Self-massage of problem areas: how to overcome cellulite and the “apron” on the waist

Abdominal massage has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, improves the functioning of the digestive system and promotes weight loss. The following types are distinguished:

  • pinch (tones muscles, improves skin condition, reduces fat layer);
  • cupping (removes local fat deposits, helps reduce scars and stretch marks);
  • anti-cellulite (accelerates lymph flow, kneads subcutaneous fat, reduces the appearance of “orange peel”);
  • visceral (improves blood circulation, strengthens the anterior and posterior walls of the abdomen, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • honey (helps accelerate blood flow, improve skin condition, disappearance of cellulite and removal of toxins), etc.

Should you do lymphatic drainage massage?

Every woman needs lymphatic drainage massage (in the absence of contraindications). This is a powerful weapon against swelling, sagging skin, extra centimeters and “impurities” that accumulate in the body when the lymphatic system is malfunctioning.

And most of us have problems with lymph. This is especially true for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and suffer from poor posture. They cannot avoid squeezing blood vessels and disrupting lymphatic drainage.

Even if everything is fine with your lymph, problems will most likely appear with age. And this is a direct blow to:

  1. Appearance.
    Swelling, flabby, loose skin, a swollen belly and massive limbs, cellulite and acne - all these are consequences of stagnation of tissue fluid and clogging of the lymphatic basin.
  2. Health.
    When the movement of lymph is disrupted, pathogenic microorganisms, toxins, and decay products accumulate in our body. Instead of being promptly washed out of the body, they “poison” it. It is believed that 80% of human diseases are caused by a malfunction of the lymphatic system. And a feeling of fatigue, weak immunity, impaired metabolism - these are obligatory companions to problems with lymph.

Let's give an impetus to the movement of lymph and blood with the help of massage - we will heal and rejuvenate the body and face.

Lymphatic drainage massage is also a good prevention of aging, varicose veins, joint pain, etc.

Why do you need anti-cellulite massage?

There is an opinion that massage against cellulite is a useless exercise. However, this statement is fundamentally incorrect. Only massage without exercise and proper nutrition will not bring the expected result. This procedure, if done correctly, significantly speeds up the process and improves its quality. Anti-cellulite massage is a rather unpleasant procedure, but it brings benefits and improves the condition of the skin.

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With the help of massage it is possible to increase lymphatic and blood circulation. This stretches the skin, and blood rushes to the areas of compression. The body releases a large number of white blood cells aimed at healing the skin. Due to this, fat cells have become more elastic and allow fluid to be removed from them faster. Using oil helps make the skin soft and avoid painful sensations.

The benefits and effectiveness of lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen

Which part of the body is the most problematic for women? Of course, the belly.

Genetic predisposition, hormonal characteristics, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause... Stress, eating problems, physical inactivity... The stomach reacts to all this by increasing in size and, like a magnet, attracts various defects.

  • Huge “swamps” of tissue fluid accumulate and stagnate in it.
  • Excess fat tends to the abdomen first to create “armor” for the reproductive organs. Moreover, the fat here is not only subcutaneous, but also visceral - the one that envelops the internal organs. And it is very persistent and cannot be eliminated by any diet or training.
  • Cellulite and stretch marks “stick” to the stomach.
  • The skin becomes flabby, a postpartum “apron” grows, and a sagging belly appears after sudden weight loss.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen will help get rid of all these problems. It can be done manually, but most often special devices are used.

In the salon, lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen is usually done using:

  • vacuum-roller devices
    (the nozzle creates a vacuum, and the roller inside it additionally massages the area captured by the device),
  • laser-vacuum massagers,
  • pressotherapy
    (special pants are put on, which are inflated with air and compress the problem area),
  • microcurrents
    (electrodes are attached to the stomach, which release a pulsed current).

But the beauty of lymphatic drainage massage is that you can do it yourself. It’s convenient, almost free (you just need to buy an inexpensive massager), and you can regulate the condition of your body yourself.

The easiest and most effective way to use vacuum cups or a dry brush for lymphatic drainage self-massage.

What will you achieve:

  • You will remove excess water, melt subcutaneous and visceral fat - in one session you can lose up to 3 cm in your waist, and with regular procedures you can even lose “life preservers”.
  • You will make the blood flow faster, relieve vascular tension, “wake up” dormant capillaries, improve the trophism (nutrition) of tissues - the skin will be transformed and renewed, it will become toned and elastic, stretch marks and scars will be reduced.
  • Restore metabolism in subcutaneous fat tissue, soften rough connective tissue partitions, reduce fat cells - cellulite will go away.
  • If you bring your abdominal muscles into healthy tone, your stomach will tighten.
  • If you get rid of toxins and waste, the body’s protective functions will become stronger, and your internal organs will become healthier.

The brush also provides a powerful exfoliating effect, which accelerates the renewal of the epidermis.

You can master lymphatic drainage techniques and tighten your stomach in the “Bloom” marathon from MelAnnett.

How to tighten a thin stomach with massage

A massage helps to tighten the abdomen only in cases where the procedure is carried out in accordance with a course developed individually for the patient. There are no general and universal massage courses for these purposes. It is important to understand that each case is individual. No two clinical cases are identical; there are always significant differences, which, if ignored, can become fatal in terms of achieving a positive result.

Let's figure out why the skin loses its turgor and what affects the process of tightening the anterior abdominal wall. The structure of the anterior abdominal wall has already been described above. Now let's look at the anatomy and physiology a little deeper, since this is important for understanding regenerative processes.

Let's start with the epidermis, which performs a protective function. Its turgor and elasticity depend on a number of factors:

  • the amount of collagen (the protein responsible for the elasticity and condition of cell membranes);
  • conditions of the skin pores, through which oxygen must penetrate and carbon dioxide must be removed (if the pores are clogged with sebum, then a dysmetabolic process begins inside the epidermis, free radicals accumulate and skin aging begins);
  • tone of capillary blood vessels (if they are spasmodic or poorly passable, then the skin does not receive sufficient nutrition and becomes dry and flabby);
  • the state of the innervation network (the more pressure is placed on the nerve endings, the worse they cope with their function and the aging process begins);
  • moisturizing (special glands secrete sebum, which moisturizes the epidermis and prevents its degeneration under the influence of negative environmental factors);
  • the amount of vitamins, minerals and other components in the diet;
  • state of red blood cells (erythrocytes) - with anemia, the skin loses all its basic physiological properties.

Well, don’t forget that the skin is the largest organ of the immune system, and it is also the leading method of thermoregulation of the human body. Therefore, when the immune system is disrupted and thermoregulation is impaired, various pathological changes occur that make the skin dry, flabby and sagging.

It is possible to tighten the skin of the abdomen with a massage if you take into account what negative changes occur to it during the accumulation of excess fat deposits in the area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall. This process always begins with a disruption of metabolic processes. The body, in conditions of poor nutrition or an imbalance of incoming calories and energy expenditure, decides that it needs to create a depot of adipose tissue, which, in case of emergency, will be used as a source of energy and support for life. To preserve fat reserves, the most inaccessible places are selected. These are the buttocks, stomach, sides, upper thighs.

The lowest blood flow is observed here and therefore, in order to extract energy from here by breaking down adipose tissue, the body will need to spend much more energy on this process. In this regard, even long-term fasting and exhausting physical activity do not produce visible results in problem areas. Only direct manual intervention can break down and remove excess fat deposits in the buttocks, thighs and anterior abdominal wall.

In the process of fat accumulation, the following occurs:

  • the increase in the area of ​​the epidermis is proportional to the increase in body volumes;
  • further reduction in the intensity of blood flow and circulation of lymphatic fluid;
  • stagnation of fluid in the intercellular space;
  • accumulation of metabolites, waste and toxins;
  • decreased intensity of gas exchange;
  • penetration of fluid into fat cells and, as a result, a faster increase in body volume.

We’ll talk further about how you can cope with all these problems and restore the former elasticity of the anterior abdominal wall. You will learn about what types of massage are used and in what order.

General (absolute) contraindications

In some cases, massage is not allowed, regardless of the area being worked on. Exposure to any location would increase blood circulation and lymph flow, which could harm the body.

These common taboos include:

  • Heat.
  • Flu, ARVI, sore throat.
  • Acute inflammation and suppuration (regardless of location).
  • Diseases of the blood, heart, blood vessels.
  • Diseases of the lymphatic system.
  • Hypertensive and hypotensive crisis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the abdominal organs with a risk of bleeding.
  • Kidney and liver failure.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Tuberculosis in the active stage.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Neuroses and psychoses.

The best hand massagers

Massager Beurer CM50

Buy from 3,099₽

This massager has a powerful motor that allows you to perform a strong kneading massage. Due to the complex movements of the device, connective tissues are massaged, which stimulates blood supply and lymph flow.

Thanks to the kneading function, the device imitates the movement of hands during a professional massage.

The device is easy to use at home, ergonomic design, compact size and light weight. For maximum ease of use, the massager handle can be adjusted individually for each user.

Main characteristics
Massage areaHips, buttocks, waist, arms, stomach, shoulders
MaterialPlastic, metal
Working hours15 minutes
PeculiaritiesPowerful motor
Power15 W
Power typeFrom the network
Height7.5 cm
Width9.2 cm
Length12.5 cm
Weight292 g

Massager GESS Danda

Buy from 1,044₽

This massager is equipped with comfortable non-slip handles and rotating massage balls with spikes. The massager is very easy to use and is suitable for almost the entire body.

Needle balls effectively work out the subcutaneous tissue, eliminating extra centimeters. The massager also has a beneficial effect on the skin. Regular use of the device will make the skin smooth, even and eliminate cellulite.

The massager is also suitable for relieving muscle tension after a workout or a hard day. The massager can also be used before training as it will help warm up the body and prevent injury.

Main characteristics
Massage areaHips, buttocks, waist, arms, stomach, shoulders
MaterialPlastic, rubber
Working hours10 minutes
Power type
Height5.5 cm
Width5.5 cm
Length41 cm
Weight210 gr

Local contraindications

In some cases, massage is prohibited only in the abdominal area, but in other areas (if they are not affected by damage and pathology) it is possible.

Such local contraindications include:

  • Pregnancy,
    recent childbirth or abortion. Doctors impose a ban for up to 2 months after childbirth. Consult a gynecologist about this.
  • Unhealed wounds.
    These could be post-operative scars, burns, fresh tattoos, etc.
  • Large and protruding moles, nevi, warts.
    We go around them and massage the remaining areas.
  • Prolonged irritation or itching of unknown origin.
    May indicate a disease that the person does not yet know about.
  • Skin lesions: psoriasis, eczema, allergic rashes.
  • Umbilical hernia.
  • Stones in the gall bladder, liver, kidneys.
  • Benign tumors of the reproductive system.

A controversial question is whether it is possible to do lymphatic drainage massage with cupping for varicose veins (and it happens in the lower abdomen too, not just on the legs). Doctors and even instructions for banks say that it is impossible.

But Annette herself is predisposed to varicose veins and fights them with the help of vacuum self-massage. Her experience proves that cupping improves the condition of blood vessels and reduces the vascular network.

There is also no clear opinion about the admissibility of lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen during menstruation. Someone prohibits the procedure. Annette allows it, but the impact must be gentle and short-lived.

How to do anti-cellulite massage

To learn how to do anti-cellulite massage, you should familiarize yourself with a set of special exercises. The procedure must be performed for 60-90 seconds for each exercise. There is an option for several approaches in a circle. This will add variety and help reduce pain. Before starting the procedure, be sure to warm your hands; your palms should not be cold during the massage. During the process, all parts of the body should be as relaxed as possible.

The quality of the massage and the absence of bruises on the body depend on the intensity of movements. The load should be increased gradually so as not to overload the body. The main emphasis in anti-cellulite massage should be placed not on the strength of compression, but on increasing blood circulation.

Working with the hips

For anti-cellulite thigh massage, it is recommended to perform the following exercises in sequence:

  1. The thigh is clasped with the palms, the thumbs are on the back. Use your thumbs to knead the skin in a circular motion with your hands.
  2. Using your knuckles and applying oil or massage cream in a circular motion, work the entire surface of the thigh from the popliteal cavity to the buttock.
  3. Using your thumbs and index fingers, pinch with gentle movements and gradually bring your hands closer together. It is important not to do this too strongly, because it can cause harm and irritation to the skin.
  4. The right hand (clenched into a fist) should be placed on the back of the thigh. To strengthen, place your left hand and forcefully move your fist towards the buttocks. If this exercise is too unpleasant, bend your knee and lift your foot.
  5. Gent movements with an open palm up to the buttock.
  6. Patting the skin for relaxation to give a break from previous exercises.

Several approaches in this sequence will help your hips look much better after just 10 such sessions.

Shin massage

The following exercises are recommended for the lower leg:

  1. Light stroking with palms and fingers.
  2. Fingering with the thumbs.
  3. Stroking with knuckles (should be done carefully).
  4. Warm up the skin with your wrist and then with your fist.
  5. Pressure with thumbs.
  6. Punching with both hands from top to bottom.
  7. Patting the skin for relaxation.

Completion of anti-cellulite massage

To effectively finish an anti-cellulite massage session, you should clasp your legs with your palms and make smooth but intense upward movements. It is recommended to reduce the load on the knee and increase it on the hip. For other zones, the same exercise should be used.

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How to prepare for lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen

  1. Monitor your fluid intake throughout the day. To disperse lymph and remove toxins, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water a day. Right before self-massage, take 1 glass of water, this is necessary to restore the water-salt balance.
  2. It is better not to eat anything for 1-2 hours before the procedure. It is not recommended to stretch your stomach on a full stomach.
  3. Warm up immediately before self-massage. Take a hot shower or bath. It is good to perform the procedure after a bath or sauna.
  4. Should I apply cosmetics to my stomach? It depends on what you will be working with - vacuum cans or a dry brush.
    • Before cupping, you need to treat the stomach and sides with oil or squalane - for easy gliding.
      You can choose Beauty365 Squalane (Sugar Cane), Beauty365 Camellia Sasanqua Oil, or Beauty365 Coconut Oil. Look for them at
    • We massage with a brush on dry, untreated skin.

How does abdominal massage affect weight loss?

Massage rooms are now available not only in medical and health centers, but even in beauty salons. Specialists are ready to visit patients or receive them at home. Of course, everything depends not on the location of the session, but on the qualifications of the massage therapist. Massage of the abdomen and other parts of the body will have the following positive effects:

  • Improves skin conditions. Oils or creams used during the procedure have a beneficial effect on the upper layers of the epidermis, making the skin smoother and more even.
  • Increases blood circulation in the affected area.
  • Provides drainage of lymph and excess fluid. This is especially important for women after pregnancy and people during postoperative rehabilitation who experience swelling due to medication.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Relaxes and calms the body. Massage often helps combat stressful situations and nervous tension.

The main thing is to find an experienced specialist, which is quite difficult nowadays, since the market is overflowing with offers. It is better to contact specialized clinics with many years of experience.

Techniques for performing lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen at home

  1. Massage with vacuum cups
    After applying the oil and squalane, apply a vacuum cup to your stomach. Don't be afraid of strong movements. Work the jar in a clockwise circle.

    Rub your sides, moving up and down, from the ribs to the hips and back. Act intensely and quickly.

    Repeat after Annette:

    Perform the procedure for 10 minutes until redness occurs.

    Are there red circles? This is good. This means that the permeability of the capillaries has improved, the blood is creating new channels for itself.

    Banks can be opened once every two days.

    The stomach, which is not accustomed to cupping, may ache during and after the massage. As you get used to the procedure, the discomfort will go away.

    Rubber MIRACLE jars from Beauty365 work well on the stomach (they can be purchased at They are durable, moderately soft, easy to suck, and easy to use. You can experiment with the different sizes that are included in the set, but it is better to choose large jars for the belly.

  2. Drybrushing the abdomen (massage with a dry brush).
    Carry out the procedure in the bathroom so as not to “litter” your apartment: dead scales will fly away from you in different directions.

    Rub the clean, dry skin of the abdomen with a brush in a clockwise circular motion. Perform the procedure for several minutes until the stomach turns red.

    We do drybrushing of the abdomen 2-3 times a week (for those with sensitive skin, it is better to start with 1 time a week). It is optimal to alternate jars and brush.

    Choose a brush that is made from natural materials. Beauty365 dry brushes, which are made from boar bristles (soft) or cactus (hard), are good for the belly. For beginners, it’s better to start with wild boar, but if the skin is thick, you can immediately buy a cactus. Both brushes are sold at

Possible contraindications

In the presence of certain diseases, abdominal massage can pose a threat to the patient’s health, so contraindications must be taken into account. You should refuse the procedure in the following cases:

  • Colds and viral diseases.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body, accompanied by an increase in temperature.
  • Acute gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Oncological pathologies.
  • Tuberculosis of the abdominal organs.
  • Recovery after surgery, cesarean section or abortion.
  • Period of menstruation.

In order to exclude the presence of contraindications, consultation with a specialist is necessary before the session.

How to do a belly massage

Materials from the YouTube channel “YourBestBlog” were used to prepare this article.

All techniques of such massage can be divided into two large groups - manual and hardware. The first category includes methods of classical massage, acupressure, pinch, honey and lymphatic drainage massage. The second includes the ultrasound method, LPG, pressotherapy, etc. Procedures are carried out using different movements, we will talk about the features of performing the most popular techniques:

  1. Classic. This technique of abdominal massage is the most common, therefore it is often used for weight loss. The advantage is that it is easy to do this manipulation yourself, but to do this you will need to know a number of rules and features of the procedure. During manipulation, rubbing, pinching, pressing, vibration and stroking are used. All movements are performed along massage lines with fingertips or open palms. Thanks to this, the skin quickly warms up, which helps improve metabolic processes and loss of adipose tissue.
  2. Plucked. Used to warm up tissues before hardware treatment or as an independent procedure. It is carried out using a special cream or oil. The main technique is gentle pinching, which helps warm up the tissue and improve blood circulation.
  3. Canned. This manipulation has been known to many since childhood - it is one of the favorite folk methods of treating a wide variety of diseases. Its advantage is that it has a positive effect on local blood circulation and also helps improve lymph outflow. This massage is performed using cream or oil. The jars are installed at a distance of 2–3 cm from each other. It is best not to leave the jars on the skin for a long time - experts advise performing several circular movements on each jar to rub the skin, and carefully remove.
  4. Honey. This massage is very often used for losing weight on the abdomen and sides, as it allows you to tighten the skin and at the same time start fat-burning processes in the tissues. To carry out the procedure, honey melted in a water bath is used, and coffee grounds are often added to it. The mixture is evenly distributed over the skin, after which the problem areas are massaged. It is worth noting that such a procedure is almost impossible to perform independently, as there is a risk of an allergic reaction or burn. Therefore, honey massage is performed only by a specialist.
  5. Spot. The procedure involves influencing certain points on the abdomen and back, which allow you to activate metabolic processes and have a positive effect on the internal systems of the body.
  6. Lymphatic drainage. The technique promotes the outflow of lymph and relieves swelling of tissues. The technique is in many ways reminiscent of classic massage, but all movements are performed along the lymph flow.
  7. Japanese. This ancient massage technique allows you to stimulate active areas, thereby starting the process of weight loss and skin tightening. The session begins with rubbing with fists, and then pressing on certain biological points is performed. To achieve the desired effect, 10–15 minutes are enough; if necessary, the technique can be combined with a classic massage.
  8. Water. This type of abdominal massage for weight loss can be performed independently during daily hygiene procedures. The main essence of the procedure is to use a cool stream of water. It is enough to point the shower head at the problem area and move it clockwise. The water pressure should change from weak to maximum, and you can also alternate the water temperature from cool to warm.

To prepare this article, materials from the YouTube channel “School of Vector Massage and Somatics” were used.

Basic Rules

Massage is best done in a well-ventilated area at a comfortable temperature. As for the time of the session, you should focus on your own feelings. Many people prefer to have a massage in the evening to relax after a working day and prepare for bed.

However, it is worth considering that you cannot eat 2 hours before the procedure and 1 hour after, so if possible, carry out the procedure taking into account your diet.

Also during the session you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Don't forget to use oil/cream even if you are doing a self-massage. Auxiliary products will allow your hands to glide better over the skin and prevent it from stretching, so the effect after manipulation will not come as a surprise to you.
  • Perform the procedures regularly. It is better to do sessions for 10–15 minutes, but 3–4 times a week, than to perform one, but long procedure. Regular manipulation will help you achieve the desired effect much faster and will not cause you discomfort.
  • Follow the massage technique. If you perform the procedure yourself, then learn the necessary movements using special training materials. But it is best if the session is performed by a professional master - this will avoid side effects from the manipulation. During manipulation, movements should be performed clockwise so as not to provoke digestive disorders.
  • And of course, you should understand that massage at home alone will not help you get rid of extra pounds. To lose belly fat, you will need to use the entire range of weight loss measures.

Reviews from people

Here's what ordinary users write about abdominal massage with cups and a dry brush:

Review by Carta blanshe about massage with Beauty365 MIRACLE jars on

“Of course, you can get by with jars from the pharmacy. But for me personally, they are very hard, it’s difficult to work with them, they are the same size and it’s quite difficult to grab hold of them when your hands are covered in oil. Although it is possible. But I decided to try miracle jars from the beauty365 brand, 4 of different sizes, with a comfortable grip and soft enough to squeeze with one hand and “suck” them to the body. They work on the vacuum principle, it is quite painful at first, but it is effective if you use them regularly. The effect is very noticeable. If you have loose or saggy skin, if there is cellulite or fat traps in problem areas, then only this massage will solve these problems. It is important to be regular and not feel sorry for yourself. And of course, the jars should include oil so that they slide. I recommend this brand and these jars, because everything is thought out and simple.”

Review from goodzaika about massage with a dry brush on

“During 1.5 months of remote work, I noticed that I was apparently “rounded” at the waist. I don’t really like diets, and it’s very difficult to stick to diets at home with all the family members. I don’t have much time to take care of myself. I bought a brush from an online store. When purchasing, please note that the brush comes with boar bristles and cactus bristles. The latter is very hard, so it may not be suitable for beginners. I bought from boar, medium hardness Result. After 3 weeks of daily massage, the waist and stomach area tightened. The kilograms did not go away, but the appearance was better than “before”. I carried out the massage every day in the morning, about 7 minutes were spent on the whole body.”

Do you want to get rid of your big belly? Get rid of the “postpartum apron” and “life preservers”? Straighten the fold hanging over the scar after a caesarean section? Conquer stretch marks and cellulite?

Come to the “Flourish” marathon from MelAnnett. In 4 weeks you will remove excess water from your belly, burn fat, and tighten your skin.

Basic rules for successful self-massage of the abdomen

As already mentioned, it is best to turn to specialists. But there are situations when this is not possible. Then one of the options is to perform a self-massage procedure.

In this case, the following rules should be adhered to:

  • Choose a convenient time. It is best to do a massage in the evening. You cannot eat two hours before the procedure and an hour after.
  • Regularity. Typically, sessions are prescribed as a complex: three to four times weekly, the course lasts up to a month.
  • Education. It is necessary to study the basic massage techniques and learn how to combine them. This video, various online lessons, books, articles on the topic will help.
  • Equipment. Typically, the procedure requires a towel, cream or oil. For some types, other devices are used: jars, a hand massager or a vibrating massager.

You should also remember that self-massage for weight loss at home alone will not help you get rid of extra pounds on your own. It must be part of a complex prescribed by weight loss specialists.

The best vacuum massagers

Massager Gezatone VACU Expert (1301028)

Buy from RUB 4,178

This multifunctional massager from the French brand Gezatone is a real find for those who want to correct their silhouette and tighten their skin. This device can be used not only for body shaping and muscle toning, but also for facial rejuvenation.

The massager comes with replaceable attachments that are suitable for both delicate facial massage and more intense anti-cellulite and corrective massage.

In addition to attachments for vacuum massage of different diameters, there is an attachment with rollers designed for deep treatment of subcutaneous tissue.

Main characteristics
Massage areaFace, thighs, buttocks, legs, arms, back, stomach
MaterialPlastic, metal
Working hours30 minutes
Peculiarities3 nozzles, 4 work programs
Power3 W
Power typeBattery
Height18.5 cm
Width7 cm
Length26 cm
Weight830 gr

Massager BRADEX Anti-cellulite pro (KZ 0163)

Buy from RUB 2,344

The operation of this portable device is based on the principle of vacuum massage, which literally squeezes fluid out of the tissues and allows it to leave the body.

The massager is equipped with two attachments with one and two rollers for massaging different areas of the body. The rollers enhance the effect of vacuum pressure and create a skin massage effect.

The device provides 2 speeds, with which you can independently regulate the intensity of the impact. There is also IR radiation, which increases the effect of the procedure due to heating.

Main characteristics
Massage areaHips, buttocks, arms, legs, waist, back
MaterialPlastic, polycarbonate, metal
Working hours30 minutes
PeculiaritiesIR heating
Power20 W
Power typeBattery
Height23.8 cm
Width8 cm
Length29.5 cm
Weight600 gr
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