Hair loss. Medicines and vitamins for hair loss. Hair loss in women - treatment

Treatment for hair loss due to “male pattern” or as a result of a hereditary factor should be comprehensive, including:

  • use of special medications;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • HFE hair transplantation.

Since with androgenetic alopecia the loss is less intense and gradual, the treatment regimen is selected individually, taking into account age characteristics and the nature of baldness.

What vitamins will help with hair loss?

June 17, 2022



  • Why does hair fall out?
  • The best vitamins against hair loss
  • Revalid
  • Phyto Phytophanere
  • Priorin
  • Solgar tablets for skin, hair, nails
  • Pantovigar
  • Fitoval
  • Alerana
  • Complivit Radiance
  • Doppelhertz Beauty Beauty and hair health
  • Inneov Hair Density

Everyone dreams of thick, voluminous and shiny hair. And this applies not only to women, but also to men. But what to do if your hair falls out, splits, loses its shine, becomes dry or, on the contrary, oily, and dandruff appears? The condition of the hair is a kind of reflection of the condition of the body as a whole (the amount of hormones, vitamins, microelements, stress, any disease).

If you have problems with your hair, we recommend, of course, going to your family doctor (or better yet, a trichologist or dermatologist). If the problem is not serious, hair supplements and vitamins will help improve the condition of your hair. In this article, we have collected the best remedies for hair loss when the body lacks vitamins and microelements.

Folk remedies against hair loss

Despite the large selection of pharmaceutical formulations, folk remedies against hair loss do not lose their relevance. Since ancient times, medicinal plants and oils have helped women and men maintain thick and strong hair. Here are just some of the popular recipes.

  1. Castor oil. Heat a little castor oil in a water bath until warm, rub into the scalp. Make an insulating cap: wrap your hair with film or a towel. After 4-5 hours, rinse your hair with shampoo. Carry out the procedure weekly for two months.
  2. Burdock. Place the burdock roots in an enamel pan and, adding water, keep in the oven or on the stove over low heat until soft. Strain and filter the broth and moisten each strand of hair with it, rub into the scalp. Don't wash it off! With regular use of burdock decoction, hair not only stops falling out, but also becomes thicker, grows faster, and the problem with dandruff is solved.
  3. Nettle. Boil young nettle leaves and cool until the broth becomes warm. Rinse your hair with it after each shampoo, rubbing it into the skin. Don't wash it off. When preparing the decoction, you can mix nettle and coltsfoot leaves in equal parts.
  4. Onion. Before each wash of your hair, rub a mixture of freshly squeezed onion juice, honey and cologne, taken in equal parts, into your scalp. After this, cover your hair with an insulating cap and wash it off after a couple of hours. Carry out the procedure every evening until your hair problems disappear.
  5. Mustard. Dissolve mustard powder in warm water until mushy, add granulated sugar and burdock oil (a couple of tablespoons of all ingredients), and yolk. Apply the resulting substance evenly to the scalp, put on an insulating cap and hold for 15-40 minutes until the mustard begins to burn strongly. Beat everything well on your hair and rinse in water acidified with lemon juice. Carry out the procedure once every 10 days.

    To remove onion odor from your hair, cover it with a mask of colorless henna. Comb the mixture evenly through your hair, wrap with film and a towel and rinse after 20-25 minutes.

    It’s good if you managed to find the optimal remedy against hair loss and your hair is once again pleasing with its beauty! However, do not forget that to prevent new problems it is important to reconsider your lifestyle. Give up bad habits, undergo regular medical examinations, and eat right. Finally, remember that “all illnesses are caused by stress” - and learn to enjoy life.

For severe hair loss, seek treatment from a trichologist

Why does hair fall out?

There are two causes of hair loss:

increased sensitivity to testosterone and poor nutrition of the hair roots.

1. Testosterone is the male sex hormone that causes androgenetic alopecia. Moreover, male pattern baldness is often common in women. With androgenetic alopecia, hair begins to thin at the temples, and then at the crown. Women rarely lose hair on a large scale; the process occurs more slowly for them than for men. But hair loss, of course, is noticeable and causes a lot of grief. Androgenetic alopecia cannot be stopped by any vitamins, shampoos or masks. The only remedy that can help strengthen hair is drugs that block the effects of testosterone on the hair follicles. Moreover, you will have to use such drugs for the rest of your life.

Androgenetic alopecia

According to domestic doctors, 40% of women have a clear relationship between baldness and hyperandrogenism - an increase in the level of androgens in the blood4,6. In the female body, they are formed in the ovaries and adrenal glands6 and constantly circulate in the blood4,9.

Androgenetic alopecia develops due to increased sensitivity of hair follicles to dihydrotestosterone9:

Dihydrotestosterone is the active form of testosterone, which is formed in the follicles under the action of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. It plays a key role in damage to hair follicles2,4,9.

Penetrating into the cells of the hair follicles, dihydrotestosterone causes their dystrophy. As a result, the structure of the hair they produce changes, which becomes vellus - thin and short, colorless. Vellus hair is not able to cover the scalp, so a bald spot appears on it. After 10–12 years from the onset of AGA, the mouths of the hair follicles become overgrown with connective tissue and even stop producing vellus hair2,9.


These hair vitamins contain vitamins B1, B5, B6, B10, trace elements (Fe, Zn, Cu), amino acids, millet and wheat germ extracts, as well as yeast. "Revalid" effectively slows down hair loss and stimulates the nutrition of hair follicles. When you regularly take hair vitamins, your hair becomes less brittle and healthier. "Revalid" are hard gelatin capsules, and despite their large size, they are easy to swallow. You need to drink three of these capsules a day with food. The course of treatment is two to three months. If hair loss is severe, take two tablets three times a day. Very soon the hair begins to fall out much less and grows faster, and fluff appears in place of the lost hair. Considering that Revalid for hair contains yeast, a slight weight gain is possible.

TEVA, Ukraine

Revalid is a multivitamin complex that improves the structure of hair and nails.
Revalid compensates for the deficiency of vitamins, microelements and amino acids. The components of the drug help normalize metabolic processes. And also: Improving the surface structure and appearance of hair and reducing its fragility. Improving the trophism of hair follicles and nails. Increasing resistance and slowing down hair loss as a result of exposure to adverse environmental factors and unwanted effects (mechanical damage; exposure to a chemical nature - hair coloring; exposure to X-rays and ultraviolet rays). from 445

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Phyto Phytophanere

Phyto Phytophanere, a dietary supplement for hair loss, contains B vitamins, vitamin E, C, zinc, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. By the way, these hair vitamins are often prescribed by trichologists for baldness and increased hair loss. Phyto Phytophanere dietary supplement is small brown capsules that look like M&M's. These hair loss vitamins have a pleasant chocolate flavor and are easy to swallow. It is recommended to take two capsules with food per day. People who have taken hair vitamins say that the result becomes noticeable quickly: the hair stops falling out, begins to grow quickly, and becomes thicker. By the way, while taking Phyto Phytophanere, nails become stronger, and seborrheic dermatitis also goes away.

Phyto Phytophaner
Phyto, France

Phytophaner food supplement for the beauty of hair and nails compensates for the lack of vitamins associated with an unbalanced diet and is an ideal addition to any treatment against hair loss.
The drug is recommended for women, including pregnant women and nursing mothers (whose hair needs special protection). All components are of plant origin, which provides a 100% guarantee of safety. from 2990

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Hair vitamins of plant origin Priorin are produced by the German company Bayer. Priorin improves metabolism and nutrition in hair follicles, strengthens hair roots. These hair vitamins are based on three main active ingredients: wheat extract, L-cysteine ​​and pantothenic acid. Wheat extract “seals” damaged areas of hair, smoothes it and makes it softer. L-cysteine ​​stimulates collagen production, and pantothenic acid makes hair elastic by retaining moisture. Priorin for hair perfectly restores and nourishes curls at the cellular level. The first noticeable results can be seen within a month after regularly taking vitamins. The course of hair treatment is at least three months, and the first month you need to take two capsules a day, then one at a time.

Berlimed, Germany; Bayer Bitterfeld GmbH, Germany

Priorin is a drug for the dietary treatment of hair growth disorders and hair loss in women caused by hormonal heredity.
Priorin strengthens the hair roots, supplies them with important microelements and thus prepares the basis for healthy hair. from 1750

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Hair transplant using HFE technology – hair restoration without surgery

Hair loss, causes and treatment deserve serious attention as the problem of baldness is common to many people. If this bothers you and you contact the doctors: “severe hair loss, help,” we can recommend the most effective method for restoring hair density.

HFE technology is non-surgical. After the transplantation there are no scars left. For transplantation, natural follicular units are taken, including 1-2-3-4 hairs.

This is one of the most effective remedies against hair loss in men. After the procedure, almost one hundred percent engraftment of the transplant material is observed. And the transplanted hair will grow and never fall out.

The transplant procedure is performed using a microscope under anesthesia. It lasts for several hours. The latest micro-instruments are used for transplantation - the choi implanter and micropunch. The whole process is divided into two stages:

  • extraction or receipt of transplant material from the donor area;
  • implantation - transplantation of follicles into the area of ​​baldness.

Solgar tablets for skin, hair, nails

The American dietary supplement for hair loss “Solgar tablets for skin, hair, nails” contains vitamin C, zinc, copper, MSM, silicon, L-proline and L-lysine. These components improve the condition of the skin and hair. "Solgar" not only stops hair loss, but also stimulates the growth of new ones. Solgar Skin, Nails & Hair vitamins are free of dairy, gluten and wheat. Solgar capsules, despite their impressive size, are smooth, so they are easy to swallow. You need to take these hair vitamins once a day, two pieces (after meals), with a sufficient amount of water. Do not take Solgar for hair on an empty stomach because it may cause nausea and stomach pain. Those who have taken Solgar for hair say that these vitamins perfectly stop hair loss, and good results are visible after a month or two. New hairs grow dense and silky, nails become stronger, and the skin becomes smoother, more elastic, and rashes are reduced.

Solgar tablets for skin, hair, nails
Solgar Vitamin and Herb, USA

The basis of the “Skin, Hair, Nails” complex is MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) – a source of organic sulfur, the main component of keratin (the building block of hair and nails), as well as collagen (the basis of the skin).
The balanced composition allows the skin to give firmness and elasticity; protect from the harmful effects of UV rays; regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands; strengthen hair and nails. from 442

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“Pantovigar” is a German dietary supplement for hair, which contains: medical yeast, thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), calcium pantothenate, cystine, para-aminobenzoic acid, keratin. "Pantovigar" is prescribed for diffuse hair loss not associated with the effects of hormones. These hair vitamins are in the form of white-green hard gelatin capsules. And although the length of one Pantovigar capsule is about 2 cm, they are easy to swallow. You need to take vitamins against hair loss, one capsule three times a day with food. The course of treatment is about six months. Judging by the reviews, hair loss is significantly reduced by about the fourth week of taking these hair vitamins. “Pantovigar” stimulates hair growth because “sleeping” hair follicles wake up. The only drawback of these vitamins for hair is that hair begins to grow rapidly not only on the head, but throughout the body. Don’t expect a dramatic improvement in the situation, but in two months the situation will definitely please you.

Merz, Germany

Pantovigar is a complex drug that helps restore the structure and accelerate the growth of hair and nails.
The drug contains a number of elements necessary for the proper formation of the structure of nails and hair, in particular, the drug contains calcium D-pantothenate, cystine, thiamine and medical yeast containing a number of B vitamins and other biologically active substances. The therapeutic effect usually develops within 2-6 weeks, due to the rate of nail and hair growth. from 438


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Shampoo against hair loss KeraNova

KeraNova detergent compositions are often found among reviews from trichologists and ordinary consumers. Among the active substances used is trichodine, which stops the death of follicles and stimulates the formation of new ones. There may be different types of branded shampoos on sale. Good for hair loss:

  • "Keranova Professional Shampoo." Causes follicle growth due to panthenol. The keratins included in the composition intensively nourish and moisturize the scalp, and the hair not only grows quickly, but also stops splitting and becomes silky.
  • "Fortifying thermo-shampoo against hair loss." The composition contains vitamin E, panthenol, hop extract and essential oils, which in tandem create a thermal effect, increase blood circulation in the scalp, hair roots receive optimal nutrition and more air.
  • Kera-nova Professional revitalizing shampoo contains panthenol and burdock oil, which also helps hair grow better. It is important that the detergent composition becomes protection for weakened hair from temperature fluctuations.


These hair loss vitamins contain B vitamins, biotin, iron, zinc, copper, amino acids and medicinal yeast. These components enter the bloodstream and nourish the hair follicles - the hair becomes stronger, stops falling out, and new ones begin to actively grow. “Fitoval” are small dark burgundy gelatin capsules that are easy to swallow. “Fitoval” must be taken after meals to avoid nausea and stomach pain. The course of hair treatment is up to three months (one capsule per day). “Fitoval” copes well with hair loss – and within a week you can notice that less hair is falling out. After two months of taking hair vitamins, you will notice that your curls have become silky, shiny, soft, and new hairs have appeared.

KRKA (KRKA), Slovenia

Fitoval capsules are biological nutrition for damaged and prone to hair loss.
Vitamins and minerals trigger the most important metabolic processes occurring in the hair roots. The amino acid cystine is the main component of hair keratin. Medical yeast is a natural source of B vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The active components of the capsules enter the bloodstream and supply the hair roots with substances necessary for hair growth and restoration. Strengthen hair, restore structure and help suppress active hair loss. Strengthens damaged and brittle hair. from 390

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Read also : Top 10 best colic remedies for newborns In most cases, colic in newborns occurs due to the immaturity of the digestive system. Fortunately, you can buy medicine at the pharmacy that will relieve your baby of abdominal pain.

Post-COVID alopecia: how to help choose external hair restoration products

About a quarter of those who have recovered from COVID-19 experience such an unpleasant consequence as hair loss. It does not manifest itself immediately, but after several months after recovery. Hair begins to fall out over the entire surface of the head more intensely than usual and becomes sparse. Pharmacy workers quite often encounter requests for hair restoration products. How to help a visitor and what can be offered with such a request - let’s figure it out together.

The best help is comprehensive

Coronavirus infection negatively affects the life cycle of hair - hair trophism is disrupted due to damage to the walls of blood vessels, stress, intoxication due to illness, long-term drug therapy, hormonal imbalance, blood changes leading to iron deficiency. The process of alternating the active and dormant phases of follicles is disrupted. It turns out that a person loses a lot of hair, but new ones do not grow, because the activity of the follicles is reduced, or they are in a dormant state.

The good news is that over time, the processes occurring in the scalp are restored, and hair thickness returns. Special means can help with this. But since the process of growing new hair is not fast, the use of all remedies for alopecia is long-term: from 2 to 3-6 months. This is the time it takes for new hair to appear. The hair growth rate is about 1 cm/month, which means it takes about a year to stabilize the result. What can a pharmaceutical specialist advise in this situation and what products from the pharmacy arsenal will help?

The optimal recommendation in this case is proper nutrition, including proteins, fats, vitamins, especially vitamins D, A, E, C, B vitamins, iron, zinc, and other macro- and microelements. There are many specialized complexes to replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals, such as “Revalid”, “Expert Hair” from “Evalar”, “Perfectil”, “Solgar” “Hair, skin and nails”, “Pantovigar”, “Fitoval”, “ Alphabet Cosmetics”, “Complete Radiance”, “Doppelhertz Beauty” and others.

It’s best when hair help comes in a complex way: both from the inside and the outside. Special products (serums, masks, lotions, shampoos) containing substances that activate and nourish hair follicles can help restore beautiful and thick hair.

Topical medications with minoxidil

Medications include medications containing minoxidil .

Minoxidil is a hair growth stimulator with proven effects. It was originally introduced as an antihypertensive vasodilator. A side effect was excess hair growth, which led to the development of drugs for topical use. It has been a recognized and mainstay treatment for androgenetic alopecia for over 30 years. Increases blood circulation in the scalp and promotes cell proliferation. Due to its properties, off-label is also used for other conditions accompanied by hair loss. Typically used in 2% and 5% concentrations.

Adverse reactions: erythema, itching, dryness, flaking of the scalp. Theoretically, it can cause systemic reactions in the form of decreased blood pressure and arrhythmias. After cancellation, a rollback to the original state of the hairline is possible, provided that the cause that caused the alopecia is not eliminated. Not for use in persons under 18 years of age or over 65, or in pregnant or lactating women. Use with caution in patients with cardiovascular diseases and arrhythmia, renal and liver failure.

Table 1. Medicines containing minoxidil for external use, registered in Russia.

Medicine Release form Concentration Manufacturer of finished dosage form A country Country of origin of the pharmaceutical substance
Alerana Spray 2%, 5% VERTEX Russia India, Italy
Kosilon Spray 2%, 5% Bosnalek Bosnia and Herzegovina Italy
Revasil Spray 2% Altaivitamins Russia Italy
Rogaine Solution 2%, 5% Aerosol-service AG Switzerland USA
Foam 5% Aerosol-service AG Switzerland Italy

Choice of minoxidil concentration: for men – 5%; for women – 2%.

Products with minoxidil are applied to healthy scalp in an amount of 1 ml 2 times a day, do not wash off for at least 4 hours. After application, do not use a hair dryer. The duration of therapy is 2-4 months; if there is no effect after 16 weeks, treatment is stopped.

At the beginning of use, alopecia may increase, which indicates the onset of action. Hair that was in the telogen stage falls out, and hair follicles begin to become active.

Hair growth phases:

  • anagen is the phase of active hair growth;
  • catagen - rest phase;
  • telogen - phase of regression of the hair follicle;
  • exogen - loss;
  • Kenogen is the period from hair loss to new growth.

Before using the products, you should obtain a medical recommendation. The drugs should not be used for sudden alopecia, hair thinning associated with medication, poor diet, or when the cause of hair loss is unknown.

Pharmacy cosmetics

It is also worth paying attention to restorative pharmaceutical hair cosmetics. It contains analogues of minoxidil, such as aminexil, procapil, as well as peptide complexes, vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, caffeine, keratin, collagen and other active substances. The action of all components is aimed at supplying hair with nutrients, stimulating growth, strengthening roots, and improving hair structure. There are many cosmetics that promise to strengthen hair in different price categories. Let's look at the most common ones on pharmacy shelves:


Product from the French company L'Oréal. It has an effect on three levels.

  • Follicles: Aminexil has a similar structure to minoxidil, but is gentler. Promotes hair regrowth. Expands the blood supply to the hair roots, prevents the development of fibrosis around the follicles, which preserves their viability. Arginine improves microcirculation.
  • Scalp: Octeine ​​(piroctone olamine + vitamin E complex) soothes and maintains a healthy scalp. Vichy thermal water improves protective barrier functions.
  • Hair: SP94 (an ester of glucose and linoleic acid) delivers nutrition to the strands.

Available in two versions: for men and for women. Proven clinical effectiveness against hair loss within 6 weeks.

Selencin peptide lotion

The lotion contains Procapil and Capilectine :

Procapil is a component developed to strengthen and prevent hair loss; a large number of products have been created on its basis. Procapil is a complex of:

  • fortified matrikin (Biotinyl-GHK), which stimulates cell metabolism and retains hair due to building peptides;
  • oleanolic acid (from Hemsleya amabilis root extract) Inhibits 5-alpha reductase, which ultimately prevents testosterone from turning into dehydrotestosterone, the excess of which inhibits hair growth on the head and causes increased hair loss (androgenic alopecia).
  • apigenin (citrus flavonoid), which stimulates blood supply to the follicle.

Capilectine is a complex of glycoproteins isolated from the green leaves and stems of potatoes. Stimulates hair growth.

Also includes:

  • Dwarf palm fruit extract is effective against androgenetic alopecia by lowering the level of dihydrotestosterone.
  • DMAE - dimethylaminoethanol, strengthens cell membranes, slows down cell aging.
  • Ginkgo biloba leaf extract - improves microcirculation in the scalp, restores carbohydrate metabolism at the level of the hair follicle, slows down the aging process at the cellular level.

Pantovigar lotion for hair strengthening and growth GROWTECT FORMULA

It also comes in two variations: for men and women. The men's lotion contains Procapil .

The female variation is based on Anageline , a biocomplex isolated from white sweet lupine. Activates hair growth and saturation with microelements. Strong plant collagenizer. Starts the process of collagen production. Additionally, both lotions contain the stimulant and antioxidant caffeine, biotin, which is important for hair growth, panthenol, hydrolyzed keratin, follicusan .

Follicusan – contains biologically active signaling proteins, ethylpanthenol (provitamin B5), inositol, as well as acetylcysteine ​​and acetylmethionine in an aqueous-ethanol medium. Stimulates the cells of the dermal papilla, increases the number of follicles in the growth stage (anagen), thickens the hair and makes it more dense. For the best effect, it is recommended to use it in combination with Pantovigar anti-hair loss shampoo for men/women.

Rinfoltil Espresso ampoules with caffeine against hair loss

Also available in two gender options. Both lotions contain Serenoa repens palm extract . The composition is enhanced with various natural plant extracts and amino acids, taking into account the specifics of hair loss in representatives of different sexes.

Thanks to caffeine and its multicomponent composition, it is indicated not only for androgenic alopecia, but also for hair loss of various origins. Recommended for use with Rinfoltil Espresso shampoo.

System 4 complex (shampoo+serum+mask)

Another comprehensive tool. Stops hair loss, creates conditions for the growth of new healthy hair, nourishes hair follicles and normalizes microcirculation of the scalp. The “System 4” anti-hair loss complex includes products that work in 3 stages:

  • Stage 1. Deep cleansing of the scalp
  • Stage 2. Saturation of hair follicles with nutrients
  • Stage 3. Stimulation of new healthy hair growth

The composition is quite complex, includes plant extracts, vitamins A and E, piroctone olamine, which cares for the scalp, climbazole with antibacterial and antifungal effects. Suitable for men and women, especially effective in cases of diffuse baldness associated with an unfavorable environment, increased sebum, and fungal diseases of the scalp.

Minoxin Serum serum

Minoxin brand serum does not contain the ingredient of the same name. Active ingredients: caffeine, menthol, zinc RCA, extract (EGCG), burdock extract, vitamin E.

  • Caffeine saturates the hair follicles with energy and prolongs the hair growth phase;
  • Menthol has a refreshing and stimulating effect. When applied to the skin, it causes blood vessels to dilate, increasing blood circulation;
  • Zinc PCA (zinc salt of pyrrolidone carboxylic acid) prevents excessive secretion of oil by the sebaceous glands and eliminates the appearance of dandruff. Inhibits the enzyme 5-alpha reductase;
  • extract EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) improves cellular metabolism, has an antioxidant and deep detoxifying effect on hair follicles and skin cells;
  • Burdock extract strengthens weakened hair follicles;
  • Vitamin E helps improve blood circulation, normalizes the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the follicles.

The serum has a cooling-warming effect and short-term redness of the skin.

Minoxin 2% lotion

Cosmetic product with minoxidil. Azelaic acid eliminates inflammation, and caffeine and burdock root extract additionally stimulate the processes of revitalization of the bulbs. The product is effective in most cases of hair loss.

Hair expert Evalar

Hair strengthening lotion, which contains the nutritional complex Liposentol-N , which improves microcirculation and water-oil balance of the scalp. Main active ingredients: vitamin C and nicotinamide, acids (lactic, glycolic) necessary for normal life, moisturizing sodium hyaluronate. Additional effects are provided by taurine, L-carnitine, biotin, vitamin B6, and menthol.

A nicotinic acid

Inexpensive single product. When used externally, it dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation. Hair follicles receive more nutrients and hair growth increases. When applied to sensitive skin, severe redness and burning may occur. In this case, further use is not recommended.

Burr oil

A long-known natural remedy. Helps with hair loss, dry skin, seborrhea. The downside is the inconvenience of use and the risk of staining clothes. In addition, oil clogs pores and does not allow the scalp to breathe, so it must be rinsed off well.

Esvicin lotion

The aqueous lotion contains essential microelements for hair, which are biostimulators of enzymes for hair growth. These are chromium, zinc, copper, selenium, manganese, cobalt. Their concentration is close to the natural content in the body. Succinic acid is a metabolic agent with antioxidant and regenerating properties, thickens the hair shaft and activates hair growth. Can be used for a long time without restrictions.

Alerana mask intensive nutrition

The mask contains Capilectine. Keratin restores the hair structure. Jojoba oil, avocado, hee shu wu and centella extracts, chuanxiong extract, alfalfa extract, hydrolyzed wheat proteins nourish, moisturize and tone the scalp. Intensive nutrition is recommended for regular use with Aleran shampoo.

For ease of use of information on the listed funds, we have prepared a table that you can download from this link.

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Another effective vitamin for strengthening hair is Alerana. Moreover, the package contains a set of tablets: “Day” (vitamins A, B1, C, E, folic acid, magnesium, iron, selenium) and “Night” (vitamins B2, B5, B6, B12, D3, biotin, chromium, amino acids and nettle extract). "Alerana" for hair perfectly strengthens hair, stops hair loss, and improves the condition of the scalp. Beige and burgundy Alerana tablets should be taken one in the morning and one at night. The tablet shape is streamlined, making it easy to swallow. The course of hair treatment with Alerana is about four weeks. Those who took Alerana hair vitamins say that a positive result is visible quickly: hair stops falling out, an “undercoat” appears on the top of the head, temples, and forehead. “Alerana” simultaneously strengthens nails and improves skin condition.

Alerana tablets Day-Night
Alerana, Russia

Alerana is a vitamin-mineral complex that is an additional source of vitamins, amino acids and minerals (macro- and microelements) necessary for the strengthening and growth of healthy hair, as well as improving the condition of the scalp in women and men, to prevent split ends and hair loss.
2 formulas “Day” and “Night” ensure compatibility and synergistic action of the components; act taking into account the daily rhythm of hair growth and restoration. Formula "Day": - improves the condition of hair and scalp - promotes the appearance of a healthy shine - has a general strengthening antioxidant effect Formula "Night": - provides hair follicles with substances necessary for growth and development - reduces hair loss - promotes the restoration of body cells from 280


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Complivit Radiance

Hair vitamins “Complivit Radiance” contain 11 vitamins and 8 minerals, lipoic acid and green tea extract. "Complivit" helps strengthen hair and nails, improve skin condition. These hair vitamins are prescribed for severe hair loss. These are oblong, odorless, purple tablets that are easy to swallow. Take “Complivit Radiance” with food once a day. The course of hair treatment is one month. The first positive results can be noticed after just three weeks of taking the “Complivit” anti-hair loss vitamins: much less hair falls out, shine appears and new hairs begin to grow. As for the skin, its tone becomes even, rashes disappear. Nails become stronger and stop breaking and peeling.

Complivit Radiance
JSC Pharmstandard-UfaVITA, Russia

Complivit Radiance is a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of vitamins A, C, E, group B (B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, biotin, calcium pantothenate, nicotinamide), mineral elements (copper, selenium, zinc, silicon , iron, cobalt), lipoic acid and catechins, containing calcium.
It has a general strengthening effect, helps improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. from 120

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Doppelhertz Beauty Beauty and hair health

German hair vitamins “Doppelhertz Beauty Beauty and Hair Health” are vitamins C, B5, B6, nicotinamide, biotin, zinc, copper, amino acids and plant extracts. All these active substances have a positive effect on the condition of hair and stimulate its growth. "Doppelhertz Beauty" makes curls shiny and silky, improving sebum production. The hair supplement comes in the form of large dark green capsules with liquid inside. But despite their size, they are easy to swallow. You need to take one Doppelhertz Beauty capsule per day with meals, the course of hair treatment is one month. Then you need to take a break for a month and a half and repeat the course again. The first positive results will appear within two weeks after taking hair vitamins - you will notice that your hair begins to fall out much less. After two courses of Doppelhertz Beauty Beauty and Hair Health vitamins, you will notice a lot of new hairs, and your curls will become shiny and healthy.

Doppelhertz Beauty Beauty and hair health
Queisser Pharma GmbH, Germany

Doppelhertz Beauty Beauty and health of hair - thanks to its unique composition, the complex takes care of hair, making it noticeably strong, shiny and well-groomed.
from 41

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Lotions, elixirs, masks and serums

Pharmacies have more than just strengthening shampoos in their arsenal. Medicinal compositions have been developed in the form of serums, lotions, elixirs, and masks. Many received positive reviews. Here are just 5 examples.

  1. Elixir to stimulate hair growth Jason. Contains many vitamins, including biotin; aloe, clove and ginger extract; menthol and other substances, which together accelerate the growth of hair within a week after the start of treatment.
  2. Lotion-concentrate for hair loss Ducray Anastim Lotion based on tocopherol nicotinate, neoruscine, biotin has a positive effect on the metabolism in follicle cells. Effective if hair loss is caused by stress, chronic fatigue, childbirth, or poor nutrition.
  3. Migliorin ampoules, enriched with extracts of horsetail and millet, and many vitamins. Treat weak, brittle hair and protect against thermal and chemical damage. Stimulates hair growth. They eliminate dryness and itching of the skin and, what is noteworthy, the medicinal composition is easily washed off from the hair, without leaving an unpleasant odor.
  4. Hyaluronic super active serum GIALUR, as the name suggests, includes hyaluronic acid. The substance acts in tandem with extracts of capsicum, pepper, and nettle. In addition, the serum contains placenta extract, which is a huge amount of special amino acids that normalize hair growth. They are not produced by the body. The result is obvious - as a result of treatment with this remedy, baldness is blocked.
  5. Anti-hair loss mask Floresan Kera-Nova based on white clay, vitamin E, panthenol, keratin, natural extracts and oils (grapefruit, pepper, hops) is applied before washing your hair, rinsed off after 10-15 minutes. The active substances act in an ensemble: some nourish and strengthen the follicles, others improve blood circulation, and others deliver healing substances to the cells. As a result, the hair becomes thicker.

In order for treatment with serums, lotions, masks, ampoules to be successful, it is important to strictly adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions, the advice of a trichologist, and most importantly, to use the products systematically and for as long as it takes to solve the problem. Don’t expect a miracle after two or three treatments with an advertised shampoo - be patient!

For hair loss, it is more effective to use a complex of treatment products

Inneov Hair Density

Nestle and L'Oreal have developed Inneov hair vitamins based on natural ingredients. Studies have shown that after a course of these hair vitamins, hair loss is reduced by a quarter, and hair density increases by 10%. The dietary supplement against hair loss contains green tea and grape seed cahetins (which are natural antioxidants). These components improve blood circulation in the scalp and deliver vitamins and microelements to the hair follicles. Taurine strengthens hair roots and protects them from breakage along their entire length. Zinc gluconate makes curls as smooth as possible by helping with protein absorption. Fatty acids and vitamin D give elasticity and strengthen the shaft of each hair. You can buy Inneov vitamins for women and men at the pharmacy. Phytosterol is also added to the men's version of hair vitamins (it protects against hormonal hair loss). The course of hair treatment with these vitamins is three months, and after that you can expect excellent results.

Inneov Hair Density

Shampoo for hair growth Lanotech

According to consumer reviews, Lanotech is a fairly effective detergent composition, as a result of which the hair becomes stronger and grows faster. If you do not have serious health problems, such as hormonal disorders, hair loss will stop after a therapeutic course.

The effectiveness of Lanotech shampoo is associated with the work of three main active components:

  • amino acids L-arginine, which optimize the functioning of blood vessels in the scalp and stop the process of hair loss
  • tea tree oil, which treats scalp dermatitis without having a drying effect
  • menthol – a kind of transport for L-arginine molecules
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