The Department of Plastic Surgery and Medical Cosmetology in Brest offers its services

Plastic surgery…

administrator's landline phone + 375 162 544 544

administrator's mobile phone + 375 29 8888 544 (WhatsApp, Viber)

email: [email protected]

[email protected]

The Aesthetic Surgery Center offers consultations regarding the correct choice of the necessary manipulation or operation. The appointment is conducted by Dr. Melnikov V.N., whose plastic surgery has long become known to residents not only of Belarus. Our Center on Shchorsa Street, 7 is distinguished by high-quality work and affordable prices for any type of plastic surgery.

Vadim Nikolaevich Melnikov is a surgeon of the first category. He works in this field from 1983 to 1989 as a military surgeon. He has been practicing in Brest (licensed practice) since 1992, in the field of plastic surgery since 1994. Active member of the Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons of Russia since 1996, the Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of Belarus, the International Confederation of Plastic Surgery Societies ICOPLAST.

He specializes in general, maxillofacial and plastic surgery, and military field surgery.

The clinic has a License from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus “plastic aesthetic surgery, anesthesiology and resuscitation” M-4574 dated February 21, 2007. valid until 02/21/2022

What advantages does the Aesthetic Surgery Center offer in treatment and surgery?

  • License to perform plastic surgery.
  • The operations are performed by the plastic surgeon Melnikov, whose experience as a surgeon has more than 35 years, and for the past 26 years, he has spent 4 days every week in the operating room, doing only plastic surgery.
  • Dr. Melnikov never imposes his services, does not engage in advertising or self-promotion, does not impose additional interventions on the patient, he offers only real help that patients need, and nothing more.
  • Dr. Melnikov performs operations only under light intravenous sedation (so-called drug sleep) and (or) infiltration anesthesia, without heavy anesthesia. The postoperative period is therefore non-toxic, painless and does not require a long hospital stay.
  • Dr. Melnikov, whose plastic surgery is characterized by speed, very little surgical trauma and minor postoperative swelling, practices an individual approach to each of his patients.
  • The Aesthetic Surgery Center on Shchorsa offers affordable prices and quick recovery after surgery. This is a minimal risk of complications, no suppuration, no serious bleeding during the entire practice in aesthetic surgery.
  • This is extensive experience in performing complex re-operations after unsuccessful interventions in aesthetic surgery, especially “circular” facelifts, nose lifts, lifts, liposuctions, eyelid eversion, scars.
  • At the Aesthetic Surgery Center, each patient is respected and medical confidentiality is observed,
  • The clinic offers assistance in placing out-of-town patients in hotels and apartments.

Our Aesthetic Surgery Center recommends breast surgery and rhinoplasty in Minsk, Astarta Plus clinic tel. +375 017 2097820

Plastic surgery is aimed at solving problems of appearance and this is very individual, so plastic surgeon Melnikov pays due attention to each patient. The main rule of the clinic is to allow everyone who seeks help to change their appearance for the better and become more self-confident. In the clinic of Dr. Melnikov, plastic surgery is offered as liposuction, abdominoplasty, face and neck plastic surgery, as well as auricular plastic surgery, eyelid plastic surgery, lip plastic surgery, and a minimally invasive surgical technique for tightening tissue with absorbable threads. In addition, among the services that Dr. Melnikov provides in the field of plastic surgery are intimate plastic surgery, as well as lipofilling (facial contouring, skin rejuvenation with one’s own fat cells) and any types of correction of scars, scars and wrinkles.

If you are interested in information about our Aesthetic Surgery Center, you can find out more detailed information about plastic surgery or get a short consultation by phone: +375 162 544 544: +375 29 8888 544 (mobile, WatsApp)

and we will answer you as soon as possible.

our address: Republic of Belarus, Brest, 224001, st. Shchorsa, 7. tel. + 375 162 544 544 (city), +375 29 8888 544 (mobile, WatsApp, Viber)

We always welcome patients who realistically assess their problems. Please do not disturb pessimists!

T.M. Biggs,

B. Mendelsohn,

Nerobeev A.I.

V.N. Podgaisky A.M. Borovikov

Korableva Natalya Petrovna Gulko Yu.I. Darina Krastinova-Lolov(France)

Mario Pelle Ceravolo Nuri Celik Jonathan Sykes

David Park Jonathan Sykes Zholtikov V.

Guy Massry Haiden Hirmand, Steven Fagien, Val Lambros

Non-surgical lifting with restoration of facial contours: nanofractional RF lifting VENUS VIVA

The Venus Viva nanofractional device is used for facial remodeling: rejuvenation, treatment of deep wrinkles, acne scars, large pores, uneven texture, pigmentation, unevenness and stretch marks. Allows you to fully take into account the individual needs of each patient. A non-surgical facelift, or facelift, is a change in the configuration of the facial contours, which is carried out when basic techniques, including creams and masks, are ineffective.

Radiofrequency thermolysis, or RF lifting , is a non-invasive procedure that is an excellent alternative to surgery and solves two problems at once: improves the quality of the skin and tightens it. The procedure is safe and effective, giving immediate results that last for a long time.

Benefits include:

  • availability;
  • painlessness;
  • safety;
  • acceptable price.

Main disadvantages:

  • short-term effect;
  • slow onset of results.

A facelift affects the deep layers of the integument and the tissue located underneath. The impact is carried out using non-traumatic and safe methods. As a result, forms are corrected, a rejuvenating effect is visually noted, which tends to accumulate.

We offer Venus Viva RF lifting because:

  • it is absolutely safe for all types of skin;
  • there is no recovery period;
  • non-invasive method;
  • no anesthesia required;
  • quick aesthetic effect;
  • painless;
  • tissues in the treated area remain sensitive;
  • no hematomas appear.


  • non-surgical correction of age-related changes;
  • shaping the oval of the face: lifting the chin and other areas of the face;
  • treatment of deep wrinkles;
  • treatment of acne scars, large pores;
  • treatment of pigmentation;
  • treatment of unevenness and stretch marks.

RF thermolysis stimulates the following processes:

  • blood flow and lymph flow become more intense, which improves cell nutrition and has a positive effect on their structure;
  • stimulation of collagen synthesis, which is involved in tissue renewal;
  • activation of the body’s natural regenerative abilities;
  • high-quality passage of metabolic reactions in various layers of the epidermis.

Treatment of different zones:

  • eye area: lifting the upper and lower eyelids;
  • around the mouth: removes purse-string wrinkles and marionette lines
  • eliminates nasolabial folds;
  • tightens the double chin;
  • removes scars, stretch marks, stretch marks;
  • improves skin quality: becomes significantly firmer and more elastic;
  • forms the ideal oval of the face: removes jowls, forms the correct line of the lower jaw.


  • non-surgical tightening effect. Radiofrequency radiation heats tissues, changing the tertiary structure of protein compounds, and naturally tightens the skin;
  • additional lifting effect using pulsed magnetic radiation. Stimulation, tissue hyperthermia: fibroblast proliferation, increased collagen production, increased tissue elasticity;
  • enhanced collagen generation occurs for another 6 months after the session, due to which the dermis is also strengthened. The aesthetic result is bright and long lasting.


  • face and neck lifting;
  • lymphatic drainage effect;
  • reduction and thickening of fat deposits in the cheeks and chin;
  • lifting of various parts of the body: the inner surface of the shoulder, hips, area above the knees, hands, etc.;
  • elimination of external signs of cellulite;
  • reducing the volume of local fat deposits on the body.

Why is the RF lifting course worth taking today?

  • this is the safest and most comfortable anti-aging method to date;
  • after a course of procedures, your skin will gain freshness, elasticity, firmness;
  • after the first session a visible effect will be observed;
  • RF lifting not only eliminates wrinkles, but also gets rid of capillaries and enlarged pores;
  • the skin continues to rejuvenate for another six months after the procedure.

The result is renewal and tightening of the skin with minimal pain.

A unique medical complex will be opened in Brest on January 12

This is a wonderful gift to the city from the regional and republican budgets.

The long-awaited medical facility in the Vulka microdistrict includes an adult clinic for 500 visits per shift and a children’s clinic for 600, as well as a antenatal clinic for 190 visits.

– The population served in the children's clinic is estimated at 20 thousand children and 30 thousand adults. But there are prospects due to the growing population of the Zarechny quarter - the construction of houses continues there. Accordingly, the number of residents will grow and the number of our potential visitors will increase,” notes the chief physician of the Brest Central Clinic, Sergei Klyaus.

Here, as in every clinic, the work will be organized according to a new principle - everything is done as a team: a general practitioner, a doctor’s assistant and a nurse are involved. The functions performed by a general practitioner are slightly different from those previously performed by a local internist - he is now an ophthalmologist, an ENT doctor, and a cardiologist. He is equipped with a modern device for determining visual acuity, an electrocardiograph, a device for monitoring blood pressure and monitoring an electrocardiogram.

Both the adult and children's clinics are equipped with the most modern equipment: an X-ray machine for three workstations, a mammograph, which is intended for screening of women of a certain age, a set of endoscopic equipment for examining the upper parts of the gastrointestinal tract, a chromoscope for the lower parts, a set of equipment for functional diagnostics, a fully equipped physiotherapy department, workplaces for an ophthalmologist, an ENT doctor - you can name it all. In short, there is everything necessary for specialists to perform high-quality examinations of patients.

– The uniqueness of the new medical complex lies in the fact that two clinics, an antenatal clinic, and a laboratory that serves them allow us to trace the entire life cycle of our visitors - from the examination of a woman’s pregnancy, which is observed in the antenatal clinic. A born child comes under the supervision of specialists at a children's clinic, and upon reaching a certain age, he becomes an adult. And we also want to implement a project on active longevity,” says Sergei Klyaus. – Mikhail Kozinets has been appointed as the chief physician of the adult clinic, that is, the health care institution “Brest City Clinic No. 5,” and Nelly Miklyaeva has been appointed as the head physician of the healthcare institution “Brest City Children’s Clinic No. 3.” Excellent specialists who are always open for communication and highly professional advice.


Photo from the archive

Published: 10:16 – 01/10/2022

What is hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a polysaccharide that is found in joints, tissues of the nervous system, bones, fluid inside joints, heart valve, and human biological fluids. Most of all, about 50% of the total volume is in the skin.

Due to its molecular structure and large mass, HA can hold a volume of liquid that exceeds its own mass. The substance performs an important function - it retains water in tissues.

Has HA and other effects:

  • regulates the water balance in skin cells;
  • improves tone;
  • provides binding of free radicals;
  • creates conditions for the synthesis of your own collagen and elastin.

The deficiency of hyaluronic acid that occurs with age can be compensated with filler injections. The injection procedure allows you to tighten the oval, eliminate asymmetry and sagging. The effect lasts 1-1.5 years. Over time, drugs biodegrade.

How does the procedure work?

To carry out the procedure, the thinnest needles with a syringe or blunt cannulas are used. The depth of injection depends on the treatment area and defect. On average - 1.6-2.8 mm. Before the session, the doctor conducts a consultation, makes sure that there are no contraindications, and only then begins the process.

To reduce the risk of bruising and swelling, it is recommended that you stop taking blood thinning medications 3 days before the injection of fillers. For example, aspirin. 24 hours before the procedure, you should avoid alcohol, intense workouts, not visit solariums, baths, or do any warming procedures in the facial area.

The procedure is performed in several stages:

  1. The cosmetologist cleanses and disinfects the skin.
  2. Makes markings for injections. Marks points and direction of insertion.
  3. Performs a puncture with a sharp or blunt needle and injects filler with the selected drug into the marked area.
  4. Distributes the injected product using gentle finger movements.

The duration of contouring depends on the method of injection of fillers and the area being treated. On average, the process takes from 15 to 40 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the doctor gives the patient recommendations that are important to strictly follow in order to minimize the likelihood of complications and shorten the rehabilitation period. The results will become noticeable within a couple of hours after the injection. The effect will continue to accumulate over 2-3 weeks.

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