Causes of facial hair in women and how to get rid of unwanted hair once and for all

Hirsutism: causes of deficiency

Facial hair in women (hirsutism) is one of the most common causes of constant tears in the fair sex, their isolation and lack of self-confidence.
It’s not at all difficult to guess that all this can lead to quite serious consequences, including the inability to improve your personal life. On the one hand, modern cosmetology makes it possible to very quickly get rid of facial hair even at home, but on the other hand, first of all, it is necessary to find out the reasons for this phenomenon in order to choose the most effective hair removal method. What could be the reasons for increased facial hair in girls and women? This:

  • Genetic predisposition or national characteristics;
  • Problems at the physiological level.

If we talk in more detail about the reasons for high facial hair in women who have physiological changes in the body, then among them we can highlight:

  • Hirsutism in women is an increase in the number of rod bulbs under the skin, associated with a high content of male sex hormones in the body. This is a rather serious and dangerous problem that requires an exclusively professional approach to treatment.
  • Changes in hormonal levels that can occur during pregnancy, after childbirth or during menopause.
  • Taking certain medications, especially incorrectly selected oral contraceptives.
  • Stress that leads to temporary facial hair growth due to hormonal shifts.
  • Diseases of the endocrine glands - ovaries, thyroid, adrenal glands.

As you can see, it is almost impossible to independently identify the true reason for the increase in the amount of hair on a woman’s face. Therefore, treatment of such a pathology should begin with a visit to an experienced doctor.

Qualified specialists at the Imagelab medical center have everything they need to find the true causes of facial hair in women and prescribe correct and effective treatment for this unpleasant phenomenon for any representative of the fair sex.

Traditional hair removal remedies that don't work

Popular folk techniques help to get rid of unwanted hair forever at home, although not all remedies are effective. Many methods do not remove coarse hair, others only help to lighten or remove hair for a short period.

Uses of iodine

In some sources you can find information about hair removal with iodine. In fact, application of the drug can cause a widespread allergic reaction and leave dark spots on the skin that cannot be quickly washed off with conventional means.

Application of soda

This is an ineffective way to remove vellus antennae, but it is often recommended for use at home. It is generally accepted that soda can corrode the hair follicle and slow down the formation of the follicle.

Soda mask

In fact, prolonged exposure to a soda solution can lead to noticeable damage to the upper layer of the dermis. The reaction will appear as severe redness followed by peeling of the skin. And the fluff will not stop growing.

As a result, the area that was treated with soda solution will be dry and painful to the touch. The only thing that can be achieved with the help of repeated soda lotions is lightening the vellus part of the follicle.

How to remove facial hair for women

Today, there are a huge number of ways to remove hair on a woman’s face: from the simplest - shaving, plucking with tweezers, depilation and sugaring, to special cosmetic procedures (photo, electro and laser hair removal).

Let us note that only those women who have national or genetic prerequisites for the phenomenon of increased vegetation should remove facial hair using traditional methods. However, experts strictly do not recommend shaving. This leads to an increase in the number of hair follicles, as well as faster hair growth and darkening. Also, simple methods of facial hair removal do not lead to long-lasting results.


If your facial fuzz has a denser texture, electrolysis may be the best option for you—it's the only permanent hair removal method that works wonders on all skin types. If you haven't heard of this procedure before, it involves the use of a thin needle device that destroys hair follicles using an electrical current.

How to treat hirsutism in women

Professional (cosmetological) methods of combating hirsutism in women provide a longer-lasting effect, and some of them allow women to forget about such a problem as facial hair forever. However, they should only be taken in modern medical centers that use licensed equipment.

Imagelab Medical Center provides a full range of services for cosmetic facial hair removal. Also, with us you can undergo an examination and identify the true causes of increased vegetation on the body.

Thus, facial hair in women in our time is a completely solvable problem if you entrust its solution to experienced, qualified specialists.


You all know what this is, right? Threading is the procedure for removing facial hair using threads. It is quite ancient and effective, but at the same time painful.

Threading is a method that has been used for centuries for women and men with facial hair. This is a very successful solution, but the skin may be very irritated after the procedure.

Is increased hairiness during pregnancy normal?

During pregnancy, hormonal levels change noticeably, sometimes this is manifested by the appearance of hair.

Hair appears especially often on the stomach, mammary glands, and sometimes on the face, if there is a tendency. As a rule, everything goes away with the birth of the child and the end of breastfeeding. But hair growth should not be abundant.

Sometimes doctors, to be on the safe side, send you to take a testosterone test, since too high values ​​of this indicator can negatively affect the course of pregnancy, even lead to miscarriage.

Hirsutism in adolescents may be accompanied by severe acne

Reason #7: Pregnancy or use of contraceptives

One of the biggest hormonal changes a woman's body can undergo is pregnancy. Unusual or excessive hair growth on the chin should not bother a pregnant woman. Likewise, women using hormonal contraceptives may experience unusual hair growth due to changes their body undergoes. These hormonal shifts are usually temporary, and excess chin hair will disappear as your body chemistry is restored.

Forms of the disease

Forms of hirsutism are distinguished according to the reasons that provoke the pathology:

  • dermatological (familial and idiopathic)
  • exogenous (disease provoked by the drugs listed above)
  • neuroendocrine (pituitary, ovarian, adrenal)

There is another division, which is based on the presence of violations:

  • without accompanying disorders
  • with ovulation disorders;
  • with piloseborrheic complex of increased activity (acne and blackheads)
  • with signs of virilization

Increased hairiness in girls. What to do?

Doctors usually prescribe oral hormonal contraceptives for young girls. The dose of estrogen is low, which reduces the likelihood of side effects.

After establishing hormonal levels, already grown hairs are removed with cosmetic procedures:

  • decolorize with hydrogen peroxide
  • depilation, while the hair follicle is not damaged, but the visible part of the hair is destroyed
  • hair removal, which also removes the hair follicle: laser hair removal, photo-, electrolysis,
  • use folk remedies

Increased hairiness on the girl’s arms and face

How to get rid of excessive hairiness in a teenage girl?

During puberty in adolescents, hormonal levels change greatly, and the hormonal function of the adrenal glands increases. This often provokes unwanted hair growth. This is especially true for girls of masculine and intersex physique.

In any case, the teenager must be shown to a doctor, since active hair growth may indicate pathologies of internal organs. Adolescent hirsutism is often accompanied by acne.

You can use any of the means given above, except for a razor and tweezers, which will only aggravate the situation. Lemon juice also helps remove hair. They need to lubricate their hairs 2-3 times a day. Lemon will also be beneficial for the skin.

Contraceptives have a strong effect on the female body

Which doctor should I contact if I have increased hairiness?

  • Gynecologist, since the most common causes of active hair growth are problems with the ovaries and adrenal glands
  • Endocrinologist - hormonal imbalance can be caused by problems of the endocrine system, for example, diseases of the thyroid gland. The ideal option is a gynecologist-endocrinologist
  • Neuropathologist - many mental disorders provoke hypertrichosis, even depression
  • Trichologist - androgens can influence increased hair loss on the scalp
  • A cosmetologist, remove very noticeable hairs under his guidance so that the effect is long-lasting and the process is safe.

Body hair causes a lot of trouble

Androgen hormones

Androgens are divided into several types, among which testosterone is the most common. A large amount of it is usually found in men. It is needed there for the formation of ejaculate and secondary sexual characteristics, that is, hair on the legs, chest, rough voice, etc.

Healthy girls should have testosterone in very small quantities. Normally, it should not cause disturbances in the cycle, libido and the ability to conceive and bear a child. If a woman’s level of the hormone testosterone increases, then male-type changes begin inside and outside her.

Also among the androgens are androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone. They become testosterone in the future.

Hair removal creams

Creams can help you, but you need to proceed with caution because it can ruin your skin. Although this is a quick and painless solution, if used incorrectly it can lead to increased sensitivity and chronic dry skin. It's not very good.

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If you still want to try this method, just make sure to choose a product that will suit sensitive skin and apply a gentle moisturizer afterward to soothe your skin.

Reason #4: Polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, can have a profound impact on your reproductive health and your hormones.

Symptoms include irregular periods, problems with weight loss, infertility, and sometimes ovarian cysts.

PCOS is typically characterized by ovarian cysts that interfere with normal levels of estrogen production.

Hirsutism is another side effect, which is why women with PCOS may find more hair on their chin.

If the symptoms described above describe you, talk to your doctor about the causes of PCOS and their treatment.

Excessive hairiness in girls, how to get rid of it: tips and reviews

  • If the hair is very noticeable, then it is better to consult a cosmetologist to remove it. If it’s not too much, you can try to cope on your own
  • If you start oral contraceptive therapy, do not stop it until the end of treatment. Otherwise, you can get severe hormonal imbalance and very serious health problems.
  • People around her often don’t even notice the hair growth, which for the girl herself seems like a disaster. Don’t get hung up so you don’t develop complexes.

Alina, 21 years old:

I have long, albeit blond, hair on my arms and legs. Tests showed that testosterone was slightly elevated, but overall normal. There was no money for expensive procedures and I rubbed my hair and skin with an unripe nut, just picked from a tree. About a month. The effect is positive, the hairs have become much less noticeable and thinner, although they have not disappeared at all.

Maria, 35 years old:

At the age of 14, hair began to grow on my arms, legs, neck and even my stomach. I almost considered it an evil eye. It was only when I was 19 that I decided to see a doctor about this problem. By this point, I had probably tried all the available methods: from plucking and shaving to hydrogen peroxide and datura grass. After treatment, the problem went away.

Increased hairiness - hormones, treatment

To determine the type of hirsutism, tests are taken to determine the percentage of hormones:

  • total testosterone
  • dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), which characterizes the activity of the secretory function of the adrenal glands
  • androstenedione, an increased concentration of which may indicate ovarian pathology
  • 17-hydroxyprogesterone, which is elevated in congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  • cortisol, which is elevated in Cushing's syndrome
  • gonadotropins to confirm or refute polycystic ovary syndrome

Research is also prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of adrenal glands, ovaries
  • MRI of the brain
  • CT, MRI of all organs that the doctor deems necessary to examine
  • Laparoscopy

Increased hairiness may indicate problems in the body.
Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the results of the examination:

  • Mild hirsutism, if there are no disruptions to the menstrual cycle or other disorders, is usually treated by a cosmetologist
  • But, as a rule, hirsutism is a harbinger of other diseases. In this case, first treat the root cause: remove the tumor on the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, ovaries; drugs that provoke hair growth are discontinued, various diseases are treated (Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, hypothyroidism, acromegaly)
  • Antiandrogen drugs are prescribed, which reduce testosterone levels and reduce the sensitivity of hair follicles to androgens.
  • Prescribe cosmetic procedures to remove already grown hair

Bikini area waxing

The effect of contraceptives on increased hairiness

  • Combined oral contraceptives with low estrogen levels are used to normalize a woman's hormonal levels when there are too many male hormones. This androgen therapy leads to a decrease in hair growth
  • These contraceptives have contraindications: hypertension, smoking, liver failure, age over 35 years, so taking them independently without a doctor’s prescription is not recommended
  • An incorrectly selected drug used as a contraceptive can lead to disruption of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and central nervous system, which can provoke unwanted hair growth
  • As a result, the body will increase the production of androgens and decrease the production of estrogen. This will entail the manifestation of male traits in a female form and hair growth according to the male type: on the face, chest, stomach, back, arms and legs

Who do you like better?

Reason #5: Cushing's Syndrome

According to the National Adrenal Foundation of America, excess hair on the chin can sometimes be associated with a condition called Cushing's syndrome. This particular condition is caused by overexposure to the stress hormone cortisol. Either your adrenal glands produce too much of it themselves, or their production is accelerated by certain arthritis or asthma medications.

Excess hair is just one symptom of a condition that is also characterized by stretch marks, weight gain and, in some cases, type 2 diabetes. Talk to your doctor if you suspect you have symptoms of this disease.

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