About the clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology “Abrielle”

"Abriell" is an American girl's name with the following meanings: "pleasure", "joy-giving".

Surgeons at the Abrielle Clinic have been helping their patients stay young and attractive for many years.

During our work, our specialists have accumulated enormous experience in conducting a wide range of plastic surgeries and cosmetic procedures. The excellent equipment of the clinic and the high professionalism of the staff will ensure the desired result of the operation.

surgeons of the clinic of plastic surgery "ABRIELLE"

When the most sought-after and highly qualified specialists in the city work in one plastic surgery clinic, it is called “Abrielle”. The impeccable professional reputation of our doctors is the result of colossal long-term work, which includes not only brilliant practical activity, but also serious scientific work. Each of them has an extensive portfolio of successfully performed aesthetic surgeries of various types.

plastic surgeon

Levitskaya Maria Grigorievna

plastic surgeon

Kochneva Ilona Sergeevna

plastic surgeon

Kulikov Alexander Viktorovich

plastic surgeon

Beinarovich Mikhail Dmitrievich

Abrielle is required to compensate for asymmetry

3K 2 min.

A lawsuit was filed with the Primorsky District Court of St. Petersburg against the aesthetic surgery clinic Abrielle LLC, from which the patient asks to recover almost 800 thousand rubles. The applicant asked the doctors of the medical institution to replace her breast implants. However, as follows from the lawsuit, as a result of re-endoprosthetics, the patient developed significant asymmetry of the mammary glands and one breast became one and a half times larger than the other.

Valeria Mysina (name changed in accordance with legal requirements) in the summer of 2011 applied to the Abrielle aesthetic surgery clinic. She needed to undergo breast replacement (replacement of breast implants). The choice of the clinic, as follows from the lawsuit, was dictated by the fact that surgeon Georgy Sarukhanov worked there. The fact is that Ms. Mysina previously had breast implants installed. This operation was performed by doctor Sarukhanov, whose results the patient was satisfied with.

Valeria Mysina entered into an agreement with the Abrielle clinic, paying the medical institution a total of about 150 thousand rubles. On August 8, 2011, the woman underwent surgery, but after the rehabilitation period, when the result can be assessed, she began to have complaints: her left breast was larger than her right, and they were located asymmetrically. According to Mysina, during the rehabilitation period she repeatedly drew the attention of doctor Sarukhanov to these shortcomings.

To diagnose and establish the causes, the applicant turned to the “Consultative and Diagnostic Center for significant asymmetry of the left and right breasts, a difference in the volume of the mammary glands by 1.5 times, as well as the presence of rough hypertrophic postoperative scars on the left and right breasts.” According to doctors, the asymmetry arose due to the dislocation of the implants. Valeria Mysina was recommended an operation to eliminate the defects, for which the patient paid more than 350 thousand rubles.

In the summer of 2012, the applicant tried to resolve her differences with Abrielle out of court. She sent a claim to the clinic with a request to return the money paid to Abrielle LLC, as well as to reimburse the funds spent on correcting the deficiencies. However, as stated in the lawsuit, the clinic’s management considered that the patient’s claims were unfounded and untrue.

Then Valeria Mysina filed a lawsuit with the Primorsky Court of St. Petersburg, in which she asks to recover almost 800 thousand rubles from the Abrielle clinic, including moral damages in the amount of 200 thousand rubles.

Kommersant asked the chief physician of the clinic, Georgy Sarukhanov, to comment on this situation - both by phone and by sending him inquiries by email and fax. However, at the time of preparation of the text, no comments were received from Abrielle LLC.

The situation was commented on by Olga Zinovieva, a lawyer at the Onegin Law Firm. According to her, the number of claims and suits brought against plastic surgery and cosmetology clinics is growing every year. “This is not only a fairly in-demand area of ​​medical services, but also extremely financially intensive. That is why in the field of plastic surgery there are many people who call themselves highly qualified specialists, but in fact they are not. Only dentistry can compete with this area of ​​medicine both in terms of the number of claims and the number of unqualified doctors,” says Ms. Zinovieva.

Dmitry Marakulin


The team of cosmetologists at the Abrielle plastic surgery clinic is selected from the best, qualified and responsible specialists in their field. They are ready to offer the most modern hardware, injection, laser and other procedures for skin care and correction of aesthetic defects. Our doctors are experienced practitioners, repeated participants in professional conferences and symposia, authors of unique developments in the field of cosmetology and postoperative rehabilitation. Their highest skill, coupled with a wide arsenal of equipment and the latest drugs, is the basis of the secret of the impressive results of beauty and rejuvenation of our patients.


Popova Maria Sergeevna


Vasnina Ksenia Mikhailovna

A plastic surgery clinic with a hospital was opened in St. Petersburg for 500 million rubles

The founders of the network of reproductive medicine clinics NGC (Next Generation Clinic) opened a plastic surgery, cosmetology and phlebology clinic with a hospital under the new ForMe clinic brand on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg. According to Vademecum, private investors and NGC top managers invested 500 million rubles in the project. The area of ​​the four-story building is more than 2.2 thousand square meters. m.

The medical center includes a plastic surgery department, which consists of three operating rooms and 17 hospital rooms. According to the commercial director of the ForMe clinic, Nikita Pechatkin, the department will also provide post-operative rehabilitation.

As Vademecum found out, the following equipment is installed for cosmetic procedures: Ultraformer (for SMAS lifting), M22 - a device for laser resurfacing and photorejuvenation, RSL (Beauutilizer) for hardware massage and IONTO SONO (a device for ultraphonophoresis). The phlebology department, according to representatives of ForMe clinic, intends to treat patients without the use of surgical operations. In particular, sclerotherapy, endovasal laser obliteration, and miniphlebectomy will be offered.

According to SPARK-Interfax, the legal entity of the clinic, Formi LLC, was registered in St. Petersburg in June 2022. The company is 15.83% owned by Yulia Kamenetskaya, another 15.83% is owned by Nikita Pechatkin, who also owns 100% of Esem NGC LLC. Milana Kim, Khazar Maksudov and Denis Chalikov have 15.83% each. Alexander Funkner and Olga Zabelkina each own 7.92%, the remaining 5% belongs to Viktor Kushchenko.

On November 18, the clinic received a medical license LO-78-01-011712, according to which the institution, among other things, can provide services in plastic surgery, anesthesiology and resuscitation, and transfusiology in an inpatient setting.

In July 2022, NGC purchased for 678 million rubles in the “elite residential complex” Royal Park on Petrovsky Island a four-story building with underground parking with a total area of ​​3 thousand square meters. m to create a reproduction and genetics clinic. Investments in repairs and purchase of equipment were estimated at 222 million rubles. Then Vademecum found out that the clinic would carry out 5–7 thousand operational cycles per year (IVF procedures and other medical services) on a commercial basis. Clinics under the NGC brand operate in Moscow, Vladivostok, Ufa, and also in Beijing.

Source: Vademecum

next generation clinic St. Petersburg plastic surgery forme cosmetology phlebology Nikita Pechatkin

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Photo of the Abrielle clinic

Ensuring patient comfort is one of the most important tasks that the staff of the Abrielle Plastic Surgery Clinic sets for itself. That is why we decorated the interior of our medical facility with care, love and attention to detail. Everything is provided here so that from the first minutes of your stay with us you will immerse yourself in the world of beauty and aesthetics. The photographs presented on the page will allow you to immerse yourself in the place of your magical transformation.

Clinic Abrielle

sunnygirl 2017-04-19

Girlfriends, hello everyone! A little about myself for those who don't know. I am 49 years old, I live in St. Petersburg. I never did anything to my face. There was simply no time or finances. All efforts and resources were spent on the children, and, as always, I feel sorry for myself. In recent years, my face began to deteriorate sharply and I had no desire to look in the mirror at all. I’ve been on the plastic-surgeon.ru forum for a long time, but I was a passive reader and was happy for others. For a long time I did not dare to put myself on public display, but the hour had struck. And lo and behold, on the second try I jumped onto the departing train and not only rode, but rushed off at jet speed. I won the competition and received a free facelift at the Abrielle Clinic! First, a consultation took place with Georgy Mikhailovich Sarukhanov; it lasted more than an hour. I read a lot of positive reviews about him and was incredibly glad that I ended up with him! He invited Maria Grigorievna Levitskaya, and they decided to operate together. The doctors decided to do fractional laser rejuvenation twice, the first time they were ready to do it that same evening, immediately after the consultation, but I couldn’t do it, so they scheduled it for the next day. The second time was done on the day of surgery. The operation was scheduled for December 8th. On October 22, I had all my tests done. M.G. told me about the set of procedures. Levitskaya. I even wrote it down! In total, I underwent: SMAS face and neck lift, endoscopic forehead and eyebrow lift, chin liposuction, eyelid blepharoplasty, facial lipofilling (forehead, cheekbones, perioral area, nasolabial groove, skin part of the upper and lower lips, chin, pre-jaw pits, marionettes, deep wrinkles of the forehead and between the eyebrows), fractional rejuvenation of the face and neck, resection of DAO. So, the next day I came at 12.00, I was greeted very warmly. After 15 minutes I was already in the caring hands of M.G. Levitskaya. First, she removed a mole on my face and all the papillomas, then she applied anesthesia, I lay for 30-40 minutes waiting for a “wooden” face and the fractional laser rejuvenation procedure itself began. It lasted about 1 hour, there was no pain, there was a slight tingling in places. After the procedure, they applied a thick layer of cream to me, sat for 20 minutes, gave me the cream with me, and I went home! While I was sitting on a very comfortable sofa and waiting for the cream to be absorbed, I was given tea with a piece of lavash roll and a piece of cake. Everything is very nice and tasty. I left the clinic with an almost decent face, by the time we got home the “beauty” had already started to fade. I wiped my face with chlorhexidine and applied cream 5-6 times a day. The day of the operation arrived. Surprisingly, I was almost not worried. The operation lasted several hours, after anesthesia I felt good, I wanted to sleep, I spent three days in the clinic for rehabilitation, my doctors visited me and I was very pleased. Such care and attention, especially to a free patient, says a lot about them not only as professionals, but also as people! Then they finally let me go home. They said that after the operation time should pass, a month or three, and only then the face will take on the planned appearance. It's only been a month since the procedure, and I can't get enough of my reflection in the mirror! Doctors gave me a second youth! I think my husband began to love me even more! And recently I had a grandson! Now, when I walk with him, they sometimes call me mom! Girls, this feeling cannot be expressed in words! A HUGE thank you to the Abrielle clinic and doctors Sarukhanov G.M. and Levitskaya M.G.! Even now, sometimes I still can’t believe that my face can be so transformed, especially since I won this procedure absolutely free! Emotions are overwhelming, hands are shaking, the brain is having trouble thinking.


Creating beauty is a complex and multifaceted process. Our partners take a direct part in it along with us. By exchanging the results of scientific research, experience, and best practices, we contribute to the continuous improvement of standards in the field of aesthetic medicine services. After all, the concept of cooperation allows you to get a non-standard new look at traditional issues, implement joint projects, and achieve synergy in assessing data. This practice has the most favorable effect on the efficiency of the Abrielle plastic surgery clinic.


LLC "A END K" is a commercial medical organization operating on the basis of license LO-78-01-009804 dated April 23, 2019 to carry out medical activities, does not participate in the provision of medical care within the framework of the Program of State Guarantees for the free provision of medical care to citizens. All medical services are paid and are provided in accordance with the Price List of medical services, valid on the date of provision of services and approved by the General Director of A END K LLC.” You can exercise your right to receive medical care within the framework of the state guarantee program for the provision of free medical care to citizens in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 79 Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated November 21, 2011 No. 323 - Federal Law “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, by contacting another medical organization that operates in the field of compulsory medical insurance services and participates in state guarantee programs https://spboms.ru/ .

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