New! Argireline is a real alternative to Botox!

One of the first “swallows” of aging is pronounced expression wrinkles. In some people they appear earlier on the face - and this is due to heredity and active movements of the facial muscles. Some suffer the same fate later, but one way or another, longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead, pronounced grooves between the eyebrows, folds in the nasolabial triangle quickly reveal both age and, most often, the expressions reigning on the face.

Modern cosmetic procedures help to cope with facial wrinkles. They can be invasive or non-invasive. The most common invasive procedure aimed at paralyzing facial muscles and smoothing wrinkles is botulinum toxin injections. This neurotoxin, entering the tissue, blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, as a result of which the muscles are innervated and stop contracting. Over time, the drug breaks down in the tissues and is excreted from the body. During the time it works, a person often loses the habit of certain grimaces, which lead to the appearance of deep wrinkles.

There is an alternative to Botox. They resort to it for various reasons:

  • young age;
  • drug intolerance;
  • phobias.

As a replacement, invasive and non-invasive procedures can be used, showing excellent results depending on the patient’s age, the condition of his skin, and the individual characteristics of the body.

Botox does not treat existing wrinkles, but only stops muscle mobility, so the skin deteriorates. Procedures that are suitable as a replacement fight the root cause, help tighten the facial contour, restore skin nutrition and blood supply to tissues, as a result, the overall condition of the face improves, wrinkles are smoothed out due to improved skin elasticity.

Causes of static wrinkles

  • Age-related changes (natural decrease in the amount of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the skin over the years);
  • Passion for tanning (solarium, prolonged exposure to the sun);
  • Aggressive environment (frost, wind, dust);
  • Heredity, individual characteristics of the body;
  • Lifestyle (smoking, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue);
  • Unbalanced diet, adherence to strict diets, frequent hunger strikes;
  • Lack of proper skin care.

Different methods are used to correct different types of wrinkles.

Looking for a Botox substitute?

Despite its popularity, not all fashionistas use botulinum toxin. Why?

  1. Because Botox did not rise or did not rise completely. For some (and the percentage of these people is quite large, about 5%), Botox does not have a pronounced effect at all and does not get rid of wrinkles.
  1. Some people are stopped by the fact that Botox is basically a strong poison.
  1. Not all wrinkles on the face are the result of rich facial expressions. Therefore, Botox, as usual, is powerless against wrinkles on the cheeks.
  1. Some people just decided to take a break.

Can Botox not work? Why does Botox not work and what to do? What is injected instead of Botox? How can you smooth out your skin even without Botox? Let's look for answers to these questions together.

Tatyana Tereshina gives Botox injections using a special micro-injection technique for Andrey Iskornev’s drug.

How to remove dynamic wrinkles on the forehead?

For patients with dynamic wrinkles, the best remedies are preparations based on purified botulinum tonsin - Botox, Dysport and Xeomin. The drugs vary by manufacturer. Botox

- made in the USA,
- made in France and
- made in Germany.

Under the influence of drugs based on botulinum neurotoxin, the motor activity of the forehead muscles weakens. Fine and deep wrinkles are smoothed out, and the surface of the skin becomes smooth.

The effect of the drugs lasts for an average of 6 months. In some cases, it is recommended to repeat the procedure for administering the drug chosen by the doctor. But there must be certain indications for this.

After a few procedures, the bad habit of frowning will disappear and the problem will be solved without the influence of the drug. Facial expressions do not disappear after using drugs based on botulinum neurotoxin, but simply become calmer and more controlled.

Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

It is worth noting that Xeomin

is a sterile, protein-free form of botulinum toxin type A. The drug Xeomin is similar in action to Botox and Dysport. The advantages of Xeomin are that it is hypoallergenic, meaning it is suitable for everyone.

Xeomin is also injected into the area of ​​facial muscles and temporarily stops their contraction without disrupting the blood supply to the muscles. The injection dosage is significantly reduced due to the purity of the substance. After the procedure, the face retains its naturalness and facial mobility.

Mesotherapy is also suitable for smoothing out facial wrinkles.

, which is based on saturating the dermis with special nutrients. The active components that are part of mesotherapy cocktails activate the process of collagen production, increase the elasticity of collagen and elastin fibers and contribute to the complete renewal of the epidermis, due to which the skin is smoothed. Mesotherapy helps fight the first wrinkles on the forehead, which arise due to excessive activity of the facial muscles.

The effect of its implementation becomes noticeable after 2-3 procedures, and the course consists of 10 sessions. The result lasts for 6-12 months.

Lay the base

Previously, cosmetologists worked only with visible signs of aging, removing, for example, facial wrinkles using Botox injections and offering cosmeceuticals for the upper layer of skin. Nowadays, specialists have many advanced rejuvenation techniques in their arsenal.

“Several years ago, the famous plastic surgeon Mauricio de Mayo introduced the concept of “trigger points of old age,” says Marina Ryabus. — These are the areas on the face in which age-related changes become noticeable most quickly. It became clear that working only with the upper layer of the epidermis or individual wrinkles is ineffective: bone tissue, ligaments, and muscles age. The position of fat packets changes, the face “slides” under the influence of gravity and favorite positions during sleep. Therefore, the struggle for youth and natural beauty in modern cosmetology is being waged at all levels at once. And the result depends not only on the experience of the cosmetologist, but also on the patient himself.”

It is impossible to achieve a lasting effect from procedures when the body is exhausted or the functioning of any system is disrupted. If we are talking about facial rejuvenation, it is important to eliminate the deficiency of substances involved in the synthesis of collagen - vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Disruption of the endocrine system (in women this can be estrogen deficiency and menopause, and sometimes premature or early menopause, in men it can be testosterone deficiency and andropause) affects both appearance and general well-being. “In good beauty clinics, first of all, an endocrinologist-nutritionist and an endocrinologist-gynecologist work with the patient,” says our expert. — First, based on tests, deficiencies of vitamins, microelements, and possibly hormonal imbalances are identified. Then the doctor selects the necessary medications, recommends a daily routine and a personal nutrition system. This is how the body’s healing program starts. The body receives everything it needs to independently begin to produce the substances it needs. After this adjustment of the body, the issue of hormone replacement therapy is resolved.” All this is a base that will provide a visible and lasting effect from cosmetic procedures.

What procedures are indicated for static wrinkles?

Static wrinkles, as mentioned above, are an imprint of the years lived and various conditions of the body - from the effects of excessive exposure to the sun to experiments with diets.

For static wrinkles, the popular Botox will only soften them, but will not make them go away completely. Therefore, deep static wrinkles must be treated with a combination of Botox and intradermal filler. The latter include drugs such as, for example, Restylane, Juvederm and Perlane.


is the general name of a line of drugs for biorevitalization and contouring developed by Q-Med laboratories. This Swedish company is part of the Galderma holding, which occupies a leading position in the field of aesthetic and anti-aging cosmetology.

All Restylane fillers have a common feature - they use biosynthesized hyaluronic acid of the highest purity. This eliminates the presence of protein impurities and guarantees the absence of allergic or inflammatory reactions. These drugs do not disrupt the natural metabolic processes in the skin, but, on the contrary, optimize them.

To smooth out wrinkles and folds on the forehead, a basic ruler filler is usually used. The duration of the effect depends on the specific filler (primarily on its density) and ranges from 6-8 months to 1.5-2 years. Thanks to the innovative development of Q-Med specialists, biodegradation, that is, the resorption of the drug and its removal from the body, does not cause an immediate decrease in the effect. Hyaluronic acid is structured in such a way that when it breaks down, its molecules are actively replaced by water molecules. This ensures the prolonged action of each filler.


is also a whole line of dermal fillers from the American company Allergan. By the way, this company is also engaged in the production of Botox.

A distinctive feature of Juvederm fillers is the high concentration of hyaluronic acid. Therefore, these drugs are used in cases where a powerful, most pronounced effect is required. Fillers are a transparent gel of varying densities, produced in disposable syringes for intradermal injections. The effect of fillers lasts up to 1.5 years.

If wrinkles are very pronounced, then Perlane is used.

. This is also, like Restylane, a product of the Swedish company Q-med. Due to its high density, it takes longer to absorb than other hyaluronic acid fillers. The effect of its administration occurs immediately after the procedure and lasts for a year or longer - up to two years.

When creating Perline filler, scientists used a special technique for stabilizing hyaluronic acid. As a result, the resorption of Perlane filler does not reduce, but increases the moisture content in the skin. This process is accompanied by the replacement of filler molecules with water molecules.

With the help of Perlane, you can not only smooth out deep wrinkles, skin creases, folds, but also improve the oval of the face, the contours and volume of the cheeks, cheekbones, and chin. At A Clinic, this filler is actively used not only for the face, but also for the neck. The only area where its use is not recommended is the area around the eyes. In these areas, the skin is very thin and delicate, so only light formulas can be used here, and the use of a viscous, dense gel is not advisable.

Injectable alternative to Botox

Some procedures combine well with each other or complement other cosmetological techniques. For example, biorevitalization and mesotherapy are indicated before/after plastic surgery to restore blood circulation in tissues, stimulate local recovery processes, replenish lack of moisture in the skin and achieve other goals.

The choice of a specific replacement for Botox injections depends on many factors. To find the optimal effect, it is better to contact a highly qualified cosmetologist who will take into account indications and contraindications and create an individual schedule for rejuvenation sessions.

Thread lifting

The most radical non-surgical method for correcting forehead wrinkles is thread lifting.


Special absorbable threads with notches are inserted under the patient's skin. Intradermal introduction of threads into the skin of the forehead makes it possible to form a strong frame in the dermis, which tightens the tissue, smooths out even deep wrinkles, and prevents sagging of the skin.

Threads such as Dermafil

Modern lifting threads are made from self-absorbing materials, they are safe and provide a long-lasting tightening effect. For example, Italian threads ​Dermafil
​ are made from surgical material ​ caprolactone, ​ which ​ ​ is completely absorbed in the body and eliminated from it naturally. During production, double cross-polymerization of caprolactone is carried out using Double R2 technology. Thanks to it, the skin is completely renewed due to the formation of new collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.

The effect of non-surgical plastic surgery is achieved due to a special design. Designed in a herringbone shape with very small, almost invisible notches (“teeth”), these threads, when inserted under the skin, are attached using the “teeth” to the soft tissue. Thus, they form a supporting frame that tightens the contours of the face. The notches prevent the movement of fabrics and threads to other areas. ​ The special structure allows you to get an instant ​ lifting effect and maintain it for a long time - from 3 to 5 years.

Aptos threads act similarly. Only their composition is slightly different. Main line Aptos (Aptos)

– these are absorbable threads with Light Lift, Excellence and Nano notches made of caprolac with L-lactic acid. Kaprolac is a completely biodegradable material that dissolves within a year. Polylactic acid gives a revitalization effect and slows down the aging process. Thanks to the notches, biothreads reliably fix the tightened tissues. This results in a double effect of lifting and renewing the skin. The effect also lasts a long time - more than 5 years.

Bring beauty

It is no longer possible to imagine modern cosmetology without injections. And, of course, drugs like Botox have a right to exist, but they are not the ones who set trends.

Research in the field of anatomy, analysis of aging processes and the development of technology have made it possible to create devices that can work with literally every layer of the face and body, and in one go, one session, here and now. Without discomfort and long rehabilitation. “If the problem is, for example, weakened skin that has lost its tone, layer-by-layer reconstruction can be carried out using radiofrequency fractional microneedling lifting,” says Marina Ryabus. — The impact is on different areas of the skin: through puncture points. As a result, the structure of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté is rejuvenated and strengthened. If signs of aging are already obvious, multi-level rejuvenation can be proposed, starting with the deepest ligaments on the side of the cheek mucosa. Other technologies also work at a deep level. For example, using a long laser pulse, the device can stimulate collagen synthesis and tighten soft tissue, which provides a tightening effect and secures the tissue in a new position.”

An alternative to Botox has become contour plastic surgery. First, the doctor determines the so-called age trigger points, then selects a complex consisting of different fillers, the task of which is to support weakened ligaments and replenish lost volumes. Fillers are injected using a needle or cannula and may require a short recovery period. It must be said that modern fillers have a narrow “specialization” and, depending on their properties, are used pointwise: to restore the oval of the face, some drugs will be used, while others will be used to correct, say, lips.

To rejuvenate the face, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the anatomy and physiology of soft tissue aging, be able to read the “aging map” and have aesthetic taste.

“Cosmetology of past years tried to offer people “restaurant” solutions that did not require any participation from them,” says Marina Ryabus. “This coincided with the fashion for “doll” beauty and rather strict standards of attractiveness. Now the trend is naturalness, awareness and responsibility. And despite the fact that technically cosmetology has become more advanced, no less involvement is now required from us.” And this is quite logical: the more you value yourself and take more care of your health and appearance, the more you invest in it.

Cases when it is difficult to do without botulinum toxin preparations

Understanding the principle of action of botulinum toxin, it is easy to figure out in which cases it will be the main means of correcting wrinkles. Such cases include:

  • Horizontal and vertical wrinkles on the forehead;
  • "Rabbit" wrinkles that appear on the bridge of the nose when expressing anger;
  • Wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the bridge of the nose;
  • Small wrinkles in the eye area;
  • Wrinkles above the lips and on the chin;
  • Wrinkles on the neck and décolleté;
  • Defects in the position of the lips, when the lower or upper lip is raised;
  • “Gummy smile,” when a person unintentionally exposes the upper gum when smiling.

Also, with the help of botulinum toxin, the severity of fresh scars is sometimes corrected (for example, after surgery), but this use has nothing to do with wrinkles.

For medical purposes, botulinum toxin preparations are used to treat serious diseases. For example, they may be shown when:

  • Blepharospasm - drooping of the eyelid as a result of tension in the orbicularis oculi muscle;
  • Hemifacial spasm - asymmetrical curvature of the face due to contraction of large facial muscles;
  • Hyperkinesis – sudden involuntary muscle contractions;
  • Nervous tics;
  • Spastic torticollis;
  • Hyperhidrosis – increased sweating in the armpits, feet and palms;

To treat excessive sweating, medications containing botulinum toxin can be used.

  • Paralytic form of strabismus;
  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Lip asymmetry caused by hyperactivity or paresis of the masticatory muscles;
  • Migraine.

It is also useful to read: The use of botulinum therapy in cosmetology: botulinum toxin injections

For blepharospasm, Botox allows you to relax the orbicularis oculi muscle, the tension of which causes the eyelid to droop, but it is important not to immobilize it completely. In this case, the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the professionalism of the doctor. He must correctly calculate the dosage and injection sites of the drug so that the muscle is not completely paralyzed, but relaxes to the required extent.

The use of botulinum toxin for paralytic strabismus allows you to solve the problem without the use of surgical methods.

In patients with frequent migraine attacks, Botox can reduce the symptoms of the disease. The drug prevents muscle strain and blocks receptors that transmit pain signals, thus reducing the severity of attacks. However, Botox does not treat migraine or eliminate its causes, but only acts on the symptoms.

Why is Botox almost irreplaceable in some cases?

Botulinum toxin preparations are used to smooth out facial wrinkles. Such wrinkles are formed as a result of contraction of facial muscles when expressing various emotions. When a muscle contracts, the overlying skin shrinks and wrinkles appear.

At a young age, when the skin is sufficiently elastic, it quickly recovers from such wrinkling. With age, this ability decreases and visible skin defects form in place of the folds. Moreover, in the early stages, if the muscle is completely relaxed, these defects almost completely disappear. For such relaxation, botulinum toxin preparations are used in cosmetology.

If the wrinkles are severely neglected, and even with complete relaxation of the muscles, stripes remain in their place, in addition to Botox, various drugs are used to promote skin regeneration and eliminate such defects.

So, in cases where wrinkles are caused precisely by the constant contraction of facial muscles, no remedy other than botulinum toxin will remove such wrinkles. After all, no matter how clean and well-groomed the skin is, the muscles contracting underneath it will still form wrinkles. The only way to get rid of these defects is to eliminate their cause, that is, to immobilize the muscle and prevent its contraction. Only Botox and its close analogues can cope with this task.

Botulinum toxin is one of the most powerful neurotropic poisons. In large doses, it causes disturbances in the functioning of the heart and diaphragm, which leads to death from respiratory failure. In cosmetology, very small doses of botuloctoxin are used, which are safe for life. During intramuscular injections, the drug enters directly into the muscles of the face, neck or décolleté and affects only the nerve cells associated with them, and practically does not enter the blood.

The principle of action of botulinum toxin is that it blocks the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to muscle fibers, which makes it impossible for them to contract intentionally or involuntarily. This leads to temporary muscle paralysis.

Botulinum toxin partially paralyzes the muscles. They stop contracting and relax. This effect leads to smoothing of the skin.

After approximately 6-9 months, the effect of botulinum toxin on the muscles ceases due to the appearance of new neuromuscular synapses. Mobility returns to the muscles, and wrinkles appear on the skin when expressing emotions. Therefore, botulinum therapy should not be considered a panacea that will allow you to get rid of wrinkles forever. To maintain the effect, the injections will need to be repeated regularly.

Individual cases when botulinum therapy can be replaced by other methods and means

At the same time, in some situations, botulinum therapy can indeed be replaced with other cosmetic methods. And sometimes it is not a suitable solution at all.

Thus, when gravitational and age-related wrinkles appear, Botox is ineffective. Gravity wrinkles appear due to sagging skin as a result of sudden weight fluctuations (for example, with rapid weight loss), aging and weakening of skin tone, due to hereditary factors, exposure to ultraviolet radiation or insufficient skin care. An example is nasolabial folds, fine wrinkles in the corners of the mouth and eyes.

Similarly, age-related wrinkles that appear as a result of natural physiological processes in the body on any part of the skin cannot be corrected with botulinum toxin: muscle relaxation will not affect the condition of aging skin in any way.

Alternative means should also be sought if it is necessary to eliminate such defects:

  • Indentations in the skin caused by thinning of the underlying layers of the dermis - in this case, fillers help, especially biologically active ones that stimulate the proliferation of fibroblasts;
  • Changing the oval of the face - this requires contouring;

With age-related changes in the oval of the face, Botox is useless. In this case, contour plastic surgery is used.

  • The appearance of age spots;
  • Wrinkles not caused by facial muscle contractions. For example, marionette lines, superficial “dry folds” (peelings help with them), tear trough.

It is important to understand that in some cases, attempts to use alternative methods instead of Botox may not only not give the desired effect, but also aggravate the situation. For example, if you try to eliminate deep expression wrinkles, for example, with fillers, these defects will become even more pronounced, since the skin will be more “lush” and muscle contractions under it will be especially obvious.

Creams with Botox effect as a replacement

In cosmetology, there are also options that can replace Botox. For this purpose, creams with a lifting effect are used. Nivea Q10 Plus, which is applied at night, is very popular. The main component of the drug is coenzyme Q10. Thanks to this enzyme, facial wrinkles are reduced and natural creatines are increased, which quickly tighten sagging skin.

Nivea Q10 Plus

Another cream is Creme Beaute du Temps. This product is intended to prevent age-related changes. You can apply the composition to the skin at any time of the day. The product contains peptides, walnut extracts, jojoba and shea butter. This complex is used immediately after the first symptoms of aging appear.

Creme Beauty du Temps

You can replace Botox with Vichy Liftactiv cream. Just 4 days of regular use of the product is enough to see a positive effect. This cream is used to reduce wrinkles and strengthen facial contours.

Vichy Liftactiv

Cosmetologists recommend using Swisscode serum, which can replace Botox if desired. This product provides an effective lifting effect, corrects wrinkles and strengthens the facial contour. To maintain the achieved results, you can use anti-aging foundation creams. Skinleya received good reviews because this product has a number of advantages:

  • perfectly evens out skin color;
  • reduces signs of loss of facial freshness;
  • intensively nourishes the epidermis.

You can use eye creams, which are an effective substitute for Botox. It’s easy to find a good product from the Garnier series. There are many cosmetic complexes that are used to tighten the décolleté and neck. You need to select them individually, listening to the advice of specialists.

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