Shilajit for cellulite. A miracle solution against orange peel!

One of the most common women's problems is the fight against “orange peel” or cellulite. Women all over the world spend cosmic amounts of money on expensive salon treatments, creams, ointments and lotions. However, few people know that brilliant results can be achieved using a natural and inexpensive product. Shilajit for cellulite works real miracles with your skin, making it young and healthy!

Composition and medicinal properties

Mumiyo is a mixture of mineral elements of plant and mountain origin. People often call it black tar. The substance has a dark or grayish-brown color and a pungent odor.

The components of the resin are still not fully understood. The product contains up to 80 elements: essential oils, organic and fatty acids, enzymes and vitamins.

Shilajit can become an indispensable medicinal product because it has many beneficial properties:

  • Recovery, regeneration of the skin. Getting rid of stretch marks, cellulite and small cuts.
  • Diuretic effect, removal of toxins and improvement of liver function.
  • Strengthens the body's metabolic processes, regulates blood sugar levels.
  • Antimicrobial effect, strengthening the immune system.
  • Allows you to restore elasticity and smoothness to the skin, helps against acne.
  • Increased hair growth.
  • Bone regeneration during fractures.
  • Renewal of the circulatory system.

What is mumiyo?

Mumiyo is a natural mineral, also called mountain resin. The substance is dark brown or black, and its anti-cellulite properties are due to its unique composition. Shilajit contains over 50 biologically active components: alkaloids, steroids (estrogen, estradiol, gestagen, pregnalone, androgen, gesterosterone), phospholipids, coumarins, amino acids.

This natural product heals the entire body, providing:

  • Skin restoration,
  • Relief of inflammation and general improvement of the dermis,
  • Strengthens immune defense,
  • Stimulates hair growth,
  • Accelerates metabolic processes,
  • Prevention of viral and bacterial infections,
  • Bone tissue regeneration,
  • Acceleration of recovery in the treatment of diabetes, ulcers, hypertension and gynecological diseases.

On a note!

The unique composition allows you to use mumiyo against cellulite and stretch marks.


There are two types of medicinal drug:

  1. Altai mumiyo. The resin is formed in the mountains and has an effect on cellulite and regenerative processes in the skin. Thanks to natural substances, it is added to creams and scrubs and has a rejuvenating effect.
  2. Golden mumiyo is a substance purified from excess impurities, which has a tablet form and can be used internally. The drug is dissolved in water or other liquid suitable for external or internal use.

How is cellulite formed?

First of all, let's look at what cellulite is and why it is called "orange peel". Cellulite is stagnation in the subcutaneous fat tissue, as a result of which microcirculation of blood and lymph flow is disrupted. Over time, this process leads to fatty degeneration, which manifests itself in the form of lumpy subcutaneous formations resembling the surface of an orange peel.

The problem is of an aesthetic nature, and women use a whole arsenal of expensive techniques: massages, wraps, rubbing, applying creams and scrubs. But cellulite does not disappear. So why spend money on something that doesn't bring the desired effect?

Especially if there is a natural remedy called mumiyo, with which you can get rid of cellulite , and also solve other cosmetic problems: eliminate stretch marks, remove wrinkles, solve problems with hair and scalp.

Recipes for use

Mumiyo against cellulite can be used as wraps, creams, masks, and massage products. It is recommended to use the selected products in combination, combining two or three methods.

While using mumiyo, you should not drink alcohol-containing drinks or medications, and you should also avoid salty and fatty foods. Before the procedure, it is necessary to check for the absence of an allergic reaction to the drug.


Since a ready-made pharmaceutical product is difficult to find, it is made at home.

  • Recipes for mummy creams for cellulite are quite simple. To prepare, take any baby cream, add up to 15 drops of essential citrus oil (can be with cinnamon or juniper aroma), medicinal resin powder and mix. The mixture is stored in a glass jar.
  • Several tablets are added to anti-cellulite cream and used after a massage or bath daily, using a massage glove.
  • Shilajit powder is mixed with essential oil and added to a nourishing cream or “milk”.

Shilajit for cellulite: amazing recipes for home use

  1. Coffee scrub based on mumiyo. To prepare, you will need settled coffee grounds, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of fat sour cream and 2 grams (the size of two peas) of whole mummy. Use 2-3 times a week.
  • Mix sour cream and grounds first
  • Add mumiyo dissolved in a small amount of water to this mixture and mix again.
  • Rub the scrub into cellulite areas using massage movements (it is best to use a loofah for peeling) until the skin turns red.
  • Rinse off with warm water.
  1. Homemade wraps with orange and honey. Use 1-2 times a week.
  • Take 3-4 grams of mumiyo (the size of a medium cherry) and dissolve it in slightly warm water.
  • Then mix any body cream with honey and orange oil. For 100 grams of cream, take 50 grams. honey and 1 teaspoon of orange oil.
  • Add dissolved mumiyo to the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly
  • Spread over the orange peel areas, wrap in plastic and wrap with a warm cloth or towel.
  • After 15-25 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  1. Warm baths with mumiyo
  • Dissolve a teaspoon of mumiyo in 1 liter of lukewarm water
  • Add to bath water at a comfortable temperature
  • Enjoy for 15-20 minutes

You can take the procedure at any time of the day every day, but for the best results it is preferable to do it in the morning, after taking a shower.

You can use our natural miracle remedy not only to get rid of orange peel, but also for many other cosmetic problems.

We strongly recommend using the recipes from this article. After just a few uses you will see noticeable results. Shilajit for cellulite will work more effectively if you combine the procedures with proper nutrition and sports training.

Anatomical facts

  1. The main cause of stretch marks is tears in the collagen and elastin fibers of the dermis.

Scheme of stretch marks formation

  1. Tears in the deep layers of the skin are most often associated
  • with pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • with sudden weight gain
  • with heavy physical activity (for example, bodybuilding)
  • with hormonal imbalances and sharp growth in adolescence
  • with a hereditary predisposition
  • with taking medications, for example, glucocorticoids
  • with problems in the functioning of the endocrine system (adrenal dysfunction)
  1. Striae (stretch marks) occur in both women and men
  2. The most common places for stretch marks to appear in women

Stretch marks formation areas

  1. Stretch marks have two stages of “maturity”
  • initial The color of the scars is rich pink-violet.
  • outdated. Scar color pearly white

In the photo: on the left - the initial stage of maturity of stretch marks, on the right - old stretch marks/striae.
Time of stretch mark maturation from the moment of appearance to discoloration: 6-8 months

  1. Unfortunately, stretch marks can be made less noticeable, but they cannot be completely eliminated.

When is it prohibited to use mumiyo?

Like any medicine, mumiyo has its contraindications:

  • Carrying a baby and breastfeeding,
  • Allergy to the components of the product,
  • Violation of skin integrity,
  • Diagnosis of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels,
  • Presence of gynecological diseases,
  • Existing neoplasms (benign and malignant),
  • Varicose veins,
  • Age – under 12 years or over 60 years.


Before using mumiyo, it is recommended to undergo an allergy test. To do this, dissolve 1 tablet of the product in water and apply the mixture to the crook of your elbow. If there is no redness, irritation or itching within 10-12 hours, you can begin anti-cellulite procedures.

Anti-cellulite effect

The product activates blood circulation and cellular metabolism, accelerates the breakdown of fat accumulation, evens out skin texture and fights cellulite. There are two varieties of mumiyo - Altai and golden.

Altai is formed in high mountains (about 300 m above sea level). The effect of using such a mummy is higher, which is due to favorable conditions for mummification of the biomass of plant and animal origin from which it is formed.

The high mountainous terrain provides protection from radioactive fallout, and the presence of a large amount of minerals and medicinal herbs allows you to speed up the process of getting rid of cellulite.

Altai mumiyo that has undergone purification is called golden. It is produced using a patented technology that involves granulating the purified substance under humidity conditions of up to 50%. This production makes it possible to preserve all the beneficial properties of the natural product in the tablet, due to which the golden mummy has a drainage and tonic effect.

On a note!

The tablets easily dissolve in water, which allows you to prepare homemade scrubs and anti-cellulite creams with mumiyo.

Effect of mumiyo on cellulite

Mumiyo for cellulite can be used both topically, applied directly to areas affected by cellulite, and taken orally in tablet form. The latter method helps to lose weight and reduce body fat.

In the fight against cellulite, mumiyo can have the following effects:

When used externally

  • accelerates protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism. Activates biochemical reactions in the body, in particular lymph flow and lipolysis;
  • relieves local swelling and removes excess water from the body;
  • helps relieve local inflammation, relieves irritation and redness, accelerates the process of epithelial regeneration;
  • evens out the structure of the lower layer, the hypodermis;
  • improves local blood circulation;
  • breaks down lipids at the cellular level in the adipocyte, removes stagnant breakdown products from it: toxins and wastes.

When taken orally

  • significantly reduces appetite, eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time;
  • breaks down complex carbohydrates, preventing them from being transformed into fat;
  • removes harmful cholesterol and toxins from the body, and has a mild diuretic property.

In order to achieve a faster weight loss effect, you need to take mumiyo in the form of tablets in the morning and evening 1 hour before meals.

External use of mumiyo for cellulite is based on the use of anti-cellulite cream with mumiyo, anti-cellulite baths and wraps.

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