What cellulite treatment methods does aesthetic medicine offer?

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Problems solved by procedures

Loss of skin elasticity Improves skin texture Stretch marks Weight loss Figure correction Cellulite treatment Restoration of the body's metabolic processes Correction of local fat deposits

Cellulite is one of the main problems of modern women in Moscow. The style of modern life does not fit into the unaesthetic lumpiness on the hips, and therefore we have to pay the most serious attention to getting rid of cellulite.

All three branches of beauty science have their own anti-cellulite products. Plastic medicine takes a radical approach, creating the opportunity to get rid of cellulite along with the subcutaneous layer of fat during surgical liposuction.

Despite all the difficulties and possible risks of surgical intervention, this method has one indisputable advantage: the “orange peel” will never return. Fat cells, once removed, do not appear again.

Aesthetic cosmetology helps get rid of cellulite through special programs:

  • anti-cellulite seaweed wraps
  • "Biogeni" techniques
  • various types of mesotherapy for the body or ultrasound therapy.

Wide range of hardware techniques

The widest selection of effective methods for breaking down fat is offered by hardware cosmetology. Cellulite is an indication for the use of such a popular innovative technology as Thermage, which can effectively smooth and rejuvenate the skin of the body without harm to health.

A good result in the treatment of cellulite is shown by cryolift - the effect of cold on the skin and all subcutaneous fat layers, intensively stimulating metabolic processes in cells and breaking down cellulite nodes.

A wide range of anti-cellulite procedures is offered by the Slim UP Top Center figure correction system. You can choose between the complex effects of the Slim Up module, pressotherapy and lymphatic drainage of the Slim Up Drain device and the Slim Up Steam detoxification capsule, or a combination of these techniques. The Slim UP Top Center system gives maximum effect in the fight against cellulite, as it provides an individual approach to the choice of products. At the appointment, the cosmetologist will select the necessary procedures after examining the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Anti-cellulite wraps

Anti-cellulite wraps are aimed at local body correction. They help to effectively fight the “orange peel”, eliminating fatty deposits and restoring elasticity to the skin. Wraps can be cold or hot. The former perfectly strengthen the walls of blood vessels, remove toxins and tone the skin, while the latter are usually used for weight loss. During the procedure, cosmetic compositions based on seaweed, clay, as well as more exotic ones made from cocoa are most often used. They are applied to problem areas, wrapped the body in a special film, left for 20–30 minutes for better penetration of the active substances into the tissue, and then washed off with water.

Before going for any procedure to eliminate cellulite, you should consult with your doctor about possible contraindications.

Causes of cellulite

The reasons for the development of cellulite are varied. Most often, the presence of one or two reasons causes a chain reaction, and soon they begin to act in a complex manner. The main factors causing poor circulation, fat metabolism and, as a consequence, the appearance of cellulite are as follows.

But there are periods in a woman’s life when uncontrolled hormonal fluctuations occur, which can provoke the appearance of cellulite: during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. But it is worth noting that hormones in this case only prepare the ground for the occurrence of cellulite, but a woman can successfully prevent the consequences of this.

More about procedures

Anticellulite massage

Ozone therapy

Body mesotherapy

Stages of cellulite

Experts distinguish 4 stages of cellulite development. Each of them has its own characteristics in external manifestation and treatment.

Stage 1

characterized by slight swelling and swelling of the tissues. At the same time, the skin remains even in appearance and smooth to the touch, although excess fluid is already contained in the subcutaneous fat layer and disrupts its natural nutrition.

Stage 2

- swelling increases, fat volumes become larger, an “orange peel” appears, although now it can only be noticed if you tense the muscles in problem areas.

Stage 3

- when a fold of skin is compressed with the help of fingers, tubercles are visible. At this stage, the fluid already has pressure on the surrounding tissues, blood stagnates in the capillaries, and the veins cease to perform their functions correctly.

Stage 4

characterized by a distinct “orange peel” appearance, which is clearly visible even in a relaxed state, a blue tint to the skin and low temperature in areas affected by cellulite, due to poor blood supply.

Where does cellulite occur?

The level of circulatory disturbance in the body determines the location and area of ​​the body areas affected by cellulite. The number of fat cells plays an equally important role in this. Where there were initially more of them, cellulite will be more pronounced.

This is why cellulite most often appears on the thighs and buttocks - in places where there is naturally more fatty tissue. This also explains the fact that the so-called “orange peel” can be observed more often in obese people.

It is mistakenly believed that cellulite is a purely female problem. In fact, it can occur in men as well, but women are simply more prone to this problem due to the fact that they have a thinner layer of skin, a thicker layer of fat, larger fat cells than men, and looser connective tissue .

Cellulite in men

I would like to talk about male cellulite in more detail.

Despite the fact that it appears for the same reason as in women, its external manifestations are completely different. So, cellulite in men forms only on the stomach. But with significant excess weight, cellulite may appear on the legs and butt.

Due to the special structure of muscle tissue (in women, its fibers are located perpendicular to the skin, in men, diagonally, or crosswise), cellulite-fat cells accumulate in the spaces of its fibers, and are not pushed towards the skin, so they do not develop an “orange peel” appearance.

Cellulite in men most often affects the volume of the abdomen, but it does not damage the skin.

Cellulite during pregnancy

Unfortunately, even women who did not know what “orange peel” was before pregnancy face this problem during pregnancy.

The reason for the appearance of cellulite is a change in the ratio of hormones in the female body, as well as rapid weight gain. The increase in adipose tissue is especially noticeable in problem areas - on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, thus the body stores nutrients as a reserve for feeding the fetus. But a sharp expansion of fat cells leads to stretching of the skin and provokes cellulite.

However, you should not perceive the development of cellulite as a natural process during pregnancy. These are still the results of impaired circulation and stagnation of fluid in the tissues, although this is explained by changes in hormonal levels, which cannot be avoided in an “interesting situation.”

Hardware procedures

With hardware procedures, getting rid of cellulite has become much easier. These methods are practically painless, do not require additional effort, preliminary preparation and subsequent rehabilitation. Most often, devices with vacuum, ultrasonic and electric current are used to remove “orange peel”, and some of them combine several tasks at once. They improve the condition of the skin and subcutaneous fat layer, remove waste, toxins and excess fluid from the body, and eliminate cellulite.

When is anti-cellulite massage indicated?

  • the appearance of an orange peel effect;
  • prevention of cellulite formation in problem areas;
  • the presence of excess adipose tissue;
  • colon diseases;
  • pain in the lumbar region, back and neck;
  • violation of cell metabolism;
  • circulatory disorders.

In what cases can anti-cellulite massage not be performed?

Despite the unconditional benefits of this massage, unfortunately, not everyone can do it. There are a number of serious contraindications for which such treatment is not recommended. They can be roughly divided into three categories:

General contraindications to anti-cellulite therapy through massage:

  • malignant formations;
  • venereal diseases;
  • aneurysm of blood vessels and aorta;
  • infections caused by the human immunodeficiency virus;
  • thrombophlebitis and thrombosis;
  • acute mental disorders that are accompanied by excessive excitement;
  • diseases of the circulatory system and a predisposition to bleeding;
  • trophic ulcers, gangrene;
  • severe form of tuberculosis;
  • osteomyelitis in acute and chronic form;
  • Buerger's disease, atherosclerosis of cerebral and peripheral vessels;
  • circulatory failure and heart failure.
SpecializationUniversal masseur
    Soviet Pedagogical School.
  • Capital.
Special Skills
  • Anti-cellulite
  • canned
  • French
  • honey
  • Brazilian massages
  • madeiratherapy
  • buccal facial massage
  • original body modeling programs
  • manual lipoplasty
  • face and body treatments

  • Beskudnikovsky Boulevard, 6, bldg. 3, metro station Verkhniye Likhobory
  • st. Myasnitskaya, 24/7, building 1, Chistye Prudy metro station, Turgenevskaya
Work experienceMore than 25 years


  • SpecializationNursing. Massotherapy.
    • First Kiev Medical School.
    • Kyiv College named after. P.I. Gavrosya, Faculty of Advanced Studies.

    Special Skills
    • Medicinal
    • lymphatic drainage
    • anti-cellulite
    • honey massages
    • hydromassage
    • all types of SPA massage
    • underwater shower massage
    • treatment of spinal osteochondrosis
    • st. Myasnitskaya, 24/7, building 1, Chistye Prudy metro station, Turgenevskaya
    Work experienceOver 18 years


    Recommended Doctors

    • Elizaveta Vladimirovna Egorova


      Anti-cellulite, cupping, French, honey, Brazilian massages, Madeiratherapy, buccal facial massage, original body modeling programs, lipoplasty.

  • Kirill Yuryevich Maslennikov

  • Pressotherapy

    This is a type of lymphatic drainage massage performed by alternating air pressure, which helps restore blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body, as well as eliminate cellulite.

    Elena Kobozeva, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist: “All women who have cellulite dream of getting rid of it. Unfortunately, today even young girls have this disadvantage. In the treatment of cellulite, an integrated approach is important: regular exercise, proper nutrition, contrast showers, and cosmetic procedures. One of the most effective programs of modern cosmetology is radio wave skin lifting. With the help of radio waves, the skin and subcutaneous fat are deeply warmed up, thereby eliminating one of the main factors in the development of cellulite - poor circulation. After a course of 5-6 procedures, the skin becomes much smoother, and body volume is reduced by several centimeters.”

    Expert: Elena Kobozeva, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist Author: Katerina Kapustina
    The material uses photographs belonging to shutterstock.com

    When is the anti-cellulite effect of massage achieved?

    A noticeable effect in reducing the severity of cellulite can only be obtained by using a whole range of anti-cellulite measures. If you don’t bother yourself with feasible physical exercise or, while on a diet, continue to lead a passive lifestyle, anti-cellulite massage will not help.

    To obtain the desired effect, anti-cellulite massage should be carried out in compliance with the techniques and rules:

    • The procedure must be carried out regularly. The number of sessions to obtain a lasting result depends on the severity of cellulite and the area of ​​localization. As a rule, 10-12 procedures are prescribed every other day, then a 4-day break is required, after which the course is repeated if necessary. When a result is achieved, in order to maintain it, massage can be performed much less frequently.
    • The optimal time for a massage is the first half of the day. Active movement throughout the day complements the effect of the procedure.
    • If the massage is carried out in the evening, it should be combined with an anti-cellulite wrap, for example, with seaweed.

    Anti-cellulite massage technique

    Anti-cellulite massage is performed in accordance with developed technologies. Before starting the procedure, the skin should be steamed and cleaned. During the massage process, it is important to perform the movements correctly. Clockwise action is allowed with pressure. In the opposite direction, only light stroking is possible.

    When performing an anti-cellulite foot massage, the following conditions must be observed:

    • the inner thighs need to be massaged from bottom to top;
    • external, on the contrary - from top to bottom;
    • Massage of the buttocks is performed from the central part with circular movements to the sides and from bottom to top.

    During the entire procedure, it is necessary to exert vigorous, continuous pressure on the body so that the muscles do not cool down.
    Only in this case a pronounced lifting effect is achieved. After the first sessions, bruises may appear on the skin due to intense exposure.

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