First wrinkles around the eyes, what to prefer: Botox or hyaluronic acid? (Expert opinion)

With age, skin cell renewal slows down greatly. The natural production of collagen, which is responsible for its elasticity, also decreases by an order of magnitude. This leads to a lack of natural hydration of the skin and loss of its elasticity. Over time, wrinkles and sagging appear on the skin. This is especially noticeable in the area around the eyes, because this is where the skin is the most delicate and sensitive. To resume the synthesis of collagen and elastin, they resort to injections of drugs containing hyaluronic acid. This cosmetic procedure is called biorevitalization around the eyes.

Indications for the procedure

Biorevitalization is affordable and absolutely safe. It allows you to quickly eliminate age and expression wrinkles, as well as tighten the skin in the periorbital area. Cosmetologists recommend performing the procedure if you have the following problems:

  • a feeling of dry skin in the area around the eyes, which cannot be eliminated for a long time even with the help of moisturizing creams;
  • a cobweb of small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”);
  • dark circles under the eyes, swelling, which is especially pronounced in the morning;
  • pigment spots or rosacea in the area around the eyes.

Biorevitalization of the skin, if there are such indications, can be carried out at the age of 30 years. But it will be quite effective for more mature patients. The visible result of rejuvenation lasts for 5-9 months. The duration of the period depends on the skin type and other characteristics of the body.

Hyaluronic acid under the eyes

Such a familiar stranger

Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide of organic origin, synthesized in the human body or in the laboratory.
It is responsible for the synthesis of dermal fibers, which give it strength and elasticity. Since this substance is native to human cells, its administration is perceived as natural. The missing moisture comes to the rescue. The polysaccharide not only moisturizes the dermis, it creates a special film on the surface of the epidermis. The action of this “film” has two vectors. On the one hand, the film prevents the evaporation of moisture from all layers of the skin, and on the other, it attracts water from the atmosphere. All this helps to saturate dehydrated cells and is visually manifested by smooth, velvety, elastic skin around the eyes. The mechanism of action of hyaluronic acid under the eyes is complex:

  • Stimulating the regenerative ability of dermal cells.
  • Saturating them with moisture, retaining it inside.
  • Correction of the first wrinkles.
  • Normalization of blood circulation and lymph outflow, relieving swelling.
  • Saturation of cells with oxygen.
  • Disappearance of dark circles under the eyes.
  • Restoration of the skin's natural protective mantle.

Today, hyaluronic acid injections under the eyes are carried out using two methods. One - biorevitalization - is the introduction of pure or fortified HA, the other - redermalization - injections of a special drug Hyalual, which consists of a combination of HA and sodium succinate (succinic acid). In addition to hydration, UC provides relief from inflammation and the removal of free radicals, rejuvenating cells and accelerating all positive transformations of the dermis. However, the procedure technique, indications, and limitations are practically the same.

It is worth saying that hyaluronic acid can be administered under the eyes without injections, using laser correction procedures. In this case, HA gel is applied to the periorbital area, the eyes are covered with special glasses, and the area is treated with a laser beam. Pores open, the gel penetrates under the epidermis, straightens surface wrinkles. Then, its remains are removed and a nourishing mask is applied.

There is no special preliminary preparation or rehabilitation period, but a significant drawback is the inability to create a stable moisture depot in the deep layers of the dermis right away.
The effect is cumulative, up to 10 procedures are required. It is reasonable and effective to use laser in the early stages of aging, as well as in the case of acne-prone skin. Make an appointment

Injection technique

No special preparation is required before the procedure. But in order for biorevitalization under the eyes to have the maximum effect, you need to give up alcohol and smoking a few days before it is performed. It is forbidden to do aggressive peelings, stay in the open sun for a long time or visit a solarium. Biorevitalization around the eyes is carried out in several stages:

  1. The skin in the injection area is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and fat.
  2. 20 minutes before the start of the procedure, the face is treated with an anesthetic gel.
  3. The drug containing hyaluronic acid is injected with a special thin needle called a microcannula. This allows you to avoid pain and discomfort during injections. A small papule will form at the injection site, which will smooth out in just a couple of days.

The drug administration regimen is determined individually by the cosmetologist. Its main task is to ensure that hyaluronic acid is distributed as evenly as possible in problem areas.

The effect of biorevitalization

Hyaluronic acid injections are used not only for tissue hydration. They stimulate the production of their own collagen and activate fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are cells responsible for the production of hyaluronic acid by the skin. Accordingly, the introduction of a small amount of the drug pushes the body to synthesize its own hyaluronate.

The effect of the procedure can be assessed almost immediately – as soon as the swelling subsides. It lasts for 4-6 months. It is recommended to undergo a course of biorevitalization under the eyes, consisting of several procedures. Their number is determined by a specialist, based on age, skin condition, and individual characteristics of the body. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the body, and therefore its use has a minimum of contraindications.

Rehabilitation period

The first day after the procedure, the injection sites should not be touched with your hands. You should not wash your face or apply any decorative or skincare cosmetics unless they have been prescribed by a cosmetologist. He may prescribe an anti-inflammatory cream to speed up tissue healing. To shorten the rehabilitation period, the following rules should be followed:

  • do not visit the bathhouse, solarium, public swimming pool and fitness club;
  • do not massage your face or stretch the skin;
  • do not sleep on your stomach with your face in the pillow;
  • do not drink alcohol and anticoagulants (consult a doctor).

Cost of the biorevitalization procedure

IAL-system (1.1 ml)8500
IAL-system ACP (1 ml)10000
Belotero Hydro new10000
Juvederm Hydrate (1 ml)10800
Juvederm Volite (1 ml)14500
Neauvia organic de luxe (1 ml)new10000
Neauvia organic de luxe (2.5 ml)new13500
Aquashine ON (2 ml)12000
Aquashine ON BR (2 ml)12000
Jalu Pro (3 ml)8200
Jalu Pro (6 ml)13500
Restylane vital (1 ml)14000
Restylane vital light (1 ml)11000
Mesowarton (1.5 ml)13500
Meso-Xanthin F 19913500
Mesoeye C7112500
Mesosculpt C7112500
Profhilo (2 ml)18500
Hyalual 1.1% (1 ml)8200
Hyalual 1.1% (2 ml)11200
Hyalual 1.8% (1 ml)9800
Hyalual 1.8% (2 ml)13200
Hyalual 2.2% (1 ml)10500
Hyalual 2.2% (2 ml)14500
Anesthetic cream600

What is the difference between Botox and hyaluronic acid?

Botox is a botulinum toxin A protein produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. Until the end of the 80s, the drug was used only by ophthalmologists and neurologists to relieve muscle spasms. Now widely used in cosmetology as a lifting agent. First came Botox, later Xeomin and Dysport.

Botulinum toxin is injected with a syringe into the locations of the facial muscles “responsible” for the formation of wrinkles. As a result, nerve impulses to the facial muscles stop, and the skin acquires healthy turgor. The effect is noticeable after 3-5 days, increases over time and will last up to 6-8 months.

Hyaluronic acid is a product produced by the body itself, and not introduced externally like Botox. Hyaluronic acid actively moisturizes the skin. Its production by the body slows down after thirty years, and then injections help replenish reserves. Biosynthesized hyaluronic acid is identical to natural one, and therefore injections based on it are quite safe.

Hyaluronic acid is widely used in anti-aging procedures:

  • Biorevitalization. Subcutaneous administration of a drug based on hyaluronic acid. The drug rejuvenates the skin through hydration: 1 hyaluronic acid molecule attracts and retains up to 1000 water molecules. The structure of elastin and collagen is restored, as a result, wrinkles are gradually smoothed out. Products for such procedures contain unstabilized hyaluronic acid. It is gradually eliminated from the body. The result appears immediately, and over time it only increases. The skin gains tone and freshness. The effect lasts up to six months.
  • Mesotherapy. Solutions with active homeopathic and medicinal components are used as injection preparations. In addition to hyaluronic acid, it includes antioxidants, vitamins, and microelements that promote regeneration and stimulate blood circulation.
  • Fillers. If it is necessary to correct the contours of the face, hyaluronic acid enters the dermis as part of fillers. Injections are used to combat nasolabial folds and vertical wrinkles above the upper lip, and to add volume to sunken cheeks. The result lasts up to 1-1.5 years.

Why is there swelling under the eyes after the procedure?

Swelling after biorevitalization is a natural reaction to the introduction of a foreign body.

But if the swelling does not go away for a long time and causes painful and uncomfortable sensations , something went wrong during the procedure, and other factors may be the reasons for the development of disorders

  1. Before the procedure, the faces were not cleaned , as a result of which dirt particles got under the skin along with the filler.
  2. The patient is allergic to hyaluronic acid and other fillers. It is usually necessary to undergo an allergy test before such a procedure. But a cosmetologist cannot always oblige the patient to do this, and he, in turn, can hide information about such predispositions.
  3. Ignoring the rules of hygiene and sanitary standards by the specialist performing the procedure. As a result, an infection gets under the skin, causing inflammation to develop.
  4. During the procedure, low-quality materials , which themselves can become a source of allergic reactions.

Note! Swelling can also occur if too much filler is injected under the skin.

As a result, “congestion” forms in such areas and a large amount of fluid accumulates, but this is not considered a pathology, and such consequences are considered a normal phenomenon, although the swelling takes a little longer than usual.


Manipulation is strictly contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • autoimmune diseases and immunodeficiency of any origin;
  • systemic collagenosis, tendency to form keloid scars;
  • diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation;
  • acute infections;
  • any malignant tumors, as well as neoplasms in the area of ​​intervention;
  • bleeding disorders.

Do you want to regain your former attractiveness? You can undergo the procedure of biorevitalization of the skin around the eyes at the Amara beauty and aesthetic medicine center in St. Petersburg, sign up now!

Solutions to the problem

Some patients prefer not to take any measures to eliminate swelling and are willing to wait a couple of days until such disorders disappear naturally.

At the client’s request, a master cosmetologist or dermatologist
can prescribe special decongestants that accelerate the normalization of the skin condition.
You can use one of the following to speed up the healing process on your own:

  1. Homeopathic arnica . This product is based on natural ingredients (mumiyo, chestnut, plantain and arnica extracts). It not only relieves swelling, but also eliminates pain that sometimes occurs after the procedure. To do this, after biorevitalization, the product is applied twice a day until the swelling goes away.
  2. Lymphomyosot. A natural remedy in the form of an oral solution, which includes potent components and can cause additional inflammation if you are intolerant to such substances. This drug should be taken within ten days after biorevitalization. Reception is carried out three times a day. The product is not used in its pure form, but is diluted with purified water at the rate of 15 drops per half glass of water.

Remember! If the use of such funds is impossible for some reason, but the swelling takes longer than the prescribed three days, you can speed up the process simply by refusing to take certain actions.

In particular, during the entire rehabilitation period you cannot use decorative cosmetics and moisturizers .

Facial biorevitalization: before and after photos, effect

You will have great difficulty finding real photos before and after biorevitalization, because... Cosmetology clinics post only cases of the most successful procedures, or simply take photographs of patients after hardware rejuvenation techniques, passing them off as biorevitalization procedures. The following 2 photos are from an independent clinical study. Each patient was administered 2.0 ml of Restylane Vital during 1 procedure. The course of treatment consisted of three procedures done with an interval of 4 weeks.

Biorevitalization: before and after photos (course with HA mono-drug)

As you can see: the effect of therapy with a mono-drug of hyaluronic acid in patients aged 35 and 46 years is either minimal or not noticeable at all. As we said above, patients over 30 years old need other drugs containing vitamins, amino acids, microminerals, antioxidants, and 40-45+ also nucleotides, peptides and growth factors. What do you think: will patient reviews for such facial biorevitalization be positive? It is unlikely that cosmetology clinics will post such photographs.

Example No. 2 –

The following photos were taken by cosmetologist Victoria Petrovskaya. The patient underwent a course of 4 procedures, once every 2 weeks. At the beginning of each procedure, lymphatic drainage vascular injection was first performed with the drug “GAG Complex DVL Capyl formula”, then “Hydro Line P-Anti-wrinkles formula” - for the periorbital area, and “Hydro Line Peptide formula” - for all other areas of the face. Photos were taken after the second procedure. Those. Each procedure used the same 3-drug regimen.

Example No. 3 –

The following photos were taken by cosmetologist A.Yu. Voropaeva. The patient underwent a course of 4 procedures, once every 10-14 days. At the beginning of each procedure, lymphatic drainage vascular injection was first performed with the drug “GAG Complex DVL Capyl formula”. Then, different biorevitalizants were used in each procedure -

  1. "Nucleospire Revitalizing Complex A"

  2. "Nucleospire DNA-RNA 2%",
  3. "Nucleospire Revitalizing Complex A"
  4. "Nucleospire DNA-RNA 2%".

Example No. 4 –

The following photos were taken by cosmetologist Irina Pyagai. The patient underwent a course of 8 procedures, once every 10 days. At the beginning of each procedure, lymphatic drainage vascular injection was first performed with the drug “GAG Complex DVL Capyl formula”. Different biorevitalizants were used in different procedures -

  1. "Nucleospire Revitalizing Complex A"

  2. "Nucleospire Revitalizing Complex B formula",
  3. "Nucleospire DNA-RNA 2%",
  4. "Nucleospire Revitalizing Complex B formula",
  5. "Nucleospire DNA-RNA 2%",
  6. 7. 8. procedures – “Nucleospire DNA-RNA 1% DM Peptide formula”.


Already after the first session, the network of wrinkles is smoothed, swelling decreases, and pigment spots lose their expression. By the 3-4 visit, turgor improves, the skin becomes smooth and elastic. Depending on the condition of the skin, the course of biorevitalization can range from 4 to 8 procedures.

The resulting effect from “beauty injections” in the area around the eyes lasts from 6 to 12 months. This period is influenced by the patient’s bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol quickly neutralize the result.

Biorevitalization of the face: reviews from doctors and patients

Over the past 10 years, the composition of drugs for mesotherapy and biorevitalization of the face has changed dramatically, and if earlier it was impossible to achieve express lifting, reducing the depth of wrinkles, and increasing collagen production, now this has become a reality. Of course, mono-preparations of hyaluronic acid can already be considered the last century of cosmetology. They are best used primarily in patients with a fine-wrinkled type of aging under the age of 25-30 years, who do not yet require intensive rejuvenation.

For patients with fine-wrinkle type of aging 30+, in addition to hyaluronic acid, vitamins (especially vitamin C), B vitamins, antioxidants that protect against photoaging, amino acids proline, glycine and lysine are very important to stimulate collagen production, cysteine ​​is to correct hyperpigmentation. Further 40-45+, peptides, nucleotides, and growth factors that stimulate collagen production are added to the above. Remember that it is better not to use HA more than once a month, i.e. you need to combine and alternate different drugs.

An important point - remember that in patients with deformational (edematous) type of aging, the use of HA, especially its high concentrations, will only aggravate swelling and deformation of the face, and increase gravitational ptosis. In such patients, it is very important to carry out capillary mesotherapy in the amount of 4-5 procedures, and to use preparations with nucleotides, peptides, amino acids, and vitamins as biorevitalizants. The use of GC in such patients is possible only in small concentrations of 0.3-0.5% and only at the final stage of treatment.

Let us say right away that there are very few qualified mesotherapists. Most people just want to quickly inject the patient with 1.0-2.0 ml of biorevitalizant and earn money. Almost no one is engaged in activating lymphatic drainage and blood supply to the skin of the face. That is why many patients have negative reviews of biorevitalization. They say it's expensive and the effect doesn't last long.

Bioreparation and biorevitalization: differences

Recently, in advertising of injection procedures for rejuvenation, the terms “bioreparation” and “biorestructuring” can increasingly be found. It’s just that each manufacturing company is trying to differentiate itself from others, and therefore they introduce new and new terms. Essentially, the term bioreparation means “restoration.” In my opinion, speaking objectively, bioremedies include preparations with nucleotides (DNA-RNA complexes), regulatory peptides and growth factors.

Non-injection biorevitalization: reviews

The administration of medicinal substances can also be carried out using a non-injection method - by pulsed iontophoresis. The fact is that the permeability of the skin for molecules of large molecular weight (hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins) is minimal, and in order to somehow increase it, pulsed discharges of weak electric current are used. A biorevitalizant solution is first applied to the skin. The procedure lasts about 45 minutes. The course consists of 6-8 procedures over 2 weeks. A repeat course is carried out after half a year.

Reviews for non-injection biorevitalization are mostly negative, which is due to the low efficiency of the method and the inability to introduce therapeutically effective concentrations of active substances into the skin. On the other hand, this technique reduces the risk of developing an infection and also eliminates the possibility of scars appearing at the site of skin punctures with a needle, which happens in patients with a tendency to ankylosis.

Before the first procedure, a microdermabrasion session must be performed, or one of the special enzyme masks must be applied. This will remove superficial dead skin cells and increase skin permeability to medicinal components. We hope that our article on the topic: Biorevitalization of the face before and after, effect, reviews – turned out to be useful to you!


1. Add. professional

, 2. Personal experience of clinical application, 3. National Library of Medicine (USA), 4. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (USA), 5. “Aesthetic mesotherapy” (Tochinova N.A.).

Important: selection of drugs for biorevitalization

In practice, we most often encounter 2 types of skin aging. Firstly, a finely wrinkled type of aging, which appears already by the age of 30, and in the eye area even earlier. This type is characterized by thin, dehydrated skin and a large number of small expression wrinkles, especially in the eye area. For this type of aging, the use of hyaluronic acid (HA) is a priority. And if in young patients 25-30 years old it is still possible to use biorevitalizants containing only HA, then in patients 30-35 years old the biorevitalizant must already contain vitamins, microminerals, amino acids, and antioxidants.

In patients aged 35-40+ years with a fine wrinkled type, the biorevitalizant should preferably contain (in addition to the above components) nucleotides and matrikin peptides. The latter stimulate collagen synthesis. Moreover, after 30-35 years with this type of aging, in order to achieve a good effect, it is desirable to carry out in parallel 2-3 procedures of capillary mesotherapy of the face, neck, collar area with vascular / drainage drugs - to stimulate lymphatic drainage and blood supply to the skin.

But if patients of this type show symptoms of skin photoaging - such as hyperpigmentation and telangiectasia, then additionally vitamin C, antioxidants (glutathione, coenzyme Q10, thioctic acid), cysteine, lightening peptides will be needed. Vitamin C and antioxidants relieve oxidative stress that occurs when exposed to solar radiation. A drug with this composition will also be useful before going on vacation to hot countries.

Deformation type of aging - but the main type of aging of most Russian women is deformation (edematous). Such patients usually have dense skin, fairly few wrinkles, a large volume of soft tissues of the face due to interstitial edema of the subcutaneous fat, and also have pronounced nasolabial folds and jowls. This type of aging develops due to impaired venous outflow in the face and neck, and is provoked primarily by problems with the cervical spine. If such patients are given drugs with GC, this will further increase the swelling of the face and, as a result, gravitational ptosis of the soft tissues.

Therefore, in such patients, capillary mesotherapy (lymphatic drainage vascular injection) takes first place, as well as, according to indications, the use of lipolytics in the area of ​​fat pads of the face and double chin. During the first 2-3 visits, capillary mesotherapy can be carried out as a single procedure, or it can be combined immediately with the introduction of biorevitalizants. The latter, in case of deformation/edema type of aging, should contain DNA-RNA complexes, as well as vitamins (primarily vitamin C), amino acids, and peptides.

Why is “capillary mesotherapy” (vascular injection) needed?

It is impossible to achieve a pronounced biorevitalization effect (primarily with the deformation type of aging) without stimulating the blood supply to the skin and activating lymphatic drainage. This injection is carried out with vascular preparations “Artichoke”, “Gingko Biloba”, “Rutin + melito extract” or “GAG Complex DVL Capyl”. This is especially true for patients with ptosis, rosacea or complaints of facial swelling. In all these groups of patients, lymphatic drainage vascular injection of the face and cervical-collar area should be done at least 4-5 times.

The volume of vascular preparations per procedure should be no more than 5 ml. First, the cervical-collar area is treated, then injections are made in the projection of the lymph nodes - the area of ​​the earlobes, the sternocleidomastoid muscle, in the area of ​​the jugular fossa and clavicles, as well as in the submandibular area. After this, a series of injections are made along the massage lines of the face and the infraorbital area. In patients with a finely wrinkled type of aging, it is advisable to do 1-2 such vascular puncture procedures, but in patients with a deformational type of aging or patients over 45 years old, 5 or more procedures can be safely performed.

The combination of the drainage drug “Artichoke” with the vascular drug “Rutin + melito extract” will normalize venous outflow, activate lymphatic drainage and microcirculation. All this will remove interstitial edema of the subcutaneous fat, which will reduce the volume of soft tissues and the degree of gravitational ptosis, as well as the severity of the folds. If a patient is prescribed a course of several biorevitalization procedures, then each procedure begins first with a vascular puncture and only after that are injections of the biorevitalizant given. Or the first 2-3 procedures are done only by capillary mesotherapy + soft lipolytics on the face, and biorevitalizants are added only from the 4th procedure.

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