What is cavitation, or the secrets of miraculous weight loss

What is ultrasonic cavitation?

Adipocytes (the main cells of adipose tissue) are highly susceptible to the destructive effects of low-frequency ultrasound. Vascular endothelium, muscle tissue and skin practically do not “react” to the action of these waves.

For cosmetic procedures, the optimal frequency is considered to be from 37 to 42 kHz, with a pressure of 0.6 kPa.

The essence of the method is that a low-frequency ultrasonic wave acts on the fat cell and cavitation (cavities, bubbles) occurs inside it. The bubbles increase in volume, leading to rupture of the cell membrane. Large adipocytes burst most easily. Their contents mainly enter the lymphatic system (about 90%). The remaining breakdown products are carried throughout the body through the bloodstream, mainly being transformed in the liver.

Is cavitation effective? Review of opinions

Most reviews from our clients indicate that such procedures are an excellent way to get rid of extra centimeters in problem areas. We get so frustrated when we look at ourselves in the mirror and see uneven skin or weight problems. Here are the main ones

Anna, 34 years old: “I lost belly fat, it never went away before.”

Maria Borisovna, 40 years old: “After giving birth, I couldn’t get into shape for a long time. I came to the clinic for a consultation while I was still breastfeeding. Six months later I was able to find out what a miracle cavitation is! My slimness has returned!”

Yulia, 18 years old: “There was an unpleasant large fat on my back. Thanks to cavitation, we managed to get rid of it.”

The overall picture is quite positive: fat disappears, the skin becomes dense and healthy, no unpleasant side effects, centimeters disappear quickly - these are the results that ultrasonic cavitation has. Reviews, before and after photos, and expert opinions indicate that the procedure is effective. You can resort to it, even if in a month you need to fit into your favorite dress and look 100 percent! After the first course of sessions, most people easily decide to repeat them to consolidate the results. After all, there is no limit to perfection!


Ultrasonic cavitation should not be performed on people who have:

  • individual intolerance to ultrasound;
  • injury, damage, tattoo, infectious or dermatological disease at the site of intended exposure;
  • metal structures in the area that will be affected by ultrasound waves (piercing, pacemaker, artificial joint, IUD, etc.);
  • acute illness or exacerbation of any chronic pathology;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms in any tissue and organ;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • diabetes;
  • serious pathology of internal organs and systems, especially in the stage of decompensation (renal, liver, heart, pulmonary failure);
  • hepatitis of any origin;
  • blood and vascular diseases, thrombophlebitis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • autoimmune processes;
  • abdominal hernia;
  • stones in the hepatobiliary or urinary system.

Ultrasonic cavitation is strictly not performed during menstruation, pregnancy and lactation. If it is not possible to completely exclude pregnancy, then the woman should refrain from undergoing the procedure, since ultrasound can provoke a miscarriage.

During the procedure, avoid exposure to the face, thyroid gland, ovaries (testicles in men), bones, cartilage and joints. The technique has a pronounced effect on the entire body, so it can lead to unwanted side effects. Before starting a course of ultrasonic cavitation, even a completely healthy person should consult a doctor.

How to minimize this phenomenon

The phenomenon of cavitation in pumping equipment can be prevented. For this purpose, special formulas have been developed. According to them, cavitation is less likely when the head pressure increases (that is, the suction height decreases) and the pressure on the surface of the liquid medium increases.

In addition, each unit has its own cavitation reserve. Also, the likelihood of cavitation increases with the density of the liquid.

It is important to know that cavitation is increased by pressure losses in the suction line. Therefore, to minimize the phenomenon, it is necessary to ensure a “continuous flow”.

Interestingly, today there are no materials that are absolutely resistant to the cavitation effect. All of them are destroyed because of it, only some are slower and others are faster. There are materials that are more resistant; at the same time, they have chemical resistance along with mechanical strength. An example is bronze. But carbon steel and cast iron are very susceptible to cavitation destruction (in cast iron this occurs due to the rapid destruction of graphite inclusions in its composition). The use of cavitation-resistant materials ensures short-term operation of the pumping device during partial cavitation. This is useful, for example, if the device experiences a short-term overload.

To reduce the physical consequences of cavitation, manufacturers use various types of hard spraying, as well as hardening the most vulnerable elements of the pump.
However, this is not practiced very often, since these methods are not very effective and are also expensive. #FORM#

Advantages of the method

The ultrasound technique, which is based on cavitation, completely destroys fat cells, which significantly distinguishes it from other non-invasive cosmetic procedures. Ultrasonic cavitation not only removes fat from cells, but completely destroys adipocytes. Therefore, with continued correct lifestyle, the risk that fat deposits will return becomes minimal.

The following advantages of this technique are noted:

  • painlessness (rarely minor discomfort, burning, tingling may be observed during and after manipulation);
  • safety (if the procedure has been approved by a doctor);
  • high efficiency (the result is comparable to surgical liposuction, since fat cells are completely destroyed);
  • absolute non-invasiveness, since the integrity of the skin is not compromised;
  • absence of complications that occur during surgery (bleeding, infection, scars, etc.);
  • absence of anesthesia and its consequences, short recovery period, without the need to wear special underwear.

Cavitation: indications and wishes

Surely, while reading this article, you have asked yourself more than once: is everything really so rosy? You almost decided to cavitate, but doubts gnaw at you and you continue to analyze the information. We will help you - let's figure out together whether you personally need this procedure.

List of main indications for cavitation:

  • pronounced cellulite and noticeable “orange peel”,
  • overweight – from 3 kilograms,
  • “stagnant” fat deposits in problem areas (these most often include the abdomen, thighs, buttocks),
  • noticeable fat layer on the back and arms,
  • body defects related to the aesthetic side (may appear after unsuccessful liposuction procedures),
  • lipomas on the body (fat, dense plaques).

All these situations are already recommendations for cavitation sessions. At the same time, they completely coincide with the desires of our clients to transform themselves, become slimmer, tighten up and get rid of visual troubles of an aesthetic nature.

Preparation stage

Ultrasonic techniques, which are based on cavitation, require certain preparation. It includes:

  • examination by a doctor;
  • undergoing a comprehensive examination to identify possible contraindications;
  • refusal to take alcoholic beverages, fatty, fried, smoked, high-calorie and spicy foods - three days before the procedure;
  • increasing the volume of fluid consumed to 2-3 liters per day throughout the course.

It is not advisable to carry out other cosmetic procedures in parallel, except for those recommended by a specialist.

How does the procedure work?

Ultrasonic cavitation takes place in several stages:

  • the specialist conducts a conversation and examination, assessing the characteristics of the skin and the general condition of the body;
  • the cosmetologist selects a suitable attachment and sets the frequency parameters for ultrasound waves;
  • the client sits on the couch;
  • A special gel is applied to the skin of the selected area to facilitate the penetration of ultrasound into the tissue and better glide of the nozzle over the body;
  • the cosmetologist forms a skin fold and moves the device along it, making rotational movements, carefully influencing the selected area;
  • The average manipulation time is 20 minutes;
  • then the remaining gel is removed and the skin is wiped dry.

After the ultrasonic cavitation procedure, it is recommended to do lymphatic drainage massage or pressotherapy. This will enhance the main effect and reduce the negative impact of “released” fat particles on the body.

Usually the course is 7-10 sessions (maximum 12). Visits to a cosmetologist are carried out every 4-7 days. A repeat course can be taken no earlier than six months later.

Course duration

Cavitation sessions are recommended to be carried out every seven to ten days. During this period of time, the body manages to completely remove the contents of destroyed fat cells. Usually 5 – 8 procedures are enough to achieve good results in the fight against cellulite.

How is rehabilitation going?

In order for ultrasonic low-frequency cavitation to produce maximum effect, experts give the following recommendations to prevent side effects and improve results:

  • do not eat for 2 hours after the procedure;
  • exclude alcoholic and caffeine-containing drinks;
  • drink 2-3 liters of clean water on the day of the procedure and the next day after it (drink at least 1.5 liters of water the rest of the time);
  • follow a diet low in fat and carbohydrates;
  • refrain from hot water procedures, baths, saunas, the beach, solarium and salon cosmetic procedures (warm baths and showers are recommended).

These points should be adhered to during the entire course and during the rehabilitation period.

Submit your application

An ideal figure is the dream of many. Today there is no longer any need to fight local fat deposits with surgery and endanger your health. Unique hardware technology of ultrasonic cavitation allows you to quickly get rid of annoying fat deposits in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and other problem areas.

What is ultrasonic cavitation

The method was invented in 2006 by Italian biophysicists. At the same time, an ultrasonic device for non-surgical liposuction was created. Ultrasound has taken on a new life, because it has been assigned completely new functions.

Penetrating to a depth of 8-10 mm into the tissue, low-frequency ultrasound activates the formation of vacuum microbubbles in fat cells, which increase in size and explode. Energy is released that damages the membranes - cells filled with fat burst. Released triglycerides are eliminated through the lymphatic system and blood. Vascular and muscle cells are not susceptible to ultrasound, so they remain intact.

The procedure resembles conventional ultrasound diagnostics. Low-frequency ultrasound is applied to a working handpiece, which is applied to the problem area for a period of 15 to 60 minutes. During the session, the person experiences warmth or a slight tingling sensation. In one session, a small amount of fatty tissue is destroyed, so patients do not face sagging skin, as happens after surgical liposuction.

Ultrasonic cavitation is an ideal method for combating small local fat deposits

Duration and effectiveness

  • Session duration is up to 1 hour.
  • Frequency – 1 time in 7-8 days.
  • Course – 4-5 sessions.
  • The period for maintaining results after the course is 6-8 months.

Ultrasonic cavitation gives an almost instantaneous effect. If the patient has a normal metabolism, already during the first procedure up to 15 cm3 of fat deposits are removed from the body, that is, the problem area decreases in volume by 3-4 cm! New fat cells do not form in the treated areas, which is an additional argument in favor of the procedure.

Unlike liposuction, “melted” fats are removed from the body naturally.

6 Benefits of Ultrasonic Cavitation

  1. Very fast aesthetic effect - almost immediately.
  2. Low trauma – after the procedure there are no scars, swelling or hematomas, and there is no rehabilitation period.
  3. Painless nature - you can get rid of fat deposits without anesthesia.
  4. There is no need to wear compression garments after the procedure, since the skin does not sag.
  5. There is no “washboard” effect on the skin.
  6. The treated area remains sensitive.

Ultrasonic cavitation is a painless and effective fight against fatty deposits

Who is ultrasonic cavitation indicated for?

The cosmetic procedure is indicated for those who want:

  • reduce the volume of local fat deposits;
  • get rid of subcutaneous fat;
  • improve the appearance of cellulite or after surgical liposuction;
  • do skin tightening (lifting);
  • remove unaesthetic lipomas (fat);
  • improve lymph flow through safe lymphatic drainage.

2-3 sessions are enough to reduce the circumference of the problem area by 4-9 cm

Does the procedure have any contraindications?

You should refuse ultrasonic cavitation if:

  • presence of a pacemaker in the body;
  • serious disturbances in liver function (in such cases, the detoxification function is impaired and triglycerides will remain in the body);
  • diabetes mellitus (serious endocrine disorder);
  • any cancer disease;
  • stones in the gall bladder and urinary tract;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases, such as lupus erythematosus, scleroderma;
  • skin lesions in the affected area;
  • general infections in acute form;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

On what device is it carried out?

In progressive clinics, the innovative AnchorFree Share V8-C1 complex-impact device is used for the ultrasonic cavitation procedure. The fold is captured automatically using pulsating movements, without affecting the internal organs. In addition to ultrasonic cavitation, the fold is affected by bipolar RF energy, infrared radiation and vacuum massage rollers, which together enhance the effect of ultrasound and accelerate the removal of fat deposits.

AnchorFree Share V8-C1 – an innovative device for safe and effective ultrasonic cavitation

The procedure includes the following steps:

  • determination by a specialist of the boundaries of the area for processing;
  • installation of a sensor on the problem area;
  • its gradual movement from border to border;
  • destruction of cell membranes and natural removal of adipose tissue.

To achieve maximum effect, patients are advised not to drink alcohol, spicy or fried foods during the previous three days, and immediately before the procedure, 2-4 hours before, to drink at least 1-1.5 liters of clean water. This will speed up the process of removing toxins and decay products.

For three weeks after the procedure, you must abstain from alcohol and limit your intake of fried and fatty foods. Physical activity and plenty of drinking can enhance the effect of the session.

Ultrasonic non-surgical liposuction using the innovative AnchorFree Share V8-C1 device allows you not only to get rid of extra centimeters, but also to maintain the result for a long time. No strict diets, no discomfort and especially no surgical intervention! Just 4-5 outpatient procedures are enough, without pain and inconvenience, and you will be happy to look at yourself in the mirror again!


On average, ultrasound cavitation of the abdomen in Moscow costs 3,450 rubles per session. Depending on the size of the treated area, the price can vary from 1990 to 12,000 rubles. Also, when calculating the cost, the qualifications of the specialist, the status of the clinic and the level of equipment used are taken into account.

You can undergo this procedure in the cosmetology network. Sign up for a preliminary consultation on our website or by phone.

Cosmetic procedures are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

How much does a vacuum massage service cost?

Cavitation, vacuum massage in our clinic costs from 5,000 rubles. per area of ​​A4 sheet area in 20 minutes of procedure.

If longer processing is required (40 minutes), the price increases to 8,000 rubles. We conduct cavitation sessions using the Impact device from Sorisa (Spain). The equipment undergoes regular maintenance and demonstrates high efficiency. See for yourself by visiting us!

Ultrasonic liposuction at the Medial clinic is performed by all cosmetologists: Valentina Andreevna Moiseeva, Natalya Rafaelovna Babajanova and Galina Rakhimovna Sonn. They are certified Impact technicians.

You can sign up for cavitation daily by calling the clinic: +7. If you have questions, ask them in the chat on the website - our administrators will provide information about the time available for recording and tell you about the features of the procedures.

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