Expert opinion: carboxytherapy is a procedure for everyone

Carboxytherapy is a type of mesotherapy. This is a natural physiological method of rejuvenating and healing the skin. The operating principle of this cosmetic procedure is based on the effect of CO2 (carbon dioxide) on the skin, which in turn stimulates collagen production and enhances cellular regeneration. As a result, natural rejuvenation occurs, the skin acquires a beautiful appearance, firmness and elasticity. Carbon masks are effectively used for salon and home care. Those who like to arrange salon-level home spa treatments especially like such procedures.

Carbon face mask – benefits and effectiveness

Unlike injection carboxytherapy, the use of masks (non-invasive carboxytherapy) is absolutely painless and has a prolonged (longer) effect. However, the result will be most noticeable not instantly, but after several procedures, especially if your skin has a fairly well-groomed appearance. It is recommended to use masks when the first signs of fading of the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté appear, as well as in the presence of various skin imperfections: rosacea, redness, pigmentation, acne, enlarged pores, peeling, sagging and dull complexion, bags and black circles under the eyes , scars and cicatrices.

Table of contents

  • About carboxy
  • The mechanism of action of carboxy masks
  • Instructions for use
  • Is the carboxy procedure safe?
  • Contraindications

In this article we will talk in detail about non-invasive (that is, acting without damaging the skin) face masks: carboxytherapy.
How do they work and why are they so popular today? The effectiveness of masks is due to their specific impact and the natural effect of facial rejuvenation. Many professionals compare the effect of carboxy masks with fillers and invasive techniques. You can view the full range of masks here.

How does a carboxy mask work?

The method of healing effects of CO2 on the skin has been used for the second century in the treatment of various skin diseases and the restoration of youth. What happens during the procedure?

Awakening stress. The skin is saturated with carbon dioxide, which causes artificial stress, which has an awakening effect on cells. This stimulates blood circulation and the release of enzymes that promote rejuvenation. Cells are activated and begin to naturally rejuvenate, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is stimulated. The skin is renewed inside and out. The effect is amazing.


Oxygen saturation. With a lack of oxygen, the skin begins to age quickly and loses its external attractiveness. The appearance of various inflammatory processes, hyperpigmentation and acne is also possible. Oxygen is necessary to normalize metabolic processes and regeneration. In the modern urban environment, the skin is exposed to aggressive environmental influences and oxygen starvation. Carboxytherapy allows you to replenish the lack of oxygen and restore the skin to health and beautiful appearance.


Massage. A light massage effect, felt as a pleasant tingling sensation, stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow. Thanks to this, puffiness and puffiness disappear, circles under the eyes disappear, the oval of the face is evened out, and the skin tone acquires a noble shade.


Cleansing, healing and renewal.
The skin is freed from waste and toxins, metabolic products that are eliminated due to increased lymph and blood flow, and natural cell renewal occurs. The skin begins to “breathe.” 5.
Nutrition and hydration. The substances included in the gel are better absorbed, bringing maximum benefit. Rested during the procedure, and refreshed skin looks amazing.

Recommended course, how long the effect lasts on the skin, cost

Carboxytherapy can be carried out as a one-time procedure, but visible results can only be achieved over a course. It consists of 4-10 sessions, which are carried out 1-2 times a week. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to carry out it once a year; for severe cosmetic problems, carboxytherapy can be carried out every 6 months. The duration of preservation of the result depends on age, metabolic processes and lifestyle, self-care. On average, the effect lasts 4-10 months, and when using the injection method – up to 1.5 years.

The cost of the procedure depends on the rating and level of the clinic, the technology of carboxytherapy and the composition of the product. Masks can be purchased from 1 to 5 thousand rubles, salon injection technology costs from 3 to 5 thousand rubles

What problems can be solved with a carbon mask?

Carboxy masks are mainly used for age-related skin aging after 30-40 years, in order to quickly and painlessly restore a blooming, youthful appearance and preserve it for a long time. Its use is also recommended for certain skin problems.

Carbon masks are effective in the following cases:

  • When small wrinkles appear
  • For swelling of the face
  • Black circles and swelling around the eyes
  • For sagging skin, loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin
  • When age spots appear
  • For acne, blackheads, pronounced vascular pattern

Depending on the composition and purpose of the gel mask, its range of applications can be aimed at solving individual or complex problems.

Contraindications to the use of carboxy mask

  • Violation of the integrity of the skin in the area where the gel is applied (wounds, abrasions, cuts)
  • Inflammatory processes in areas where the mask is used
  • For chronic liver and kidney diseases in the acute stage
  • Heart attacks, cardiovascular diseases
  • Epilepsy, acute mental disorders
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period
  • Weakened body, general inflammatory and infectious diseases
  • Individual intolerance to the components included in the products

Side effects from Carboxy Mask Therapy

The technique is completely atraumatic and safe, but there is a risk of side effects, especially with an injection carboxyl mask. Possible negative reactions:

  • swelling at the injection site;
  • the appearance of bruises and hematomas;
  • crepitation effect, or cracking of the skin;
  • redness, itching and burning in the area where the drug was administered.

To avoid such negative manifestations after the procedure, it is not recommended to expose the skin to water and sun, and avoid visiting saunas, swimming pools and solariums . It is also advisable to avoid sudden temperature changes and prolonged exposure to the open air.

Before use, be sure to test for an allergic reaction.

Review of carbon masks

Non-injection carboxytherapy is suitable for almost any skin type, including those with delicate, thin skin. Our review will help you choose the product individually for your own needs.

DJ CO2 Carbon therapy is a professional set from the Korean manufacturer Daejong Medical, including: an activator gel in a syringe and masks impregnated with a special composition for both the face and neck for 5 procedures. Simple and easy to use. It is used as an independent remedy for rejuvenation, and can be included as an additional care procedure that enhances the effects of other methods. Suitable for salon and home use.

Plant extracts included in the gel provide additional soothing, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, antibacterial and regenerating effects. The release of CO2 promotes deeper penetration of nutritional components into the skin and their better absorption.

A mask made of non-woven material is a CO2 activator and ensures a more complete and deeper penetration of CO2 into the skin. This patented brand technology allows you to achieve the same effect as with invasive carboxytherapy (using injections).

Used: for general signs of aging of the skin of the face and neck, combating wrinkles, restoring the color and tone of the facial skin, acne, vascular disorders (rosacea, spider veins) and enlarged pores, photoaging, sun damage to the skin, pigment disorders, abnormal changes in skin color, freckles.

The set consists of: 5 syringes of 25 grams, 5 fabric face masks, 5 fabric neck masks in individual packages.

Available in two versions: in a box with syringes for 5 procedures for home use and a jar for 25 procedures for salons.

This is a pioneer that appeared on the Russian market several years ago. Over all this time, the product has proven itself very well and is one of the most popular for both salon and home care.

CO2 GEL MASK from the manufacturer Metro Korea is an analogue of DJ Carbon therapy, but is produced under a different brand. Available in sets for 25 procedures: 500 grams of gel and 25 cabroca masks; for 5 procedures with gel in ampoules and masks for the face and chin. You can also purchase separately masks on a non-woven basis containing citric acid and gel

CO2 Lifting Gel Mask Gangnam is a lifting gel mask from the South Korean company Mede sance, the action of which is based on saturating the skin with microdoses of CO2. Loved by both salon cosmetologists and women who like to take care of their appearance at home. The special brush included in the set allows you to apply the gel to the skin with ease and comfort. The product has anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and restorative effects, and all the others inherent in carboxy masks.

GangNam masks are mainly used as anti-aging therapy, lifting, correction of facial contours, reducing swelling, narrowing pores, increasing skin elasticity, and lightening pigmentation. Epidermal cells are actively renewed, giving the face a healthy, fresh and beautiful appearance. The gel normalizes the fat balance of the skin and helps restore the natural water balance. The face acquires clear, even contours and a pleasant color, wrinkles are smoothed out, pigment spots and black spots, circles and bags around the eyes disappear. The product can also be recommended for solving various skin problems: spider veins, acne, etc.

The skin comes to life after the first use, the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation are launched. This carboxy mask can also be used to prevent wrinkles, thereby preserving and prolonging youth and beauty in a safe and environmentally friendly way. A non-woven mask provides the best effect, comparable to invasive carboxytherapy. The largest number of positive reviews recently belongs to this modern anti-aging product.

Can be used as a main procedure or additional after hardware procedures.

The set includes several variations: 500 ml of active gel with carbon dioxide, 25 non-woven masks and a brush - for salons; sets for 6, 20 procedures for home use with gel in containers, masks and brush.

Ribeskin salon carbon masks for face and body from the manufacturer JM Biotech.

The activator mask and CO2 gel contain a huge amount of beneficial substances of natural origin. Thanks to such a rich composition, the product has a complex effect: all the benefits of carboxy are enhanced by auxiliary components that penetrate deep into the skin layer. It is possible to achieve excellent results in the fight against skin aging and the appearance of cellulite. The product is used for both the face and body. The gel corrects the shape of the face and body, nourishes blood vessels, gives the skin firmness and elasticity, a fresh, bright appearance. Used to remove wrinkles, narrow pores, relieve bruises, swelling, acne. The calming and healing effect promotes its use after peelings and hardware procedures.

Carboxy CO2 Combo for the body allows you to correct body contours, reduces cellulite and stretch marks, gives the skin elasticity and firmness. Recommended use during the postoperative and postpartum period.

Ribeskin offer professional sets: gel in bottles with a 750 ml and 1.5 liter dispenser, an activator mask for 25/50 procedures.

Serendi Beauty CO2

Serendi Beauty CO2 carbon gel mask is produced by the Korean company Serendi Beauty.

Sets for 5 procedures: 5 syringes with 20 ml gel and 5 individually packaged masks. This remedy differs from others in its pronounced anti-inflammatory and lightening effects, and, of course, has all the benefits of carboxytherapy. Ideal for home use, easy to apply. Provides skin nutrition, saturation with beneficial microelements, a powerful lifting effect, and a healthy glow.

Review of analogues from other countries

ARAVYA - offers only professional kits for dry and oily skin. The procedure consists of three successive steps, which is best carried out only in the salon. First, CO2 gel is applied, then an activator gel and finally an intensive mask. The division by skin type can be called an advantage, since each complex combats different problems. However, most people have combination skin. Also, the absence of an activator mask, as in Korean carboxy masks, does not provide the desired effect of deep saturation of the skin.

How is carboxytherapy performed?

The procedure is quite simple, but effective and does not require special skills. The duration is up to half an hour.

  • First you need to wash off all makeup and thoroughly cleanse your face/body skin.
  • Then apply the carboxy gel in an even, dense, fairly thick layer.
  • An activator mask is placed on top and pressed tightly and left for 25-30 minutes. You will hear the hissing of bubbles, you may feel a pleasant warmth and tingling sensation. It is advisable to check the tightness of the mask every 10 minutes.
  • At the end of the procedure, rinse off any remaining gel with water or remove with a damp cloth.

As with any mask, it is better to take a relaxed pose and enjoy the procedure.

Real reviews from women online

You can find quite a lot of reviews about Korean carboxy masks on the Internet. Most of them are positive, but there are also negative ones.

Positive reviews

Most women are delighted with the miracle remedy that restores youth and beauty in a relatively short time and is absolutely painless. Negative side effects are extremely rare and may be associated with individual intolerance to the components included in the product or its improper use.

Here are some rave reviews:

Anastasia, 40 years old. I purchased a set for carboxytherapy DJ CO2 Carbon therapy for 5 procedures. Immediately, from the first use, I saw my younger, refreshed face in the mirror. The skin tightened, acquired elasticity and a beautiful color, the oval of the face became smoother. After the third procedure, wrinkles noticeably decreased and almost completely disappeared. I'm happy with the result!

Elena, 58 years old. I take care of my appearance with passion, but age still shows its toll. I had already decided on plastic surgery, but they advised me to try carboxy masks. Well, I'm happy, let the surgeons wait for my visit!

Krisitina, 32 years old. My facial skin began to fade, became dull, less elastic, and wrinkles appeared. Guard!!! One day I said, looking in the mirror, and went to the cosmetologist. I completed a course of non-injection carboxytherapy using Korean professional masks. The skin immediately became noticeably fresher, its former beauty and radiance returned!

Negative review

Olga, 42 years old. I'm not happy with the effect, I expected more for the money.

What did the woman expect? We don't know VBG Cosmetic. We also don’t know what the result of the application is.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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