Roza Syabitova - photos before and after plastic surgery

Roza Syabitova is a well-known co-host of the TV show “Let’s Get Married,” where she acted as a professional matchmaker for the show’s participants. Her life is a continuous series of losses and successes. Rosa Raifovna had a chance to lose love and find it again, despite her far from standard appearance. However, recently there have been serious changes in her appearance: she has become fresher and younger, which was made possible thanks to plastic surgery, despite her advanced age - 59 years. What did Rosa Syabitova look like before plastic surgery and what is she like now? Let's look at the before and after photos.


The future TV star was born in Moscow on February 10, 1962 into a large Tatar family of a mechanic and weaver. And although the girl’s mother was a hereditary noblewoman, scandals and quarrels in the house were quite common.

After watching enough family dramas, Rosa decided to avoid this in the future and took up figure skating, achieving the title of master of sports. After graduating from school, she set out to become a software engineer, successfully entering the Moscow Mechanical Engineering University.

Having become a certified specialist, Syabitova became interested in social policy and charity, organized children's parties, and at the same time was engaged in the jewelry business. Soon her son was kidnapped by bandits, and she had to sell the salon to ransom the child from the clutches of racketeers.

The troubles for Rose did not end there. When her husband died of a heart attack, her father-in-law forced her to take the children and vacate the apartment. Realizing that it would be difficult for her without a new husband, she began an active search. It was then that the idea came to her to open a marriage agency.

In 1995, her idea came to life, and Syabitova herself, in addition to her existing education, received a diploma in psychology. The woman began to write books about the intricacies of finding a chosen one, and got a job on TV as a co-host of the programs “Looking for Love” and “Let’s Get Married.”

Yulia Baranovskaya

35-year-old Baranovskaya hosts the daily “Male/Female” program, various concerts and other public events. A star with and without makeup is two different people: one is soon 40, the other is 25 years old. Every day at work a young woman wears a thick layer of makeup and has professional hair styling. Yulia is perhaps the only one of her colleagues who is not embarrassed about herself without makeup - she does not hide her face behind huge glasses in stores and on walks with her three children. Without false eyelashes and painted lips, Julia is cute and boasts perfect, thin skin without flaws. Baranovskaya does not go to cosmetologists, nor does she undergo fashionable hardware procedures, like most of her colleagues. She did only the most popular procedure among television people - removing wrinkles on the forehead with Botox. Yulia has everything of her own: “I haven’t had any plastic surgery. I had consultations on breast correction several times with different doctors, but nothing was done.” Baranovskaya does not go on diets - she is always perfectly miniature. Baranovskaya’s personal wardrobe is full of items from expensive brands, and at the same time, Yulia does not respect a single fake or replica. And in the frame of a social talk show, the star dresses more democratically.

Yulia Menshova


Syabitova before and after plastic surgery

During marriage, the woman gained serious weight, so she had to take care of her own figure. She managed to lose 20 kg, which gave rise to a lot of rumors. However, according to Rosa, there is no secret - strict diets and regular physical activity.

Having gotten rid of excess weight, Syabitova took up her appearance: she had a facelift, changed the shape of her eyes, restored the aesthetics of her stomach, removed fat deposits and corrected her buttocks.

After surgery on her stomach, the matchmaker lost the sensitivity of her nerve endings and was left with a scar, which she covered with a tattoo.

On her 50th birthday, Rose again had a facelift, rejuvenated her eyes and began to look fresher due to low-traumatic eyelid surgery.

In 2012, the TV presenter had her breasts enlarged, but then admitted that she regretted it. In the spring of 2013, she came to the clinic again to undergo a rejuvenation procedure using injections.

In 2022, Syabitova admitted that artificial breasts cause her great discomfort: sleeping on her side is problematic, and she cannot wear beautiful underwear because the lace cannot withstand such weight. A woman has to be content with a compression bra. Now I look more comical than sexy,” complains the TV matchmaker.

In the fall, the presenter is determined to undergo bust reduction surgery. The procedure is quite complex, since it requires not just the removal of implants: it is necessary to eliminate the risk of age-related breast sagging and sagging skin.

Who knows, maybe this won’t be the last plastic surgery in the star’s life!

Author: Svetlana Sergienko

Abdominal correction

The next operation, abdominal correction, was performed simultaneously with liposuction. For a long time, more than 20 years, Syabitova dreamed of changing the shape of her figure - ever since she gave birth to her second child. As Rosa reported, after the operations were performed, she rejoices in the absence of unnecessary skin folds, at the same time she notes a decrease in the sensitivity of the skin of the abdomen and dissatisfaction with the scar left on the abdomen after the operation.

Rose managed to successfully disguise the scar with a colored tattoo.

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Yulia Menshova

51-year-old Menshova did not remove Bisha's lumps (fat formations in the cheek area) when it became the most fashionable surgical procedure. Yulia’s chubby cheeks suit her, in addition, many cosmetologists believe that a thin face ages faster, since with age it always becomes more sunken and haggard. Therefore, Yulia Menshova now looks much more impressive than 15 years ago. She is not shy about going live on Instagram without makeup or filters. Yuli without makeup differs from the star in makeup - in her complexion, more pronounced nasolabial folds. Menshova rejects Botox: “I’ve never used it. It atrophies the muscles. And this impact over time worsens everything that initially seemed to improve.” The TV presenter removed age-related changes four times with an annual course of “beauty injections” with hyaluronic acid. But I noticed that this procedure “weights down” the face and changes facial expressions. Therefore, Menshova now has a new means of regular care. Yulia goes for 10 sessions of sculptural facial massage – she endures pain for the first 4, and then enjoys the result of “facial fitness”. As for her hairstyle, here Menshova does not cheat on the famous stylist Slava Gordeev - she wears makeup and cuts her signature bob only from him. She has been choosing her wardrobe herself for many years in the same classic style - so if you meet Menshova on the streets of Moscow on a scooter, you will certainly recognize her without makeup.

Larisa Guzeeva



– As Rose has already noted, diseases associated with the female genital area can be asymptomatic and are diagnosed only during an ultrasound or at the time of the development of an acute situation. This is especially true for patients who are in menopause, who believe that they no longer need to see a gynecologist. In this case, patients do not experience pain or any other symptoms. The heaviness or minor pain that sometimes occurs in the abdomen is regarded by patients as indigestion or a temporary spasm in the intestines. The presence of a tumor can be detected during routine medical examinations with mandatory examination by a gynecologist and ultrasound.

I note that benign tumors can transform into borderline or malignant tumors with all the ensuing consequences. This applies to patients of any age. Therefore, I strongly advise you to regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo a preventive examination. I recommend finding a doctor you trust, choosing a clinic where you feel comfortable, and finding time for yourself and your health! Health is the main thing that each of us has!

Now Rose is ready to return to big sex!

Larisa Guzeeva, 58 years old

Another presenter of the “Let’s Get Married!” program does not lag behind her colleague. In the artist’s personal microblog, a whole series of photographs once appeared in which Guzeeva poses without makeup, lying in bed - however, later Larisa chose to delete them. There was some critical feedback from ill-wishers, to which the woman responded sharply: “If you throw mud at me, I’ll curse you.”

Photo: Anatoly ZHDANOV,

Roza Syabitova, 55 years old

Glasses with bright frames, lipstick, jewelry, dresses - this is how we see the main matchmaker of the country on the screen. The TV presenter believes that a well-groomed face and body for a woman are conditions for competitiveness, so you need to work and work on the “façade”. Rosa was forced to appear before the public in her natural form only by force majeure, when the woman was injured on the set of the show “Without Insurance.”


Alla Pugacheva, 68 years old

One of Pugacheva’s sensational appearances. In 2017, the singer repeatedly appeared on stage and at social events in youth outfits. But at the end of the year she again surprised fans by appearing before reporters in a modest headscarf without makeup, and spoke about her decision to marry Maxim Galkin.

Photo: frame from the NTV program/Evgeniy GUSEV

Nadezhda Babkina, 67 years old

In family photos, fans had difficulty recognizing the artist: Nadezhda in her “home look” really doesn’t look too much like the bright artist in national costumes. And yet Babkina remains beloved by her listeners. “Without makeup, of course, it’s not very good, but I adore it anyway,” netizens rendered their verdict.

Photo: Globallook,

Lolita, 54 years old

“I’m bored of being glamorous,” the singer said in an interview. So flirtatious poses, going out exclusively in full dress, omissions in interviews - this is not about her. I decided to have a facelift - I easily admitted to plastic surgery, I wanted to go on stage in a mesh jumpsuit or without makeup - I did it.

Photo: Marina VOLOSEVICH,

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