Vladimir Putin - photos before and after possible plastic surgery

  • Blepharoplasty
  • Botox
  • Cheekbone correction
  • Main

There is no need to explain who Putin is. The President of Russia is scolded and praised, he is despised, he is admired, in a word, people experience the whole gamut of feelings for him: from dull hatred to reckless adoration. The public cares about everything: what the president says, how he reacts, and even how he looks - the media (both domestic and foreign) tirelessly discuss either the bags under his eyes or the strong torso of the Russian leader . And this is no coincidence - for his 64 years (turned in 2016), Vladimir Vladimirovich looks great, and this despite a busy work schedule!

It is clear that the worthy appearance of the first person of the state is supported not only by good genetics, but also by the work of specialists, namely Kremlin image makers, and, possibly, plastic surgeons and cosmetologists. Of course, it is impossible to find 100% reliable information on this topic, but there are numerous photos of Putin before and after plastic surgery, suggesting that this took place:

Putin bare-chested

In the summer of 2009, Vladimir Putin, as Prime Minister, vacationed in Tuva.
Within 24 hours he managed to go fishing, swim, raft down the river and drink tea with a shepherd. But the most famous moment was when Putin, bare-chested, goes horseback riding. Alexey Druzhinin’s photo went viral. In Russia, photoshopped images were made from it, and in the West, this image became popular in the media and popular culture. Already as president in 2022, Putin again visited Tuva and again exposed himself. In early August, all Russian media “followed” how the head of state was chasing a huge pike. But the president drew conclusions and stopped exposing himself in front of cameras while on vacation.

A photo of a shirtless Putin showing off his booty went viral on the Internet and became a source of jokes. This time he was mentioned in the context of Alexei Navalny, whose physical fitness was once not very good.

What's happening to Putin's face? Take a look for yourself!

In some strange way, Putin's face constantly changes over the years. Many people have noticed this, and such strong changes are difficult not to notice.

Russian leader Vladimir Putin's appearance has changed dramatically in recent years; he looks younger than ever.

After the main events of the year with Vladimir Putin, like Direct Line, commentators tend to be divided into two camps. Some discuss what they heard, others discuss what they saw. We invite you to join the latter and, together with the Daily Mail, try to believe your eyes.

One cannot but agree that in April 2015, the 62-year-old president looks fresher than 5, 10 and even 15 years ago. The tanned face is almost free of wrinkles, although in earlier photographs they were quite noticeable. In general, he is younger now than ever.

Such a sleek face raises natural questions, for example, what helped get rid of bags under the eyes without a trace?

What a radical change! Then the skin was sluggish and uneven, and there were those same bags and dark circles under the eyes. In the photo, "Action Man, 57, looks exhausted after a judo match."

1991: 37-year-old Putin, then head of the external relations committee of the Leningrad mayor's office, looked not just thin - emaciated. “His hair had already begun to thin,” writes DM.

Putin is 48 years old, but for a man who has just become president of the largest state in the world, this is almost boyish age. However, there were more wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes then than there are today, 15 years later.

At the end of his second presidential term (2007), 55-year-old Putin looked about his age, not much younger, although overall he looked quite healthy.

People started talking about plastic surgery in 2010, when a Reuters camera captured a strange bruise on the face of Putin, then prime minister.

And when in 2011 he announced his decision to run for president again, journalists concluded that this was the reason why he could go under the knife to improve his appearance.

December 2013: final press conference in Moscow. The president's face is somewhat swollen, but there are clearly fewer wrinkles than there once were.

And in March 2015, Vladimir Putin, who mysteriously “disappeared” for 10 days, did not say where he was, cheerfully joking that “they won’t wait” and that “it would be boring without gossip.” And the gossips did not disappoint: they noticed that the president’s face was swollen and shiny, and his eyelids seemed to be opening with difficulty.

The April “Direct Line” only increased interest in the cosmetic procedures that Putin may be undergoing. DM ends the review on an ironic note: “Putin seemed to somehow hint that he does not intend to remain in office after 2024, when he turns 71. Although, judging by these photographs, it is very possible that he will not look his age.” .

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Putin eats children

In June 2006, while walking around the Kremlin, the president unexpectedly kissed a little boy on the stomach. 5-year-old Nikita Konkin from Kolomna became a “victim” of the loving Putin

The episode was caught on camera and attracted the attention of Russian and Western media.

Later, during an online conference, Putin explained his action. According to him, he saw seriousness and spontaneity in the boy, such that he “just wanted to cuddle him like a kitten.”

The episode, of course, became the basis for numerous jokes. One of them was a story called “Putin eats children” - this is how the people interpreted the president’s strange prank.

Putin's appearance: Botox and beauty injections

Some cosmetologists say that in addition to plastic surgery, Putin resorted to beauty injections or so-called. fillers. These are injections of various substances called fillers under the skin in different areas of the face where wrinkles form. Beauty injections make it possible to smooth out such places on the face, as well as give the desired volume to the cheekbones, chin or lips. There are many different types of beauty injections, but most of them last for a limited period of time, and therefore require regular repeat procedures.

Some journalists began talking about such Putin beauty injections a long time ago, and a new wave of gossip arose in 2022 after the Russian leader’s visit to Paris. Putin really looks better than his presidential colleagues in other countries, even younger ones. But if you ask the Russian leader himself what the secret of his good shape is, the answer will be obvious: sports and proper nutrition.

Alexey Shilov

Economist, analyst. He studied at a special gymnasium, then at the Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade, majoring in Finance. He completed his master's and postgraduate studies, after which he worked for several years as a research assistant at one of the institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In parallel with this, he received a second higher education in the specialty “Philosophy and Religious Studies”. Prepared a candidate's dissertation in economics for defense. I have been writing scientific and journalistic articles since 2010. I am interested in economics, politics, science, religion and much more.

Plastic surgeons explained changes in Putin's appearance

Rumors about the regular anti-aging procedures that the Russian president undergoes have not stopped for many years. Journalists asked plastic surgeons to confirm or refute the speculation.

This was reported by Rush Hour with reference to the National Post. Putin's changes in appearance are unnatural

Vladimir Putin practically does not age over the years, while other world leaders experience natural age-related changes. The reason seems obvious: the Russian president almost certainly subjects his face to ongoing, non-invasive cosmetic procedures.

“He looks better than he did in 2002, so obviously he's worked on it. He looks much better than Trump, but not as good as Trudeau,” said Toronto plastic surgeon Stephen Mulholland.

If you look at photographs of Putin over the years, you will notice that his once characteristic sunken cheeks and bags under his eyes have disappeared.

From left to right: Putin in 2005, 2009 and 2022

The 64-year-old Russian leader's cheeks seem to be getting fuller every year, while most men of his size have facial features that become more angular by age 60. And, given the good physical fitness of the Russian President, the roundness of his cheeks cannot be explained by weight gain.

“I would guess he used filler and Botox, as you can see by the smoothness around the forehead, the crow's feet around the eyes and the volume in the cheeks,” said Philip Solomon, a plastic surgeon in Toronto.

Left - 2005, right - 2017

Putin carefully prepared his face for the Sochi Olympics

Mulholland suspects Putin's treatments likely fall into three categories: injectable dermal fillers, Botox and laser skin resurfacing.

Artificial fillers or fat implants could fill sagging areas under the eyes and on the cheeks. Botox injections smooth out wrinkles, and fractional laser treatments curb aging of the skin around the eyes.

The treatments likely started with a small number of injections, although Mulholland says the Russian president appears to have undergone extensive therapy between 2012 and 2014 - just before the Sochi Olympics and during Putin's divorce proceedings from his wife Lyudmila.

From left to right: 2004, 2012 and 2022

Has Putin gone under the knife?

According to Mulholland, the procedures could be carried out directly in Moscow - this area is quite developed in the Russian capital.

When Putin first took over as president of Russia in 2000, the country was notorious for botched plastic surgery.

But since most of the wealthy population is concentrated in Moscow, this has caused an increased demand for breast implants, Botox, rhinoplasty and facelifts.

Mulholland said the Russian beauty industry is characterized by over-pumped lips and thread lifting, a method of tightening sagging skin using surgical thread.

However, all of Putin’s procedures did not require him to “go under the knife.” All of them are performed by injection or surface resurfacing, and the recovery time is only a week. Although, in extreme cases, any bruising or swelling can be masked with makeup or sunglasses.

The procedures also require regular repetition: Putin needs additional injections about twice a year.

The Kremlin has stubbornly denied rumors that Putin is undergoing plastic surgery, although there are some intriguing signs that the Russian president may indeed be visiting a beauty doctor.

In 2010, reporters' cameras caught Putin with mysterious bruises under his eyes. Also, the Russian leader periodically disappears from the media for several days.

Enlargement of cheekbones

It is unlikely, but in principle, this could happen, but, of course, we are not talking about installing implants, but rather about injections of hyaluronic fillers that can restore this area of ​​the face to the relief lost with age. One can guess about such an intervention, rather, not by the cheekbones suddenly becoming expressive (this is not observed), but by the fact that the cheekbones have retained their natural shape over the years.

V.V.’s own plastic surgeries, which may exist only in the fantasies of journalists. Putin has once again “excited” the public. Moreover, if Russians (except for representatives of the liberal opposition) do not show much interest (the president looks good - well, nice), and many do not notice the changes at all, then the Western media enthusiastically “relish” the comments of experts about where they have pulled they didn’t reach it enough, but what they chopped, they didn’t finish. One thing is for sure - with or without plastic surgery, Putin looks much better than the top officials of some other countries, including European ones.

Putin was stunned by the change in appearance: “cadaverous spots on his face”, photo

Russian President Vladimir Putin is known for his appearance embarrassment, which openly shames him in public

Today, no one is surprised by the fact that the president of the aggressor country, Vladimir Putin, actively uses the services of cosmetologists in order to somehow get rid of the “old age” complex.

However, visiting cosmetologists does not go unnoticed for Putin, because at official meetings he is often embarrassed because of his appearance, which can “float” due to Botox.

Therefore, we decided to make for you a selection of the most ridiculous embarrassments of Vladimir Putin with his appearance in recent times.

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Thus, in January, Russian President Vladimir Putin puzzled everyone with his appearance, speaking at a joint press conference with Turkish President Recep Erdogan.

Users instantly ridiculed the Russian president and noted that Vladimir Putin looks very pathetic.

“This criminal, thief and moron has no “colleagues” in Germany, France or Great Britain. His colleague is only Maduro”, “This is a lie, but as always”, “How fucking pathetic Putin looks”, “Damn... he’s already started to stutter... Grandfather gives it up!”, “Somehow the Kremlin dwarf looks really bad today. Spots all over his face,” “In my opinion, he’s not stupid, but just slightly freaked out by this turn of his so-called partners. It will get worse if we continue to be patient and wait for who knows what,” they write in the comments under the post.

A train exploded at the station, people are running from their homes: photos from the scene of the fiery emergency

Another embarrassment with Putin occurred at the beginning of 2022, which is why rumors about the illness of the Russian President appeared online.

The absurd situation with Putin was drawn to the attention of political expert and blogger Alexei Golobutsky, who, in his usual manner, ridiculed the Russian president.

“Putin at a meeting with the head of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The holidays were not easy for this version of Putin - judging by the asymmetrical swollen face, which is also covered in spots that look suspiciously like corpses,” he wrote in the caption to the photo, which he also published on his Facebook page.

Users reacted with humor to the embarrassment of the Russian president and suggested that it was Botox that began to “walk across Putin’s face.”

Another incident occurred with Putin at the end of January, when he went on an official visit to St. Petersburg.

An ordinary propagandist Dmitry Smirnov, who for unknown reasons calls himself a “journalist of the Kremlin pool,” bravely reported this on his personal microblog Twitter.

Users reacted angrily to Putin's latest PR and suggested that his entourage even stole budget funds to organize the exhibition.

“A bitch with security”, “Don’t... A bitch before mating... Soon they’ll have a rut...”, “Have they really spent money on the holy budget?”, “Botox lying rat”, “Putin and the former lawyer and business partner of the one imprisoned for smuggling of billionaire Mikhalchenko Anatoly Bernstein is looking at the exhibition that belonged to the latter. A couple of days ago, Mikhalchenko was charged with organizing a criminal community,” they write in the comments under Smirnov’s publication.

Also, a similar embarrassment occurred with Putin this week. In particular, the President of the Russian Federation was ridiculed by Russians on social networks due to incomprehensible changes in appearance.

In particular, some commentators drew attention to another senseless PR campaign by Vladimir Putin. And others noticed that the president has problems with his face.

“Dimka, your owner was not injected with Botox evenly, one cheek is outweighed,” “What’s wrong with his face? Looks all swollen”, “Oh, these impudent teachers with their inflated demands of 9,000 rubles.”, “These teachers are amazing people, they hardly get paid in the region anymore and they work, amazing people”, “Fucking circus” , “Saving on teachers is the same as saving on your own children,” they write in the comments under the publication.

Let us remember that the United States made serious concessions to Putin.

As Politeka reported, Putin disgraced himself in front of the cameras with a monkey.

Politeka also wrote that Vladimir Putin and Alla Pugacheva staged a joint outing.


The nickname Pynya initially represented a collective image of a passive supporter of the opposition, but after a few years it became associated with Vladimir Putin.

It all started with a web series about Pynya, which appeared on YouTube on December 29, 2011. It showed a typical armchair liberal who spends all day on the Internet and decries the authorities. In 2017, they tried to push the character again on Dvacha, and anonymous people decided to turn the meme against the trolls themselves. Thanks to their efforts, many funny pictures about Putin in the image of Pynya appeared on the Internet, and Google’s results for the corresponding request began to show articles about the president.

Brow lift

Under the influence of gravity, eyebrows drop down with age, forming a sullen gaze, giving a person a suspicious and gloomy appearance. At V.V. Putin’s eyebrows were neither high nor arched in his youth. With age, their shape has not changed, although many suspect that he had a brow lift to make his eyes more open. Eyebrows can be tightened surgically (for example, through an incision above the eyebrow) and through cosmetic procedures such as Botox injections or hyaluronic acid-based formulations. Surgical lifting can only really be considered in the context of blepharoplasty. The drooping of the eyebrows in the photo of the president does not look so critical that it would require a separate operation, and in the photo after the manipulation there are no radical changes in the position and shape of the eyebrows. But there could well have been beauty injections, and, most likely, the look was “opened” thanks to botulinum toxin injections that relax the brow muscle.

Is Vladimir Putin’s external image plastic or natural?

It is impossible to find out 100% whether Vladimir Putin had plastic surgery. There is no official data on this matter. There are a lot of rumors around this topic, but no one from the medical community has confirmed or denied information about the president’s possible plastic surgery.

The only one who stated with complete confidence that Vladimir Putin changed his appearance with the help of aesthetic medicine is Alexander Pukhov, a plastic surgeon from Chelyabinsk. He positions himself as a specialist who can not only give an expert assessment of the president’s appearance, but is also able to confirm this information with facts. He claims that he knows the doctor who operated on V. Putin and even approved the results of his work.

Alexander Pukhov - plastic surgeon from Chelyabinsk

No one knows whether this is really so, or whether it was just another information “duck”. But the president’s fans, and especially his opponents, do not miss the opportunity to gossip about Putin’s possible plastic surgeries.

Additional evidence

Also, clear evidence that Putin's doubles are ruling Russia is a recent study of various video recordings

I would like to pay special attention to the voice, which is too different from the usual speech for us on the recording dated March 3, 2020. Here you can hear the timbre of a man who seemed to be on hormonal drugs

For comparison, it is also worth watching the video from March 27 of the same year. You will be able to hear a dramatic difference. This proves that even if Vladimir Vladimirovich rules the country, he speaks in front of people very rarely. In various photographs you can also notice that the President’s moles and wrinkles are constantly changing and changing their location.

Doubles of rulers in history

The president's double is, in fact, not a new phenomenon. In world history, such cases have occurred more than once or twice. It is known that replacing a dead ruler with a double was common practice in Byzantium. This was also practiced in medieval Japan. Nowadays, the procedure remains in demand. As a rule, presidents use “for security purposes. This is what Stalin did, for example, using his double, the artist Felix Dadaev, as a “shield” from ill-wishers.

Similar precedents are known in foreign practice. For some time in the Russian Federation, many were sure that the deceased Yeltsin had been replaced with a double. And now they believe that Russia is ruled by Putin’s double. Could this be true?

The evidence is clear. Trying to answer the question of whether Putin has doubles replacing him, some curious citizens are analyzing changes in the president’s appearance, comparing photographs from different years. For many, the results of these studies are quite convincing. What is it that proves the plausibility of the version of doubles?

Botox for Putin

Imagine that Putin is given a bottle of Botox in public, in front of television cameras.

It’s natural: its president (notional Lukashenko) comes to him from some small country whose economy is dependent on Russia (notional Belarus), and during the visit, with a wide smile, gives Putin a bag of selected Belarusian potatoes, a bottle of Bulbash vodka "and a bottle of Botox produced.

Putin smiles strainedly, shakes his hand, journalists film it all. The conditional Lukashenko is leaving for home.

The Internet is in hysterics. The word "Botox" is trending on Google. Peskov appears at a press conference with his head half gray. Pikabu is littered with photoshopped images of Putin’s face at the moment of receiving a gift. Yolkin draws a cartoon based on this story and collects a million likes. Kiselev and Solovyov go on a drinking binge. In the talk show on “Pervoy” they are discussing the Belarusian Banderaites with all their might. Zakharova comes out to the journalists, silently dances the “gypsy girl” and leaves without saying a word. Rosselkhoznadzor finds deadly substances in all Belarusian products without exception.

And now there is a different situation: Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Chairman of the People's Republic of China - the second most powerful economy in the world - was once compared to Winnie the Pooh in one of the joint photographs with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

The Internet happily picked it up, but for some reason Xi Jinping was offended.

Since then, Winnie the Pooh has been banned in China. At all. Posts with his image and name are blocked, the film “Christopher Robin” was banned from showing, the Weibo and WeChat messengers deleted all messages that mentioned Winnie the Pooh, the HBO channel website was blocked after a joke by British comedian John Oliver about Xi Jinping and Winnie the Pooh .

And during his visit to China in June of this year, Putin gives Xi Jinping nuts, tea (exotic for the Chinese, an original Russian product) and... honey. It was as if, out of all the endless variety of possible gifts, nothing else came to mind, as if the visit was prepared not by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but by a retired granny from Kryzhopol, who was collecting gifts for her grandson.

The Chinese take symbols seriously. Xi Jinping “liked” this gift so much that Chinese banks began to block transfers to Russian bank accounts, although China did not officially join the US sanctions against Russia, and the companies whose transactions are blocked are not on any of the sanctions lists.

Let’s say that this is not directly related to the story with honey, it started earlier/later and generally just coincided, but it is absolutely clear that China’s support in many cases would not be superfluous for Russia. And you shouldn’t spit in the well (even stupidly).

And for those who are still surprised by Russia’s spectacular failures on literally all fronts - in foreign policy, in the economy, in space exploration, in intelligence operations, in reforms, and so on, you need to understand for yourself once and for all: this is the real level of professionalism those who are now in power.

Vladimir Putin's alleged plastic surgery - before and after photos

In 2011, a new wave of rumors and gossip appeared about the change in Vladimir Putin’s appearance after he appeared at the United Russia party congress. Heated discussions were caused not only by statements about political reshuffling, but also by Putin’s new image. The prime minister's changed appearance provoked many debates.

The fact is that his face was noticeably fresher, there were no signs of fatigue. No wrinkles, bags or dark circles under the eyes. The skin glowed with freshness and health.

Experts in the field of plastic surgery immediately attributed changes in appearance to the consequences of blepharoplasty and beauty injections. But the aesthetic medicine gurus didn’t stop there. They suspected that other plastic manipulations were involved, namely:

  • Brow lift;
  • Fillers in the cheekbone area;
  • Botox injections in the area between the eyebrows and in the area where crow's feet form.

There were even suggestions that the lips were also corrected with the same Botox. The version of the president's fans that he had facial contouring and inserted implants into the corners of the jaw turned out to be unlikely. The photo of the Russian president in profile shows no signs of such surgical interventions.

Since then, the discussion of the question “whether Putin had plastic surgery or not” has continued. And not only in Russia, but also in many other countries.

In Great Britain, where they do not hide their antipathy towards the head of the Russian Federation, they savor the details of this topic in a negative way - they say that the operations were not entirely successful.

Everyone knows that some British people often express their hostility towards the Russian President in the form of caustic comments in his direction. Often their unkind comments about Putin’s appearance receive a very bright and thinly veiled political overtone.

Ukrainian plastic surgeons also quite often turn to the topic of plastic surgery for the President of the Russian Federation. For example, in November 2017, candidate of medical sciences Pavel Denishchuk made a “sensational statement” - Putin had eyelid surgery. In addition, the scientist added that the Russian President constantly corrects the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids using plastic medicine, namely Botox injections.

Pavel Denishchuk – Ukrainian plastic surgeon

Whether Denishchuk made this statement for professional reasons or whether he was motivated by other goals is unknown. But the conclusion is this: Vladimir Putin’s possible plastic surgery is of interest to the public in many countries.

We invite you to evaluate for yourself the photos of Vladimir Putin before and after possible plastic surgery. They depict the Russian president at various periods of his life.

Has Putin had plastic surgery?

Journalists and ordinary people have been asking the question of whether Putin had facial plastic surgery for eight years now. This is due to the fact that the Russian president often suddenly disappears somewhere, after which he returns with a noticeably changed and rejuvenated face

This was first noticed back in 2011, when the Russian president first spent a long time on unknown business trips, and then came to a youth forum in Seliger. There were no recent deep wrinkles on Putin’s face, there were no “crow’s feet” around his eyes, and his face itself looked somewhat swollen

Putin on Seliger in 2011

It was then that the famous version about the “Udmurt” appeared - an unsuccessful double of Putin who replaces the real president during such events. Many Internet users criticized Putin's unprofessional facial plastic surgery and advised the Russian president to change surgeons. Others suggested that Putin simply came to the forum after a good drinking binge. At least the president who came to Seliger in 2011 is indeed noticeably different from the old version of Putin.

Photos before and after Putin's surgery

In 2012, Putin turned 60 years old and, looking at the youthful appearance of the Russian president at his age, many also began to make assumptions about plastic surgery. On the Internet you can find many photographs of Putin in the mid-2000s, and even then the president had many wrinkles and other characteristic age-related changes on his face. But by his 60th birthday, Putin managed to get rid of these shortcomings, thanks to which he looked very good at his birthday.


The eyelid skin lift was supposedly done in 2010. During his next visit to Ukraine, a photo was taken in which Putin had noticeable changes in the periorbital zone: the wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and bags under the eyes disappeared, but bruises and swelling appeared . Such formations, regular in shape and affecting both eyes, are characteristic of the recovery period after blepharoplasty.

The symmetry of the edema refutes the version of their “sports” origin (allegedly, during training, a blow was struck, as a result of which a blood vessel burst). They also do not look like traditional dark circles under the eyes that appear as a result of overwork (this is the version voiced by the press secretary, albeit for a different reason), since they are slightly shifted in the direction of the cheekbones. In turn, the absence of a general rejuvenating effect allows one to doubt the actual implementation of a tightening operation.

The media returned to the topic of Putin’s blepharoplasty in 2011 – after his speech at the United Russia congress, changes in appearance became obvious. The President began to look younger: fine wrinkles disappeared and deep wrinkles lost their relief, skin turgor noticeably improved, wrinkles and hernias of the eyelids disappeared, and the paint bags , which were previously clearly visible, smoothed out. In 2012, the “verdict” of Alexander Pukhov (a famous plastic surgeon practicing in Chelyabinsk) appeared in the press, confirming blepharoplasty; moreover, he stated that he personally knew the specialist who performed the eyelid lift for the president.

Plastic surgery of politicians (Photo)

I watched a very interesting film “Scalpel for First Persons” and it inspired me to write this post. I want to write about plastic surgeries of politicians.

It is clear that Soviet presidents did not undergo plastic surgery. In those days there was a cult of the worker with a cigarette in his mouth, spitting on the ground. In order not to distance themselves from the people, politicians did not think about any kind of plastic surgery. The only one who was offered... no, not an opiate, but a cosmetic procedure, was M. Gorbachev - he was offered to remove the famous birthmark, but he refused.

The film says that in 1995 Boris Yeltsin underwent rhinoplasty for medical reasons. He had a long-standing injury to his nose and found it difficult to breathe. B. Yeltsin’s inner circle tried to persuade him to go on the drug for a long time, but he did not agree to any one. Then the head of the security service of that time, A. Kerzhakov, underwent surgery himself - he also had a long-standing nose injury, in order to inspire the president by his example. Only after this does Yeltsin agree to undergo surgery.

But it is simply impossible to imagine modern politics without plastic surgery. Of course, everyone is discussing whether V.V. Putin injects Botox. The sudden absence of facial wrinkles that previously “adorned” the president’s face is very suspicious. For his age, the Russian president is certainly in excellent shape. One of the leading British surgeons even suggested that surgery could not have happened without surgery. “Unfortunately, now the Russian president looks a little strange. Experts call this effect “fish eyes.” The eyes look empty." Decide for yourself whether this is so

This is what V.V.P looked like at the beginning of 2000. There are wrinkles on the forehead, bags in the eyes, and this is how it is now

Don't you see the difference??? Considering that 10 years have passed.

Has Vladimir Putin had plastic surgery?

Of course, an unambiguous answer to this question is unlikely to be voiced by any of the “initiated” specialists - after all, we are not talking about another pop star, but about actually the first person of the country.

However, based on photographs of Vladimir Putin over the years, we can state with a high degree of confidence that at least once plastic surgeons did work on his appearance.

As for the specifics, there are very different assumptions about what kind of plastic surgery Putin performed. Almost no one doubts the blepharoplasty performed by the prime minister. Other common versions include brow lift, Botox, and cheekbone augmentation with fillers.


Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is a significant political figure and a strong personality. Any of his decisions on the world political arena evokes a lot of emotions of different kinds. There are many polar opinions about the President of Russia in different countries: some unconditionally respect the leader of the Russian state, some, in their hatred of him, cross all permissible boundaries.

Often the focus is not only on the political and government activities of the president. The public is concerned about the family vicissitudes of Vladimir Putin and, of course, his appearance. Almost under a microscope, people examine every wrinkle and fold on his face, after which they immediately rush to share their conclusions on social networks.

Recently, fans and opponents of the leader of the Russian state have been turning to specialists in the field of aesthetic surgery with the question: has he had plastic surgery? If yes, which one exactly? Let's try to understand this issue.

Is Vladimir Putin’s external image plastic or natural?

It is impossible to find out 100% whether Vladimir Putin had plastic surgery. There is no official data on this matter. There are a lot of rumors around this topic, but no one from the medical community has confirmed or denied information about the president’s possible plastic surgery.

The only one who stated with complete confidence that Vladimir Putin changed his appearance with the help of aesthetic medicine is Alexander Pukhov, a plastic surgeon from Chelyabinsk. He positions himself as a specialist who can not only give an expert assessment of the president’s appearance, but is also able to confirm this information with facts. He claims that he knows the doctor who operated on V. Putin and even approved the results of his work.

No one knows whether this is really so, or whether it was just another information “duck”. But the president’s fans, and especially his opponents, do not miss the opportunity to gossip about Putin’s possible plastic surgeries.

Exposure or disinformation? When was Vladimir Putin first suspected of having plastic surgery?

It all started in 2010, when Vladimir Putin made an official visit to Ukraine. Then the media started talking about the fact that visible bruises under the eyes appeared on the face of the Russian leader. They were located symmetrically, so the assumption that this was an injury during training did not stand up to criticism. And in their shape, the dark swellings were more reminiscent of edema than hematomas after missed blows. It was these swellings that caused a strong reaction in the media.

It got to the point that the press secretary of the then Prime Minister said that Vladimir Putin has a very busy work schedule, so the dark circles under his eyes were the result of fatigue and overwork. But this version was also refuted by ubiquitous journalists. They did not fail to notice that the bruises under the eyes after a busy and grueling work regime are different from the dark circles on Vladimir Putin’s face - they are located differently.

Some “feather sharks” suggested that the swelling was the result of Botox injections. The same opinion was expressed by plastic surgeon Rostislav Valikhnovsky, who at one time performed plastic surgery on V. Yushchenko.

He confirmed his assumption by the fact that the location, shape and color of the bruises correspond to the consequences that appear after the intervention of aesthetic medicine. In addition, the presence of Botox was also indicated by Vladimir Putin’s not very pronounced facial expressions. Valikhnovsky also stated that by that time the head of the Russian Federation had been receiving botulinum toxin injections for a year and a half.

Vladimir Putin's alleged plastic surgery - before and after photos

In 2011, a new wave of rumors and gossip appeared about the change in Vladimir Putin’s appearance after he appeared at the United Russia party congress. Heated discussions were caused not only by statements about political reshuffling, but also by Putin’s new image. The prime minister's changed appearance provoked many debates.

The fact is that his face was noticeably fresher, there were no signs of fatigue. No wrinkles, bags or dark circles under the eyes. The skin glowed with freshness and health.

Experts in the field of plastic surgery immediately attributed changes in appearance to the consequences of blepharoplasty and beauty injections. But the aesthetic medicine gurus didn’t stop there. They suspected that other plastic manipulations were involved, namely: Brow lift; Fillers in the cheekbone area; Botox injections in the area between the eyebrows and in the area where crow's feet form.

There were even suggestions that the lips were also corrected with the same Botox. The version of the president's fans that he had facial contouring and inserted implants into the corners of the jaw turned out to be unlikely. The photo of the Russian president in profile shows no signs of such surgical interventions.

Since then, the discussion of the question “whether Putin had plastic surgery or not” has continued. And not only in Russia, but also in many other countries.

In Great Britain, where they do not hide their antipathy towards the head of the Russian Federation, they savor the details of this topic in a negative way - they say that the operations were not entirely successful.

Everyone knows that some British people often express their hostility towards the Russian President in the form of caustic comments in his direction. Often their unkind comments about Putin’s appearance receive a very bright and thinly veiled political overtone.

Ukrainian plastic surgeons also quite often turn to the topic of plastic surgery for the President of the Russian Federation. For example, in November 2017, candidate of medical sciences Pavel Denishchuk made a “sensational statement” - Putin had eyelid surgery. In addition, the scientist added that the Russian President constantly corrects the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids using plastic medicine, namely Botox injections.

Whether Denishchuk made this statement for professional reasons or whether he was motivated by other goals is unknown. But the conclusion is this: Vladimir Putin’s possible plastic surgery is of interest to the public in many countries.

We invite you to evaluate for yourself the photos of Vladimir Putin before and after possible plastic surgery. They depict the Russian president at various periods of his life.

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