Japanese shiatsu massage: indications and contraindications, technique and main points, reviews

The benefits and contraindications, methods and secrets of shiatsu massage have been proven for quite a long time. You should get to know him in more detail.

Shiatsu is a popular type of Japanese massage. The acupressure technique allows you not only to enjoy the process, but also to obtain a therapeutic effect. Pressing with your fingers and palms on certain areas of the body can strengthen the body's protective functions, give the skin a healthy and toned appearance, and speed up recovery from various diseases and ailments.

Japanese shiatsu massage: how to do it?

  • To properly influence biologically active points, you must have minimal knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. The overall effect of a shiatsu massage helps the body restore lost strength and gain a new supply of energy, relieve nervous tension and prepare the body for a quality night's sleep.
  • Acupressure affects muscle fibers, accelerating metabolism. As a result, fatigue and discomfort disappear after a hard day at work. Japanese shiatsu massage involves interaction not only with the physical shell, but also contact with emotional and spiritual energy.
  • A Shiatsu massage course lasts about a week . The main massage instrument is the phalanges of the thumbs. The pressure force increases gradually. The number of point impacts per minute is no more than 10 times.

Main tool

  • You can increase the pressure by placing one finger on top of another. It is important that the fingers are fixed at one point.
  • The effect on the facial skin is carried out with the middle and ring fingers . The eye area is in contact with the palm.
  • The strength of the pressure depends on the person’s well-being. The impact on painful areas is carried out by massaging the nearest areas. Sometimes the impact on the organ occurs through pressure on distant points on the body. For example, pressing on the soles of the feet affects the kidneys.

About the benefits of acupressure

Massage of active points is called the cheapest method of treatment. Studying the ancient oriental techniques of acupressure of the face, a doctor from Japan Tokujiro Namikoshi created a qualitatively new technique of shiatsu (translated as finger pressure).

Today, shiatsu massage is an independent therapeutic method used by Japanese official medicine. It is widely used in European cosmetology as a rejuvenating procedure.

The popularity of acupressure facial massage is due to its double effect. Therapeutic effects of shiatsu:

  • eliminates runny nose, pain due to otitis media and sinusitis;
  • treats headaches, migraines, neuralgia;
  • improves vision and relieves eye fatigue;
  • relieves chronic fatigue;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • relieves depression.

As a cosmetological procedure acupressure:

  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin in the skin;
  • eliminates facial swelling;
  • restores the skin around the eyes, eliminates swelling and dark circles;
  • opens pores;
  • tightens the facial contour;
  • refreshes and evens out skin color.

“Your own hand is the best healer,” says Eastern wisdom. The Shiatsu technique includes self-massage techniques that are easy to learn and can be done at home as part of your beauty routine. The cosmetic effect of massage is to strengthen facial muscles and improve capillary blood flow.

Shiatsu can help solve many problems of aging skin

The principle of acupressure for facial rejuvenation is based on the activation of regenerative processes. Pressing a finger on an area of ​​skin causes short-term bleeding. Nerve endings are irritated and lymph flows out. At the same time, bioenergy zones are activated. Muscle tone is normalized by replacing lactic acid with glycogen, a muscle energy reserve. When the pressure on the point stops, blood intensively flows to the skin area, microcirculation and local metabolism increase.

When massage is contraindicated

Shiatsu is contraindicated in the following diseases and conditions:

  • decreased blood clotting;
  • tendency to bruise;
  • skin diseases;
  • vascular network;
  • low intracranial pressure;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin, furunculosis;
  • unhealed wounds on any part of the body.

You should not do massage during exacerbation of chronic diseases and acute infectious diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Experts talk about several advantages of the shiatsu technique for rejuvenation:

  • the ability to solve local and general cosmetic problems by affecting only certain areas or the entire face;
  • the effect is felt after the first procedure;
  • During the massage, stress and depression are relieved;
  • it is easy to implement.

By applying pressure on a bioactive point (BAP), you can provide yourself with emergency help - relieve pain, reduce blood pressure, and improve your overall well-being.

The disadvantages of shiatsu massage are very arbitrary and are usually the result of violation of the rules for its implementation. If you apply too much pressure, your skin may bruise. Swelling of the face is possible after the massage, but it goes away on its own.

Shiatsu massage: indications for use

Shiatsu massage is recommended for both prevention and treatment of body ailments. The effect of massage has a positive effect on a number of ailments:

  • Circulatory disorders
  • Vascular and heart diseases
  • Improper bowel function
  • Inflammation of the spine
  • Diseases of the joints and limbs
  • Colds
  • Skin aging
  • Headache
  • Impaired blood circulation
  • Overweight
  • Nervous disorders
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Frequent pressure surges
  • Nocturnal enuresis
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Convulsions and paralysis

For various ailments

Mastering shiatsu massage allows you to treat the primary signs of ailments. A simple technique allows you to strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolism, relieve pain in the body, and normalize blood pressure.

What can this procedure do?

Shiatsu massage can do a lot. There are many shiatsu techniques that are used to relieve headaches, get rid of chronic fatigue, get rid of runny nose and colds, relieve eye strain, and improve sleep.

Cosmetologists have adopted shiatsu facial massage as a means to prevent age-related changes and to improve the appearance of the skin. By pressing on the area where facial wrinkles are located, they can be made less deep or even smoothed out.

The fact is that facial wrinkles appear where the muscles are in constant tension due to raised eyebrows, squinted eyes and other grimaces. As a result, lactic acid accumulates in it, and it is not able to relax and return to its normal state.

When pressed, the muscle relaxes, returns to its normal state, lactic acid is eliminated, and glycogen replaces it. Increased blood circulation delivers more oxygen to skin cells, causes collagen to be produced faster, resulting in facial rejuvenation.

Shiatsu can get rid of puffiness and circles under the eyes, as it encourages lymph to flow out.

Japanese shiatsu massage: points

  • The points through which the massage therapist acts on the body are located in small depressions on the joints and tendons, in the areas where the arteries pass, and between the muscle fibers. An experienced massage therapist can easily find these areas.
  • A person’s appearance, skin condition and body shape indicate problematic areas.
  • Pressure may be accompanied by rubbing techniques with the palm of the hand. For effective results, metal balls and massage sticks are additionally used. Alternating instruments significantly improves body tone.

Let's consider several points on the body, the massage of which leads to a specific result:

  • Pressing the part of the arm between the palm and the elbow helps eliminate fatigue in the muscles of the limbs.
  • 5-6 cm below the navel , massage of which provides the body with a new influx of energy.
  • Impact on points located just below the popliteal fossa allows you to reduce nervous tension.
  • Effect on the earlobes promotes sound sleep
  • Kneading the middle of the foot vertically , as well as affecting the central part of the palm, increases appetite.
  • Shiatsu massage on the chest reduces nicotine addiction.
  • Pressing on points in the temporal region and kneading the bridge of the nose relieves headaches and improves attention.
  • In the central region of the popliteal fossa there are points that interact with back pain.
  • You can eliminate weakness and hot flashes during menopause by applying pressure to the center of the chin and forehead.
  • Back massage helps relieve the symptoms of many diseases. These include intestinal ailments, stomach ailments, lumbar pain, and asthmatic attacks.

Shiatsu technique is a therapeutic method and cannot cure chronic diseases. Massage improves the general condition of the body.

Features of Shiatsu: advantages and disadvantages

Shiatsu massage is used to restore the energetic, physical, and psychological balance of the body in several procedures. Experts include the main advantages of this technique:

  • Pressure is applied to the necessary areas in a targeted manner, so recovery can be directed both to a specific area and to the entire body;
  • The effect is felt after the first massage;
  • Ease of implementation;
  • Effective elimination of headaches, pain in the arms and lower back, also effective for stress, constipation, diarrhea, etc.;
  • Receiving unprecedented peace during the procedure: massage calms the nerves and smoothes out the manifestations of neuroses.

The rather high cost of one procedure from a master is the only drawback of massage, but it also comes to naught if you perform Shiatsu at home.

Shiatsu massage: technique

Shiatsu massage can easily be used with the family. Beneficial effects are achieved not only at the hands of a specialist. Acupressure is possible with self-massage.

shiatsu facial massage at home . For effective results, the massage is repeated twice a day. The pressure force is adjusted individually, depending on the fullness of the face. To enhance the effect of Japanese massage, a nourishing cream is applied to cleansed facial skin.


Shiatsu facial massage:

  • Using the tips of the second to fourth fingers of both hands, play on the skin of the face under the eyes, on the cheeks and cheekbones. Two hands are used at the same time, the pads move at a fast pace.
  • Place three fingers of both hands above the eyebrows , the thumb and little finger are not involved. Using light pressure, move your fingers from the eyebrows to the hair.
  • Using three fingers of both hands, stroke the upper part of the cheeks in the direction from the nose to the temples.
  • Using two fingers, stroke the area of ​​your face from your upper lip to your earlobes.
  • Using four fingers , excluding the thumb, stroke the lower part of the face from the chin to the ears.
  • To remove wrinkles around the mouth , you need to press two fingers on the corners of the lips. The area under the lower lip also needs stroking. For convenience, your head can be tilted back slightly.

On the face

Shiatsu massage for weight loss:

  • To reduce appetite, you need to apply pressure on the area of ​​your face at the junction of the ear and jaw for one minute.
  • Impact on the bones of the inner part of the legs, located just above the foot, also dulls the feeling of hunger.
  • You can replenish the missing energy by applying your fingertips to the temples and the upper part of the bridge of the nose at the beginning of the eyebrows.
  • Stroking the back of the neck or the crown of the head helps to relax the tense state due to limited nutrition. After a couple of minutes, the body relaxes. This technique is appropriate before bedtime.

Shiatsu massage to improve the body's performance:

  • Using the thumbs of both hands, press on the back of the neck. With your right hand, draw a line between the spine and the right ear, with your left hand between the center and the left ear.
  • With the second and third fingers of the right hand, we press the points along the left shoulder blade. Using the fingers of your left hand, press the points along the right shoulder blade.

Other techniques
In combination with a diet, shiatsu massage will help you stay on track and achieve the desired result.

How is eye massage useful for restoring vision?

Eye massage is done in order to:

  • Restore visual acuity
  • Get rid of headaches
  • Reduce eye fatigue
  • Normalize intraocular pressure
  • Remove swelling of the upper and lower eyelids
  • Remove wrinkles around the eyes
  • Improve brain activity

Shiatsu massage: contraindications

Like any technique, shiatsu has contraindications for use. First of all, you should not come into contact with inflamed skin. If there are allergic reactions or inflammatory rashes, massage should be postponed.

There are also contraindications

Contraindications include:

  • Period of infectious diseases.
  • Severe condition of the body against the background of chronic diseases.
  • Neoplasms of various types.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • The occurrence of hematomas due to mechanical impact on the skin.
  • Acute stomach and intestinal pain.
  • Fractures and dislocations of bones.

Salon treatments

The technique and pattern of massage in a salon is no different from what you can do at home. Procedure steps:

  1. Cleansing the skin of makeup.
  2. Light peeling and warming of the skin with massage and thermal treatments.
  3. Impact on bioactive points.
  4. Apply serum and collagen mask to the area around the eyes.

The massage time depends on the number of areas being treated and additional care procedures. It can last 30–40 minutes. The approximate cost is from 1 to 4 thousand rubles per session.

Shiatsu massage: reviews

Reviews about shiatsu massage:

  • Veronica, 42 years old: “In the cool season, the side of my neck often becomes inflamed. Turning the head is accompanied by severe pain. I used Shiatsu acupressure on the advice of a friend. The chronic problem went away for a long period. In the future, when choosing between treatment with creams and massage, I will give preference to Japanese technology. On the recommendation of the masseuse, you must take at least three courses.”
  • Maria, 28 years old: “The structural features of my face led to the appearance of early wrinkles in the eye and lip area. I often carry out cosmetic procedures, but the results very quickly fade to the original results. I was skeptical about the Japanese massage technique. The desire to be beautiful took over. I started performing self-massage in front of the mirror. The skin has gained elasticity and freshness. The result exceeded expectations."
  • Maxim, 35 years old: “Shiatsu massage has become our reliable family assistant. I first tried it as a remedy for colds. Having received a positive result, I discovered Japanese technology as an effective remedy against back pain and nervous disorders. Having learned the basic techniques, I enjoy giving massages to my family.”

Neck, head and face massage for vision

Basic techniques that can also improve vision:

  • Relaxation of the muscles of the back and sides of the neck.
  • Rubbing the back of the head to improve blood circulation.
  • Working on the parietal area of ​​the head, the area behind the ears and the auricles.
  • Work with the frontal muscle: relaxation and stroking towards the temples.
  • Working out the seams of the skull and stroking.
  • Stroking movements from the center of the face to the sides and stroking around the eyes.

Shiatsu points for face: three royal points

Shiatsu masters have identified three points from all points of the face, by acting on which the most obvious result of rejuvenation is achieved. They are called the " Three Royal Points"


  1. Tenyo
    Point is located on the neck at the outer angle of the jaw. It is responsible for blood circulation and lymph circulation throughout the entire face, and therefore when pressing on it, the complexion improves due to the saturation of cells with oxygen, and swelling goes away;
  2. Koryeo
    Point is located on the cheeks, at the intersection of the lines of the nostrils and the centers of the pupils, above the area of ​​the zygomatic major muscle. Its stimulation allows you to tighten the cheek muscles;
  3. Sokkoku
    Point is located half a finger above the ears. When this point is stimulated, all the muscles on the face are tightened.

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