Cellulite in men - how to get rid of it once and for all?

Untreated cellulite is a trivial problem that can be solved with a few visits to a cosmetologist. Want to know more? Sign up for a free consultation!


- this is not a disease, but a structural change in the subcutaneous fat layer, caused by insufficient blood circulation, stagnation in the lymphatic system and impaired venous outflow.

It is important to understand that cellulite is not only an aesthetic problem. And with the help of diets and exercise alone, “orange peel” cannot be dealt with. It is necessary to undergo a course of special cosmetic procedures and make significant changes to your usual lifestyle.

Most often, cellulite occurs due to improper blood circulation. In a normal state, subcutaneous fat supplies the human body with oxygen and protein, but if the blood flow to it is disrupted, it ceases to take part in fat metabolism. Gradually, the cellular tissue surrounding the fat cells begins to grow, its walls compress the fat and push it towards the skin.

This location of fat cells interferes with their metabolic functions, as there is insufficient blood supply. As a result, hormones that remove fat from the body do not reach cellulite cells and they are not freed from excess fluid. As a result, cellulite-fat tissue grows, making the surface of the skin lumpy and flabby, reminiscent of an orange peel.

The aesthetic unattractiveness of cellulite and its health hazard

The modern ideal of male beauty is a strong man with an athletic figure. Cellulite in the abdomen, waist or buttocks (where it usually occurs) significantly spoils a man’s appearance, making his figure effeminate.

However, men are luckier here than women: you can remove male cellulite with regular physical activity much faster and more effectively. The production of testosterone during physical activity significantly reduces the risk of cellulite formation, and exercise also helps to tighten your figure and get rid of excess fat deposits.

However, advanced cases of male cellulite may require surgery. Our aesthetic cosmetology center in Moscow “SM-Cosmetology” is ready to provide complete treatment.

Individual consultation

Why does cellulite occur?

Lipodystrophy begins when the breakdown of fat cells is disrupted. They do not have time to break down naturally and are deposited on the hips and buttocks.

Due to stagnant processes, fluid accumulates between the cells. The structural units of the hypodermis - fibroblasts - actively produce collagen, so the connecting bridges grow and compress areas of adipose tissue. As a result, they take the form of dense capsules and begin to rise above the surface of the skin, forming an uneven relief.

Solving the problem of male cellulite at the SM-Cosmetology clinic

Specialists will help remove cellulite in men without harm to health, effectively and quickly. The use of modern cosmetological techniques and the latest equipment, the use of certified drugs in combination with an individual approach - all this contributes to the effective removal of male cellulite.

The range of services provided by our SM-Cosmetology clinic is distinguished by high professionalism and an integrated approach to treatment. The following techniques used in our center will help you lose weight and get rid of the “orange peel”:

  • massage: anti-cellulite, LPG;
  • anti-cellulite wrap;
  • mesotherapy;
  • ozone therapy;
  • RF lifting;
  • myostimulation.

Do you want to lose weight and forget about the “beer belly” and excess volume forever? Sign up for treatments with us, we will help you eliminate cellulite and gain a beautiful male figure in the shortest possible time!


Why don't men have cellulite?

This disease mainly affects women, starting in adolescence. Among men, the incidence of the disease is only 6%.

The explanation for this is the different structure of subcutaneous fat tissue. In women, collagen fibers are at right angles to the skin and parallel to each other. Thus, liquid easily stagnates between them and adipose tissue stretches. The process of formation of subcutaneous deposits is triggered by the female hormone estrogen.

Collagen fibers in the male body have a cellular structure that is almost impossible to stretch. Low estrogen levels also play a positive role. And yet, overweight men can develop cellulite. However, due to the small size of the cells between the collagen fibers, tubercles on the skin practically do not form.

Diagnosis of the disease

Since it is very difficult to recognize cellulite on your own, a man needs to contact an experienced specialist. The following methods are used for diagnosis:

  • the endocrinologist applies a special film to some areas that reacts to temperature fluctuations;

  • in the area of ​​fat deposits, blood circulation is impaired, as a result of which the skin temperature decreases significantly;

  • the film shows colored spots indicating fatty nodes under the skin.

Causes of deposits

In men, the reasons for the development of cellulite can be different: from poor diet to the presence of chronic diseases. Experts identify several of the most common:

  • Physical inactivity or a banal lack of physical activity . A low level of sports activity leads to the appearance of excess weight and cellulite. As a result, all internal organs suffer from excess fat. Men need to stay in good physical shape by exercising regularly. Thanks to training, you will be able to increase your metabolism, performance, and strengthen muscle tissue. If these measures are supplemented with a low-calorie diet, then the person will simply begin to change before our eyes.
  • Psycho-emotional stress . Frequent stress causes disruption of metabolic processes in the body. Fat nodules, which create the basis for cellulite, often appear as a result of difficult psycho-emotional situations.
  • Poor nutrition . Problem number one is an incorrectly selected diet, which is why the “orange peel” appears. Cholesterol, found in excess in many modern foods, provokes problems with fat metabolism and blood circulation. As a result, cellulite on the butt in men is increasingly becoming commonplace.
  • Hormonal imbalance . Another common reason leading to the appearance of an aesthetic defect. The breakdown of fat in men occurs due to the hormones norepinephrine and adrenaline. If their synthesis changes, the fat burning process is suspended, and the excess accumulates in the skin tissue.
  • Poor posture . The problem of childhood gives its echoes already in adulthood. Scoliosis provokes poor circulation and the formation of lymphostasis, which can cause the accumulation of fat cells.

Where does cellulite come from?

The problem of cellulite exists. The only question is why it appears. When diagnosing cellulite, factors such as age, weight, lifestyle and the volume of adipose tissue and its location in the body are taken into account. An incorrect diet affects cellulite, namely consuming large amounts of carbohydrates and fats, as well as exceeding the normal amount of salt in dishes, which retains water in the body tissues.

People with a sedentary lifestyle and who do not like physical activity are susceptible to cellulite. Low physical activity means that microcirculation stops in the tissues. When a person exercises, muscles contract and force blood and lymph to overcome gravity - called the muscle pump. Its effect stops if the muscles are not forced to work, as a result they become weak.

Low physical activity puts a lot of pressure on the lymphatic and blood vessels, which leads to stagnation. High-heeled shoes also contribute to the development of cellulite - due to the stopping of the muscle pump. Blood in the feet does not circulate well in uncomfortable shoes, and blood flow in the calves can stagnate.

Genetic determinants also play a role—cellulite is more common in women with fair skin tones than in Asian or African women.

For the most part, cellulite is the prerogative of women. Hormones also have an effect on cellulite, which is why orange peel is common in postpartum and menopausal women. The reason for this is an excess amount of estrogen with low levels of progesterone and the specific structure of adipose tissue.

Stress contributes to the formation of cellulite. When a person is stressed, the body produces high levels of cortisol, which promotes fat storage. When a person is nervous, the muscles tense, as a result, microcirculation is disrupted, and the tissues do not receive nutrition.

In what places can there be cellulite?

The following areas are problematic for men:

  • Stomach. The waist area most often suffers from the presence of fatty seals. In the later stages, flabby areas become visible to the naked eye.
  • Breast. Typically, male cellulite on the chest is associated with hormonal dysfunction. Excessive production of estrogen leads to breast enlargement, and then tubercles of subcutaneous fat appear on it.
  • Arms and neck - in rare cases, most often such cellulite is a companion to obesity.

Stages of manifestation, places of localization in the male half

In most cases, uneven skin in men occurs in the waist, abdomen and thighs. The development of the disease occurs gradually, so doctors distinguish several stages, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • First. Small dimples appear, which are noticeable only when the cover is compressed.
  • Second. At this stage, the pits can be seen visually.
  • Third. The patient experiences additional symptoms: sagging skin, bruising, swelling.
  • Fourth. The cover becomes bluish, the affected area has a lower temperature.

Advanced degree of pathology in men is extremely rare.

How a man can deal with orange peel

How to get rid of cellulite in a particular case depends on the degree of development of the disease. In the early stages, you can limit yourself to home procedures:

  • medicinal baths;
  • using special creams, scrubs;
  • contrast shower;
  • wraps;
  • self-massage.

They must be combined with daily gymnastics, following the prescribed diet, and taking vitamin and mineral complexes.

When the disorder takes on pronounced forms, hardware intervention carried out in beauty salons will be required. In later stages, the patient is indicated for surgical intervention.

The main thing is not to succumb to the erroneous belief that men do not have cellulite. Consult a doctor in a timely manner and begin to combat the defect.

Diet food

Without correcting your diet, you will not be able to defeat cellulite. “Fast” diets in this case are not only ineffective, but even harmful. After lifting the restrictions, the problems immediately return, and body weight increases even faster. Due to constant sudden changes in weight, the skin stretches, the fibers are damaged, and lose elasticity.

Therefore, you should not chase instant results. We will have to completely change the food system. It is necessary to exclude from the menu foods that provoke an increase in “bad” cholesterol in the blood and negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system.

It is necessary to limit (it is better to completely eliminate) the use of:

  • Sahara;
  • muffins. Cream cakes, pastries, shortbread cookies, and fresh buns are especially harmful;
  • pickles;
  • milk chocolate. Eating a few pieces of black a day is quite acceptable;
  • semi-finished products rich in low-quality fats, preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • marinades, store-bought sauces;
  • sausages;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • smoked meats;
  • fats of animal origin (fatty meat, butter).

Attention: the beer beloved by men causes an increase in the level of estrogen, which contributes to the formation of a female-type figure, thickening of the fat layer, and the appearance of tubercles.

The basis of the diet should be:

  • raw or stewed vegetables;
  • poultry meat (without skin);
  • bran, whole grain bread;
  • fruits;
  • seafood;
  • honey (they are a good substitute for sugar);
  • vegetable oils;
  • beef;
  • legumes;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, rolled oats);
  • sea ​​fish;
  • fermented milk products with a low fat content.

Dishes should be boiled, stewed or steamed. You will have to give up fried foods. You need to eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day. This will help reduce hunger, prevent overeating, and reduce the size of the stomach. You should not eat in front of the TV or computer, so as not to lose control over the amount you eat.

It is equally important to normalize the drinking regime. To stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, you need to drink at least two liters of clean water per day. It is better to limit your coffee consumption to one (maximum two) cups in the morning. You can replace it with green tea, berry fruit drinks, herbal infusions, and natural (not packaged) juices.

Power loads

Physical exercise is necessary in the fight against lipodystrophy. They activate blood circulation, strengthen muscles, and stimulate metabolism.

The following loads help well with fat folds:

  • walking up the stairs. Every day you have to overcome 20 floors. You need to walk at a calm pace, breathe regularly;
  • twisting. In a lying position, clasp your fingers in a lock at the back of your head, rising, stretch your right elbow to your left knee, then vice versa. Perform 15 repetitions of the exercise;
  • relax, take as deep a breath as possible, then slowly exhale completely (the abdominal muscles should be pulled towards the back). Repeat 15 times.

Attention: it is not correct to do exercises only on the abs; it is important to distribute the load evenly.

It is good to supplement gymnastics with jumping rope, bending the body, and squats. You can join a gym or swimming pool, play football, volleyball, or ride a bike. The load must be increased gradually. Before starting training, it is advisable to consult with a doctor and jointly develop a set of exercises taking into account the presence of excess weight and associated pathologies.

Which specialist should I contact?

The fight against lipodystrophy requires an integrated approach. After receiving the results of the examination, the patient may need help:

  • a nutritionist - to create a complete menu that allows you to lose weight gradually, without harm to your health;
  • endocrinologist - if the disorder is caused by hormonal imbalance or abnormalities in metabolic processes;
  • surgeon – when there is a need to correct the figure surgically;
  • psychotherapist – for stressful conditions, psychological eating disorders.

A cosmetologist deals with the elimination of external manifestations of cellulite. This specialist selects the optimal course of hardware procedures and external use.


In order for men to avoid the appearance of “orange peel” or to maintain the effect of the treatment, it is necessary to constantly follow preventive measures:

  • Healthy food;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • observe drinking regime;
  • exercise regularly;
  • promptly treat (or stabilize) concomitant diseases;
  • take a contrast shower, medicinal baths;
  • wear comfortable clothes and shoes that will not squeeze the fabric.

It is very important to receive more positive emotions and avoid stress. Such conditions invariably lead to hormonal fluctuations, which negatively affects all processes occurring in the human body. First of all, it affects the condition of the skin.

Contrary to popular belief, according to which men do not have cellulite, representatives of the stronger sex also run the risk of finding an unpleasant “orange peel” on their bodies. It is quite possible to cope with it, especially if you do not start the process. Treatment must be comprehensive. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, you will be able to cope with the problem even faster than a woman due to the peculiarities of the structure of the male dermis.

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