Non-surgical rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid

Many people often have a desire to change or improve the shape of their nose. As a rule, patients are concerned about the enlarged shape of the nose, the presence of a hump, and a deviated nasal septum. These features may be the result of injury, a birth defect, or heredity.

Not everyone is ready to undergo plastic surgery to correct their natural characteristics. The good news is that in some cases it is possible to solve the problem with non-surgical rhinoplasty.

Non-surgical nose correction

To reduce the size of the nose, injections of a lipolytic drug are used. This is a painless procedure that allows you to achieve a visible reduction in the size of your nose. The drug breaks down and removes fatty acids from cells, as a result of which fat cells decrease in size and become flatter. In addition, the lipolytic has a drainage effect, it enhances microcirculation, removes excess interstitial fluid and soft tissues decrease in size, the fleshiness of the nose “goes away”, the nose becomes sleeker and neater.

Of course, if you have a hump, then lipolytics will not help here, since they do not work with bone structures. Also, lipolytics will not help with a crooked nose or a desire to shorten it. In such cases, they resort to fillers and thread techniques, or to a plastic surgeon.

When to do non-surgical rhinoplasty

Nose contouring is recommended for minor defects that do not require surgical correction:

  • hump;
  • back too narrow;
  • irregular shape of the tip of the nose;
  • snub nose;
  • sharp corners of the bridge of the nose;
  • asymmetry;
  • pits and other defects.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty at the BL cosmetology and dermatology clinic helps correct all these shortcomings, make facial proportions more perfect, and make your appearance beautiful.


To reduce the size of the nose, 1 to 3 procedures are necessary with an interval of 7-10 days. After the procedure there will be slight swelling and redness, which will subside within 30-40 minutes. An undoubted advantage over surgical intervention is the complete absence of a rehabilitation period! It is recommended to massage your nose for several days, thereby increasing blood circulation and lymphatic drainage effect and helping the drugs to have the desired effect faster! As a rule, after 2-3 days, patients notice that the nose has decreased in volume.

When correcting the shape of the bridge of the nose or correcting a hump, the effect is visible immediately; in most cases, just 1 procedure is enough!

Modern methods allow you to correct imperfections and make your nose perfect in just 20-30 minutes without anesthesia or a scalpel, without long-term rehabilitation, without swelling and bruising!

Methods for reducing nose at home - a good solution or a mistake?

There are many tips on how to correct aesthetic flaws yourself. The most popular of them were:

  • applying special makeup;
  • use of rhinocorrectors;
  • massage with elements of gymnastics.

It must be admitted that there is a certain effect in such methods, but it is not always positive.

Makeup for nose reduction

Cosmetics cannot physically reduce the size or shape of the nose, but they can visually create the desired image. The advantage of this technique is its accessibility. It is enough to choose good cosmetics with a suitable shade and learn how to use it correctly.

Disadvantages include:

  • the need to constantly monitor makeup;
  • inability to correct pronounced defects - scars, creases, deviated septum, hump;
  • the high cost of high-quality cosmetics, which tend to run out quickly;
  • the need to spend time applying and removing cosmetics.

Rhinocorrectors for nose reduction

These are unique devices that are designed to reduce the volume of tissue in the nose area or change its shape. There are clips, splints and all kinds of clamps.

The main advantage of this method is the absence of any contraindications. But there are many more disadvantages:

  • risk of injury;
  • the need to wear the device for a long time - from 6 months to a year or more;
  • probable disruption of tissue blood supply;
  • deviated septum.

After wearing such devices, you often have to seek help from otolaryngologists with complaints of pain and impaired nasal breathing.

Massage for nose correction

A lot of gymnastic exercises with massage have been invented that supposedly reduce the size of tissues and change the shape of the nose. Indeed, in cosmetology there is such a procedure as modeling massage. However, it is only effective against age-related changes, when the facial muscles weaken and the skin begins to sag.

The only noticeable advantage of such techniques is the stimulation of blood circulation. However, with intense rubbing and pressure there is a real risk of injuring the skin.

Plastic surgeons at the Galaxy Beauty Institute often have to deal with the consequences of independent attempts to correct the shape or size of the nose at home. Situations often arise when women seek help after unsuccessful correction in other clinics, which led to deterioration in breathing, scars, depressions, injuries and other complications.

Do not waste time and money on futile attempts to correct aesthetic defects yourself or with the help of dubious specialists. The GALAXY Beauty Institute employs highly qualified cosmetologists and plastic surgeons with enormous practical experience. Modern high-precision equipment, proprietary methods and preparations allow us to perform nose correction with maximum efficiency and safety. Come to us for beauty!

Possible consequences

The negative consequences of nose reduction with Botox arise due to low-quality, poorly purified toxin, doctor error, and non-compliance with recommendations during the recovery period by patients. Short and long term side effects:

  • hematomas;
  • redness;
  • irritation, itching;
  • swelling that does not go away for months;
  • blurred vision;
  • temperature increase;
  • weakness, loss of appetite;
  • asymmetry due to the flow of funds into neighboring areas;
  • poison rejection;
  • drooping lower lip.

Swallowing and respiratory spasms may develop, nausea, vomiting, and digestive disorders may appear.

To minimize risks, choose a licensed clinic with good recommendations, where they use certified drugs from regular suppliers. The procedure is performed by a doctor in a medical office using disposable instruments and antiseptics. It is unacceptable to carry out correction if the Botox package has been opened in advance.


The difference is obvious if you compare the faces of patients before and after Botox injection into the nose. The procedure, without long and painful rehabilitation, smooths out wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, lifts the tip of the nose, and makes the face look younger. Injection rhinoplasty, through relaxation, eliminates tubercles on the nostrils, reduces the volume of the wings, and straightens the convex back. The final result of the injections is visible after 7–14 days, although changes are noticeable within a day. After 6 months, the effect of the drug stops, connections between nerve fibers and muscles are restored. Photos before and after narrowing the nose with Botox prove the effectiveness of the procedure.


Botox, a drug from the American company Allergan, which has been used in cosmetology for beauty injections since 2002, has been studied better than others. Despite the high price, doctors advise those applying for the first time to undergo nose correction with Botox because of the painless administration and predictable consequences.

Table of analogues with muscle-paralyzing effects

NameManufacturer countryCharacteristicDuration of effect, month
BotulaxSouth KoreaAn innovative product with a minimum of complications. Features - instant action (after a few hours), low cost 6–9
NeuronoxAdvantages: low price, safety. Disadvantage - the effect is noticeable no earlier than after a week 5–7
XeominGermanyPure neutrotoxin, free from proteins, does not cause allergies, combined with mesotherapy4–6
DysportFranceThe composition includes botulinum toxin in a lower concentration. The excipient is not sodium chloride, but lactose. 3–6
RelatoxRussiaThe Russian drug is more accessible, but the injections are painful due to high acidity4–6
LantoxChinaThe product is a third cheaper than Botox, contains stabilizing hypoallergenic gelatin3–6

Contraindications and restrictions

Intralipotherapy is contraindicated during pregnancy and the lactation period. The limitation is obesity of the third or fourth degree, since in obese people there is a general thickening of the subcutaneous tissue; local “fat burning” will lead to disharmonious and unnatural results. If there are signs of inflammation on the facial skin (rash, redness), the procedure is postponed to another date.

Absolute contraindications to the procedure:

  • Diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, other diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Oncological pathology, regardless of the location of the tumor.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Autoimmune connective tissue diseases.
  • Chronic liver failure.
  • Acute diseases of the hepatobiliary system, including viral hepatitis.
  • Pathology of the pancreas (chronic pancreatitis).

You can learn more about the injection liposuction procedure at a consultation with a medical cosmetologist (Moscow).
Make an appointment

The essence of the method of narrowing the nose with Botox

Narrowing the nose with Botox makes the image more sophisticated and attractive. The non-surgical method is based on the administration of drugs that provide a temporary paralyzing effect. Botulinum toxin breaks the connection between nerve impulses and muscles by blocking the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Despite the fact that the nerve fibers continue to send signals, the muscles do not respond to them and remain motionless.

Organic poison used for medical purposes is dangerous if the dosage is exceeded. During cosmetic procedures, an amount of toxic protein is introduced that is hundreds of times less than the lethal dose. It is enough to paralyze nearby muscles without disrupting blood flow. Correction of nasal defects with Botox injections:

  • elimination of asymmetry;
  • raising, lowering, narrowing of the tip;
  • wing modeling;
  • getting rid of wrinkles, dimples on the bridge of the nose;
  • smoothing out scars.

Botuloxin preparations solve the problem of hyperactive muscle tone. For dramatic changes affecting the osteochondral skeleton, surgical rhinoplasty is used.

From an expert

Vyunova Anastasia Igorevna

Doctor of the highest category, CMN

Find out more

The best solution for correcting the shape of the nose without surgery is RhinoCorrect. This orthopedic splint is an alternative to rhinoplasty. The cartilaginous tissue of the nose is subject to deformation gradually by 1-2 mm per month. To achieve visible results, wear the RinoCorrect clip 3-4 times a week in the evening for 2 hours. You can familiarize yourself with the methodology by clicking the “Find out more” button.

The essence and advantages of the technique

Correction of the nose using this method involves the injection of a special substance (filler), which, filling the cavities, acts as an implant and makes imperfections less noticeable. In this way, the pits are removed, the tubercles are leveled, the asymmetrical nose and the protruding bridge of the nose are corrected for Asian face types. Like other contouring procedures, the technique is not intended for cases requiring the correction of complex defects and elimination of functional problems, but with its help it can more accurately determine what kind of result the patient wants to see.

Fillers differ from other options for non-surgical rhinoplasty by undeniable advantages:

Correction method with fillers, as opposed to

  • Thread lifts are more effective and do not leave scars
  • Injections of hormonal drugs do not require a course repetition of the procedure
  • Using a splint does not cause any inconvenience and gives lasting results.
  • Lipofilling does not require long manipulations with the patient’s fat tissues

Drugs used

There are two types of corrective cosmetic products:

  1. Self-resorbable (biodegradable) . These are compositions based on hyaluronic and lactic acid, animal collagen, polycaprolactone, calcium compounds, whose components, mainly of natural origin, decompose over time and are easily excreted from the body.
  2. Non-absorbable (biodegradable) . They are a gel of synthetic origin, most often a biopolymer (for example, silicone), which, without reacting with the tissues of the body, is not naturally removed from it.

At the CONSTANTA Clinic, nose contouring is performed using certified cosmetic products based on hyaluronic acid. Although the synthetic gel gives a more lasting result, this substance is difficult to remove completely, which will complicate future plastic surgery. There is still a risk of triggering the development of tissue fibrosis. The products we use not only help correct problem areas of the nose, but also have a positive effect on the skin as a whole, improving the texture and tone of the tissues.

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