What is a “frenulum” in men, location and solutions to problems with it

A rupture of the frenulum of the foreskin of the penis is one of the most common reasons for young people to visit a doctor (except for genital infections). There is even a widespread misconception on the Internet that the frenulum must break at the beginning of sexual activity. Those. breaking the frenulum is a kind of analogue of deflowering girls. But in reality, the frenulum should not be torn or damaged during sex.

What to do if the frenulum on the head is torn →


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Treatment of frenulum rupture and other operations in the intimate area is performed by Dr. BABIKIN A.V.


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Our clinics perform a full range of operations in the field of intimate surgery, including plastic surgery for ruptured frenulum of the penis. We can also perform surgical correction after unsuccessful operations performed in OTHER clinics. If you decide to have surgery with us, please visit our forum and look at photos of what the penis will look like after frenuloplasty.

If you suspect a short frenulum or have a rupture of the frenulum on the head, you can create a topic on the forum and get a free consultation.

Rupture of the frenulum of the penis occurs most often during rapid sexual intercourse, defloration or insufficient hydration of the partner’s vagina. But the main reason is, of course, the initially short frenulum of the foreskin.

Since blood vessels and nerves pass through the frenulum, a rupture is always accompanied by severe pain and severe bleeding, which can be difficult to stop. If a torn frenulum heals on its own, in the vast majority of cases a scar forms at the site of the rupture (or tear). This scar, in the process of its formation, contracts and shortens the frenulum. In this case, the same problems arise as with congenital shortening of the frenulum, but the scar is not elastic and very quickly the frenulum ruptures again. The situation repeats itself and the shortening of the frenulum worsens. That is why it is preferable to perform the operation without waiting for re-damage, and if this happens, then to prevent the formation of a rough scar, because the foreskin may be involved in the cicatricial process, and this in turn leads to the development of cicatricial phimosis.

Problems with the frenulum in men and their solutions

A small piece of skin with insufficient length or elasticity can cause a lot of troubles: from discomfort to erectile dysfunction.

Timely correction of defects will not only improve the quality of sexual life, but also prevent possible injury.

Short length

A short frenulum on the head in men is more often a congenital pathology and, if severe, is diagnosed in childhood. But sometimes a decrease in length occurs during puberty or due to a scar that appears as a result of injury - a tear or crack (with mechanical damage or as a result of an inflammatory process, the tissue may lose its elasticity, as a result of which it can no longer fulfill its intended purpose).

If the shortening is insignificant, it does not cause discomfort, otherwise the main symptom is pain or a feeling of tension during blood flow to the penis and sexual intercourse, and the head may bend downward relative to the shaft of the penis. In severe forms, there is a complete impossibility of erection.

The pathology is treated surgically, usually by lengthening the frenulum.


The most harmless damage to the frenulum. This may occur for a number of reasons:

  • failure to maintain intimate hygiene;
  • allergic reaction to artificial lubricants, body washes, contraceptives;
  • dryness during sexual intercourse;
  • wearing tight underwear;
  • diabetes;
  • infection;
  • avitaminosis.

If the crack is small, it may not be noticeable upon inspection. The pathology is manifested by dryness of the foreskin, pain in the glans area even in the absence of an erection, and an unpleasant sensation during hygiene procedures.

Treatment consists of regularly washing the frenulum and nearby tissues with an antiseptic solution - for example, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine or intimate care soap (or baby soap) diluted in warm water. After identifying the root cause, antifungal (Clotrimazole, Triderm and others) or antibacterial ointments (Levomekol, Baneocin and others) are prescribed, local healing agents are also indicated - special pharmaceutical creams (Bepanten, Solcoseryl, etc.) or sea buckthorn oil.


Quite a serious injury in which there is significant bleeding, although the penis does not hurt too much. More often it occurs due to a shortened frenulum, less often due to dryness of the partner’s vagina, overly active or anal sex without lubrication, careless masturbation.

First of all, you need to stop sexual intercourse, wash your hands thoroughly and press the frenulum to the head to stop the bleeding. As a rule, this takes up to 15 minutes. Afterwards, you need to treat the penis with a disinfectant solution - preferably Miramistin, but it is acceptable to use hydrogen peroxide - and apply a loose bandage of sterile bandage or gauze. Next, it is important to contact a urologist as quickly as possible to correct the tissue fusion, abstaining from intimate life until complete healing.


A torn frenulum causes more pain and bleeding and takes longer to heal. Injury occurs for reasons similar to the problem described above: insufficient length or elasticity of the cord, lack of lubrication, sharp friction.

A frenulum rupture in men must be treated under the supervision of a specialist: despite the fact that the damage will heal on its own, there is a high probability of scarring, which can cause pain during erection and sexual intercourse, impaired mobility of the foreskin, and repeated injury. Another negative consequence of scarring is increased sensitivity of the damaged area of ​​skin, which subsequently leads to premature ejaculation.

To eliminate the pathology, surgical intervention is indicated: plastic surgery or complete removal of the frenulum. You can have sex again only after the tissue has completely healed.

Methods of therapeutic treatment of the problem

Every male can experience a tear in the foreskin. It is for this reason that modern medicine offers several effective methods of therapeutic intervention on how to treat a torn frenulum on the head. Experts resort to:

  • frenulotomy;
  • circumcision;
  • VY-plasty;
  • laser surgical treatment;
  • surgery based on radio waves.

The method of surgery depends on the degree of damage to the flesh.

Specifics of procedures with a bridle

The type of medical measures to restore normal functionality of the penis depends on the type and severity of the pathology.

The decision on the need for a particular procedure is made by a doctor (urologist or surgeon) after an examination.


A short frenulum not only causes discomfort, but also breaks easily, so it is important to restore normal length and elasticity as soon as possible. Treatment of the pathology is surgical, but there is no need to be afraid or postpone the operation: the entire procedure takes less than half an hour, is performed under local anesthesia, and recovery will take about two weeks.

Most often, cutting (frenulotomy) of the frenulum is prescribed; sometimes they resort to VY-plasty, during which the doctor makes one or several incisions in the shape of a Latin V, after which he sews the bottom of the incision, forming something like the letter Y. This method requires longer rehabilitation and often leaves noticeable scars, which for some men is unacceptable.

After any lengthening surgery, you must abstain from sex for at least 4 weeks, follow all doctor’s recommendations, and minimize physical activity. In the first days, the greatest pain and swelling is observed; daily dressings and treatment of the postoperative wound with the means prescribed by the doctor are required.


The most popular procedure for increasing the length of the frenulum. In simple cases it only takes 2 steps:

  1. A transverse incision in a skin fold.
  2. Stretching it lengthwise.
  3. Application of longitudinal sutures along the resulting wound.

If the frenulum has previously torn and healed incorrectly, forming a rough scar, the operation is complicated - the surgeon has to excise the altered tissue, and then also stitch it in a direction parallel to the growth of the penis.

Trimming is the preferred procedure because healing is rapid and scars are barely noticeable. It is possible to dissect tissue with various instruments:

  • with a scalpel - blood loss is noted, but the sutures are most accurate;
  • radio knife - high-frequency radio waves affect the skin, preventing the formation of a hematoma or infection;
  • laser - the operation is bloodless, but cauterization creates rougher scars, which can subsequently diverge.

With proper care after pruning, there are no complications.

Delete or Trim

Frenumplasty is not always effective. Why complete removal of the skin cord may be necessary:

  • phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin, making it difficult or impossible to open the head);
  • severe injury to the frenulum or the presence of a large number of scars due to previous injuries;
  • sclerosing pathologies in the foreskin area.

In addition, circumcision is possible at the request of a man, for religious or hygienic purposes.

It is important that removal of the skin fold can be carried out while preserving the foreskin or partial resection (although this does not make sense).

In adult men, the operation is performed under local anesthesia and lasts up to 1 hour. The surgeon carefully pulls back and trims excess skin, removes the frenulum, and applies self-absorbing sutures. Full recovery occurs within 30-60 days, during which time it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity and, if possible, avoid erections.

Frenulotomy method

This method can eliminate the consequences of the injury to the foreskin and remove the root cause of its occurrence. The procedure is painless, quick (only 20 minutes) and, most importantly, without mental trauma for the patient.

The technology itself is essentially a plastic procedure of an elementary form. During its implementation, the length of the skin increases. Specialists carry out the following manipulations.

  1. A small transverse incision is made on the foreskin with a surgical scalpel.
  2. After this, sutures are placed, but not across, along, to reduce the level of skin stretching.
  3. After healing, an invisible suture along the penis remains at the intervention site.

The wound heals within 5 days, and does not cause any inconvenience to the patient. As a result, the foreskin will be able to freely pull down after the operation and expose the head without pain or discomfort. You will be able to return to having sex after half a month from the date of going to the hospital.

This method is advisable to use in cases where there is a pathologically short length of the frenulum.


It is impossible to prevent congenital pathology, but it is not difficult to avoid subsequent complications. Recommended:

  • undergo regular examinations by a urologist to ensure timely detection and treatment of problems;
  • if an uncomfortable frenulum length is detected, correct it as soon as possible;
  • wear comfortable underwear made of breathable fabric;
  • use special lubricant during sex;
  • avoid traumatic poses, too sharp frictions;
  • if there is no sexual partner, be careful when masturbating;
  • keep the penis clean;
  • At the first symptoms of genitourinary infections, seek medical help.

In addition, it is very important to be attentive to any unpleasant sensations during puberty (12-18 years), when the frenulum may “lag behind” the growth of the penis and can be easily damaged.

How does circumcision occur?

This method allows you to get rid of phimosis - a problem caused by a lack of length of the skin fold, which does not allow the head to be fully exposed. It is also called circumcision. The oldest operation is performed by removing part of the skin located on the edge of the penis. After removal, stitches are placed at the wound site. In this case, the patient does not need to stay in a hospital hospital. He can go through the rehabilitation process at home by following simple doctor’s recommendations.

It is recommended to resort to this method of treatment without waiting for a relapse if a man has torn the frenulum on the head for the first time. This is due to the fact that secondary damage to this area of ​​the body complicates the process of surgical intervention and can provoke complications.

What can injury lead to?

Since a man does not feel acute combat sensations when the frenulum ruptures, few of the stronger sex immediately consult a doctor, which is fundamentally wrong. Without timely medical attention, the problem may worsen, since after the frenulum is torn, the healing process is accompanied by the formation of scar tissue. The consequence is that the torn frenulum becomes shorter and loses its elasticity.

Thus, the likelihood of repeated tearing will increase sharply , and this phenomenon can also negatively affect potency. With each subsequent rupture, the length of the frenulum decreases, therefore, the risk of the next tear increases even more.

If the frenulum heals on its own, it ceases to completely cover the head of the penis, and this entails certain problems during sexual intercourse.

Psychological trauma is also important. A man may begin to subconsciously fear a repetition of the situation, and is forced to become more restrained during intimacy. This in turn can cause an inability to achieve orgasm.

All of the situations listed above can threaten a man with complete impotence, so a frenulum tear should be taken as seriously as possible and immediately contact a urologist .

Which doctor performs frenuloplasty?

If you have problems with the frenulum on the foreskin, you should consult a urologist. The doctor will conduct an initial examination and, if necessary, prescribe additional diagnostic measures, on the basis of which a decision will be made on the possibility of performing frenuloplasty.

After the operation, the urologist will consult the patient and give recommendations for the entire period of rehabilitation. If you fully comply with the doctor’s instructions, the surgical intervention will be carried out quickly and painlessly, eliminating possible complications in the future.

Causes of pathology in children

It is not possible to identify a pathological condition in a small child. The main symptoms appear only during puberty. Indirect indications of the presence of an anomaly are:

  • Phimosis
    . Although physiological phimosis is present in almost all newborns, by the 3rd year of life in 90% of boys the head opens completely. Only in 1-5% of children the pathology persists until adulthood - and, as a rule, is accompanied by a short frenulum.

  • Heredity
    . Genetic factors influence the transmission to subsequent generations of most abnormal deviations, including those in the structure of organs and systems. If one of the parents has such a pathology in the family, there is a high probability that the anomaly will manifest itself in the child.

It is possible to detect the presence of a pathological condition of the frenulum of the penis in a boy only by indirect signs, since the child prefers to endure discomfort. However, if you regularly cry while urinating, a thorough examination of the penis is necessary. Possible signs of pathology are:

  • redness or swelling in the foreskin area;
  • the presence of phimosis - the inability to expose the head;
  • the appearance of bloody discharge during water procedures;
  • accumulation of smegma (preputial lubricant), causing pain and burning.

All these symptoms indicate the possible presence of pathology in the genitals. The presence of alarming signs requires mandatory medical consultation. And in case of diagnosing a pathology - timely treatment.

Answers to pressing questions

Alexey, 24 years old: “Thank you for your information, a very useful article. But I had one question: is it possible to heal a torn frenulum with herbal decoctions?”

Answer: “Herbal infusions can be used as a way to relieve inflammatory processes and nothing more. There is no list of drugs or other folk remedies that allow you to get rid of the foreskin without surgery.”

Igor, 42 years old: “Relevant information for me, since I myself recently encountered a similar problem. Tell me, are there any other treatment methods besides the above?”

Answer: “To date, the five surgical treatment methods have shown to be positively effective. Although it is better to perform circumcision immediately, since this method has virtually no contraindications and relapses.”

Possible triggers

Other possible causes of pathology are:

  • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the penis
    . Balanitis and balanoposthitis, in most cases occurring with the presence of pathogenic microflora, lead to structural tissue changes in the area of ​​the head of the penis.

  • Chronic injuries to the foreskin
    . Even microdamages to the delicate skin of the penis without proper and timely response can lead to improper tissue fusion. Such injuries occur when playing certain sports or wearing too tight underwear and clothes.

  • Diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation
    . In this case, tissue changes are caused by a characteristic sign of the disease - a disruption of the regeneration process, as a result of which cicatricial deformities begin to appear in the tissues of the frenulum.

Most often, the pathology is diagnosed when a man begins to have an active sexual life. That's when the real problems begin. Especially if the disease is not detected and treated in time.

Why have surgery?

Some men live happily with a short frenulum all their lives because they do not experience discomfort. However, the appearance of pain, especially at an early age, is an alarming signal.

Indeed, in the future, discomfort during sex can become a trigger mechanism for the development of impotence. If the anomaly is acquired (due to balanoposthitis or other inflammatory diseases), then surgical treatment is the only way to avoid further injuries.

What part of the body is this, where is it located, what does it look like in the photo?

The frenulum connects the head of the penis to its shaft. If the genital organ is in an erect state, the frenulum is clearly visible from the urethra to the crown of the glans. This is a flat strip of skin, thin and shiny, but in color it does not differ from the skin of the head.

The frenulum contains a large number of nerve endings and small blood vessels.
The frenulum consists of the same tissues that make up the head of the male genital organ, but since it is in a tense state, it is quite vulnerable. Reference! Circumcised men do not have a frenulum because the fold of skin is excised along with the foreskin.
If there is no skin fold, then there is no need to tighten it, therefore, there is no need to maintain the frenulum. In the pictures below you can see what the bridle looks like:

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