Plasmolifting in gynecology: bringing back female youth

Plasmolifting is one of the newest techniques that is widely used in cosmetology and orthopedics. The effect that plasma lifting produces on the body is the stimulation of the natural process of regeneration of injured or problematic tissues.

Plasma lifting uses plasma that is synthesized from the patient’s blood. Platelets are separated from it using a centrifuge, and platelet-rich plasma is subsequently obtained.

It has been scientifically proven that platelets have the ability to heal damaged tissue. Thus, plasma lifting is primarily a therapeutic procedure.

Plasmolifting can be done at the Elena Malysheva Medical Center.

What rules should be followed before and after plasma lifting?

At Elena Malysheva’s clinic, even before plasma lifting, during a preliminary consultation, a specialist will tell you about all the rules that must be followed.

Basic recommendations before plasma lifting:

  • Eliminate fatty and spicy foods and alcohol from your diet.
  • Reduce physical activity.
  • It is advisable to carry out the procedure on an empty stomach in the morning.

Points to remember after the plasma lifting procedure:

  • Immediately after the procedure, you may notice a slight swelling on the face, but this symptom will quickly subside.
  • A light moisturizer will help quickly neutralize injection marks.
  • In the first days, facial massage, physiotherapeutic procedures, solarium, bathhouse, sauna and swimming pool are contraindicated.
  • Alcohol harms the effect of plasma lifting.
  • After plasma lifting there is no recovery period required.
  • There are virtually no side effects.

Plasmolifting in gynecology: bringing back female youth

Class Clinic

Time inexorably affects each of us, and, unfortunately, women are no exception. The genitals often become the target of age-related changes, and sexual sensitivity and libido decrease. In some cases, modern medicine can, to some extent, restore female youth. One of these methods is plasma therapy (plasmolifting) in gynecology. Irina Vladimirovna Shekhovtsova, a practicing gynecologist at the Kaliningrad medical center Class Clinic, a doctor of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences, spoke about the possibilities of the method and the features of its application.

Is it true that with the help of plasma lifting you can restore intimate sensitivity?

Plasma therapy not only restores intimate sensitivity. It also solves many other problems - the procedure seriously increases the elasticity of the intimate muscles, and also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Certain types of plasmolifting in gynecology can help cope with stress urinary incontinence. This advanced method accelerates tissue repair processes, improves blood circulation and metabolism.

Plasma therapy in gynecology makes it possible to eliminate aesthetic age-related changes and cope with inflammatory processes in the female genital organs. For many women, the method allows them to improve not only their health, but also their overall quality of life due to its stimulating effect on libido.

What are these plasma lifting effects based on?

In general, the first analogue of plasma lifting was autohemotherapy. In this case, the patient’s own blood was taken and injected into him intramuscularly; a small hematoma appeared. The blood was absorbed, caused a slight increase in body temperature, and had an immunostimulating and wound-healing effect.

Already after the first experiments with the use of autohemotherapy for wounds, it was noted that one’s own blood when injected has a medicinal effect. Later it became clear that the effect is based on the properties of platelets. This is one evidence that our body has endless possibilities and, using its own resources, can cope with various diseases. The effect of plasma lifting in gynecology is based on the same principles, the only difference is where the injections are made.

What preparation is needed before plasma therapy in gynecology?

Before the procedure, it is necessary to conduct a detailed diagnosis to exclude possible contraindications. A gynecologist examines you, blood is taken for biochemical and general analysis, and tests are carried out for the presence of hepatitis and HIV infection.

How is the plasma lifting procedure performed?

After the examination, using special tubes, we take from 45 to 60 ml of blood from the patient and place it in a high-frequency centrifuge. After centrifugation, 3 fractions remain in the tubes: platelet-rich plasma, bloody erythrocyte clot and gel. The first fraction is used for microinjections into areas of the vaginal and cervical mucosa.

What happens after plasma is administered?

Plasmolifting can be called hematological tissue reinforcement. Platelets contained in plasma trigger the process of tissue regeneration and cell growth, and thus have a powerful biostimulating effect both at the local and general levels. In addition, plasma contains proteins, hormones and a number of other substances that provide the healing and rejuvenating effect of injections.

It hurts? Are the injections performed under anesthesia?

Very low pain intensity allows the procedure to be performed without anesthesia, but we prefer to play it safe. At Class Clinic, gynecological plasma lifting uses a special anesthetic cream. It all depends on where exactly the plasma is injected, what the sensitivity of this area is, and the patient’s susceptibility to pain in general.

What areas exactly is plasma injected into during this procedure?

Depending on the problem with which the specialist is working, plasma can be injected paracervically, into the clitoral hood area, into the G-spot, into the labia minora and the posterior commissure. It is in these areas that problems mainly arise.

You talked about special test tubes, why is it so important to collect material in them?

Yes, as I already said, blood is collected and centrifuged in special tubes of the correct shape, made of special plastic. It is these tubes that allow you to obtain the desired fraction. Moreover, the injection must be performed using special syringes and special short needles with a very thin lumen, which minimizes the traumatic effects and also allows for the most accurate dosage of the substance. Our clinic orders special kits for this procedure. The use of uncertified instruments and equipment increases the risks of the procedure and reduces the effectiveness of plasma therapy.

How is plasma therapy performed - once or in courses?

The procedure is carried out once every seven days. Typically courses include 5-10 procedures, in some cases less. The amount depends on the specific problem and patient. In women with a preserved menstrual cycle, the procedure is performed in the first half of it. When it comes to patients in deep menopause, there is no significant difference.

The maximum effect occurs after 3-4 courses per year, but the first positive changes will be clearly visible after the first procedure.

What restrictions exist after it is carried out and for how long are they in effect?

Due to the fact that the procedure is minimally invasive and practically painless (and when using anesthetics, any discomfort is minimized), the restrictions are minimal. You can be sexually active within 2-3 days.

Are there any contraindications to plasma lifting in gynecology and what are they?

Like any other intervention, plasma lifting has them. These are acute systemic skin diseases, allergic reactions to heparin and other anticoagulants, diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation. Plasmolifting is not performed on patients during the treatment of a malignant tumor or after a course of chemotherapy (the administration of plasma after anticancer drugs is possible only after 4 years). Also, the administration of plasma is contraindicated for people with autoimmune diseases, pregnant women, patients with asthma during exacerbation, with mental disorders and viral hepatitis.

Make an appointment with Irina Vladimirovna Shekhovtsova on the website or by phone (4012) 33-44-55.

Plasmolifting for hair

Plasmolifting is also used to treat scalp problems:

  • Hair fragility;
  • Excessive hair loss (baldness);
  • Dry ends;
  • Dandruff;
  • Fat content in the root zone;
  • Insufficient hair thickness.

Plasmolifting for the scalp will not be used if the cause of problems with the hair and scalp are hormonal disorders, since in such a condition the effect will be short-lived.

If the cause of hair loss is a stress disorder or age-related changes, plasma lifting gives a successful result in 80% of cases.

Preparation for the procedure

Before undergoing the procedure, a woman must undergo a comprehensive examination in order to exclude possible contraindications to it. It consists in:

  • examination by a gynecologist;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • general blood test;
  • blood test for HIV, hepatitis.

If no contraindications are found, a date for performing PRP therapy is set. The day before, you will need to stop eating fried foods and foods high in preservatives.

Plasmolifting of the face for acne

A course of plasmolifting will have a positive effect in the treatment of acne, as it primarily has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

However, before the procedure, it is important to understand that in the first few days after the session, the skin around acne and acne will turn red, and the inflammatory process will worsen. This is fine. Within a week, the positive result of plasma lifting will be noticeable: pigmentation will be restored, the relief will be leveled, the amount of acne and blackheads will decrease.

At the Elena Malysheva Medical Center, leading doctors will prescribe an effective course for you. We specialize in the treatment of knee joint injuries using plasma lifting, etc. Sign up for a consultation!


  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs
  • chronic salpingoophoritis
  • chronic endometritis
  • adhesions of the pelvic organs
  • kraurosis of the vulva
  • urogenital atrophies
  • anorgasmia
  • cervical ectopia

In addition, plasma therapy is successfully used to improve the regeneration processes of uterine tissue in the area of ​​the postoperative scar (to improve scar healing and its consistency). Many scientific articles are devoted to the use of the method in ART and it has been proven that autogenous platelet-rich plasma promotes endometrial growth and increases the efficiency of pregnancy during in vitro fertilization.

Where else is this method of influencing tissue used?

It should be noted that the beneficial effects of plasma and platelets on the body’s cells are used not only in beauty clinics. The effect of this method of accelerating tissue regeneration is also used in the following manipulations:

  • Dentists consider the method of intradermal injection of plasma extremely useful in preparing the patient’s oral cavity before implant transplantation and in the complex treatment of severe periodontal disease.
  • Plasmolifting is used to restore skin and muscle elasticity after obesity treatment. This method has proven itself well for body shaping and the fight against stretch marks and cellulite.
  • Intradermal injections with plasma are widely used in restoring scalp hair, preventing hair loss and baldness. Platelets cleanse the hair follicles of harmful substances and promote their health, thereby preventing dullness and brittle hair.
  • Plasmolifting allows women to restore their skin color during active smoking. Plasma promotes the entry of oxygen into the cells, which leads to stimulation of the excretion of waste products and restoration of the natural shade. Although it is best for women to give up this bad habit so as not to resort to such expensive methods of treating the skin of the face.

In addition to all of the above, this modern method of skin tissue regeneration is used for recovery after operations, injuries and burns.

Since the method is quite simple and has no side effects, it is widely used by cosmetology clinics.

Watch the video about the pros and cons of plasma lifting:

Why not during menstruation?

Menstruation is a short period of the cycle. It lasts, as a rule, from 3 to 7 days a month and is accompanied by exfoliation of the endometrium (the mucous layer of the uterus) with its subsequent release.

The condition is accompanied by bleeding, as well as changes in hormonal levels and biochemical reactions. Similar processes occur in the body during pregnancy.

During this period, plasma lifting is not recommended. There are several reasons for the ban. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Development of anemia

It should be noted that there is no strict prohibition on plasma therapy during menstruation. It's all about the possible health risks.

During menstruation, a woman experiences blood loss (the amount of discharge depends on the individual physiological characteristics of the body). This makes collecting material for plasma separation in a volume of 40-60 milliliters dangerous.

In addition, during menstruation, the number of platelets in the blood decreases. It takes some time to restore them. Therefore, plasma lifting is recommended to be carried out 2-3 days after the end of the discharge.

Sensitivity to pain

This factor is important. After all, during menstruation the pain threshold decreases. Therefore, even microinjections can cause physical discomfort.

In addition, any injections cause muscle contraction and tone them, which in itself is undesirable. The uterus already contracts with spasms in order to push the exfoliated endometrium out.

If you want to see a good effect from the procedure, we recommend that you refrain from plasma therapy during menstruation. It is better to wait a few days than to get complications and regret your decision.

Occurrence of side effects

This procedure is considered one of the safest. But, as it turned out, it can also cause unwanted reactions in the body. Among the main ones:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • autosensitization;
  • fibrosis;
  • pigmentation.

Every woman should take responsibility for her own health and, when deciding to undergo plasma lifting, be sure to consult with a specialist. This will allow you to avoid, albeit few, but still unwanted side effects.

Benefits of technology

Plasmolifting has a number of advantages. Among the main experts name:

  • Long-term rejuvenation effect without surgery.
  • It does not cause allergies, since the injections involve taking the patient’s own blood, which the body will not reject.
  • Cells and tissues are not depleted.
  • The body is enriched with beneficial biological compounds contained in plasma.

Knowledge and understanding of all of the above allows you to make a decision in favor of this procedure. But keep in mind that these advantages will only manifest themselves if it is performed by a highly qualified specialist in a clinic with a good reputation.

Where to do plasma lifting of the intimate area (PRP therapy REGEN)

In medical practice, the procedure of plasma lifting of the intimate area is performed by experienced, highly qualified gynecologists who are fluent in plasma therapy techniques.

Before the procedure, an examination by a gynecologist, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and a smear for oncocytology (if indicated) are required.

After consulting a doctor, the patient is sent to the treatment room to collect venous blood, which is placed in a special tube and centrifuged to obtain platelet-rich plasma. After this, the resulting plasma is injected into the correction area.

As a rule, the procedure does not cause pain, but if you are afraid or have a low pain threshold, the gynecologist will administer local anesthesia with lidocaine before the procedure.

Possible complications

The facial plasmolifting procedure involves using only pure biological material from the patient without any additions - antibiotics, vitamins, or other active substances. Therefore, the drug itself cannot cause negative reactions in the body. Complications arise when the technology of the procedure is violated if it is performed by a cosmetologist without proper qualifications. It is also possible that the dermis may become infected during injections, but in our age of disposable syringes and disinfectants, this is generally an outrageous case.

Be careful when choosing a clinic and doctor. Feel free to inquire about licenses, read reviews on the Internet, listen to any information.

Recommendations from gynecologists of the Stolitsa network of clinics after intimate PRP therapy

  • sexual rest should be observed for up to 72 hours;
  • do not overheat (do not take a hot shower/bath, do not visit baths, saunas);
  • do not visit public swimming pools for three days;
  • limit physical activity and heavy lifting;
  • It is recommended to wear cotton underwear;
  • carefully observe intimate hygiene;
  • Follow all additional doctor’s recommendations to achieve maximum effect from treatment.

Enthusiastic reviews from our patients indicate that the course of plasmolifting of the intimate area divided their lives into “before” and “after” - the feeling of dryness disappears, hydration increases, gynecological diseases go away, and what is not unimportant - intimate life takes on a new level of incredible and vibrant sensations!

You can make an appointment with a gynecologist and find out the price of plasma lifting of the intimate area by calling the medical number: +7.


This technique has existed for a long time and is successfully used in medicine and cosmetology. Plasmolifting is prescribed not only for the correction of problem skin, but also for hair loss, for the treatment of joint diseases, and in dental practice. The revitalizing effect of this blood product has a wide range of applications and is characterized by high positive results everywhere.

In their reviews, patients emphasize that the rejuvenating effect after autoplasma injections occurs very quickly and lasts for a long time.

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