Teosyal PureSense Redensity I and II - main characteristics, indications and application features

Teosyal redensity 2 and Teosyal redensity 1 are fillers manufactured by the famous Swiss company Teoxane, used for the purpose of biorevitalization and contouring.

Teosial Redensity 2 is made on the basis of synthetic hyaluronic acid. This medication is designed to smooth out wrinkles around the eyes and reduce the appearance of under-eye circles.

How is Theosial Redensity 2 used?

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • Consultation with a cosmetologist;
  • Removing makeup from facial skin;
  • Disinfection of the injection area with chlorhexidine or povidone-iodine;
  • Direct injection of the drug;
  • Light massage in the injection area;
  • Application of sedatives.

The most important aspect of contouring the area around the eyes is a thorough preliminary diagnosis of the problem. It happens like this: the doctor lightly presses the eyeballs of the patient, who is sitting with his head thrown back. Thanks to this method, it is possible to determine the edges of the orbit and determine whether the swelling is a consequence of a malfunction of the lymphatic system.

Advantages and features of Teosyal PureSense Redensity II

The main advantages of Teosyal Redensity II include:

  • Uniform distribution after administration.
  • Safety (due to the fact that the composition contains hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin).
  • High density and concentration of hyaluronic acid provide good skin hydration and a noticeable wrinkle smoothing effect.
  • The drug does not cause allergies. It is very well purified from foreign impurities. Suitable for people even with highly sensitive skin.
  • Long lasting effect. Achieved due to its strong molecular structure.
  • The constituent components of the drug (vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, mineral elements) trigger the mechanism of rejuvenation and tissue remodeling, and also have an effective protective function against so-called free radicals. As you know, they are one of the main causes of aging.

Cosmetologists' opinions

Ivanov Grigory, cosmetologist

“I have been using Teosyal for more than 10 years - during this time my patients have not encountered any side effects from the use of drugs, so I can conclude that these products are the best of their kind. Their price is paid off by the long-lasting effect, I recommend everyone to pay attention to these products.”

Liliya Smekhova, cosmetologist

“Teosial is the most effective line of all that I have used in my practice. I receive a large number of reviews from grateful clients, since the result often exceeds all possible expectations, especially when using skincare products from the same brand."

Age at which these products should be used

As a rule, biological age is not considered the main factor when using line products with hyaluronic acid; mesotherapy and facial contouring can be used for almost every girl or woman over 18 years of age. Typically, the indications are complaints from patients about the appearance of wrinkles in the neck (they occur even in young people) or the appearance of folds in the forehead and facial wrinkles, which also do not always depend on age.

Teosyal can be used by patients over 18 years of age

Interesting ! Age, thickness and density of the skin, the degree of manifestation of imperfections - these are the main characteristics, based on which the cosmetologist makes his choice which drug is best suited for sessions.

Patient reviews

Victoria, St. Petersburg

“I used the drug Teosial Kiss to correct the shape of my lips. The most important thing is not only to choose a drug, but also to choose the right specialist. I had to do the correction twice, but the result was still not as expected. The products themselves are very good - if I had not seen the effect in the mirror, I would not have remembered its presence in the body. The natural look came to the lips after the drug dissolved. Some time after the correction, my lips shrunk again, and I’m ready to repeat the procedure, but this time I will choose a more qualified specialist.”

Marina, Volgograd

“I started using fillers when I was about 30 years old - after a difficult period in my life, I visually aged a lot, the first expression wrinkles appeared, circles under the eyes, and the skin lost its tone. Having turned to my cosmetologist, I, on her recommendation, decided to use local administration of the drug. We used Teosial Fest Lines - a very light gel. One syringe for problem areas turned out to be too much! The effect has lasted for six months, and I plan to complete a course of Teosial Meso procedures to consolidate the result.”


The drug cannot be used:

  • minors;
  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • with inflammatory processes around the eyes;
  • for cancer and autoimmune diseases;
  • if there is poor blood clotting;
  • and also in case of hypersensitivity to at least one of the components of the product.

If you have any questions about the procedure, we will be glad to see you for a personal consultation at our SkinLazerMed medical center. On the day of Teosial contouring of the area around the eyes, the consultation is free! You can make an appointment by calling 317-78-21 or leaving a request in the form above.

Features of the procedure

No special preparation is needed for the procedure. The procedure is carried out in one session. If you want to consolidate the result, then repeat it after a month. The effect will be noticeable within 12 months. Immediately after the procedure, redness, swelling, bruising, and a feeling of skin tightness may appear. In a couple of days this all goes away.

Teosyal PureSense Redensity II shows a good effect of rejuvenation of the periorbital area. The drug not only eliminates age-related changes, but also prevents the appearance of wrinkles, bags, and dark circles. After the procedure, your face will look rested and rejuvenated.

Possible side effects

Teosyal Puresense Redencity preparations are considered one of the safest. In rare cases, bruising, swelling, or tenderness may occur at the injection site. This should not be a cause for concern; all symptoms will subside within a few days. To reduce the pain effect, you can apply a cold compress to your face. A negative result may be due to the unprofessionalism of the cosmetologist or a low-quality product (in this case, you must contact the official manufacturer).

It is very important during the rehabilitation period to protect the treated area from dust and dirt. Otherwise, the risk of developing an infection increases.

Session outline

Typically, biorevitalization is performed according to a fairly standard procedure. It is worth paying attention that such manipulations should be performed exclusively by a qualified and experienced cosmetologist.

Before the gel is injected, a local anesthetic is used to numb the area. Usually this is a special cream or lidocaine. If it is already contained in the preparation, it is, of course, not used additionally.

Before the procedure, the skin surface is disinfected

Next, the gel itself is introduced - this process takes approximately thirty minutes. After administration, massage is performed to ensure that the drug is evenly distributed under the skin.

The last stage involves reintroducing the anesthetic.

An anesthetic must be used

How long the visible result will last usually depends on the characteristics of the skin, the original reason for the procedure, as well as the age characteristics and habits of the patient. It happens that difficulties arise due to the lack of qualifications of the cosmetologist who performs the manipulations.

Interesting ! In most situations, the effect lasts approximately 10-12 months when using a set of drugs from the Teosyal line.

When using the Kiss product, the session is carried out so that the result does not stop for up to 12 months, the same period of validity for UltraDeep, and for the Ultimate product – up to 18 months.

Existing Alternatives

Unfortunately, Teosyal has not yet received final certification for FDA approval in America, so some estheticians recommend using other approved fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm. However, it should be noted that these drugs do not last so long.

Restylane or Juvederm is sometimes used instead of Teosyal.

Restylane contains calcium hydroxyapatite as a base - it helps eliminate wrinkles, skin folds, and increase the volume of the cheeks. Procedures are carried out once every 8 months.

Interesting ! The disadvantages of such a drug include the inability to dissolve in the same way as drugs based on hyaluronic acid - this leads to the fact that if the result is not satisfactory, the patient will have to wait a long time for the drug to dissolve.

The effect of Restylane lasts for a shorter period of time

Sculptra - this drug is made on the basis of poly-L-lactic acid, it is used to correct the shape of the face with sunken cheeks and design the area under the eyes. Usually the results become noticeable after about 2 months and last up to two years.

Important ! If side effects occur, removal may be difficult.



Quality, efficiency and safety – these are the principles that the scientists of the Swiss “TEOXANE Laboratory” were guided by when developing their own filler for contouring.

Teosyal is a line of injectable preparations based on hyaluronic acid designed to eliminate wrinkles and folds, as well as mesotherapy and biorevitalization. All of them are characterized by long-term action and full compatibility with the human body. What are the advantages of these gels, what problems can be solved with their help, and how much will the injections cost? TecRussia.ru tells all the details:

↑ Who is the manufacturer and what is included in the composition?

Drugs under the Teosial brand have been produced since 2004 in Geneva (Switzerland) at the facilities of the TEOXANE laboratory. They were first registered and became available in Russia in 2006, and the main distributor was the Academy of Scientific Beauty (ZAO MEZO-EXPERT), a federal-level company that sells cosmetology equipment and preparations.

The main element of the composition is hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, and the formula of each of the drugs in the Teosyal line has its own unique “specialization” - removal of fine or deep wrinkles, correction of nasolabial folds, lip augmentation, etc. Once in the subcutaneous area, HA begins to accumulate water molecules, thereby thereby creating the volume necessary to smooth the skin and form a new facial contour.

TEOXANE calls the main advantages of its product

  • High quality hyaluronic acid used. The purity of Teosyal gels is significantly higher than that required by European pharmacological standards. Thus, the risk of the patient experiencing certain injection-related complications is significantly reduced.
  • Long-lasting effect – the result from using fillers lasts up to 12 months. At the same time, despite their high density, they are very plastic - for injections you can use ultra-thin needles or cannulas, which make the procedure as comfortable as possible.

↑ Classic Teosyal line

This is the widest series, which includes a total of 8 drugs. Each of them is available both in pure form and with the addition of lidocaine (PureSence labeling) to make the procedure comfortable for patients with a low pain threshold:

First LinesThe “lightest” drug that is used to eliminate the first superficial wrinkles, small “crow’s feet”, etc.
Global ActionIdeal for working with any moderately expressed wrinkles, including on the cheeks and bridge of the nose, as well as shallow nasolabial lips
Deep LinesA denser gel designed for the correction of persistent, pronounced wrinkles, including vertical “purse-string” and nasolabial folds
Ultra DeepThe densest filler in the line, which fills deep folds (nasolabial, naso-zygomatic) and restores the volume and contours of the face
UltimateA formula designed to create maximum volume. Like Ultra Deep, it is used to restore facial contours, increase the volume of the cheeks, cheekbones and chin
KissUsed to enlarge lips and/or correct their contour
Redensity 2Filler for working with delicate areas under the eyes and temples, as well as for rejuvenating the hands.
Touch UpIts characteristics are similar to Teosyal Global Action, but it comes in “lightweight” packaging (2x0.5 ml instead of 2x1 ml). It is used for maintenance procedures after the introduction of any other filler in the line.

Thus, with the help of Teosyal you can solve almost the entire range of problems associated with facial aging. According to statistics, the most popular types of filler in Russia are Redensity, Kiss and Ultra Deep.

Comparison table - click to enlarge

↑ Teosyal RHA - dynamic drugs of a new generation

This innovative line appeared in 2015. Its main difference from its predecessors is a more stable hyaluronic acid formula. It uses a special technique of cross-linking molecules, thanks to which:

  • fillers last longer even in the most mobile areas of the face (the manufacturer promises 9-12 months versus the standard 6 for its previous generation products)
  • and at the same time do not disturb facial expressions - it remains completely natural even after the most extensive corrections.

Currently, four drugs are produced based on this concept, which differ not by additional names, but by numerical labeling. In addition, like the PureSence series, they all contain lidocaine:

Filler Teosyal RHA and the concentration of HA in itPurpose
1, 15%Filling shallow, fine wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté
2, 23%Working with wrinkles of medium depth, replenishing volume in the temporal region, rejuvenating the hands
3, 23%Filling the deepest folds on the face, correcting its contour
4, 23%Replenishment of missing volume in cheekbones, chin and middle third of the face
Photos 1,2 – before and after Teosial Redensity 2 injections under the eyes and into the nasolacrimal groove:

↑ Line of biorevitalizants – Meso, Meso Expert and Redensity 1

These three products are mainly designed to deeply moisturize the skin. They are considered one of the best in their price segment and confidently compete with the most famous European brands:

MesoClassic first generation biorevitalizant. Its main and only component is unstabilized hyaluronic acid. Provides hydration and general rejuvenation of the skin, however, unlike fillers, it does not create additional volume
Meso ExpertAn “advanced” drug, which in addition to HA includes a complex of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Due to this, in addition to moisturizing, it also stimulates the formation of new collagen and elastin in the skin, protects and strengthens its immunity.
Redensity 1Multicomponent drug, similar in action to Meso Expert. The emphasis is on improving the texture of the skin - due to this, it begins to reflect light better, its tone is normalized and a characteristic “youthful” glow appears

↑ How injections are carried out

The introduction of Teosyal fillers must be carried out by a doctor or cosmetologist certified to work with the drug:

  • The procedure begins with thorough cleansing of the skin, after which an anesthetic cream (Emla or similar) is applied to the target area. Despite the fact that the injections are carried out with ultra-thin needles, they are not very comfortable, especially if the work is carried out in sensitive areas such as the lips or areas around the eyes - therefore, you cannot do without an anesthetic at all.
  • Then the cosmetologist, in the presence of the patient, opens the package with the drug and begins giving injections. They can be performed using different techniques - depending on what procedure is being performed (contour plastic surgery or biorevitalization), what area of ​​the face is being worked on and how dense the filler is used.
  • The whole process takes about 30 minutes. Once completed, the skin is treated with an antiseptic, a cold compress is briefly applied to reduce the inevitable swelling and bruising, and the patient can go home.
Photos 3.4 – the result of lip augmentation using Teosial Kiss:

The effect of the injections can be observed almost immediately, but it will fully manifest itself after a few days. Its duration will depend on the initial condition of the skin and the type of filler used: light first-generation preparations last 4-6 months, and the RHA series lasts up to 12 months. At the same time, the result obtained can always be strengthened or extended with the help of additional corrective procedures.

↑ Contraindications, complications, possible side effects

Injections of Teosyal, as well as other drugs for contouring and biorevitalization, are not carried out in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Patient age under 18 years
  • Any acute diseases, or chronic in the acute stage
  • Oncological, autoimmune, hematological pathologies
  • Presence of open lesions or dermatological problems on the skin in the injection area
  • Tendency to form keloid scars

Over a more than 10-year history of use, no complications or “side effects” specific to these fillers have been recorded. However, this does not exclude standard problems characteristic of any injection cosmetic procedures:

  • Itching, pain, redness and swelling in the treated area, as well as bruising and bleeding are a normal skin reaction to punctures, which goes away on its own in 1-3 days. Large hematomas are practically excluded.
  • Lumps and lumps after contouring are most often the result of incorrect gel injection technique. They go away as the hyaluronic acid is absorbed, but in particularly difficult cases, injections of hyaluronidase may be required.
  • After biorevitalization, characteristic papules appear on the face - you just need to be prepared for this, and not plan serious meetings and public events for the first few days after the procedure.
  • Read more about complications after “beauty injections” and ways to avoid them.
Photo 5,6 – Ultra Deep filler, smoothing nasolabial folds:

↑ How much does Teosial cost? Current prices

The final cost of the procedure depends on the amount and density of the gel used. In general, the brand belongs to the upper price segment and is positioned as a full-fledged alternative to the world-famous Juvederm and Restylane.

Teosyal fillers – average prices in Moscow (RUB):
First Lines12.937
Ultra Deep19.798
Global Action17.243
Meso Expert10.878
Redensity 117.160
* all prices listed are synchronized with the TecRussia.ru price list database and are current as of the current date.

The only exception is Teosyal Ultimate, the price of which can reach up to 40,000 rubles and even more - however, here we are talking about a larger volume (3 ml instead of the usual 1-1.2).

↑ Expert opinion:

Zhmurina Natalya Borisovna
dermatocosmetologist, chief physician of the American Clinic of Cosmetology, Aesthetic Medicine and Dermatology “A Clinic”:

I can say from my own experience that Swiss fillers Teosyal are one of the best preparations for contouring and biorevitalization today. Thanks to their wide range and impeccable quality, they allow you to solve a variety of aesthetic problems, including quite complex ones. Perfectly correct age-related changes, restore skin moisture, reduce wrinkles and smooth out folds.

Our patients are very satisfied with the results, often they even exceed expectations and forecasts. They are especially loved by those for whom the comfort of the procedures is important - the fact is that Teosyal has a high density, but at the same time has increased fluidity, so the thinnest needles can be used for injections.

Technique of drug administration

On average, one session takes no more than half an hour. After carrying out the preparatory manipulations, the cosmetologist uses a disposable syringe to inject the required amount of gel.

After administering the injections, the specialist must perform a shallow massage of the treated area. This helps to distribute all the components of the drug evenly under the skin.

When treating the periorbital zone on the face (in cases of the formation of bags and dark circles under the eyes, nasolacrimal folds, etc.), various gel injection techniques are used:

  • supraperiosteal;
  • immersion of the needle into the area of ​​suborbital fat;
  • microbolus needle technique;
  • retrograde-linear using cannulas.

The choice depends on the skin type and age of the patient. A correctly selected method of filler injection will reduce the risk of side effects.

Preparatory activities

Among the recommendations that should be followed before the procedure, it is necessary to highlight:

  • limiting the use of decorative cosmetics on the day of injections;
  • informing the doctor about taking medications (anticoagulants, etc.);
  • exclusion from the diet of coffee, tobacco products, etc.

Both before and after manipulations, the cosmetologist must thoroughly treat the skin with antiseptic solutions.

Rehabilitation period

After the procedure of biorevitalization, mesotherapy or contouring, it is not recommended:

  • visit a sauna, steam bath or take hot baths for two weeks;
  • undergo treatment at the dentist in the first 4-5 days;
  • smoke and drink alcohol for several days;
  • experience intense physical activity;
  • use decorative cosmetics for two days.

To speed up the therapeutic effect, cosmetologists prescribe special cosmetics (tonics, gels, masks, creams). It is very important to follow all doctor's instructions.

It is recommended to conduct at least 3-4 sessions at intervals of 2 weeks. The total course per year should not exceed 2-3 such procedures. How many procedures need to be done is determined by a specialist individually for each case.


These drugs do not cause any harm to the body: this fact has been proven by five years of research and a huge number of procedures performed (almost 1.5 million injections). The average incidence of side effects is 1 case per 15 thousand sessions. These are very low figures among all hyaluronic acid-based drugs.

The drug does not harm the body

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