Teosyal Meso and MesoExpert – biorevitalizants to eliminate signs of aging

There are quite a lot of meso-cocktails and mesotherapy preparations with which you can rejuvenate your skin by eliminating various dermatological defects. Teosial Meso Expert - advanced preparations designed to combat signs of skin aging, as well as many other dermatological defects. Let's take a closer look at the main features and advantages of the compositions.

The difference between biorevitalization with Teosyal preparations and contouring with fillers

Biorevitalization is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves the introduction of useful compounds into the structure of the dermis. They saturate epithelial cells with useful substances and restore the internal microflora of tissues.

If we talk about the procedure with Teosyal preparations, they quickly penetrate the skin and contribute to the following improvements:

  • Acceleration of blood microcirculation;
  • Restoring the integrity of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • Acceleration of collagen and elastin production;
  • Restoring water balance;
  • Activation of epithelial cell regeneration.

Thanks to this effect, biorevitalization Theoial meso is highly effective, promoting rapid skin rejuvenation.

Contour plastic surgery with fillers is a similar technique, but a completely different result. Fillers have a fairly high density, due to which, when they enter the dermis, they fill all the relief of the skin (including wrinkles), making it more elastic and firm.

Biorevitalization is a safer and more natural technique, the results of which last longer due to the cumulative effect.

In what cases is biorevitalization the best choice?

  • If you feel that your skin has become dry, and regular moisturizers or masks can no longer cope with this problem
  • If you have dried out your skin due to cosmetic procedures or burned it with intense tanning
  • If you notice that your skin has begun to dull, take on a aging appearance, and lose its healthy, youthful glow and color
  • If your face looks tired and you want to look good in life, in photos and videos
  • If you notice the first wrinkles caused by dry skin, stress, overwork, poor environment or poor quality of sleep
  • If you want to refresh your skin and make it firmer, more elastic, and toned

Result after the first procedure

Elastic, tightened skin

Initial consultation is free

Teosyal Meso

A classic product from the Teosyal line, designed to treat particularly sensitive and thin facial skin.

Indications for use of the composition:

  1. Loss of skin tone.
  2. Small and medium wrinkles.
  3. Dull skin.
  4. Relief.
  5. Pigmentation.
  6. Fuzzy facial contour.
  7. Enlarged pores.
  8. Acne and post-acne.
  9. Swelling.

The product also prevents the appearance of signs of premature aging of facial skin, prolonging its youth.

Composition of the drug

The main active ingredient of the drug is Hyaluronic acid. The component is contained in a fairly safe concentration, due to which the mesococktail has a gentle effect on the dermis.

The composition also includes various peptides, vitamins and minerals that increase the local immunity of the skin.

Application results

The lifting effect is most noticeable after using the meso cocktail. The skin quickly becomes more toned, its elasticity and firmness increases, and wrinkles become less noticeable.

The overall tone of the face is also evened out. Pigmentation, post-acne and other defects fade.

If we talk about internal changes, the drug provides long-term hydration of cells, restoring the water balance of the dermis.

Characteristics of Teosial revitalizers

The Teosyal series contains hyaluronic acid and a special complex consisting of skin-structuring amino acids. In addition, the preparations include vitamins, minerals and lidocaine (in the case of filler). Each component of Teosyal PureSense Redensity (I or II) carries its own meaning:

  • Hyaluronic acid restores the protective film on the surface of the dermis and prevents the loss of internal moisture.
  • Amino acids: stimulate the synthesis of the dermis’ own collagen, twist the fibers into a triple helix, regenerate and restructure the skin, nourish the epidermis with moisture.
  • Vitamins remove free radicals, preventing oxidation, that is, cell aging; normalize the vital activity of all cellular structures, promote energy production.
  • Microelements restore the process of cell division.

Thus, the Teosial Redensity series of drugs, with correct diagnosis and selection of the correct manipulation, completely solve skin problems after 35 years. At a younger age, they can be successfully used to prevent involutional processes.

Teosyal MesoExpert

The improved composition contains a larger complex of useful components, due to which it acts more aggressively on the skin, eliminating various problems with its health.

Indications for meso cocktail:

  1. Wrinkles, skin texture.
  2. Flabbiness, lethargy.
  3. Pigmentation.
  4. Dark circles under the eyes.
  5. Uneven skin tone, acne, post-acne.
  6. Enlarged pores.
  7. Reduced tissue tone.
  8. Dry skin.

The drug is also often used after performing aggressive cosmetic procedures such as peeling, electroporation, etc.

Composition of the drug

Teosial Mesoexpert, just like the classic version of the drug, contains hyaluronic acid, which quickly penetrates the structure of the dermis and moisturizes it, restoring the water balance of the tissues.

However, the meso cocktail also includes quite a lot of amino acids, antioxidants, chemical elements (copper, zinc, silver) and vitamins. This composition ensures maximum effectiveness of the use of drugs.

Results of use

You will be able to notice the effectiveness of Teosial Mesoexpert after 1-2 uses of the drug. It quickly penetrates the epithelial cells, saturating them with useful substances, and awakens natural processes in the dermis.

At the same time, when using a meso cocktail, blood microcirculation improves, the regeneration of new epithelial cells is restored, and metabolic processes are accelerated.

External changes as a result of the use of drugs also cannot be ignored. The girl's skin begins to look younger, fresher, most defects and imperfections are eliminated.

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

The method of biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is indicated for all patients who, for one reason or another, have decreased skin turgor. The reasons can be very different. This can be natural aging, skin damage from UV rays, which often happens with excessive tanning, rapid, uncontrolled weight loss, illness or stress. The method has proven itself well in the rehabilitation period after aggressive procedures (peelings, polishing). For preventive purposes, biorevitalization is indicated 2 weeks before a trip to hot countries where there is active insolation and 10-14 days after returning.

How is the procedure done?

The session always begins with preparing the skin for work. To do this, it is cleaned of cosmetics and contaminants and treated with a disinfectant solution of Chlorexidine. Painkillers are not routinely used.

Then the procedure itself begins:

  1. The master unpacks ampoules with Teosial meso-cocktails, drawing them into a syringe.
  2. The skin in the area of ​​the intended injection is stretched, and a needle is inserted into it with a quick movement of the hand to a depth of 10-15 mm.
  3. The drug is slowly injected into the tissue, the needle is removed.
  4. In this way, another 4-7 local punctures are created on the facial skin.
  5. After 5-7 minutes, the master performs a light facial massage to speed up the absorption of nutrients.
  6. The skin is cleansed of excess meso-cocktails and re-treated with a disinfectant solution of Chlorhexidine.
  7. A soothing lotion is applied.

Biorevitalization usually lasts about half an hour. At the end of the session, the cosmetologist prescribes precautions for the girl, which are important to follow in order to avoid unwanted consequences and complications.

Administration technique

Despite the fact that biorevitalization is always performed manually (using a syringe), the drug can be administered using two techniques:

  1. Linear. The needle is inserted at an angle of 45 degrees to a depth of 15-20 mm. The drug is injected by reversing the needle, distributed over a fairly large area of ​​skin.
  2. Papular. In this case, many small punctures are created on the skin, the depth of penetration of the needle is no more than 3-5 mm.

Both methods contribute to the uniform distribution of the drug throughout the dermis; the question of their choice is only the complexity of the procedure itself and its pain.

Advantages of the procedure: why should you choose biorevitalization?

Don’t worry about the effect biorevitalization of the face will give, since most patients who have already undergone the procedure share their impressions of the course of treatment and highlight the following advantages:

  1. Speed ​​and simplicity. Compared to other invasive rejuvenation techniques (the same plastic surgery), hyaluronic acid injections do not take much time and do not require specific preparation.
  2. Financial inclusion. Finding where to get a rejuvenating injection at a good price is possible even in a prestigious clinic with an experienced cosmetologist - and this is one of the most significant “advantages” of the procedure.
  3. Safety. Specialists use reliable brands with active ingredients that take part in the natural metabolic processes of human skin and very rarely cause allergic reactions.
  4. Versatility. Injections are performed for patients of different ages and genders, although it is recommended to use the method after 20 years, so that the hormonal levels are more stable and the result is predictable.
  5. Short rehabilitation period. In order to fully recover from hyaluronic acid injections, it only takes 2-3 days.

Another advantage is that the patient immediately after the procedure sees the effect of the injection - the complexion is evened out, as is the relief. Within a week, the consequences of the procedure (small bruises and redness) go away, and improved microcirculation and metabolic processes continue to heal the skin.

Duration of the course of procedures

The safety of Teosyal preparations lies in the low concentration of active ingredients, due to which they have a gentle effect on the skin in the treatment area.

Due to the cumulative effect of the drug, you will have to complete the full course of sessions to achieve the desired result. It usually consists of 5-10 procedures, which depends on the initial condition of the skin, the type of meso-cocktail, as well as the problem you want to get rid of.

The break between sessions is from 3 to 10 days according to the recommendations of the master.

Preparation for procedures

Biorevitalization procedures do not require special preparation. Birevitalization is a gentle technique; contraindications are relatively few. However, it is not recommended to drink alcohol or smoke before performing injections, as this may have an undesirable effect on the functioning of small vessels. You should also avoid taking anticoagulants, intensive grinding, facial peeling, intense tanning in a solarium or in the open sun.

If you have undergone laser facial resurfacing, at least a month should pass after it. After a chemical peel, at least two weeks should pass. After blepharoplasty surgery – at least 10 days.


The biorevitalization procedure, regardless of the drugs used, involves a mechanical effect on the sensitive skin of the face and the creation of many punctures on it. Because of this, some contraindications are prescribed for the technique:

  • Diabetes;
  • Low blood clotting rate;
  • Pregnancy, lactation;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Skin lesions;
  • Tumor;
  • Fungus;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

Before performing the procedure, it is important to ensure that there are no health restrictions to avoid complications and side effects.

To check if you are allergic to Teosyal preparations, first apply them to the inside of the elbow for 30 minutes, then rinse off and monitor the skin reaction.

Prolonged biorevitalization: result

As a rule, patients receive artificial hyaluronic acid, since its modified structure allows for prolonged results:

  • restoration of skin turgor and hydrobalance;
  • fight existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones;
  • the emergence of an optimal environment for launching biological regeneration processes;
  • creating volume in the area where the patient desires.

In addition, the effects of facial biorevitalization make it possible to prepare the skin of the body for procedures such as chemical and laser peels.

Side effects from the use of Teosyal mesococktails

Regardless of the type of meso-cocktail, Teosyal preparations contain only safe and non-toxic components that have a gentle effect on the girl’s body and on sensitive skin in the treatment area.

Undesirable consequences can occur only if the restrictions and contraindications prescribed by the cosmetologist are not observed, or if the drug is unevenly administered into the tissues.

However, quite often after visiting cosmetology, the skin’s reaction to mechanical stress also appears on the face. It manifests itself in the form of local redness and increased sensitivity of the dermis, and subsides within 1-2 days, without causing much discomfort to the girl.

What effect does biorevitalization give?

Biorevitalization at A Clinic will give your skin many more years of youth, restoring its healthy, radiant appearance, natural moisture, firmness, and elasticity. After injections of Juvederm and Teosyal:

  • in real life and in photos, the skin looks rested,
  • the consequences of the traumatic effects of intense peelings or other aggressive procedures, ultraviolet radiation disappear, the skin is well restored,
  • turgor and elasticity improve, color evens out,
  • the skin becomes well hydrated,
  • fine wrinkles disappear, the surface is smoothed,
  • signs of aging, sagging, fatigue, skin aging are corrected,
  • facial contour improves,
  • pigment spots become less noticeable, enlarged pores narrow.

Composition and release form of the drug

As you can already understand, Teosyal Meso is an injection solution, available in 1 or 3 ml syringes. The most popular among users was “Teosial Meso Expert” 3 ml. For the price, it is profitable to purchase a larger volume, and it is enough to treat all areas of the face. If it is necessary to tidy up only a certain area for which less product is needed, 1 ml will be enough for the buyer. It must be said that the amount of substance in one syringe does not affect the quality in any way.

One of the best anti-aging agents for biorevitalization is the product of the Swiss laboratory “Teoxan” “Teosial Meso”. The composition includes the following components:

  • hyaluronic acid (15 mg/g);
  • AT 6;
  • essential amino acids;
  • trace elements zinc, copper;
  • antioxidants.

The kit includes a syringe and several medium-thick needles. The concentration of active substances is adapted to any skin type and age category.

The opinion of cosmetologists about Teosial

Most cosmetologists evaluate the Teosyal collection positively:
Grigory Ivanov, cosmetologist:
“I have been using Teosyal in my practice for more than 10 years.
During my work, I have not noticed a single case of adverse reaction in patients to this drug. I consider this line of fillers to be the best of its kind. Teosyal’s price is very reasonable, so I advise you to pay attention to it.” Liliya Smekhova, cosmetologist:
“Teosial fillers are among the most effective lines that I have ever worked with. Patients are satisfied, since the result often exceeds expectations, especially if used in combination with cosmetics from this brand.”

Types of drug

The Teosyal range of products includes products that differ from each other in their composition and purpose.

The choice of filler is made depending on the problem that needs to be solved and the expected result that the patient wants to achieve.

Comparative table of Teosyal drugs - click to enlarge
In this graph, Teosyal fillers are arranged as their viscosity increases:

Teosyal fillers for contouring

This is one of the most extensive Teosyal collections, with a total of 8 drugs:

  1. Teosyal First Lines
  2. Teosyal Global Action
  3. Teosyal Deep Lines
  4. Teosyal Ultra Deep
  5. Teosyal Touch up
  6. Teosyal Kiss
  7. Teosyal Ultimate
  8. Teosyal Redensity (Puresense) II eyes

Each of them has a clear purpose, which is determined by the concentration of hyaluronic acid.

NamePurposeConcentrationVolume, mlValidity period, monthsPrice for 1 piece, rub.
First LinesFest Line is used for the first age-related changes in the skin - light crow's feet, superficial wrinkles, including perioral wrinkles.20 mg/g0.72–3From 7,000 rub.
Injected into the deep layer of the dermis.
Global ActionEliminates moderate wrinkles formed on the cheeks and bridge of the nose.251613,000–15,000 rub.
Global Action is also injected into the nasolabial area of ​​moderate depth and is used to change the contour of the lips.
Injected into the deep layer of the dermis.
Deep LinesCorrects persistent, pronounced wrinkles, including nasolabial, “purse-string” vertical wrinkles, restores the deep layers of the dermis.2516–913,000–15,000 rub.
Deep line is distinguished by higher viscosity than the previous product.
Injected into the deep layer of the dermis.
Ultra DeepFiller Teosial Ultra Deep has the highest viscosity.2516–12From 12,000 rub.
It is used to fill deep folds - nasolabial and nasozygomatic, restore the contours and oval of the face, and eliminate mild ptosis.
Apply deeply subdermal, supraperiosteally
Touch upMaintains results and is used for repeated biorevitalization procedures.250.56–97,000 rub.
Touch Up can be used as an addition to other gels. The composition is injected into the middle layer of the dermis
KissThe product is intended for modeling the contour and shape of the lips, eliminating wrinkles in the corners of the mouth.2516–915,000–17,000 rub.
Teosial Kiss is administered subdermally.
UltimateThe product formula is created for maximum volume.22312–1830,000–34,000 rub.
Ultimate restores the fat frame and contours, making cheekbones, cheeks, and chin voluminous in just 1-2 injections.
The gel is injected supraperiostally.
Redensity (Puresense) II eyesIn addition to hyaluronic acid, Teosial Redensity includes a dermo-restructuring complex of antioxidants and amino acids, as well as copper, zinc, and vitamin B6.1511215,000 rub.
Lidocaine reduces pain. Eliminates crow's feet, nasolacrimal groove, corrects palpebromalar and alkaline zygomatic grooves.
Redensity 2 is also used for the eyes to rejuvenate the skin of the hands. It has low hygroscopicity and high distribution capacity.
The risk of swelling is reduced to a minimum. It is inserted supraperiostally using a retrograde cannula.


  • The first results are noticeable after the first procedure, which lasts about 30 minutes.
  • The face takes on its final appearance 2–3 days after the procedure.

The duration of the filler largely depends on the condition of the skin.

To maintain the result, the manufacturer recommends repeating the procedure after 6–8 months and using special cosmetics.

Biorevitalizants Teosial

Another part of the Teosial collection, which is intended for biorevitalization and mesotherapy.

It includes 3 products:

  1. Teosyal Meso
  2. Teosyal Meso Expert
  3. Teosyal PureSense Redensity 1
NamePurposeConcentration of hyaluronic acid, mg/gVolume, mlPrice, thousand rubles
MesoAchieves long-term hydration of the skin, increased tone, revitalization of structural elements of tissues, increased elasticity and color, elimination of small wrinkles (30g ½ needle)15119,000 rub.
Meso ExpertThe drug restores skin structures, moisturizes, eliminates sagging, and activates energy production.15118,000 rub.
Teosyal Meso Expert, in addition to hyaluronic acid, contains a dermo-restructuring complex.
PureSense Redensity 1The formula includes hyaluronic acid, dermo-restructuring complex and lidocaine.15111,000 rub.
Eliminates wrinkles, increases hydration, improves health, restores skin radiance by improving the texture of the dermis.

The products are based on unstabilized hyaluronic acid, which, unlike the active substance of fillers, does not create volume.

The preparations are designed for use on the face, neck, and décolleté.

The products are considered among the best in the price segment, which allows them to compete with the most famous brands.

Teosyal RHA

The gels of the Teosyal RHA series use a more stable formula of hyaluronic acid, which is ensured by a special technique for connecting molecules.

The drugs have a prolonged effect (from 9 months) and allow you to preserve natural facial expressions.

4 gels are available:

  • 1.15% - to fill fine, shallow wrinkles.
  • 2.23% - for medium depth creases, working with temples, hands.
  • 3.23% - for correcting the deepest folds and restoring the oval.
  • 4.23% - for restoration of cheekbones and the middle third of the face, enlargement of the chin.

All Teosyal RHA products contain lidocaine.

Glycolic peels

Teosyal peels help normalize cell division, eliminate hyperkeratosis, and improve the production of “beauty proteins” - collagen and elastin.

As a result of their use:

  • The skin is rejuvenated.
  • Prevention and treatment of acne, photoaging, hyperkeratosis is carried out.
  • It is possible to quickly restore the skin after removal of papillomas, other formations, and plastic surgery.

Glycolic peeling emphasizes the results of biorevitalization and contour plastic surgery.
The use of glycolic peeling before biorevitalization and contour plastic surgery increases the effectiveness of injections and prolongs the result.

Cosmetics Teosial

These are hyaluronic acid-based care products for the face, under the eyes, décolleté, and neck.

The main component is elastic hyaluronic acid, or RHA.

The collection contains:

  • Deep Repair Balm.
  • Regenerating concentrate.
  • Emulsion for use after Post Procedure injections.
  • Prime Solution Lotion.
  • Night creams Radiant Night Peel, Perfect Skin Refiner.
  • A series of products for rejuvenating the skin of the face and under the eyes Advanced Filler.

Rehabilitation period

After the procedure, some side effects may occur in the form of redness, swelling or bruising at the injection site, but such manifestations will disappear within a few days with proper care:

  1. Treating the skin with an antiseptic (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin) twice a day.
  2. Apply Traumeel ointment to injection sites 2-3 times a day for 4 days.
  3. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes for a week after injections.
  4. Abstinence from physical activity - 2-3 days after injections.

It is also important not to come into contact with water for the first 12 hours and not to apply decorative cosmetics for 24 hours after the procedure. Temperature changes and exposure to ultraviolet radiation can adversely affect newly treated skin, so visits to the bathhouse, sauna and solarium are contraindicated for 3 weeks.

In order to find out how much facial biorevitalization costs, just look at the clinic’s price list, where the standard cost is indicated, or contact our representative - he will tell you the price, taking into account discounts for 2 or 3 syringes. EsteLab specialists are ready to help the patient from 9:00 to 21:00 every day, you just need to make an appointment - leave a request, we will call you back!

Combination with other procedures

Biorevitalization procedures are combined with the administration of botulinum toxin type A; it is recommended to complete the course before the administration of botulinum toxin.
Pazmolifting – 7 days after biorevitalization. 1.5 months after thread lifting or before it. 2-3 weeks before plastic surgery. Biorevitalization is combined with hardware cosmetology and chemical peels. Skin hydration, skin nutrition, lifting: Viscoderm, Mederi, Mesovarton, Regenlab plasma therapy, facial mesotherapy, hair mesotherapy and other best facial care at the ESTELAB Clinic.

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