Gas injections in Krasnodar - injection carboxytherapy

Carboxytherapy is the subcutaneous or intradermal administration of medical (sterile) carbon dioxide (CO2) using microinjections in order to achieve a cosmetic and therapeutic effect. In aesthetic medicine, injection carboxytherapy can be used both as an independent procedure and in a comprehensive solution to various aesthetic problems. Doctors at our clinic most often use the method of injection carboxytherapy as part of a complex effect together with the introduction of other active ingredients, hyaluronic acid or using other cosmetic technologies. Carboxytherapy injections can be performed in different areas of the face, neck, décolleté, hips, shoulders, and knees.

What are gas injections?

Many have heard about the method of ozone therapy, when ozone, an allotropic modification of oxygen, is injected intradermally. This causes increased blood flow, saturation of tissues with O2 and acceleration of all metabolic processes in general.

Carbon dioxide injections are similar to ozone therapy, with one exception - sterile CO2 is injected instead of ozone. When it is administered, the body receives a signal about a lack of oxygen and accelerates all processes to saturate the dermal cells with it. This happens 2-3 times faster than with ozone therapy.


Carbon dioxide (CO2, carbon dioxide) is an odorless gaseous substance. It was first discovered in the mid-17th century by the Dutch chemist and physician Van Helmont.

Carbon dioxide injections - carboxytherapy, or as they are also called - gas injections, for therapeutic purposes were initially used exclusively for the correction of organic and functional lesions, for example, in Raynaud's disease, atherosclerosis, etc.

Currently, CO2 injections are widely used in the beauty industry, in particular medical cosmetology, and are an innovative method of rejuvenating and healing the skin. It consists of increasing the level of redox reactions by improving blood circulation, regeneration and detoxification.

Carboxytherapy (gas injections) is not new in medicine. It is unique in its simplicity and was first put into practice by French doctors back in the thirties of the last century.

On a note:

Invasive carboxytherapy is compatible with other rejuvenation techniques, and can be used to quickly heal the skin and make it look well-groomed, for example, before going to the theater or a photo shoot.


Carboxytherapy is used not only in cosmetology. The non-invasive method is effective in the treatment of joints, varicose veins, menstrual irregularities, neuralgia and other diseases. To improve the appearance, the technique is used in the following cases:

  • Vascular network on the face.
  • Acne.
  • Dark spots.
  • Wrinkles.
  • Photoaging.
  • Decreased skin elasticity.
  • Swelling of the face.
  • Dark circles under the eyes.
  • Scarring.

Mesotherapy or gas injections?

The risks of complications and side effects in the form of allergic reactions, edema and others are, in practice, reduced to zero, thanks to the use of sterile medical carbon dioxide and special equipment for carboxytherapy for CO2 gas injections.

The indications for prescribing “gas injections” in Krasnodar are similar to the indications for mesotherapy. So can we say that this technique will replace mesotherapy? We can say with complete confidence - never.

In the hands of a competent specialist, mesococktail injections work wonders. But to say that these two methods complement each other very well would be very correct.

You can find out which of these procedures is best for you at a consultation with a cosmetologist at the medical and aesthetic center “Cosmetologist and Me” .

The session consists of stages:

  Preparation - includes cleansing with special means the area for which the procedure is intended. The injection is carried out with a special device, with the help of which it is heated to 43 degrees. CO2 molecules are injected under the skin. If the procedure is non-invasive, then a special mask is applied to the area, which nourishes the skin with CO2 molecules. The final stage of the invasive procedure involves applying a picosilver-based protectant to the treated area of ​​the body. Diagnostics - includes cleansing with special means the area for which the procedure is intended. Injection is carried out with a special device, with the help of which it is heated to 43 degrees. CO2 molecules are injected under the skin. If the procedure is non-invasive, then a special mask is applied to the area, which nourishes the skin with CO2 molecules. The final stage of the invasive procedure involves applying a picosilver-based protectant to the treated area of ​​the body.   

Where is carboxytherapy done in Krasnodar

Injection carboxytherapy has already received wide recognition among residents of our city, and everyone who has completed its full course notes a very positive effect. You can do carboxytherapy at our medical-aesthetic center “Cosmetologist & Ya” by pre-registering online here »

It is important!

The carbon dioxide injection procedure can be performed by a cosmetologist who has a higher medical education and has completed training in the course of injection carboxytherapy, which is confirmed by the appropriate certificate.

If you decide to give injections with carbon dioxide in a beauty salon, do not be lazy to ask the cosmetologist who will perform the procedure for the availability of these documents.

Reviews from doctors about this technique are positive, which is confirmed by the pronounced positive effects, excellent results and the undoubted benefits of gas injections.


Carboxytherapy has a number of limitations:

  • any chronic diseases during the period of exacerbation;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • malfunctions of the liver and kidneys;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • a history of heart attack;
  • hypertension;
  • anemia.

But don’t be scared and throw away your favorite mask. The listed contraindications relate to the injection method of administering carbon dioxide, and even in the presence of diseases, the procedure can be carried out if the doctor deems it safe. But products for home use have no restrictions, the only thing is that you should not use them if there are open wounds on your face or if you have chronic dermatological pathologies in the acute stage.

How carbon dioxide injections are performed in cosmetology

How does injection carboxytherapy work in cosmetology? The principle of action is based on the saturation of tissues with carbon dioxide, which increases blood circulation and stimulates the release of oxygen by oxyhemoglobin. As a result of this microstress, the skin receives a command from the body to mobilize its own resources.

On a note:

During intense training in the gym, our body produces 5-10 times more CO2 than it receives during the entire session of gas injections.

When carrying out gas injections, sterile, medical-grade carbon dioxide and a cosmetic diffusion apparatus with special disposable needles are used. Using this device, the required amount of injected CO2 is controlled.

Carboxytherapy injections are performed into the dermis or hypodermis, depending on the desired result. After each injection, the cosmetologist performs a light smoothing for better diffusion.

On a note:

The procedure does not have any age restrictions and is recommended for both men and women at any time of the year.

Intradermally injected carbon dioxide spreads well through the great vessels into the underlying muscles after 5-30 minutes. Its administration causes vasodilation, so the injection points bleed a little, but, as a rule, no bruises are left.

Carbon dioxide injections do not take long. On average, one procedure lasts from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the area being treated. They require much fewer points of influence than, for example, with biorevitalization.

It is important!

An experienced cosmetologist knows that CO2 injections cannot be performed in several areas of the body at once, because blood begins to flow to the injection area. Violating this rule can cause pressure surges.

As a rule, no more than 1-3 zones are treated in one procedure. For example, the abdomen and buttock area, buttocks and back of the thigh or face area, eyelids and neck, etc. Typically, a course of carbon dioxide treatment includes 4 – 10 sessions.

Despite the apparent simplicity of performing gas injections, we strongly warn you against performing this technique at home on your own.

Cosmetologist's comment

Oksana Grigorievna (@kosmetolog_krd)



Injections with carbon dioxide have found their application in neurology for the treatment of arthrosis, joint pain, as well as migraines. Treatment with gas injections of joints differs in the volume of injection and the length of the needle for large joints.

Effect of use and number of procedures

As for the number of procedures, everything is calculated individually. On average, with injection carboxytherapy, patients note significant improvements after 5 sessions. Masks for home use have a gradual effect, so a noticeable effect may not be visible immediately. But you will notice small changes after just a few procedures:

  • your face will look younger;
  • swelling and bruising under the eyes will be less pronounced;
  • pigment spots will become lighter;
  • inflammation will begin to gradually subside;
  • the oval of the face will tighten;
  • the skin will become elastic;
  • wrinkles will become less noticeable.

It should be borne in mind that the achieved effect largely depends on lifestyle. If a woman has bad habits and does not plan to give them up, the skin condition will quickly return to the appearance it had before the procedure.

Gas injections price by zone

Services Price
Price for invasive carboxytherapy: Promotion -5%
eye area600
neck + décolleté2000
abdominal area2000
back area2000
buttock area2000
Price for carboxytherapy of joints:
Large joint (shoulder, elbow, knee, etc.)2000
Small joint (hands, feet, etc.)1000
* Discounts apply:
— 10% for each other zone
— 10% when paying for the course (10 procedures)
Mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes CO2:
Carboxytherapy around the eyes600
Price for carboxytherapy of the scalp (injection trichology):
Injection carboxytherapy for the scalp + cervical-collar area3000
Injection carboxytherapy for the scalp2000
Injection carboxytherapy for the cervical-collar area2000
* When you sign up online on the website, you receive a 5% discount on any procedure!!!

Skin covering

The main area of ​​effect of carboxytherapy is the skin. This superficial organ is necessary for humans to protect against adverse external factors, form vitamin D, maintain metabolism and store blood. Healthy skin preserves the beauty of the face and prevents the development of diseases. Unfortunately, many pathologies of internal organs and external influences worsen the condition of the integumentary tissues.

Departments of the organ:

  • The epidermis is the most superficial part of the organ, consisting of several layers of epithelium. The horny cells of the epidermis protect the body from bacteria, viruses, harmful substances and physical influences. The inner layers of cells ensure constant renewal of the keratinized epithelium.
  • The dermis is the middle part of the organ in which active metabolic processes occur. Important structures of the dermis include hair follicles, nerve fibers, blood vessels, sweat and sebaceous glands.
  • Subcutaneous tissue is the deepest part of the organ. First of all, this is a reserve of adipose tissue. The body can use fat to replenish energy and fluid deficits. In addition, subcutaneous tissue protects the body from hypothermia. Excessive amount of adipose tissue is observed with metabolic disorders.

Proper skin care helps eliminate vascular and metabolic pathologies. As we grow older, the amount of elastin and collagen in the surface tissues decreases, causing the skin to become loose. Another problem is insufficient oxygen supply to the epithelium. Women often do not notice the progressive deterioration of their skin until complications arise. Carboxytherapy makes it possible to eliminate negative changes even in advanced cases.

Carrying out

Non-invasive carboxytherapy is carried out in beauty salons and medical centers. Before starting the procedure, the specialist assesses the condition of the patient’s skin and specifies which dermatological ailments need to be eliminated.

Stages of implementation:

  1. Remove makeup, sebum and impurities using lotion or gel.
  2. Steaming the integumentary tissue to expand the pores.
  3. Applying the mask using a spatula.
  4. Waiting for the mask effect. All carbon dioxide penetrates the epithelium in about 20-25 minutes.
  5. Removing the mask and treating the skin with a soothing ointment.

Immediately after the procedure, redness or swelling of the skin may develop, but after a few hours all side effects go away on their own.

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