Services of the medical center of cosmetology and plastic surgery

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Injection cosmetology methods include those procedures in which needles (or cannulas) are used to administer drugs.

They can be used not only to eliminate various skin defects or reduce the severity of age-related changes, but also to prevent the consequences of negative environmental influences on the skin.

These procedures can only be performed by a certified dermatologist-cosmetologist who has permission to practice cosmetology. In addition, the clinic itself must have a license to provide such services.

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The most popular methods of injection cosmetology are: biorevitalization, bioreparation, plasma lifting, mesotherapy, botulinum therapy, facial contouring.

Using injection methods, medicinal or cosmetic preparations are delivered to the required depth into problem areas of the skin. During the procedure, precise control of the volume of the administered drug is carried out, virtually eliminating its loss. All this has a positive effect on the result.

In addition, the effect of controlled application of microtrauma to the skin is important. Multiple small punctures irritate the nerve endings and promote blood flow by dilating small vessels. The number of immune cells and biologically active blood components delivered to the tissue increases. Thus, the protective properties of the skin are increased, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated, forming a new natural tissue “framework”.

Injection cosmetology allows you to increase the tone and elasticity of the skin and improve its general condition. With its help, you can correct age and facial wrinkles, change the volume of your lips, and restore facial contours.

Advantages of injection cosmetology methods:

  • Relative safety and minimal invasiveness.
  • Quick effect (sometimes comparable to the results of plastic surgery).
  • Short duration of procedures.
  • Preservation of the aesthetic effect from several months to a year.
  • Very short rehabilitation period.
  • A small number of contraindications.
  • Low cost (especially compared to plastic surgery) and availability.


Biorevitalization is a technique for “revitalizing” the skin through injections of hyaluronic acid, which stimulate tissue regeneration. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of our skin and is produced independently in the body in youth. She is responsible for the natural moisture of the skin, its elasticity and youth. However, with age this process slows down. The skin becomes dull, withers, and wrinkles appear on it. The biorevitalization procedure not only supplies skin cells with hyaluronic acid, promoting its natural hydration, but also stimulates the production of the body's own elastin and collagen fibers. Thanks to this procedure, you can restore and maintain youth and elasticity of the skin for a long time, and slow down the aging process.

Biorevitalization is also recommended at a young age as a prevention of aging, as well as to improve the quality of dull, dry, thin skin and its healing.

As a rule, the fastest to lose tone and elasticity are exposed areas of the body that are more often exposed to ultraviolet irradiation: the face, neck, décolleté, and hands. Therefore, they are the ones who need biorevitalization in the first place.

Carrying out biorevitalization.

20 minutes before the start of the procedure, the cosmetologist applies an anesthetic in the form of a cream to the skin to minimize discomfort. Then, using a special syringe with a small and very thin needle, the doctor makes frequent superficial microinjections into problem areas. A competent specialist makes injections in such a way as to install a kind of hyaluronic “framework” on the treated area, which will provide a full effect. Small elevations (papules) remain at the injection sites, which disappear on their own after two days.

The effect of biorevitalization will be noticeable almost immediately: facial contours will improve, the skin will acquire a healthy color and natural glow, and wrinkles will smooth out. The visible effect continues to increase throughout the week. After some time, it is recommended to repeat the procedure. The number of sessions is determined by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the skin. As a rule, the course includes 3-4 procedures with an interval of two to three weeks.

It is recommended to repeat the course 1-2 times a year, depending on age.


During the first two days after the procedure, you are not allowed to touch your face, apply makeup, or generally use any cosmetics. The exception is drugs specifically prescribed by a doctor. At this time, you should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, exposure to ultraviolet rays and temperatures below 0ºC. In addition, during the week you cannot visit the sauna, bathhouse, or play sports. Sunbathing is prohibited for two weeks.

Compatibility with other rejuvenation methods.

Biorevitalization goes well with other procedures aimed at skin rejuvenation, such as peelings, cosmetic treatments, and hardware laser cosmetology. In addition, after a course of biorevitalization, hematomas disappear much faster and scars heal after plastic surgery. Skin enriched with hyaluronic acid tolerates the postoperative rehabilitation period much better.

However, it should be borne in mind that a certain time must pass between biorevitalization and other procedures.


When performing biorevitalization, our cosmetologists use the most popular and only proven drugs from well-known companies - leaders in the production of products for aesthetic medicine: IAL-SYSTEM and Juvéderm HYDRATE.

IAL-SYSTEM, IAL-SYSTEM ACP manufactured by Fidia farmaceutici SpA (Italy).

IAL-SYSTEM is a sterile visco-elastic gel based on hyaluronic acid of biosynthetic origin. Available in 0.6 and 1.1 ml syringes. It is one of the safest drugs for intradermal administration, which is perfectly compatible with the skin. IAL-SYSTEM is recommended for allergy sufferers.

This drug has a prolonged effect due to the high concentration of hyaluronic acid, which allows it to remain in the tissues for a long time. The drug allows you to restore the ideal physiological state of the skin, that is, re-create and maintain for a long time the condition that is characteristic of young age, which ensures optimal functioning of cells.

IAL-SYSTEM ACP is a sterile gel based on hyaluronic acid of biosynthetic origin with a mesh structure, obtained using the patented “auto-cross-link” technology. It is available in 1.0 ml syringes.

After injection into the skin, the breakdown of the drug takes place in two stages, which allows you to significantly prolong the effect of hyaluronic acid. The drug provides effective stimulation of connective tissue cells and has a long-lasting hydrating and antioxidant effect on the skin.

The effect of using IAL-SYSTEM ACP will be more pronounced in well-moisturized tissues. Therefore, a biorevitalization course is often carried out in two stages. At the first stage, preliminary hydration of the tissue occurs through the injection of the Ial-System drug. On the second, Ial-System ACP is introduced to significantly prolong the effect.

Juvéderm HYDRATE produced by Allergan (USA).

Juvéderm HYDRATE is a sterile gel saline solution of non-animal origin hyaluronic acid containing 0.9% mannitol (slows the natural breakdown of hyaluronic acid). The gel of this drug is contained inside a graduated, pre-filled, disposable syringe with a capacity of 1 ml.

Juvéderm HYDRATE is designed to improve skin hydration and firmness through repeated intradermal injections. This drug demonstrates high clinical effectiveness, promoting deep and intense hydration of the skin and improving its aesthetic condition. There are no clinical data regarding the tolerability of Juvéderm HYDRATE when used in patients with allergies.

Contour plastic surgery, lip augmentation

To perform contouring, a variety of drugs are used, the choice of which depends on the condition of the problem area and the desired effect.

Benefits of contouring

  • contour plastic surgery does not require special preparation.
  • the final effect occurs 14 days after the procedure.
  • the aesthetic effect lasts for 6-12 months.
  • the procedure is minimally invasive and comfortable.

One of the most popular manipulations is lip contouring.

- This is a way to add volume to your lips and correct their shape. As a result, they will have wonderful “juiciness” and expressiveness. With this procedure, lips will become fresh, youthful and attractive. Also, injections of hyaluronic acid remove wrinkles in the corners of the mouth.

The required dosage and correction plan are determined by the doctor during a discussion with the patient about the desired results of the procedure. Despite the fact that contouring with hyaluronic acid is not considered a particularly painful procedure, the patient is offered local anesthesia to make him feel more comfortable during the session.


  • the need to correct the contour and volume of the lips.
  • wrinkles around the mouth (“pouch-purse”);
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • eyebrow wrinkles
  • wrinkles of the periorbital region (“crow’s feet”);
  • transverse forehead wrinkles.
  • for modeling (cheeks, chin, tip of the nose, earlobes).
  • aromatic scars (scars);
  • correction of a fine network of wrinkles on the face, neck, and décolleté.


  • individual intolerance to the administered components
  • history of allergic reactions
  • pregnancy and lactation
  • acute infectious diseases
  • dermatoses in the acute stage
  • severe somatic diseases, oncological processes
  • tendency to form hypertrophic and keloid scars
  • low pain threshold, pathological fear of needles
  • blood diseases (reduced clotting)
  • use of anticoagulants and a number of other drugs
  • performing other invasive procedures

Procedure time:

The duration of the procedure depends on the number of correction zones and the complexity of the tasks; on average, a patient can spend from 15 minutes to 1 hour in a cosmetologist’s office.

Number of procedures:

once, additional correction is possible after 14 days. Over time, the drug dissolves, so to maintain the effect, injections must be repeated after an average of 6-8 months.

To carry out contouring procedures, only drugs certified by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation are used, the reliability and safety of which has been confirmed by clinical studies. Unite Clinic cares not only about your beauty, but also about your safety!

*There are contraindications, specialist consultation is required


Bioreparation is a more advanced method of skin rejuvenation compared to biorevitalization. Both procedures are similar in the technique of implementation (microinjections of hyaluronic acid) and solve the same problems: restoration and preservation of youth and elasticity of the skin for a long time, slowing down the aging process.

The main difference is in the composition of the drugs administered and in their action. The composition of bioremedies includes not only hyaluronic acid, but also other powerful stimulators of elastane and collagen synthesis: vitamin complexes, a set of microelements, peptides, amino acids. Thanks to this multi-component composition and the special structure of the molecules, the drug remains in the skin much longer compared to biorevitalization - up to three weeks. All this time, active hydration of the skin occurs, a supply of nutrients is created, and the synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers is stimulated.

Due to the fact that when using bioremedies, the residence time of active substances in the skin is longer, fewer procedures are required to achieve the desired effect.

The bioreparation procedure is carried out in exactly the same way as biorevitalization. Recommendations during the rehabilitation period are the same.


The following drugs are used for injection during bioreparation: Meso-Xanthin F199 and Meso-Wharton P199 produced by the pharmaceutical company ABG LAB (USA).

Meso-Xanthin F199 is a highly active drug, the main feature of which is its effect on the gene structure of cells and the ability to selectively enhance the activity of necessary genes. It is suitable not only for the older age group (from 40 years old), but also for younger patients (from 25 years old).

As a rule, Meso-Xanthin F199 is used to correct the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Its active ingredients inhibit the aging process of skin cells for a long time, activate their renewal and improve vital functions.

Meso-Wharton P199 is a new generation bioremediate based on a patented polypeptide - a synthetic analogue of the natural peptide of the human embryo, which ensures high activity of stem cell division. For even greater efficiency and enhanced aesthetic and therapeutic effect, the drug contains high-molecular hyaluronic acid and a specially selected cocktail of amino acids, activators of biochemical reactions, vitamins, growth factors and signaling molecules.

It is recommended to start a course of Meso-Wharton P199 injections at the age of 40-45 years.

Botulinum therapy.

Botox (botulism toxin) has been used for about 30 years in aesthetic cosmetology to combat expression and age wrinkles on the face. The high efficiency of the method, the speed of onset of the effect and its duration have become the key to the super popularity of botulinum therapy.

Without affecting the structure of the muscle, botulinum toxin temporarily disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses to it. Partial (up to 75%) immobilization and muscle relaxation occurs. After injecting the drug into the forehead area, it is difficult for the patient to raise his eyebrows or frown. Due to this, the skin is smoothed, horizontal wrinkles on the forehead and vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows disappear. An additional effect is the elimination of headaches that could arise due to constant tension in the muscles of the forehead and between the eyebrows.

Injecting botulinum toxin into the area around the eyes allows you to get rid of crow's feet, and in the area above the upper lip eliminates purse-string wrinkles.

The use of Botox can also combat excessive sweating - hyperhidrosis.

The effect after botulinum therapy lasts from 3 to 6 months, gradually weakening. After this time, the drug is completely eliminated from the body, and a repeat procedure is necessary to maintain the effect. It has been proven that the dosages used in cosmetic medicine are so small that they are unable to have any systemic effect on the body.

It must be borne in mind that there are people (less than 5%) who are insensitive to the effects of botulinum toxin. In this case, there is no effect from the procedure.

Carrying out the procedure.

The procedure takes a short time. Depending on the area, injections are performed subcutaneously or intramuscularly with a thin insulin needle. If necessary, local anesthesia with anesthetic cream is performed.

In our clinic, when carrying out botulinum therapy, cosmetologists use the proven drug Botox produced by Allergan (USA). It is made on the basis of dosed, highly purified botulinum toxin type A, which guarantees its effectiveness and the absence of complications.

Botulinum therapy can be carried out either on its own or in combination with other anti-aging procedures.

After the procedure.

The effect of botulinum therapy does not appear immediately, but increases over 1-2 weeks. Appearance, facial expression, facial expressions do not change from the use of botulinum toxin. It’s just that when any emotions are expressed, wrinkles will not form.

After the procedure, you should not take a horizontal position for 2-4 hours to prevent the development of edema.

You should not drink alcohol on the day of the procedure. You cannot visit baths and saunas for two weeks.

The procedure is prohibited while taking antibiotics.

For proper distribution of the drug, it is recommended to actively strain the muscles in the area of ​​its administration for 5-10 minutes several times a day of the procedure. However, you cannot massage or knead the injection sites.

Lip augmentation Izhevsk. Lip contouring.

The procedure for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid allows you to improve your natural characteristics, give your lips a rich, seductive shape, and restore the fullness and clear contours lost with age.

Every girl dreams of exquisite, expressive lips that will look natural and natural.

No one will know that you didn’t get your lips from nature.

Lip augmentation with filler is an effective and safe way to make your dream come true.

Using the enlargement or simulation procedure, you can:

  • restore the symmetry of the upper and lower lips;
  • clearly highlight the “Cupid’s bow” (philtrum);
  • give your lips extra volume;
  • raise the drooping corners of the mouth;
  • adjust the shape;
  • correct age-related lip deformation;
  • give harmony to facial features.

Gels based on hyaluronic acid, a substance natural to our body, are used as fillers for lip augmentation. The filler is injected into a specific area of ​​the lips and immediately begins to act and dissolves over time.

Benefits of the procedure:

You will be able to see the results of lip augmentation immediately after the procedure. The period for which the effect lasts depends on the characteristics of the body and the chosen drug. On average, with contour plastic surgery, the effect lasts for about 1 year. The procedure can be repeated later.

Carrying out the procedure

  • The entire procedure takes 60 minutes.
  • Before the procedure, topical anesthesia (anesthetic cream) is applied to the patient’s lips for 20-30 minutes. Most drugs for contouring already include lidocaine to ensure that the procedure is as comfortable as possible for the patient.
  • Within two hours after the procedure, slight redness and swelling are possible.
  • Within two days after the injections, hyaluronic acid is distributed throughout the tissues of the lips and binds water molecules. Thus, the final result can be observed within 48 hours or even earlier.
  • After the procedure, serious physical activity is not recommended for some time.
  • It is also important to monitor the flow of fluid into the body.

A professional cosmetologist will provide all the necessary information during the consultation.


– in the next 24 hours after contouring, do not use cosmetics and do not massage the injection area;

– within the next 14 days after injections, avoid direct sunlight on the skin of the face, do not sunbathe, do not visit the solarium, avoid both high and low temperatures, do not visit the bathhouse and sauna.

And now for the best part:

  • If you want the most natural, sensual lips, you should give preference to more plastic preparations, for example, Juvederm Volift. This product allows you to shape the contour and add volume, while maintaining naturalness.
  • For more pronounced and vibrant volume, you can use Juvederm Ultra3, Juvederm Ultra Smile, Juvederm Ultra4 or Belotero intens. Lip augmentation with these drugs will give a seductive plumpness and provide long-lasting results due to a denser composition.

Our prices

CONTOUR PLASTY (check the exact cost by calling 40-40-10)
Juvederm Volift Retouch (0.55ml)9000
Juvederm ULTRA 2 (0.55ml)9000
Juvederm Smile (0.55ml)9000
Juvederm ULTRA 3 (1 ml)13 000
Juvederm ULTRA 4 (1ml)14500
Belotero Soft (1 ml)13 000
Belotero Intense (1 ml)14 000
Belotero Lips (0.6ml)9000
Belotero Contour (0.6 ml)9000
Surgiderm 30XP (0.8 ml)11 500

If you want to fulfill your dream and make your lips even more attractive, change their shape, add seductive volume - we invite you to a consultation!

During the consultation, the cosmetologist will answer your questions in detail on how to enlarge your lips, give recommendations and select the optimal drug for you.

The contouring procedure also allows you to:

• fill nasolabial folds,

• correct cheekbones, chin and angle of the lower jaw,

• remove small wrinkles above the upper lip,

• get rid of the nasolacrimal groove,

• fill in wrinkles between the eyebrows

We are waiting for you in our clinic! Make an appointment by calling 330-213.

Injection facial contouring.

Injection plastic surgery is a cosmetic manipulation aimed at changing the relief of the skin by introducing special preparations and fillers under it, which are used as a filler to correct cosmetic defects.

Today, stabilized hyaluronic acid is mainly used as fillers. Unlike synthetic fillers, it is not rejected by the body. Gels based on hyaluronic acid are considered the most effective and safe.

The average duration of results from contouring is from 6 to 24 months, depending on the chosen filler, the density of the cross-linking agent, and the concentration of hyaluronic acid.

With fillers you can:

  • Increase the volume and shape of your lips.
  • Correct the shape of the cheekbones, nose and chin.
  • Smooth out wrinkles and folds (eyebrow, nasolabial, crow's feet).
  • Tighten certain parts of the face using bioreinforcement.


  • Severe autoimmune diseases.
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Herpetic infection in the acute stage.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • Acute skin diseases.
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.
  • Tendency to keloids.


For injection contouring, our cosmetologists use the most popular and only proven Juvéderm preparations from the well-known company - a leader in the production of products for aesthetic medicine - Allergan (USA).

Fillers are a gel based on hyaluronic acid and are available in special disposable syringes in sterile packaging.

Juvéderm Ultra 2 is used to remove fine wrinkles in the mouth and forehead area. The filler is injected into the superficial layers of the skin.

Juvéderm Ultra 3 is used to shape lip contours and smooth out deep wrinkles. This drug is injected into the upper and middle layers of the skin.

Juvéderm Ultra 4 is used to correct deep (nasolabial) folds. The gel is intended for introduction into the middle and deep layers of the skin.

Juvéderm Ultra Smile is used to correct the volume and shape the contours of the lips, and eliminate purse-string wrinkles.

Juvéderm Voluma is used to correct the cheekbones. The drug is administered supraperiostally (into the deep layers of the skin).

Juvéderm Volbella is used to increase the volume of the lips, correct their contour and smooth out wrinkles around the lips.

Lip contouring

This is a unique opportunity to make your dream of natural, healthy and sensual lips come true. Lips, the most expressive and sensual part of the face, captivate and captivate. It is impossible not to notice them; their secrets attract... Neatly outlined, moderately plump and sensual lips - is this the dream of every woman?

And when the owner of such lips deigns to speak, most men will prefer not to delve into the essence of her words, actively agreeing with them. The reason for this phenomenon lies, again, in the shape of the lips, which helps to conquer and make you fall in love with yourself at first sight.

Lip contouring is a popular and in-demand cosmetic service. This is a truly effective, safe and modern way to change the shape of your lips. Lip contouring performed in our beauty center is based on the invasive introduction of special preparations (gels) based on hyaluronic acid.

This procedure will help increase the volume of the lips, more clearly outline their contour or correct it, give the lips a charming swelling and, as a result, expressiveness. Dermal fillers for contouring can even get rid of wrinkles in the corners of the mouth. What is especially pleasing is that the effect will be noticeable immediately after the injections.

When carrying out this procedure, it is important to choose the right drug that is ideal for the patient. The choice of cosmetic products used depends on several factors: the age of the patient, the desired effect, the depth of wrinkles, and the condition of the skin of the lips. Only a professional cosmetologist can determine which drug should be used, what volume should be injected, and into which places it should be injected.

Preparations for lip correction

A significant portion of fillers intended for lip contouring are based on hyaluronic acid.

The acid is of non-animal origin, as a result of which the drugs do not cause rejection or allergic reactions. In addition, fillers based on hyaluronic acid are biodegradable, that is, they can completely disintegrate and be eliminated from the body naturally.

Description of the lip augmentation procedure

Lip shape correction is carried out under local anesthesia, using a special anesthetic cream or anesthetic injection, which completely eliminates pain.

During the procedure, the doctor injects the required amount of biogel and models the shape and contour of the lips.

The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes, and after this you can return to your normal lifestyle, following the doctor’s recommendations.

It is not recommended to drink hot drinks during the first week and you should not visit the sauna or solarium during the week.

If you have decided to increase the volume of your lips for the first time and are not sure that the desired shape will be ideal for your new look, you can not resort to radical solutions, but carry out the procedure in several stages with a smaller volume of preparation, evaluating the intermediate results.

Indications for lip augmentation

  • age-related: fine wrinkles around the mouth and unclear lip contour, atrophic changes in tissue, loss of elasticity and volume;
  • restorative: the presence of small scars or aesthetic defects after injury;
  • aesthetic: asymmetry or insufficient volume of the lips, the need to correct the contour and shape.


  • infectious diseases in the acute stage (especially herpes infection);
  • any cancer;
  • bleeding disorders and a tendency to scarring;
  • allergic manifestations, dermatitis, irritation on the lips;
  • diabetes;
  • allergy to the components of the filler gel.
  • The presence of permanent filler in the lips
  • It is also undesirable to perform lip surgery on pregnant women and nursing mothers - it is better to choose a different time for this procedure.


It should be noted that the effect is visible immediately, and minor swelling and small hematomas at the injection sites disappear very quickly.

Our clinic performs lip augmentation with the most harmonious and natural result that matches your appearance and individual facial features.

In order to maintain the required volume, the procedure must be repeated every 6–12 months.

So, lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid has the following advantages:

  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • is carried out quickly and does not require a long rehabilitation period;
  • the skin of the lips becomes firm and elastic;
  • promotes overall facial rejuvenation;
  • reversibility of the result.

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  • Injection cosmetology

Biorevitalization: injections of the drug TEOSYAL Redensity (face) (1 syringe - 1.0 ml)

8800.00 rub.

Biorevitalization: injections of the drug TEOSYAL Redensity (face, neck, décolleté) (1 syringe - 3 ml)

20900.00 rub.

Biorevitalization: injections of Juvederm Hydrate (face, neck, décolleté) (1 syringe - 1 ml)

9900.00 rub.

Biorevitalization: injections of the drug Ial - System (1 syringe - 0.6 ml)

5100.00 rub.

Biorevitalization: injections of the drug Ial - System (1 syringe - 1.1 ml)

7800.00 rub.

Biorevitalization: injections of the drug Ial - System ACP (1 syringe - 1.0 ml)

10400.00 rub.

Green injections: Biorevolumetry: injections of the drug Ial - System DUO (1 syringe - 1.0 ml)

14500.00 rub.

Green injections: Biorevolumetry: injections of the drug Regenyal IDEA Bio-Expander (1 syringe - 1.1 ml)

9600.00 rub.

Biorevolumetry: injections of the drug REGENAL IDEA (1 syringe - 1 ml)

11500.00 rub.

Biorevolumetry: injections of the drug REGENAL IDEA LIPS (1 syringe - 1 ml)

9700.00 rub.

Vector lifting

3000.00 rub.

Injection facial contouring: Injections of Juvederm Ultra 2 (1 syringe - 0.55 ml)

9590.00 rub.

Injection facial contouring: Injections of Juvederm Ultra 3 (1 syringe - 1 ml)

14200.00 rub.

Injection facial contouring: Injections of Juvederm Ultra 4 (1 syringe - 0.8 ml)

14000.00 rub.

Injection facial contouring: Injections of Juvederm Ultra Smile (1 syringe - 0.55 ml)

9560.00 rub.

Injection facial contouring: Injections of Juvederm Voluma with Lidocaine (1 syringe - 1 ml)

16700.00 rub.

Injection facial contouring: Injections of the drug TEOSYAL Redensity II (nasolacrimal groove) (1 syringe - 1 ml)

17700.00 rub.

Injection contouring: Injections of Princess filler (1 ml) (1 syringe)

12000.00 rub.

Collagen therapy: treatment of stretch marks with the drug “Collost” 7% (1 syringe – 1.5 ml)

11000.00 rub.

Intradermal implant injection with lidocaine Juvederm VOLBELLA with Lidocaine (1 syringe - 1 ml)

16700.00 rub.

Injection of intradermal implant with lidocaine Juvederm VOLIFT with Lidocaine (1 syringe - 1 ml)

17400.00 rub.

Biolifting of the face (1 tube)

3000.00 rub.

Facial remodeling with anesthesia and cannula (cost of cannula)

720.00 rub.

Thread lifting: APTOS VISAGE (10 threads)

45000.00 rub.

Thread lifting: APTOS NANO VITIS (10 threads)

21000.00 rub.

Thread lifting: Beaute*lift V LINE mesothreads, linear monofilaments, 1 thread (when using 20 threads or more)

650.00 rub.

Services of the medical center of cosmetology and plastic surgery

Lip contouring is a cosmetological method for correcting the shape and volume of the lips, harmonizing their appearance. Lip contouring with hyaluronic acid fillers makes it possible to restore their natural beauty without surgery.

Do you want to make your lips voluminous and seductively plump, but you think that such a procedure as facial contouring is available only to stars? Modern cosmetology is closer than you think! Contour plastic surgery in Izhevsk can occur without surgical intervention, without surgery and without the introduction of foreign bodies under the skin in a cozy cosmetologist’s office and lasts 40-50 minutes. The effect is achieved by injection - by introducing drugs that pass from a liquid state (being in a syringe) to a gel (getting into the tissue).

In addition to such an effect as lip enlargement, contour plastic surgery also solves other problems: it evens out wrinkles around the mouth and nasolabial folds, eliminates the “gummy smile” effect, corrects the shape of the lips, gives a clearer outline, or corrects the contour.

By contacting our doctors - the “sculptors” of your new smile, you can be sure that only you will know that lip surgery was performed. After all, our cosmetologists stand for naturalness and beauty!

Indications for lip contouring with fillers

  • emphasize the contour;
  • get rid of facial wrinkles;
  • increase volume;
  • correct asymmetry;
  • eliminate small scars;
  • make the form more expressive;
  • raise the drooping corners of your mouth.

There are several myths that accompany lip contouring.

Many people are in favor of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, however, they are stopped by the fact that as a result they may not look natural. It all depends on the specialist performing the procedure. After all, in fact, a competent doctor does not have the goal of stamping identical lips on everyone who has decided to enlarge their lips with acid or other fillers. And the effect of huge lips is obtained only by those who abuse the number of procedures.

For others, contouring is seen as a very hazardous procedure for health. We dare to assure you that if we are talking about an equipped office of a professional cosmetologist, the risks are minimal. But proposals from the category of “lip augmentation in Izhevsk at home” should alert you.

Sign up for lip contouring

Some people refuse the procedure for fear of prolonged swelling and painfulness of the process. Swelling is a normal reaction of the body to a violation of the integrity of the skin (and it goes away in two to three days), and modern painkillers make the procedure more comfortable.

And finally, from those who believe that they have no need to correct their beautiful natural characteristics - even if your lips suit their shape, age-related changes will not be long in coming. After thirty, lips lose their volume and brightness of contour. This is because age changes not only our skin, but also our mucous membranes, and over time, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid noticeably decreases. And, in order to see seductively plump, moisturized and bright lips again, it is worth considering the option of using fillers.

Let us also note the main prohibitions of doctors after the procedure:

  • Do not touch the injection site with your hands or anything else - this will prevent infection.
  • Do not visit the sauna or bathhouse for three days
  • Protect lips from sunlight
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics

If you are thinking about lip contouring in Izhevsk, then we will be glad to see you at a consultation to create the smile of your dreams.

Sign up for lip contouring

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