Excessive hair growth in women: causes of hirsutism and treatment



Olesya Sergeevna

8 years of experience


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Hirsutism is a female problem that is characterized by excess hair growth on a woman’s face or body. Growth occurs according to the male principle, that is, hair appears according to the androgenic type and in androgen-dependent areas. These areas include the face, chest, area near the nipple areola, back, hips, and abdomen. The hair is pigmented, has a fairly dense shaft and a rough structure - it is noticeable to the naked eye, these are not vellus hairs, which everyone has and are noticeable only under certain circumstances.

Such localization and a certain hair structure indicate that the problem is caused by an excess of male hormones, which is bad for the female body, and therefore indicates the presence of processes that require the attention of a doctor. So if you suspect you have hirsutism, treatment in this case is mandatory, but you need to start with a full diagnosis.

Hirsutism appears on average in 2-10% of women, but the good news is that a mild degree of the disease may not require long-term treatment. If the problem is serious, measures to eliminate it may take 6-12 months.

Obviously, there is no such thing as hirsutism in men - in this case we are talking about either a childhood (adolescent) or a female disease.

Symptoms and signs

We have already talked about the main symptom of the disease - male type of hair growth. But since the problem itself is hormonal in nature, there may be other manifestations:

  • alopecia (baldness);
  • increased skin oiliness;
  • acne;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle.

If the problem continues to grow, the woman may develop other problems of excess male hormones, for example, body fat begins to be distributed not according to the female type, but according to the male type. At the same time, muscle mass may increase and the voice may deepen. But these are not the most difficult problems, since hirsutism in women also leads to other, more serious consequences.

There are several classifications by which the degree of the disease is determined, but it makes no sense for patients to understand them - doctors look not so much at the degree, but at how the general condition of the body changes. How to treat hirsurtism, what tests to take, whether medical intervention is required - all this is decided exclusively individually, after a thorough examination.

Hair on thighs folk methods

Many women are afraid to take hormonal drugs. Folk remedies are safer, but they are less effective. The result may appear in six months to a year. It will not be possible to be completely cured using traditional medicine :

  1. Datura . A decoction is used. Take several plants with roots, wash them, add water (1 liter), and simmer for no more than an hour. Cool, squeeze out. Use for wiping morning and evening. Check for allergies in advance.
  2. Walnut . Apply green fruit juice to a clean napkin, apply lotions for 4-6 minutes in the morning and evening, for one week. If the hairs do not start to fall out, the product will not help. If they begin to disappear, continue treatment.
  3. Borovaya uterus . A universal medicinal plant for getting rid of female ailments and normalizing hormonal balance. Effective for hereditary hirsutism. In more severe cases it is useless.
  4. Chatter: zinc oxide - 30g, barium sulfate - 60g, starch - 30g. Dilute with water. Apply for 7-8 minutes, then remove.

Reasons for the development of the disease

If hirsutism develops, drugs cannot be prescribed according to a general principle, because each woman will have her own causes of the disease. But usually this is either polycystic ovary syndrome or unknown causes - in the second case we are talking about idiopathic hirsutism.

Other possible causes of the disease are:

  • other disorders of ovarian function. Together with the mentioned polycystic ovary syndrome, these may be neoplasms, some types of amenorrhea and a number of similar diseases;
  • Impaired adrenal function due to congenital or acquired problems, including tumors. In this case, the adrenal glands begin to intensively produce steroid hormones, among which androgens are present;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland in certain diseases, which are also responsible for the active production of androgens, as well as cortisol and other hormones.
  • heredity. This is a fairly common reason for Caucasian, Mediterranean peoples;
  • taking certain medications. Thus, hirsutism in women can begin after the use of anabolic steroids, progestins, streptomycin and a number of other drugs;
  • a certain condition of a woman when there are strong surges in hormones. This happens during postmenopause and pregnancy, when the body experiences severe hormonal stress.

If idiopathic hirsutism is observed, the symptoms are usually less severe than with serious problems in the body. In this case, the problem is more of a cosmetic, aesthetic nature, but an additional consultation with a doctor will still not hurt.

Since the causes of hirsutism in women cannot always be identified, it is very important to prevent the presence of concomitant diseases or to detect them in time - and here going to a good clinic can save a woman from many unpleasant consequences.

Risk factors

Since hirsutism in women occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance, it is not always possible to insure against it. This problem can also arise in a person who leads a healthy lifestyle and generally monitors his health. But still, we will highlight a small number of factors that increase the risk of excessive male pattern hair:

Whatever the cause of hirsutism, treatment will still be individual, even for the same cause or the same risk factors.

Hair removal on thighs in women

Let's start with the fact that this is the largest area for hair removal. This factor, coupled with the chosen method, determines the duration of the work - it can take 20 minutes or 2 hours. Even before going to the clinic, the hair is carefully shaved, leaving 4-5 mm. Shorter shoots can sometimes be difficult to deal with and can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. The course can take from 2 weeks to 8 months (depending on hair color and skin characteristics in each case). Important! An initial examination is required before the procedure.

If the cosmetologist has suspicions about contraindications, he can refer the woman to a dermatologist for more detailed information. To get a more complete picture, let’s look at the main methods that are used for this segment - they are all a little similar in terms of preparation for the operation, but the course of the procedure itself will differ.

Hair on thighs in women laser hair removal

Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is laser hair removal of the inner thighs. More and more women are using it. This is not surprising, because the “laser” has many advantages:

  • painless procedure. Even people with a very low pain threshold feel no more than a slight tingling or tingling sensation;
  • there is a very low probability of ingrown hairs appearing (that is, they will not need to be removed with a needle);
  • the “treated” area is restored quite quickly;
  • absence of painful complications (in the first 1-2 days, only mild irritation or redness may appear). Finally, the resulting effect is that the skin becomes smooth and velvety to the touch.

But in the pursuit of beauty, one should not forget about the disadvantages of laser removal. Usually they note the relatively high cost of the procedure and a list of contraindications that it is advisable to keep in mind.

Hair on thighs in women electrolysis

How is electrolysis performed?
Another “technogenic” method is electrolysis. The advantages are almost the same as those of laser processing:

  • painlessness (but local anesthesia is often used here);
  • removal of any hair, including thin and light hair; no “ingrown” cover remains;
  • almost complete hair removal (after 5-10 approaches with breaks) and maximum cosmetic effect;
  • The length of the hair itself does not matter.

Let’s not forget about the disadvantages of “electrics”:

  • contraindications (especially hypertension and varicose veins); the duration of the manipulation, which will last at least 2 hours - each hair is removed separately.

In some cases, this takes 5 hours; the skin takes longer to recover. Usually this is several days; there is a risk of scarring or blemishes.

Hair on thighs in women - waxing

Almost everyone has encountered this technique. Here are the arguments in favor: short sessions; the effect lasts at least a month; new shoots will be thinner and softer; With repeated approaches the pain is not felt as much.

Important! Affordable photoepilation is extremely rarely used for such purposes. Her main “specialization” is the bikini area. By the way, about pain. They are considered one of the main disadvantages of such a simple method.

You can also add to them: relatively low efficiency (ingrown integument almost always appears); the skin may become rough; presence of contraindications. A separate topic is preparation for waxing. The hairs should be about 5 mm in length, and the day before it you should not use scrubs or sunbathe.


As is clear from all of the above, increased hair growth in itself cannot cause complications. This is only a symptom that indicates other, more serious problems with the body, and they can already lead to the following complications:

  • menstrual dysfunction;
  • infertility;
  • uterine bleeding - up to life-threatening;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes mellitus, etc.

Moreover, if a symptom such as hirsutism has causes that lie in the plane of neoplasms, it is also impossible not to pay attention to this. Advanced tumors are a serious threat not only to the health, but also to the life of the patient.

If the muscles are “clogged” and pain is felt during massage of these areas, is this how it should be?

If you came not for a relaxing massage, but for a sports or therapeutic massage, then unpleasant painful sensations are, of course, possible. Since pain can occur due to compression of a certain problem area of ​​muscle tissue. In this case, a problem area must be understood as some fragment or even a whole muscle that is in a contracted/tense state. During the rest period, when you are resting (in this case, lying on a massage table), such a muscle is not relaxed, therefore, blood circulation, the supply of nutrients and oxygen are disrupted, and metabolic processes are disrupted. The muscle seems to be in good shape all the time, “at work.” In order to relax her, you need to make an effort. Of course, the pain that the client may experience during the massage should be tolerable. That is why it is necessary to talk to a specialist about all your sensations, since a massage session is a joint work.

When to see a doctor

In this case, the situation is very simple: if you notice an excess amount of hair on androgen-dependent areas (face, chest, nipples, abdomen, buttocks, thighs) - this is a reason to consult a doctor.

The main specialist who deals with the problem and will tell you everything about hirsutism - treatment, medications, further actions - is an endocrinologist. Also, a gynecologist is often involved in the process - at a minimum, an examination and consultation will be needed. In some cases, the endocrinologist sends patients for additional examination to a dermatologist.

Can you shave hair on your thighs?

Fine fluff covers our entire body. In some areas it is barely noticeable, in others it turns into real stubble. From the ankles to the knees, most people have longer and coarser hair on their legs. On the hips the hair length is shorter and may be lighter and softer. Doctors and cosmetologists do not impose any prohibitions on this action. By and large, you can shave your hair anywhere, the main thing is to do it carefully. But before you decide on the procedure, you should think about its feasibility.

Depilating the entire thigh with a blade will entail some consequences, they cannot be discounted

Things to consider when shaving your legs above the knees:

  • The skin in this area is thinner and more sensitive; more caution is required when working with the blade.
  • While walking, your thighs may come into contact with each other and after shaving this can cause irritation, especially on hot days.
  • Thin, sparse hairs run the risk of becoming coarser.
  • Once you have shaved your thighs, you will most likely have to do it constantly - the cut hairs will prick and create unpleasant sensations.

So you should think carefully in advance about the need to shave your legs above the knee. If a lady constantly wears clothes that cover her thighs, does shaving make sense? There may be a positive answer, perhaps, if there is an increased requirement for the aesthetics of one’s appearance and a desire to please one’s partner with smooth skin.

Girls who prefer to shave their legs above the knee for the sake of walking in short shorts and skirts must carefully follow some rules so as not to harm the skin.


You need to prepare for the fact that this disease requires a thorough examination. To make a diagnosis and understand why hirsutism appeared, diagnosis is carried out in several stages:

  • examining the patient, studying his situation, detecting additional signs of the problem (acne, oily skin, etc.);
  • taking an anamnesis - for example, the doctor finds out what medications the patient has taken before;
  • consultation with a gynecologist, study of menstrual function;
  • conducting laboratory tests to study hormones: testosterone, cortisol, gonadotropins and a number of other indicators;
  • Ultrasound of the adrenal glands and ovaries;
  • , MRI of the adrenal glands;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • laparoscopy.

Many of these tests are done to rule out tumors in the body that may be contributing to the problem.

Europe believes it will be better

The Western European cultural tradition is more fluid and the issue of shaving the intimate area in men is one of the burning topics on many Internet forums. According to the results of a study conducted last year in the United States, commissioned by the editors of a major men's magazine, it became known that about half of the American women surveyed prefer the complete or partial absence of hair in the groin of their partner. Women associate the shaved genitals of a man with intelligence, high culture and sexual fantasy of this individual. In addition, the editors of the American men's magazine concluded that the absence of hair in the bikini area of ​​the stronger sex is a very advantageous point. Shaved male genitals appear larger than they are, look aesthetically pleasing and make a proper, very impressive impression on women.


If hirsutism is mild and no dangerous diseases are detected, its treatment is reduced solely to cosmetic procedures. This is the removal of excess hair with wax, powdered sugar, laser, using photoepilators, etc. That is, a woman needs to choose an option that will make her feel confident.

If there are serious health problems, treatment is based on the specific disease. Patients are prescribed pills for hirsutism and hormonal therapy. If the cause is tumors, work is done with them: from medications to surgical removal, etc.

Patients who are overweight are additionally prescribed a reduced-calorie diet in order to lose weight and at the same time normalize hormonal levels.

Treatment of hirsutism is very individual, since much depends on the details of the diagnosis.

Increased hairiness in a girl. Photo

Excessive hair growth on the hands. Terminal hair growth on a woman's fingers.

Sometimes people just put up with it and accept themselves as they are

Girl's mustache

Home treatment and myths about hirsutism

If we are talking about the cosmetological side of the issue, hirsutism can be controlled at home by removing unnecessary hair in any convenient way. As for how to treat hirsutism, you can only go to a doctor. The main myth about this problem is that it is purely aesthetic. But we hope that our article has convinced you of the opposite: behind “harmless” hair lies not only a spoiled appearance, but also serious illnesses, many of which progress and threaten the patient’s life if the situation is not brought under control in time.

There is another myth that says that the cause of such a problem as hirsutism is psychosomatics. Thus, some sources claim that the basis of this disease is hidden, suppressed anger. But being guided by this information is just as dangerous as the myth about the harmlessness of the problem - experts under no circumstances advise doing this and recommend understanding the situation with the participation of an endocrinologist.

How to make an appointment with an endocrinologist

You can make an appointment with an endocrinologist at Meditsina JSC (academician Roitberg’s clinic) on the website - the interactive form allows you to select a doctor by specialization or search for an employee of any department by name and surname. Each doctor’s schedule contains information about visiting days and hours available for patient visits.

Clinic administrators are ready to accept requests for an appointment or call a doctor at home by calling +7 (495) 775-73-60.

Convenient location on the territory of the central administrative district of Moscow (CAO) - 2nd Tverskoy-Yamskaya lane, building 10 - allows you to quickly reach the clinic from the Mayakovskaya, Novoslobodskaya, Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya and Belorusskaya metro stations .

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