids;
  • Blood clotting disorder;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Any injuries, inflammations and damage to the skin;
  • Acute infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

To remove rosacea in Moscow, sign up at the Academy of Cosmetology “Premium Aesthetics” clinic by phone: 8 (499) 346-02-92

Facial skin care after the procedure

Photorejuvenation with the M 22 device almost completely eliminates the occurrence of complications and side effects. No long-term rehabilitation is required - the skin returns to normal after 2-3 hours. To obtain the desired effect after M22 photorejuvenation, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations.

  • A few weeks before and after the procedure, you should avoid sunbathing on the beach, visiting a solarium, and using self-tanners.
  • Avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.
  • If crusts have formed on the skin, then under no circumstances should they be picked off. To soften the crusts, they can be treated with any moisturizer.
  • Scrubs and peelings should not be used for two weeks before and after photorejuvenation.
  • In rare cases, after photorejuvenation, redness persists for several days. Until your facial skin takes on a natural tone, you should refrain from taking hot baths, playing sports, or swimming in the pool.

Advantages of the M22 platform in the Epilike network of clinics:

  • several power modes for different skin types and thicknesses;
  • several options for light filters (for the treatment of acne, spider veins, etc.);
  • laser module.

This allows the cosmetologist to choose the type of radiation that is most suitable for each client.

During the course, prolonged exposure to bright sun is contraindicated, so phototherapy and photorejuvenation are recommended to be postponed until the fall. In the summer, only thermal lifting procedures are allowed if you spend most of your time indoors and use good sunscreen when going outside.

Thermolifting procedure

Thermolifting, or heating with heat, acts more deeply. The target of this method is the collagen structures in the dermis. Passing through the layers in the skin, light energy is converted into heat, and light heating of deep tissues occurs. Under the influence of temperature, old stretched fibers are compressed, and the process of formation of new collagen molecules is activated. As a result, the skin tightens, becomes denser and more elastic.

The result of any phototherapy method depends on the equipment used. Inexpensive devices cannot widely adjust the parameters of light rays. Therefore, in small salons, phototherapy and photorejuvenation show almost the same, often weak, results.

Facial photorejuvenation procedure

The photorejuvenation technique arose due to the ability of light waves to destroy old and damaged cells. IPL radiation is quite effective, but delicate. This is a good way to renew the upper layers of the skin:

  • accelerate exfoliation of the stratum corneum;
  • remove poorly functioning cells;
  • stimulate the formation of new ones.

Based on the principle of action, the technique can be compared to peeling. The facial photorejuvenation procedure simultaneously removes small pimples, blood vessels and superficial age spots.

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