Hair roller - a quick and high-quality opportunity to restore thickness and accelerate growth

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Svetlana Tarasova

Hairdresser-stylist with more than 8 years of experience, expert in the field of haircuts, styling, hair care, coloring.
Baldness for any reason is a common problem. In many cases, hair thinning is reversible. The main thing is to start therapy on time.

Indications for use

Mesotherapy should be used in the following cases:

  • When, after an illness, the hair weakens.
  • When a constant stressful situation arises. The hair loses its shine, the hair becomes separated.
  • When the first signs of incipient alopecia appear.
  • With severe thinning of hair.
  • If there are scars after hair transplantation.

Important ! The procedure should be avoided in case of pregnancy, moles and warts, diabetes, wounds, irritations and burns, cancer, acne and other skin diseases.


Using a mesoscooter is considered a safe alternative to other aggressive procedures aimed at improving hair quality. However, there are health restrictions:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Low blood clotting rate.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Fungal diseases.
  5. Dermatological diseases.
  6. Oncology.
  7. Infectious and chronic diseases.

If you have a low pain threshold, it is recommended to use the unit after menstruation, since it is during this period that the body’s sensitivity to external influences decreases.

Operating principle

What effect does a mesoscooter have? In what situations will it not help?

Therapeutic effect

Through microscopic channels on the skin, the active ingredients of the drugs used penetrate into its layers. As a result of therapy:

  • the production of your own collagen and elastin is activated, regeneration starts;
  • blood flow to the treated area increases, the bulbs receive nutrients from the bloodstream;
  • the hair structure improves, it becomes strong and elastic;
  • hair growth accelerates and hair loss stops;
  • the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases;
  • scars are eliminated;
  • skin tone increases.

What the device can’t handle

A mesoscooter will not help:

  • Make your hair thicker. The number of hair follicles on the head is genetically determined; it is impossible to increase their number.
  • Eliminate dry ends. The device affects the root zone. Nutrients do not reach the ends.
  • Stop hair loss associated with hormonal changes in the body. The tool is able to stop alopecia caused by a lack of vitamins and weakened hair. He cannot cope with hormonal imbalances.

Result of use

The result of mesotherapy is strong, healthy, thick and quickly growing curls . Hair no longer remains on the comb, and bald spots are gradually covered with new hairs.

You shouldn’t quit what you started if you didn’t notice results in the first 2 weeks of daily mesoprocedures. It can take several months for your scalp and hair follicles to completely remodel, so be patient.

If hair loss is your constant problem, be sure to consult a trichologist!

How to choose a rollerball

Although the device seems simple, it has different types and specific characteristics. Both the price and the results of manipulation depend on them. The following characteristics are important:

Secrets of choice

Before performing mesotherapy at home, you need to pay attention to which mesoroller to choose for your hair, since not all units are suitable for sensitive areas.

The following parameters need to be taken into account:

  • Needle length (penetration depth);
  • Number of needles;
  • Unit width;
  • Lifetime.

Immediately make sure that the mesoscooter fits comfortably in your hands and carefully passes over the skin, creating small punctures.

For home treatment of the scalp, a needle penetration depth of up to 0.6 mm is sufficient. Otherwise, the procedure may become dangerous and blood may appear.

Popular types (prices)

Several types of devices are popular among users. What should you pay attention to?

Mesoderm H-001

Mesoderm H-001 mesoscooter is designed to combat alopecia at any stage. It improves the quality of hair, restores its strength and shine. The growth of new hair is activated, hair loss is stopped, blood flow to the hair follicles is stimulated and the condition of the scalp is improved. The needles do not injure the skin. The procedure is painless.

In women and men, hair loss stops, its quality improves, strength and elasticity increase. “Sleeping” bulbs awaken, new strands begin to grow more actively. Increased oiliness of the skin is normalized, it is nourished and moisturized. Prevention of age-related changes in the scalp and hair is carried out.

The roller body is made of plastic. 190 microneedles create thousands of micropunctures per procedure. The diameter of the needles is 0.2 mm, the length is 0.5 mm. In addition to the head, it can be used on the face and décolleté. Surgical steel needles do not provoke an allergic reaction or irritation.

Average price: 1500 rub.

Mesoroller 1.0 mm Almea

The device is aimed at stimulating hair growth and enhancing the effects of using cosmetic and medicinal products. It becomes a painless alternative to salon procedures. Mesoroller 1.0 mm Almea is effective for increased hair loss, in the treatment of hereditary alopecia and other forms.

The tool is made in the form of a roller on a handle. It contains 540 microneedles made of medical steel. Needle length – 1 mm. With short-term injections, the production of your own elastin and collagen is stimulated, and skin regeneration processes are activated. Through the microchannels left after the needles, cosmetics will better penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. When using the device on the scalp, blood supply is stimulated and the bulbs are activated.

Average price: 2000 rub.

DNS Roller BioGenesis London 0.5 mm

The DNS Roller BioGenesis London uses gold-plated titanium alloy. Can also be used on the face, the device will help get rid of wrinkles and enlarged pores . Suitable for combating cellulite in the early stages of its development.

During the procedure, only minimal damage to the skin is guaranteed. The tool will correct minor skin defects, stop hair loss, and awaken “sleeping” hair follicles. Activates natural collagen production and skin self-healing. Not only will the upper layers of the epidermis become nourished, but beneficial substances will penetrate into the deep structures. The skin will gradually be cleared of toxins and waste, its condition will improve, and its structural integrity will not be compromised.

Average price: 650 rub.


This is a massager for the scalp and face. The cylinder of the comfortable handle is equipped with special titanium needles with a diameter of 0.2-0.5 mm. There are 540 of them in total. During the procedure, micro-holes are formed on the surface, as a result of which cosmetic and medicinal products reach the hair follicles better. Blood flow increases to them, which triggers the hair growth mechanism. The skin is slightly damaged and does not cause any inconvenience. The natural regeneration process starts, the integrity of the outer layer of the epidermis is not compromised.

A mesoscooter can treat baldness and stimulate beard growth.

Average price: 1000 rub.

Expert recommendations

For home use, you should not buy a device whose needles exceed 0.3 mm. This mesoscooter can be used even without consulting a specialist. A device with needles larger than 0.5 mm should only be used under the supervision of a cosmetologist. You can select a suitable device in the Doctorhair online store.

The material used to make the needles is of great importance. Titanium spikes are of the highest quality. Devices with them have a long service life.

But even the strongest needles become dull. This manifests itself in increased pain during the procedure. The puncture becomes larger in diameter, and the risk of infection increases.

Maximum service life is 6 months. Then you need to replace the roller. This must be done even if the sensations do not change during the procedure. Micropunctures should be minimal. Only very sharp needles can provide them.

The roller is equally effective for short and long hair. It is easier to conduct a session with short hair. But long curls are not an obstacle to the procedure. It is rational to prepare partings in advance. This will eliminate tangling. It is on the partings that an antiseptic and the necessary cosmetic (or medicinal) product are applied.

When choosing a mesoscooter, you need to remember the principle of regularity. Positive dynamics are achieved when the bulb is saturated with oxygen and beneficial substances contained in cosmetic or medicinal products.

You cannot stop there when the first signs of improvement in hair condition become visually noticeable. The follicles quickly get used to the beneficial effects of the mesoscooter chosen in the catalog.

But just as quickly they get used to it. If you stop halfway, the pores quickly close, and oxygen starvation in the bulbs begins again. Only regular procedures will provide a lasting positive effect.

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How to carry out the procedure

Before starting the manipulations, it is important to familiarize yourself with the features of the procedure.


The procedure begins with preparation. First of all, it is necessary to disinfect the dermaroller so as not to introduce germs that can cause inflammation. Typically, the instructions for use for a specific tool indicate what needs to be done.

Next you need to prepare your head:

  1. Wash it with shampoo and rinse thoroughly so that there is no residue of the care product.
  2. Dry your hair and scalp.

Main process

  1. The scalp is divided into zones.
  2. A thin layer of mesotherapy preparation is applied to the treated area.
  3. Selected areas are treated with a mesoscooter.

Through the microchannels created by the needles, the active components of the applied drug will penetrate the bulbs and awaken them.

No need to put pressure on the skin. The force should be minimal; rolling the device gently will be enough, otherwise there is a risk of leaving damage. Do not roll the roller several times over the same place.

The mesoscooter should be carried out in one direction: from the crown to the forehead, from the crown to the sides. When changing direction, you need to tear the device away from your head.

For the first time, it is enough to carry out the procedure for 1 minute, later you can increase the time to 15 minutes.


  1. Apply a medicinal product (for example, minoxidil) to the treated skin using light patting movements for 2-3 minutes.
  2. The mesoscooter is washed under warm running water to remove any remaining cosmetic products.
  3. The instrument is disinfected and stored in a closed case.

Reference . In order for the drug to be completely absorbed and the microchannels to close, it is necessary to carry out manipulations several hours before bedtime.

Preparations for home mesotherapy

Mesotherapy can be performed at home. What medications are suitable for the procedure?

A nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid is a vitamin for hair. It is available in ampoule format.

With home mesotherapy with nicotinic acid, the following effects are noted:

  • hair growth accelerates;
  • curls are nourished and strengthened;
  • dandruff goes away;
  • premature graying is prevented;
  • hair loss stops.

Nicotinic acid does not dry out the skin. It is removed from the ampoules with a syringe. Apply first to the frontal area and crown, then to the sides, temples, and back of the head.

Have you used nicotinic acid before?

Not really

B vitamins

Cocktails of B vitamins are a complex necessary for proper hair growth and health . They are usually presented in the form of serums. B vitamins have a number of actions:

  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • accelerate hair growth;
  • activate blood circulation, supply the bulbs with nutrients and oxygen;
  • moisturize roots, prevent hair loss;
  • prevent the appearance of dandruff, itching, dryness;
  • prevent early gray hair;
  • restore damaged hair structure.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E can be found in the form of serums and capsules (these are opened and the contents are applied to the scalp). It is a powerful antioxidant that protects skin cells from aging. It is useful due to several effects:

  • keratin restoration;
  • removing accumulated chemical elements from the hair and skin;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • protection from ultraviolet radiation;
  • getting rid of dandruff;
  • hydration;
  • acceleration of blood circulation and, as a result, activation of hair growth.

Aloe extract

Aloe extract is available in the form of ampoules or gels. It does the following:

  • intensively nourishes and restores curls;
  • eliminates fragility, gives elasticity;
  • activates growth;
  • awakens “sleeping” hair follicles, helps fight baldness;
  • treats acne and acne on the scalp;
  • restores the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • increases the resistance of the protective layer to irritants.

Hyaluronic acid

Cosmetologists have long appreciated hyaluronic acid. It creates a film on the surface that retains moisture. Produced in the form of serums and gels. Hyaluronic acid:

  • intensively moisturizes curls, making them healthy and well-groomed;
  • nourishes follicles, improves circulation and metabolism, thereby activating hair growth;
  • restores skin and hair after procedures;
  • stimulates the production of keratin, collagen and elastin;
  • solves the problem of hair loss.

Universal mesoscooters

These are devices that are used by professional cosmetologists in clinics, but they are also suitable for home use. They are divided into two types: models with interchangeable drums of different sizes (by changing the rollers, you can use the mesoscooter on the area of ​​the face, eyes and body) and models with one medium-sized roller, 1.7 - 2 cm wide (it is universal for use in any area).

Advantages of universal mesoscooters

  • Tightens the skin.
  • Fights pigmentation and sagging.
  • Eliminate swelling.
  • Tones and restores the skin.
  • Improves blood microcirculation.
  • Evens out skin tone and structure.

Medicines for baldness

Medications can help with baldness. What should you look out for?

Kirkland Lotion Minoxidil Kirkland 5%

The main active ingredient of the composition is minoxidil. It is a complex compound of nitric oxide. Has a vasodilating effect. The lotion is used to treat alopecia, as well as to stimulate after surgical hair restoration.

The greatest effectiveness of the product is observed in the crown area. The best results will be obtained by young people who have suffered from baldness for no more than 5 years. Women are slightly more sensitive to lotion than men.

Reference . It is possible that in the first weeks of using the product, hair loss will intensify. This is normal. Hair with destroyed follicles makes way for healthy ones.

Average price: 600 rub.

Serum Laura Evalar

The serum contains 3 types of hyaluronic acid, 4 types of peptides, as well as a complex of specially selected vitamins. It restores skin elasticity and deeply moisturizes it. Moisture is retained inside the cells for 24 hours. 3rd generation hyaluronic acid activates the synthesis of your own hyaluronic acid. The cells begin to function normally, the dryness goes away.

The mesoscooter enhances the effect of the serum by 2 times. You can use a separate tool, or you can immediately purchase a set. The mesoscooter included in the kit has needles 0.5 mm long.

Average price: 900 rub. – serum , 1500 rub. – set of serum with mesoscooter.

Reviews from the site

  1. Facial serum Evalar Laura Mesoeffect complete with mesoscooter:

  2. Mesoscooter DRS:

Side effects of therapy

Mesotherapy has very few side effects. The main risks arise if the instrument is not disinfected before or after the procedure. In this case, an infection can be introduced into the skin, so the user must be careful and do not forget about treatment.

In rare cases, discomfort may occur during a massage. When large mechanical forces are applied, redness may occur on the skin. It usually goes away within a day. Sometimes small hematomas and swellings appear in the treated areas.

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Photonic mesoscooters

Photonic mesoscooters, in addition to performing mesotherapy, subject the skin to phototherapy, due to the equipped emitter in the handle of the device. When the two methods are combined, tissues are restored more effectively, oxidative processes are accelerated, and the water balance of the skin is normalized. There are models with vibration that accelerate the processes of lymph and blood circulation in the skin.

Advantages of photonic mesoscooters

  • Fights sagging skin.
  • Eliminate cellulite.
  • Tighten and tone.
  • Makes the skin firm and elastic.
  • Fighting age-related changes.

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