Peeling roll for the face: features of the procedure, indications and contraindications


With this procedure, the active substances work only within the stratum corneum of the epidermis. It belongs to gentle technologies. The technique is recommended for use on young problem skin to get rid of the following problems:

  • acne;
  • post-inflammatory erythema;
  • solar lentigo;
  • actinic keratosis;
  • moderately manifested photoaging;
  • pigment dyschromia.

Recovery after such a procedure is not required; immediately after it you can go about your planned activities. But its effect does not last long.

For superficial peeling, the following products for acne and acne on the face can be used:

  • 30-70% AHA;
  • cocktails including alpha and beta hydroxy acids;
  • salicylic acid with a maximum concentration of 20%
  • 5-10% retinoic acid;
  • Jessner's solution;
  • phytic acid;
  • 15% TCA.

The best peeling rolls for the face: TOP 10 products for home use

There is such a large assortment of cosmetics on the modern market that it can be very difficult to make a choice just by going to the store. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best peeling rolls for the face, based on numerous positive user reviews.

Peeling roller Super Aqua from MISSHA, made in Korea

The first place in the rating of facial peeling rolls is occupied by a product enriched with oxygen and containing extracts of flowers, seeds, as well as acids with enzymes of exotic fruits. Deeply cleanses, perfectly moisturizes and gives the skin an inner glow. Many users note the pleasant aroma and economical packaging (although some talk about the not very convenient dispenser and weak exfoliating effect).

Volume – 100 ml, price – about 1500 rubles.

Korean apple roll MIZON

The malic and hyaluronic acids in the composition gently cleanse even very thin and sensitive skin. MIZON peeling roller perfectly nourishes the dermis thanks to fruit enzymes and sugar cane extract. This is a fairly thick, easy-to-apply gel that does not spread during use. The disadvantage of fruit peeling roller for the face is its low effectiveness in the fight against blackheads.

Volume – 120 ml, price – about 900 rubles.

Italian roll LIMONI

Despite the fact that the active component of the composition is malic acid, the product is memorable for its lemon aroma. During massaging, the gel structure turns into light foam. After systematic use of the Italian Limoni roller, traces of acne disappear and the oval of the face is tightened.

Tube 150 ml, cost about 800 rubles.

Original Korean facial peeling roll TONY MOLY

This product is known for its original shape and creamy structure. The product nourishes and moisturizes the skin, evens out the complexion, prevents acne and tightens pores. Some users say that this Korean facial peeling roller is difficult to wash off.

Capacity – 80 ml, average price – 850 rubles.

Korean peeling with egg enzymes HOLIKA HOLIKA

This Korean brand is known for its hypoallergenic rolls, which are sprayed using a dispenser onto steamed, damp skin. Cleansing facial peeling with egg white extract perfectly fights blackheads, refreshes and exfoliates dead skin areas. Users note the ability to cleanse the skin “squeaky clean.”

Volume – 140 ml, price – from 700 rubles.

THE SAEM facial peeling roller (made in Korea)

The uniqueness of this tool lies in the permissible frequency of its use. According to reviews, even four times use within one week has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Stem cells and pine bark extract in the composition have a rejuvenating, brightening and toning effect.

Volume – 40 and 160 ml, price – 450 and 1500 rubles, respectively.

Russian facial peeling LIBREDERM with chamomile

Not a very effective product that can be used for any, even the most sensitive skin. LIBREDERM face peeling roll does not contain artificial colors or flavors, has a cloudy color and a barely noticeable aroma. The product exfoliates dead cells well, leaving the face fresh and moisturized.

The cost of 75 ml is only 300 rubles.

Japanese matting roller SHISEIDO

Users have a mixed opinion about the composition, rich in vitamins and antioxidants: the first admire the good exfoliating and matting effect, the second talk about overly sticky particles that injure the delicate skin of the face.

Tube 100 ml, price – about 600 rubles.

Belarusian milk facial peeling BELITA

Inexpensive mesopeeling based on lactic acid is characterized by a granular texture. When massaged, the particles completely dissolve without causing any harm to the skin. This face roll polishes and mattifies well. Many people note a slight tingling sensation during use, which is accompanied by improved blood flow.

A 100 ml container costs approximately 170 rubles.

Facial peeling roll PROPELLER with salicylic acid

This is the most budget option of all presented ( 150 rubles per 100 ml ). It is characterized by not very good rollability and a runny texture, although many note the positive effect of peeling on problematic facial skin.

Read material on the topic: Retinoic yellow peeling done by Hollywood stars


The effect of the median peeling extends to the entire stratum corneum to the basement membrane. The rehabilitation period after the procedure is approximately 7 days. This is due to the fact that after the session, hyperemia lasts for a long time and peeling is observed. The effect is quite long-lasting; the session can be repeated after approximately 12 months.

Remedies for acne and pimples on the face used for medium peeling include:

  • 20-35% TCA;
  • salicylic acid in concentrations up to 30%.

How to choose the best chemical peel for acne?

For skin with inflammation and purulent elements, the use of hydroalcoholic (liquid) forms of peeling preparations is considered more effective. In this case, the following acids are recommended: pyruvic, lactobionic, mandelic, Jessner peeling.

If you have “blackheads”, non-inflamed acne, enlarged pores, dark spots left by past acne, you should prefer gel forms. It is optimal to use peeling: lactobionic, salicylic, pyruvic, almond, glycolic, Jessner.

In the case of past acne, but the presence of problems with relief disturbances (pits, unevenness, excessively wide pores), the best would be a medium peel: Jessner (several layers), glycolic (49 - 70%), TCA (local application), pyruvic acid (high concentration ).


Deep peeling affects the papillary dermis. During the session, the cosmetologist uses an anesthetic, since the procedure itself is a chemical burn, after which skin regeneration occurs. Most often, this method is used to remove deep wrinkles, scars, including post-acne. The rehabilitation period is approximately 5 months. The effect lasts for several years.

The procedure is carried out using the following substances:

  • 35-50% TCA;
  • phenol.

Before the procedure, the specialist collects anamnesis, studies the type and characteristics of the skin. Only after this the doctor will be able to select an effective remedy for acne on the face and the number of procedures.

Indications for chemical peeling

  • pronounced problem skin that cannot be corrected with homemade cosmetics;
  • acne;
  • oily skin;
  • post-acne, enlarged pores;
  • dull and uneven skin;
  • wrinkles;
  • loss of skin firmness and elasticity;
  • hyperpigmentation.

Peeling perfectly helps to cope with such an unpleasant problem as acne and post-acne. A competent cosmetologist-dermatologist will be able to help you solve this delicate problem. Chemical peels for acne help unclog pores, which helps prevent further breakouts. Acne can leave pigment spots and scars, which peeling can perfectly treat and even out skin color.

The use of fruit acids provides an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, absorbable effect. In addition, under the influence of acids, in problem skin with acne, the pores are narrowed, dead cells are removed, and the number of “black spots” is significantly reduced.

Azelik® - a medicine for acne on the face and body

Azelik® is a drug that can be included in the course of acne treatment. The main active ingredient in its composition is azelaic acid (AA). AA has the property of eliminating hyperkeratosis, due to which the use of azelaic acid preparations before peeling ensures more uniform penetration of the chemical agent13. Azelik® is a drug for mild to moderate acne on the face and body, which immediately affects several links in the pathogenesis of acne5:

  • helps reduce the level of fatty acids on the skin;
  • helps eliminate follicle keratinization disorders;
  • helps relieve inflammation by reducing neutrophil metabolism and the synthesis of free radical oxygen species.

Azelik® must be used twice a day5.

How does a chemical peel work for acne?

Comprehensive acne treatment includes chemical peels. Professionally performed chemical peeling for acne can significantly improve the condition of the skin. In particular, this procedure helps remove the stratum corneum of the skin, which leads to cleansing, narrowing of pores, reducing rashes, and lightening age spots and congestive spots. The post-acne peeling procedure makes scars less pronounced and helps even out the texture and color of the skin.

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