What the star of “6 Frames” Galina Danilova looks like after plastic surgery

Childhood and youth

Galina Eduardovna Danilova was born in Yoshkar-Ola on May 2, 1968. The family circumstances of the parents were difficult - the father and mother were not married, since Galina’s father already had a family. As a result, all the burdens of raising a child fell on the girl’s mother.

Actress Galina Danilova

Soon after Gali's birth, her mother moved to Kazan, to live with her parents, and got a job as an accountant, although she initially had an acting education. But the daughter was sick, and the woman could not cope alone.

Danilova inherited her passion for acting not only from her mother - her grandfather’s brother was also an actor. However, little Galya did not attend the theater studio, although this is often written about on the Internet. In an interview, the actress admitted that there was no time for this - the girl studied at a music school and devoted a lot of time to sports. So acting remained at the amateur school level.

Galina Danilova

Despite this, the girl’s intentions were the most serious, and after graduating from eight years old, she easily entered the Kazan theater school. Later, Gali had the idea to continue her studies in Moscow, and after 2 courses, the girl tried to enter the capital’s theater universities.

She passed creative competitions without problems, passing both GITIS and the Moscow Art Theater School, but they could not accept her - they did not have the right without having a complete secondary education. So Galina returned to Kazan and completed her studies there, after which she got a job in the troupe of the Ryazan Drama Theater.

New family

After some time, Natalya Danilova’s personal life changed for the better. She met a man with whom she lived until the end of his days. Sergei became everything to her - husband, brother, lover, nanny. He jokingly hung a notice with points on the front window of the car. The first one said: “The wife is always right,” and the second one said, “See point one.”

Stately, handsome Sergei suffered a heart attack and stroke at the same time; he was in the hospital, and the actress’s mother was at home. It so happened that just at this time she left the theater. All the worries fell on her shoulders, fortunately, dubbing helped, but this didn’t make much money, the medications alone were worth it.

Natalya managed to marry her husband, after which he lived for another eight years and left in peace. Then my mother died, and the actress was left completely alone.


She managed to work in Ryazan for 1 year, after which the woman went on maternity leave, and then decided to storm the capital’s theaters again. Fortune smiled at Satyricon, and in 1989 Galina joined the theater troupe. She served there for 16 years, during which time she played in such plays as Cyrano de Bergerac, The Threepenny Opera, and The Thief of Baghdad.

Galina Danilova in the theater

Then Galina went on maternity leave, and upon her return it turned out that the performances in which she was involved were removed from the repertoire. Konstantin Raikin, who once hired her, decided to employ his graduates from the Moscow Art Theater School, and in this situation there was no place for Danilova in the troupe.

As a result, the contract with the actress was not renewed, and Galina had to leave. Moreover, Raikin, according to her, even hinted to her that it was not too late to change her profession. She was not going to do this and got a job at the Theater at the Nikitsky Gate, for which she is still grateful to Mark Rozovsky - Danilova’s financial situation after losing her job was difficult.

Work in the project “6 frames”

It was when the actress was fired from Satyricon and left without work that she attended many castings for television projects. Then she went to the “Dear Program” program, which was launched on the REN-TV channel. A little later, the producer transferred the program to the STS channel and it became known as “6 frames.” This program became the actress’s lucky ticket and brought her popularity. Irina Medvedeva, Eduard Radzyukevich and other actors are participating in the project together with Danilova. Galina is friends with her colleagues in everyday life. Friends attended her wedding to Seyhun and gave them an expensive computer.


Danilova made her screen debut in 2005 in the New Year's comedy “Oh Frost, Frost!”, where she played the cameo role of a mother. Although nominally Galina’s first appearance in front of the camera took place 6 years earlier, when they were making a television version of the play “The Thief of Baghdad”. After that, the actress appeared several more times in episodic roles, but her real breakthrough came in 2006, when the sketch show “6 Frames” was released. The program lasted until 2014, and during this time 8 full seasons were filmed.

Galina Danilova in the sketch show “6 Frames”

Galina herself considers getting into the project, which made her one of the most popular television actresses, an absolute success. The casting, according to Danilova’s recollections, was tough and took place in several stages, so for the sake of the job she had to withstand tough competition. By the way, it is in “6 Frames” that you can see Danilova in a swimsuit - the actress appeared in it in 2009 in the episode “Swimming is prohibited!”

Being busy with a sketch show did not stop Galina from regularly adding to her filmography. In the popular youth series “Kadetstvo” Danilova played the role of Nina, the mother of cadet Levakov, and in the sitcom “Who’s the Boss” she talentedly embodied the image of the mischievous chairwoman of the parent committee.

Galina Danilova in the TV series “Kadetstvo”

In another sitcom, “Daddy's Daughters,” Galina was invited to play the role of the odious secretary Tamara, but Danilova refused. At the same time, she was invited to the serial film “Step by Step”, where she was offered the main role, and the choice of actress was obvious. She nevertheless appeared in “Daddy’s Daughters,” later playing Ilya Polezhaikin’s mother.

Danilova’s main role in her television biography remains characteristic and bright, but episodic characters.


“I got everything through “6 frames”

“This project became a salvation for me, a straw. All of us, six actors, were unknown to the general public, not promoted. And, of course, none of us expected the program to be such a stunning success. So now I can definitely say: “Dreams come true!” I don’t hide it, I wanted to become a popular actress, to be loved, recognized, and admired. And I got it all!”

“I don’t focus on age”

“It was not by chance that the Lord created two people - a man and a woman, and they should exist next to each other, like two halves of a single whole. A woman needs a family, a loved one, a home. Otherwise, what is there to live for? And I knew that I would definitely meet a man who would love me and my children. Remember, the heroine of Vera Alentova in the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” says: “At forty, life is just beginning!” I know this for sure now.” So I still have everything ahead... I don’t focus on age at all. Sometimes I go for a walk with my daughter in the forest. I see a tree with good branches and feel an unbearable desire to climb it. And I can’t deny myself this pleasure! From there, from above, nature looks different, takes on some new colors...”

“I’ll buy shovels and let’s go look for treasure”

“By the way, as I got older, I didn’t dream less. I really want an apartment on Patriarch's Ponds. I love this amazing place! And I have no doubt that someday I will live there. I’m not afraid of difficulties, I’ll strain myself, push myself and earn money for an apartment. Or there is another option - find a treasure. The forest next to our dacha is excellent, so I’ll buy shovels and the children and I will go look for the treasure. And what? Maybe you'll be lucky. You definitely need to dream! And I tell everyone: don’t be afraid to dream. Because again, dreams do come true!”

Based on materials from kino-teatr.ru, Wikipedia.org, stuki-druki.com, 24smi.org, 7days.ru

Personal life

Galina’s personal life includes 4 official marriages, in which two children were born. The actress married her classmate Vladimir Popov for the first time in her youth. The first child was born in the marriage, son Nikita. When the boy was 8 months old, Galina and her husband sent him to Kazan, under the supervision of his grandmother - the young parents needed to build a career. The marriage subsequently broke up, and at the age of 16, Nikita, whose father had disappeared from his life, took his mother's surname.

Galina Danilova and Dmitry Koltakov with their daughter

The next marriage lasted 5 years and turned out to be difficult: Galina’s second husband was a serious businessman and a lover of dissipation. Then the actress threw in her lot with a man 8 years younger than her. Galina met Dmitry Koltakov, a musician of the Jazz-Balalaika group, at Satyricon while working on the play “Jacques and His Master.” This time Danilova was so confident in the seriousness of the relationship that she even got married to her husband.

From Dmitry, the woman gave birth to a daughter, Ulyana, which she was frankly happy about - her first motherhood did not work out because of work, and her son spent most of his time with his grandmother. However, the marriage, which endured lack of money, difficult living conditions and other troubles, crashed into a career - the husband could not accept Galina’s popularity, which fell on his wife after the success of “6 Frames”.

Galina Danilova and her husband Seyhun Ezber

In 2011, Danilova married for the fourth time to a sea captain, Turkish Seyhun Ezber, whom she met while on vacation. In an interview, the actress said that she was happy in her marriage and that marriage gave her the necessary feelings of security and confidence.

And in 2016, Galina decided to take a bold step: having a bright appearance that did not suit her age, the woman became a participant in the program “10 Years Younger.” During filming, the actress underwent a facelift, blepharoplasty, and replaced some of her teeth with implants.

Galina Danilova before and after plastic surgery in the program “10 years younger”

The artist’s fans had an ambivalent attitude towards the act - some approved of Galina’s decision, some considered that the interventions were unnecessary. In any case, in the photo before and after plastic surgery, the difference is noticeable, but it is difficult to say whether it is the result of surgery or a consequence of the makeup and lighting set by the photographer.

The influence of Georgy Tovstonogov

Georgy Tovstonogov highly valued the actress, was a good teacher, and most importantly, he believed in her. After the death of the theater's artistic director, Danilova began to be treated differently. Outwardly, nothing changed, but the actress, accustomed to friendliness and attention, felt some hostility towards her.

After suffering for some time, and seeing that nothing was changing, Natalya Danilova wrote a letter of resignation from the theater of her own free will.

After some time, she was invited to the “Shelter of Comedians” theater, where she served until 1994, and since 2001, Natalya Danilova has been an actress at the Komissarzhevskaya Theater, playing in the plays “Jester Balakirev”, “With You and Without You”. Critics have always highly appreciated the talent of Natalya Yuryevna Danilova, an actress, one can confidently say, with a capital “A”. After all, her natural beauty, sense of proportion, temperament, excellent school - all these qualities create a unique image for her heroines and herself.

In the same year, the actress received the Petropol Prize for a musical and literary composition based on poetry by Grigory Khubulaev.

Galina Danilova now

Family happiness did not force the actress to give up her career. Now Galina continues to act and perform on the stages of various theaters. In addition, the actress became a grandmother - her son Nikita gave the woman a grandson.

Galina Danilova in 2022

There is no exact information about Galina’s marriage on the Internet for 2022. In 2015, information appeared that the actress’s marriage had cracked, but there was no information about a divorce. Fans can observe the artist’s life thanks to her Instagram account: there the woman regularly posts photos of both everyday work and everyday life.

Victim of robbers

In the spring of 2010, a woman was attacked by unknown assailants during her concerts in Pyatigorsk. Here Galina Alekseevna has her own apartment, where she was on May 1st. People she did not know burst into the house and began to brutally beat the middle-aged housewife, demanding that she give them all the jewelry and money.

Saving her life, Nenasheva gave everything she had to the bandits. As a result of the attack, she suffered a concussion and several broken ribs, but refused hospitalization.

Then I had to cancel my performance at the ceremonial events dedicated to Victory Day. Nenasheva could not recover for a long time after the brutal attack. She couldn't believe that all this happened to her. The robbers were never found, and the stolen property could not be returned.

First marriage

During her studies, Galina became close to classmate Vladimir Popov. They got married and moved to Moscow together. In 1989, the couple had a son, Nikita. It was very difficult for young actors to build a career, establish a life in the capital and raise their son. As usual, the Kazan grandparents helped out. Nikita was 8 months old when he was brought to Kazan.

Nikita lived for a long time in two capitals - Tatar Kazan and Russian Moscow

The absence of a baby did not improve relations in the family. In 1990, the marriage broke up, and Vladimir disappeared from his son’s life forever. When Nikita grew up, he applied to the registry office to change his name. He stopped being Popov and took his mother’s surname - Danilov.


Galina still has her children and her favorite job. She devotes all her time to them.

In 2012, a misfortune happened in the family. Nikita lived in Kazan at that time. He recently married a girl named Lukerya Zolotova. They say that they often got into rows, mainly because of money. The young wife was mired in debt, and Nikita did not consider it necessary to cover them. He often drank, which angered his wife even more. After one of the quarrels, Lukerya jumped out of the apartment window from the 15th floor. The injuries turned out to be incompatible with life, the girl died. This happened at the end of April 2012.

At Galina's wedding, Lukerya (above next to Nikita) caught the bride's bouquet. “This is fortunate,” Danilova noted then.

After the tragedy, Nikita went to Ryazan and got a job at the drama theater, where his parents began their careers. He is also an actor. He married again. A son is growing up in the family - the grandson of Galina Danilova.

Daughter Ulyana is constantly with her mother. They are both like close friends. They have no secrets from each other and Galina knows about all the girl’s thoughts and plans. They go shopping together, organize home parties, and share secrets. Ulyana plans to become an actress, like her mother and brother. Galina Danilova does not interfere with this desire, nor does she force her daughter to take additional mathematics classes. If you are not able to perceive something 100%, then there is no need to torture the child. The time will come, and she will master all the necessary material herself. Not a mother, but just a dream.

Mom and daughter receive Timur Kozyakov and the program “While everyone is at home”

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